Quiz “I have the right!” Extracurricular social studies activity for 8th grade students. - presentation

Social studies quiz “I have the right, but I have an obligation” for grades 6, 7, 8

Republic of Tatarstan

Baltasinsky municipal district

MBOU "Sosninskaya Secondary School"

“I have the right, but I have an obligation”

(Quiz for grades 6,7,8)

Ismagilova Gelyusya Muharramovna - teacher of history and social studies

“I have the right, but I have an obligation”

Quiz. (6,7,8 grades)


education of legal literacy of students

— teach students to determine what is “possible” and what is “not” at school;

  • Introduce children to the idea that they have inalienable rights, in particular those enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and teach them how to apply them in life
  • correlate the rights and responsibilities of children;
  • promote awareness of responsibility for one's rights;
  • develop a positive attitude towards the rights of others.


  • introduce students to the fundamental rights and freedoms set out in the Convention on the Rights of the Child;
  • help children realize that there are no rights without responsibilities, no responsibilities without rights.

Part 1: “Opening remarks”

“Childhood should be given the greatest respect.”
Ancient sage Juvenal
- Dear guys! Do small citizens of the country have their own rights? Do you know them? Who in the state is obliged to protect the rights of children? We will try to answer these and other questions today. We have gathered today to talk about children's rights. A long time ago, even in ancient times, people had a need to defend their rights. Ancient people defended their rights by force. The weak had no rights if he did not have an intercessor willing to defend his right to property and life. It was not so quickly that people realized that the state could be a strong protector. For a long time in the history of mankind, the law “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” reigned. But as soon as the state appeared, the weak, deceived and offended had a powerful intercessor. After the Second World War ended in 1945 - the most cruel and bloody in the history of mankind, when peace came, the people of many countries decided: they needed to unite. So that disagreements and contradictions force people not to fight, but to enter into negotiations, so that conflicts can be resolved peacefully. It was for this purpose that the United Nations Organization (UN) was created in October 1945. In 1948, the UN member states signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a document in which they promised each other and their people civil rights and freedoms: equality of all before the law, personal integrity, freedom of conscience, the ability to believe or not to believe in God, and much more. .

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a necessary and useful document. But it talks about people in general - and not a word about children! But children need special attention, care and protection from the state. That is why in 1989 on November 20

The UN adopted a special document called the “Convention on the Rights of the Child”.
A convention is an international agreement, usually on some special issue, which is binding on those states that have joined (signed, ratified) it.
The Convention on the Rights of the Child is an international agreement. It commits states to respect the rights of every child. And our country also signed this document, which means it promised the whole world to take care of its little citizens. What rights are we talking about in the convention, what does every child have the right to? You guys have sheets of paper on your tables that list the basic rights of children - the main articles from the Convention on the Rights of the Child. But before moving on to familiarizing ourselves with the main articles of the Convention, let us complete the following task. .

A shortened list of children's rights (from the Convention on the Rights of the Child)

Article 1. A child is every human being under the age of 18. Article 2. All children have equal rights regardless of nationality, gender, religious and political beliefs. Article 6. Right to life, survival and free development

.top. Article 8. The right to preserve one's individuality. Article 9. Right to communicate with both parents. Article 11. The right to take measures to combat the illegal movement and non-return of children from abroad. Articles 12 and 13. The right to freely express one's views and opinions. Article 14. The right to profess any religion. Article 15. Right to freedom of association and peaceful assembly. Article 16. The right to protection from attacks on privacy, confidentiality of correspondence, honor and reputation. Article 17. Right of access to information. Article 19. Right to protection from all forms of violence. Article 23. Every child, even a disabled child, must lead a full and dignified life in conditions that ensure his dignity. Article 27. Right to a decent standard of living. Article 28. Right to education. Article 31. Right to rest and leisure. Article 32. Right to protection from economic exploitation and performance of life-threatening work. Article 37. Right to protection from cruel treatment. Article 38. Children under 15 years of age must not participate in hostilities. Article 40. The right to humane treatment of children if they violate the law.

Guys, in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 6. Right to life, it is written that “the main right of every person is the right to life.” A small person - a child - also has the right to live. But they didn’t always think so. In ancient times there was the state of Sparta, which was famous for its invincible warriors: strong, healthy, hardy. In this state, every newborn boy was examined and decided: if he is strong and healthy, let him live. And if he was born weak, sick, throw him down the cliff. Do you think the people of Sparta acted correctly and fairly? Explain your point of view. (Students answer) Explanation. A weak person, if he eats well and exercises, can become very strong. The sick must be treated and the weak must be helped. For example, the famous Russian commander A.V. Suvorov was born a weak, sick child. But he had a strong will: he did physical exercise, strengthened himself and conquered his illnesses. He grew up to be an intelligent man, a talented military leader. – I would like, together with the guys, to check if you understood everything correctly, what you have the right to and what you don’t. Rights

- the ability to act, act in some way, act or use something.


– this is what is included in the range of mandatory actions.


- the act of someone in accordance with the law or social requirements, or internal motivations. (duty to someone).


– a person’s ability to act in accordance with his interests and goals, based on the knowledge of objective necessity. (the ability to act in any area without restrictions)

Now it's time to introduce our teams.2 teams.

1 task.

Tell me what dates related to human rights you know.


2001 – 2010 – International Decade of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World

June 1 – International Children's Day

June 4 is International Day of Children Victims of Aggression

November 20 – World Children's Rights Day

December 10 – Human Rights Day

December 12 – Constitution Day of the Russian Federation

Task 2:

Let's talk in more detail about rights and responsibilities. You name the rights first, then the responsibilities. The one who knows more about the rights or responsibilities earns 1 point (as the children name what rights and responsibilities they name, cards are posted on the board).

Student rights.

  • right to free education
  • the right to receive additional education
  • right to protection of life and health
  • right to freedom of expression
  • right to attend events
  • right to defense
  • right to rest
  • right to use the library
  • right to vote and be elected
  • the right to study according to individual programs
  • the right to choose an educational institution
  • the right to join public organizations
  • the right to respect for one's own dignity.

Student responsibilities:

  • study conscientiously
  • take care of school property
  • respect students and school staff
  • comply with the school charter
  • comply with internal regulations.

Children receive extra points if they reveal the meaning of rights and responsibilities)

Task 3:

Draw a diagram of which duties are most often violated by students in your class.

Scene from school life

Words are heard on pieces of paper. The guys act out a skit improvised


Vasya, you are on duty today, please stay and wash the board and water the flowers.


- Sashka, you have no right! The Children's Convention prohibits child labor.


-Vika, I washed and washed the board, and you painted it!


- Well, what's wrong with that! I have the right to do what I love!

2.Maria Stepanovna:

Vanya, it’s already Monday that you’re not ready for computer science!


-Yesterday was Sunday. I have every right to rest.

Name the duties that the characters in the scene had to perform.

Name the rights that were violated.


What did the children learn well?

4 task

“Think of it!”

Proverbs for articles (the guys are offered 15 proverbs, who can guess the most.).


  1. Truth is not afraid of court. (Article 8: the right to protect one’s interests and freedoms through the courts)
  2. To live is to serve the homeland. (Article 21: right to take part in the government of one's country, Article 15: right to citizenship)
  3. Learning to read and write is always useful. (Article 26: right to education)
  4. Everyone has their own side. (Article 13: right to freedom of movement)
  5. Business before pleasure. (Article 24: right to rest and leisure)
  6. The master's work is afraid. (Article 23: right to work)
  7. It's warm in the sun, good in the mother's presence. (Article 25: right to a decent standard of living in the family)
  8. It's good to sing together, but talk apart. (Article 27: the right to enjoy art, participate in scientific progress and enjoy its benefits)
  9. Friendship is friendship, but money is separate. (Article 23: right to decent remuneration for work)
  10. The wolf's legs feed him. (Article 13: right to freedom of movement. Article 23: right to work)
  11. If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove. (Article 23: right to work)
  12. According to merit and honor. (Article 21: right to take part in the government of one's country, Article 23: right to work)
  13. That hero is the one who fights hard for his homeland. (Article 21: right to take part in the government of one's country, Article 15: right to citizenship)
  14. Alone in the field is not a warrior. (Article 20: right to freedom of peaceful assembly)
  15. If you like to ride, you also like to carry a sled. (Article 23: right to work)

5. competition “Riddle it!”

Crossword. (Each team is given a crossword puzzle that needs to be solved in 2 minutes)..

The number shows the order of the desired letter in the specified word, for example, SVOBODA-6


Hezmet, kerem, convention, oli, ukytuchy. (what is it) hokuk

Check, bank, ukuchy, ylys, reform. (what is this) Burych

6.“Literary and legal quiz

Guys, you have all read fairy tales, let’s try to answer the quiz questions together and find out if you know in which fairy tales the rights of literary characters were violated (we hand out sheets).


“The stepmother makes Cinderella work from morning to night. The unfortunate girl is forbidden to participate in the games and amusements of her sisters. Which article of the Convention would be violated if something like this happened today?” (Answer: Article 31, which recognizes the child’s right to rest and leisure, the right to participate in games and recreational activities appropriate to his age, and to freely participate in cultural life and the arts)

1 situation:

Baba Yaga takes brother Ivanushka from sister Alyonushka to distant lands to the thirtieth kingdom. What was violated (Answer: Article 11 of the Convention provides for the adoption of measures to combat the illegal movement and non-return of children from abroad. Article 16, an excerpt from which was quoted earlier, is also violated here.

7th competition “Guess it!”

Guess the hero by description: the teams are read the characteristics of the heroes, and students must guess who they are talking about (whichever team gives the most written correct answers wins)

1) In which fairy tale was the “bakery” hero subjected to attempts on his life several times and threats of being eaten? (“Kolobok.”)

2) Which of the fairy-tale characters enjoyed the right to move more freely on a broom? (Baba Yaga.)

3) In this fairy tale, the little heroine was haunted by failures. Despite free movement in the forest, freedom of speech and thought, she was subjected to discrimination, there was an attempt on her life, and her grandmother was deprived of the right to the inviolability of her home. (Little Red Riding Hood


4) The hero of this fairy tale is kept in captivity. He lost his sister, a witch made an attempt on his life, violating his right to personal integrity and life. (Little kid


5) He had the right to free movement within the camp, freedom of thought and conscience, the right to protection from attacks on honor and reputation, but, in the end, the fox violated his right to personal integrity and life. (Kolobok


6) This hero of many Russian fairy tales constantly violated the rights of other characters: he attempted to kill their lives, kept them in slavery, subjected him to cruel treatment, encroached on the inviolability of their home, and interfered in the personal lives of other heroes. ( Koschei the Deathless).

7) This heroine of Russian fairy tales is very cunning and cunning. Violating the rights of other heroes, she very often found herself in unpleasant situations in which her life was in danger. (Fox).

8) He was very unlucky in life: at first he was the property of one person, then he became the son of another. The robbers more than once violated the personal integrity of this hero, the right to life and freedom, tried to take possession of his property, but he himself did not take advantage of the right to education. (Pinocchio)

9) She was born into a noble family, but her older sisters treated her cruelly, violated her rights, forced her to serve them (i.e. slavery - forced labor). Having taken advantage of her right to start a family, the girl was happy. (Cinderella)

10) She treated her husband cruelly, discrimination against his rights was manifested in her entire attitude towards him: she forced him to humiliate his own dignity, but, enriching herself, she was left with nothing. (Old woman)


Students working in class notebooks


1. What rights do you have as a student?____________________

2. What must the student do?______________________________

3. Which violations do you most often encounter: rights or responsibilities?_

4.What are rights?_____________________________________________

5. What are responsibilities?______________________________

6.Why were people’s rights and responsibilities invented?


After everything we talked about, I want you to answer my question:

  • how to make sure that your rights are fulfilled and the rights of other people are not violated.

(as children answer, statements are posted on the board)

  • so that your rights are not violated, they must not infringe on the rights of others;
  • When claiming your rights, remember that everyone has rights;

respect others the same way you want to be respected

Used literature: Manshina N. A. The system of school work to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the child. Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

Final test with answers in social studies for 7th grade

1. An army that has a correct and permanent organization: a) regular + b) mercenary c) special forces

2. At what age does the criminal liability of minors begin: a) from 18 years old b) from 16 years old + c) from 14 years old

3. The responsibilities of Russian citizens include: a) participation in government governance b) compliance with moral standards c) nature conservation +

4. How does human freedom manifest itself: a) the opportunity to use one’s rights + b) the right of everyone to do as he wants c) studying at a law school

5. The threat of nuclear war in the modern world is: a) internal b) regional c) private +

6. What type of duties do the duties of a sentry in the army include: a) military duties b) job duties + c) general duties

7. External discipline can be based on: a) fear for what has been done b) fear of punishment c) self-awareness and self-control +

8. The law classifies as accomplices to a crime, along with the criminal: a) a person who instigated the commission of a crime + b) a person who passed by while the crime was being committed c) a person who did not report the crime he saw

9. A minor will be prosecuted from the age of 14 for the following crimes: a) terrorism or false reporting of an act of terrorism, for rendering vehicles unusable b) forgery of documents, making counterfeit money, bribery c) both options are correct + d) no correct answer

10. Which statement is correct: 1. law enforcement agencies do not include customs, FSB, private detective agencies 2. the police in our country are divided into criminal and public security police a) only 1 b) only 2 c) both options are correct + d) there is no right answer

11. Who is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: a) President + b) Chief of the General Staff c) Minister of Defense

12. The correct statement about wages will be: a) it can be piecework and time-based b) this is labor monetary remuneration c) both options are correct + d) there is no correct answer

13. The profit of an enterprise can be determined: a) the difference between income and expenses + b) multiplying price by quantity c) multiplying price by demand

14. Russian merchants and the nobility are united by: a) patronage and charity + b) desire for entrepreneurship c) desire for quick profit

15. Which of the following refers to the concept of “money”: a) an intermediary product acting as an equivalent b) the ability to be exchanged for any other product c) both options are correct + d) there is no correct answer

16. Adolescence should be understood as the age: a) from 10 to 18 b) from 11 to 15 + c) from 7 to 13

17. Tolerance: a) submission to someone else’s way of life b) imposing one’s way of life on others c) tolerance of someone else’s way of life +

18. One of the characteristics of a leader: a) he is always appointed b) he is able to lead other people + c) he has a special appearance

19. One of the characteristics of a leader: a) he has a special appearance b) he is always chosen c) he has the greatest authority in his group +

20. The appearance of an outstanding personality is due to: a) only innate qualities b) upbringing and self-education of a person + c) personal desire of parents

21. A prerequisite for the existence of any small group is: a) mutual understanding + b) belonging to the same generation c) the same type of temperament

22. Altruism implies: a) faith in fate b) selfless concern for the good of other people + c) self-love

23. The set of individual stable mental characteristics of a person, manifested in his behavior and activities, is called: a) personality b) temperament c) character +

24. Which concept historically appeared earlier than others: a) “I” b) “they” + c) “we”

25. Interpersonal relationships are a characteristic of: a) a national group b) a large social group c) a small social group +

26. Age in chronological terms: a) a certain stage in human development: childhood, adolescence, adolescence. b) the period of time from the moment of birth to the present or to another specific point in time + c) change in status: preschooler, student, employee, pensioner

27. Sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic are types of: a) temperament + b) intelligence c) character

28. The ability for cognition and logical thinking is called: a) emotions b) feelings c) intellect +

29. The number of social groups on Earth: a) exceeds the number of people + b) less than the number of living people c) coincides with the population of the Earth

30. Youth age has boundaries: a) from 7 to 25 years old b) from 14 to 30 years old + c) from 10 to 19 years old

Quiz for 7th grade students “My rights and responsibilities”

My rights and responsibilities

Quiz for 7th grade


— education of legal literacy of students; — introduce children to the idea that they have inalienable rights, in particular those enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and teach them how to apply them in life;

- correlate the rights and responsibilities of children;

- promote awareness of responsibility for one’s rights;

- develop a positive attitude towards the rights of others.


— introduce students to the fundamental rights and freedoms set out in the Convention on the Rights of the Child;

- help children realize that there are no rights without responsibilities, no responsibilities without rights.

Progress of the event

Part 1: Introduction. Slide 4.

“Childhood should be given

greatest respect."
The ancient sage Juvenal
“Don’t build a church, build an orphan,” says a Russian proverb. Alas, not many follow these calls. Wealth and poverty still exist in the world. For Russia, the problem of child protection is extremely acute.

— Who do you think children should be protected from? (Children's answers)

After the Second World War ended in 1945 - the most cruel and bloody in the history of mankind, when peace came, the people of many countries decided: they needed to unite. So that disagreements and contradictions force people not to fight, but to enter into negotiations, so that conflicts can be resolved peacefully. It was for this purpose that the United Nations Organization (UN) was created in the United States in October 1945. In 1948, the UN member states signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a document in which they promised each other and their people civil rights and freedoms: equality of all before the law, personal integrity, freedom of conscience, the ability to believe or not to believe in God, and much more. other. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a necessary and useful document. But it talks about people in general - and not a word about children! But children need special attention, care and protection from the state.

Slide 5.

That is why in 1989 on November 20

The UN adopted a special document called the “Convention on the Rights of the Child”.

Why was there a need to adopt the Convention?

Here are some facts from the UN brochure “Human Rights. Statement of Facts No. 10”:

  • — abandoned by their families, about 100 million children exist only through exhausting work, theft, and beggary;
  • —120 million children aged 6 to 11 are unable to attend school;
  • —about 3.5 million children die every year from treatable diseases.

Our state signed this document. A convention
is an international agreement, usually on some special issue, which is binding on those states that have joined (signed, ratified) it.
The Convention on the Rights of the Child is an international agreement. It commits states to respect the rights of every child. And our country also signed this document, which means it promised the whole world to take care of its little citizens. What rights are we talking about in the convention, what does every child have the right to? You guys have sheets of paper on your tables that list the basic rights of children - the main articles from the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Slide 6


An abbreviated list of the rights of the child
(from the Convention on the Rights of the Child)
Article 1. A child is every human being under the age of 18. Article 2. All children have equal rights regardless of nationality, gender, religious and political beliefs. Article 6

. The right to life, survival and free development. Article 8. The right to preserve one's individuality. Article 9. Right to communicate with both parents. Article 11. The right to take measures to combat the illegal movement and non-return of children from abroad. Articles 12 and 13. The right to freely express one's views and opinions. Article 14. The right to profess any religion. Article 15. Right to freedom of movement and peaceful assembly. Article 16. The right to protection from attacks on privacy, confidentiality of correspondence, honor and reputation. Article 17. The right to access information and use cultural achievements. Article 19. Right to protection from all forms of violence. Article 23. Every child, even a disabled child, must lead a full and dignified life in conditions that ensure his dignity. Article 27. Right to a decent standard of living. Article 28. Right to education. Article 31. Right to rest and leisure. Article 32. The right to protection from economic exploitation and performance of life-threatening work. Article 37. Right to protection from cruel treatment. Article 38. Children under 15 years of age must not participate in hostilities. Article 40. The right to humane treatment of children if they violate the law.

Slide 7.

Guys in the Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 6. Right to life,

It is written that “the main right of every person is the right to life.”
A small person - a child - also has the right to live. But they didn’t always think so. In ancient times there was the state of Sparta, which was famous for its invincible warriors: strong, healthy, hardy. In this state, every newborn boy was examined and decided: if he is strong and healthy, let him live. And if he was born weak, sick, throw him down the cliff. Do you think the people of Sparta acted correctly and fairly? Explain your point of view. (Students answer) Explanation. A weak person, if he eats well and exercises, can become very strong.
The sick must be treated and the weak must be helped. For example, the famous Russian commander A.V. Suvorov was born a weak, sick child. But he had a strong will: he did physical exercise, strengthened himself and conquered his illnesses. He grew up to be an intelligent man, a talented military leader. Slide 8.

– I would like, together with the guys, to check if you understood everything correctly, what you have the right to and what you don’t.


- the ability to act, act in some way, act or use something.
are what are included in the range of mandatory actions.
is the action of someone in accordance with the law or social requirements, or internal

motives. (duty to someone). Liberty

– a person’s ability to act in accordance with his interests and goals, based on the knowledge of objective necessity. (the ability to act in any area without restrictions)

Now it's time to introduce our teams.2 teams.

Slide 9-10.

1 task.

Tell me what dates related to human rights you know.

Dates of the international calendar
June 1 – International Children’s Day November 20 – World Children’s Rights Day December 10 – Human Rights Day December 12 – Constitution Day of the Russian Federation

June 1st International Children's Day One of the oldest international holidays. The decision to hold it was made in Paris by the International Democratic Federation of Women at a special session in November 1949. The participants took an oath: “We solemnly swear to fight for the creation of the conditions necessary for the happy and harmonious development of our children and future generations... to ensure lasting peace throughout the world as the only guarantee of the happiness of our families and children." It was first held in 1950. The UN supported this initiative and declared the protection of the rights, life and health of children one of its priorities
20 November World Children's Rights Day Celebrated by UN decision (A/RES/836 (IX)) in different countries on different days to commemorate the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child on November 20, 1959, the UN General Assembly recommended that all countries introduce the practice of celebrating World Children's Day as a day of world fraternity and mutual understanding children, dedicated to activities aimed at promoting the well-being of children around the world. The UN invited governments to celebrate this Day on any day that each of them considers appropriate.
December 10 International Human Rights Day In 1948, the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which proclaimed the right of everyone to life, liberty and security. The decision to celebrate this day was made on November 4, 1950 at the V session of the UN General Assembly. (A/RES/423(V))
12 December Constitution Day of the Russian Federation

Slide 11-13.

Task 2:

Let's talk in more detail about rights and responsibilities. You name the rights first, then the responsibilities. The one who knows more about the rights or responsibilities earns 1 point.

Student rights.

the right to free education the right to receive additional education the right to protection of life and health

the right to freedom of expression of one’s beliefs the right to attend events the right to protection

the right to rest the right to use the library the right to vote and be elected

the right to study according to individual programs, the right to choose an educational institution, the right to join public organizations, the right to respect for one’s own dignity.

Student responsibilities

: conscientiously learn to take care of school property, respect students and school employees, follow the school charter, follow the internal rules.

Slide 14-16.

Task 3 Competition “Imagine it!”

Come up with proverbs for the articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

1) Article 26: the right to education -
Learning to read and write is always useful.
2) Article 24: the right to rest and leisure -
Business has time, and fun has an hour.
3) Article 23: the right to work -
The master’s work is afraid, If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove, If you like to ride, love to carry a sled.
4) Article 23: the right to decent remuneration for work -
Friendship is friendship, but money is apart.
5) Article 21: the right to take part in the governance of one’s country -
To live - to serve the homeland.
According to merit and honor. 6) Article 25: the right to a decent standard of living in the family -
It’s warm in the sun, good in the presence of the mother.
Slide 17-19.

Task 4 “Riddle it!”

Crossword. (Each team is given a crossword puzzle that must be solved in 2 minutes).


1. According to the convention, it is every
human being until he reaches the age of 18.
2. With the consent of the parents, a teenager from the age of 16 can engage in…….activities.

3. To complete a secondary education, how many classes must each person complete?

4. From the age of 17, each young man is required to register.


1. At what age does criminal liability
for especially serious crimes begin?
2. From the age of 14, in free time from school
and with the consent of the parents, a teenager has the right...... no more than 4 hours a day.
Slide 20-24.

Task 5.
“Literary and legal quiz”
We got acquainted with the rights of the child, and now we will try to help famous fairy-tale characters. After all, in fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil. We will go on a journey to find and find out which fairy tale heroes violate the rights of other heroes, destroy and offend them. Turn on your imagination and get ready to meet fairy-tale characters.


In which fairy tales are the rights to personal integrity,
life and freedom violated?


What literary character could complain that his right to the inviolability of his home was violated?
3. In which fairy tale is a person’s right to own his property violated?

4. Which literary characters took advantage of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly?

Slide 25

Task 6 “Guess it!”

Guess the hero by description: the teams are read the characteristics of the heroes, and students must guess who they are talking about (whichever team gives the most correct answers wins).

1) In which fairy tale was the “bakery” hero subjected to attempts on his life several times and threats of being eaten? (“Kolobok.”)

2) Which of the fairy-tale characters enjoyed the right to move more freely on a broom? (Baba Yaga.)

3) In this fairy tale, the little heroine was haunted by failures. Despite free movement in the forest, freedom of speech and thought, she was subjected to discrimination, there was an attempt on her life, and her grandmother was deprived of the right to the inviolability of her home. (Little Red Riding Hood


4) The hero of this fairy tale is kept in captivity. He lost his sister, a witch made an attempt on his life, violating his right to personal integrity and life. (Little kid


5) He had the right to free movement within the camp, freedom of thought and conscience, the right to protection from attacks on honor and reputation, but, in the end, the fox violated his right to personal integrity and life. (Kolobok


6) This hero of many Russian fairy tales constantly violated the rights of other characters: he attempted to kill their lives, kept them in slavery, subjected him to cruel treatment, encroached on the inviolability of their home, and interfered in the personal lives of other heroes. ( Koschei the Deathless).

7) This heroine of Russian fairy tales is very cunning and cunning. Violating the rights of other heroes, she very often found herself in unpleasant situations in which her life was in danger. (Fox).

8) He was very unlucky in life: at first he was the property of one person, then he became the son of another. The robbers more than once violated the personal integrity of this hero, the right to life and freedom, tried to take possession of his property, but he himself did not take advantage of the right to education. (Pinocchio)

9) She was born into a noble family, but her older sisters treated her cruelly, violated her rights, forced her to serve them (i.e. slavery, forced labor). Having taken advantage of her right to start a family, the girl was happy. (Cinderella)

10) She treated her husband cruelly, discrimination against his rights was manifested in her entire attitude towards him: she forced him to humiliate his own dignity, but, enriching herself, she was left with nothing. (Old woman)

Slide 26.

Task 7 “Human rights in songs”

Assignment: Listen to a fragment of the song and determine what rights and responsibilities are discussed in it.

Song What rights and responsibilities are we talking about?
1). Song of the Bremen Town Musicians (music by G. Gladkov, lyrics by Yu. Entin) “There is nothing better in the world...” Right to freedom of movement
1). “What they teach at school” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky);

2). "Natasha the first-grader"

Right to education
1). "Song of the Baby Mammoth";

2). “Maybe the forest knows”

The right to live and be raised in a family
1). "Antoshka";

2). “Song of Leopold the Cat”;

3). “If only it weren’t winter.”

Right to work and rest
1). "I serve Russia" Obligation to register for military service.

Slide 27-30.


After everything we talked about, I want you to answer my question: 1). How to make sure that your rights are respected and the rights of other people are not violated? Sample answers:

  1. so that your rights are not violated, they must not infringe on the rights of others;
  2. When claiming your rights, remember that everyone has rights;
  3. Respect others the same way you want to be respected.


Manshina N. A. The system of school work to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the child. Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.


Jurisprudence Quiz

Jurisprudence quiz with answers (grades 9-10)


The analogy of law is: •
the application of general principles and meaning of law to relationships that are not regulated by law 2.
The age of marriage in Russia is: •
18 years for a man and a woman 3.
In what cases is it possible to terminate an employment contract due to circumstances beyond the will sides?
conscription of an employee for military service 4.
In what form should an agreement on a penalty be concluded?
in writing 5.
In what form should a will be made?
written notarial, and in cases provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - written with the certificate of an official specified in the law, or simple written 6.
In what form are wages paid?
in cash (in rubles) 7.
In what form, as a general rule, can an agreement be concluded?
in any form provided for transactions

Which body considers an individual labor dispute regarding refusal to hire?
directly in court 9.
How much is overtime paid for the first two hours of work?
not less than one and a half times the amount 10.
In what case is double the amount of the deposit paid?
if the party that received the deposit is responsible for failure to fulfill the contract to secure the performance of which the deposit was given 11.
In what case is a federal law considered approved by the Federation Council?
if within fourteen days it was not considered by the Federation Council 12.
Within what territory do the laws of the Moscow Region apply?
within the Moscow region 13.
The crime includes: •
subject, object, objective side, subjective side 14.
During what period of time must wages not be paid in order for the employee to have the right to suspend work?
15 days 15.
During what period is the offender considered subject to administrative punishment?
1 year from the date of completion of execution of the decision to impose an administrative penalty

Within what period from the date of opening of the inheritance can, as a general rule, be accepted?
six months 17.
Does a civil servant have the right to engage in other paid activities, except for teaching, scientific and other creative activities?
not entitled 18.
Do Russian citizens have the right to own land in private ownership?
has the right if the conditions and procedure for the use of land are determined on the basis of federal law 19.
A citizen of the Russian Federation who, in the manner established by federal law, performs duties in a public position in the civil service for monetary remuneration paid from the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is: • a
civil servant subject of the Russian Federation 20.
Annual paid leave is: •
28 calendar days 21.
How long in advance must an employee notify the employer of his dismissal?
within 2 weeks 22.
On what grounds do obligations arise?
from a contract, due to damage and other grounds specified in Civil Code

Which branch of government does the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation belong to?
judicial 24.
What type of legal norms refers to the norm according to which “a contract is an agreement of two or more persons to establish, change or terminate civil rights and obligations”?
definitive 25.
Parental responsibilities include: •
the obligation not to interfere with grandparents, brothers, sisters and other relatives communicating with the child 26.
How, as a general rule, are the guarantor and the debtor responsible to the creditor in the event of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the debtor of the obligation secured by the guarantee?
both answer jointly 27.
How, as a general rule, are income from the use of property distributed between participants in shared ownership?
in proportion to the shares of each of the participants in shared ownership, unless otherwise provided by agreement between them 28.
Which branch of law establishes the presumption of guilt of the offender?
civil law 29.
Which of the following norms is a rule of law?
Part 1 Art. 20 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: “Everyone has the right to life” 30.
Which of the listed forms of responsibility is not legal?
public censure

What presumption applies when applying civil liability?
presumption of guilt of the violator (causer) 32.
Which transaction is voidable?
a transaction that is invalid due to its recognition as such by a court at the request of a person specified in the law 33.
What form of government is typical for Russia?
republic 34.
What types of administrative penalties are applied as additional ones?
confiscation of the instrument of the offense 35.
What types of penalties are applied as additional ones?
fine 36.
What issues fall under the jurisdiction of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation?
bringing charges against the President of the Russian Federation for his removal from office 37.
What government bodies of the Russian Federation are formed on the basis of general direct elections?
State Duma

Which children of the testator are entitled to an obligatory share in the inheritance?
minors or disabled 39.
What documents does the employer not have the right to require from the employee when concluding an employment contract?
a document confirming the termination of employment relations with the previous employer 40.
Which of the above lists of branches of law are included in public law?
constitutional, criminal, financial 41.
Which circumstances are grounds for limiting parental rights?
irregular fulfillment of parental responsibilities due to the illness of the parent 42.
Which of the listed duties should only be performed by a citizen of the Russian Federation?
military service and defense of the Fatherland 43.
Which of the listed rights can belong not only to a citizen of the Russian Federation, but to any person?
the right to association, including the right to create trade unions to protect their interests 44.
Which of the following rights are social?
the right to health protection and medical care 45.
Which of the following facts constitute unlawful actions?
illegally obtaining a loan

Which of the following facts are events?
reaching the age of majority 47.
Which persons can issue bank guarantees?
bank, other credit institution or insurance organization 48.
Which persons are the first-priority heirs by law?
children, spouse and parents of the testator, his grandchildren and their descendants by right of representation 49.
Which bodies are classified as executive authorities?
The Government of the Russian Federation, federal ministries, services and agencies, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments 50.
What rights can be transferred under a copyright agreement?
the right to distribute copies of the work in any way 51.
What rights to real estate are subject to state registration?
ownership and other real rights 52.
What legal norms apply to the entrepreneurial activity of a citizen?
rules that regulate the activities of commercial organizations

What powers constitute the content of property rights?
possession, use, disposal 54.
What expenses are meant by losses?
real damage and lost profits 55.
What words express the sanction of the following norm of criminal law: “murder, that is, intentionally causing the death of another person, is punishable by imprisonment for a term of six to fifteen years”?
punishable by imprisonment for a term of six to fifteen years 56.
What methods of acquiring property rights are considered initial?
find 57.
What conditions should the offer contain?
essential 58.
What conditions can be included in a marriage contract?
about the property that will be transferred to each of the spouses in the event of divorce 59.
What forms of property are recognized in the Russian Federation?
private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership 60.
What functions does the Government of the Russian Federation perform?
manages federal property

What functions does the President of the Russian Federation perform?
signs and promulgates federal laws 62.
What law provides for legal liability for administrative violations?
The Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses dated December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ and the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses 63.
What law provides for legal liability for crimes?
only by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of June 13, 1996 No. 63-FZ 64.
To whom does the testator have the right to bequeath his property?
any 65.
How can the “veto” imposed by the President of the Russian Federation on a federal law be overcome?
if, upon re-examination, the federal law is approved in the previously adopted wording by a majority of at least two-thirds of the total number of members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma 66.
What documents are used to document employment?
an employment contract and an order (instruction) of the employer on hiring 67.
What is the procedure for the adoption of federal constitutional laws?
if it is approved by a majority of at least three-quarters of the votes of the total number of members of the Federation Council and at least two-thirds of the votes of the total number of deputies of the State Duma

What is the statute of limitations for claims regarding the application of the consequences of the invalidity of a void transaction?
3 years from the date when its execution began 69.
What are the signs of bankruptcy of a legal entity?
failure to satisfy the demands of creditors for monetary obligations and (or) to fulfill the obligation to make mandatory payments within 3 months from the date of their execution 70.
What act is recognized as a crime committed intentionally?
committed with direct or indirect intent 71.
What property can be owned by citizens?
any property, with the exception of certain types of property, which, in accordance with the law, cannot belong to citizens 72.
What property is the property of a legal entity?
contributions (contributions) of the founders (participants, members) of a legal entity, as well as property acquired by them for other reasons 73.
What right is granted to the pledgee when establishing a pledge?
the right, in case of failure of the debtor to fulfill the obligation, to receive satisfaction from the value of the pledged property preferentially before other creditors of the pledgor 74.
What day is the day of opening of the inheritance?
the day of death of a citizen, and when declaring him dead - the day the court decision to declare the citizen dead comes into force or the day of death specified in the court decision 75.
Which law has retroactive effect?
criminal law that eliminates the criminality of act

What is the maximum period for reconciliation of spouses upon divorce in court established by law: •
3 months 77.
Which normative legal act has the highest legal force and direct effect in Russia?
Constitution of the Russian Federation 78.
What is the total amount of deductions allowed when paying wages to an employee?
20% 79.
Which body (official) immediately removes a child from his parents in the event of an immediate threat to his life and health?
guardianship and trusteeship authority 80.
Which authority recognizes the invalidity of a marriage?
court 81.
What method of accepting an inheritance is not provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation?
filing an application for acceptance of inheritance with the court at the place of residence of the heir 82.
Who has the right of legislative initiative?
The President of the Russian Federation
is 83.

Who (what) are the subjects of legal relations?
individuals and legal entities, Russia, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities 84.
Who can be the subject of an administrative offense?
foreign legal entity 85.
Who can be the subject of a crime?
an individual who has reached the age of 16 86.
Who exercises state power in the Russian Federation?
President, Federal Assembly, Government and courts of the Russian Federation 87.
Who is the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation?
multinational people of Russia 88.
Who are the parties to the employment contract?
employee and employer - individual or organization 89.
Can parents (one of them) be deprived of parental rights in case of malicious evasion of child support?
can 90.
Can an employer terminate an employment contract in the event of a reduction in the number or staff of the organization’s employees?

What categories are criminal offenses divided into depending on the nature and degree of their public danger?
crimes of minor, medium gravity, grave and especially grave 92.
What property is subject to the legal regime?
movable and immovable things acquired from the common income of the spouses 93.
What is the maximum period for which a fixed-term employment contract can be concluded?
no more than five years 94.
On what basis, as a general rule, is it possible to amend and terminate a contract?
by agreement of the parties 95.
Does a legal entity bear independent property liability?
yes, but only for its obligations with all the property belonging to it 96.
Normal working hours cannot exceed per week: •
40 hours 97.
A separate division of a legal entity, located outside its location and performing part or all of the functions of the legal entity, including Among the functions of a representative office are: •
a branch of a legal entity

The objective side of a crime is: •
socially dangerous active (action) or passive (inaction) behavior of the subject, resulting in damage to social relations 99.
The amount of money determined by law or contract that the debtor is obliged to pay to the creditor in the event of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the obligation is: •
penalty 100.
The basis for establishing paternity is: •
marriage certificate of the parents 101.
The fundamental idea in accordance with which the branch of law is organized is: •
principle 102.
A break for rest and food during the working day can be: •
from 30 minutes up to 2 hours 103.
After what period of time after starting a new job does an employee have the right to leave?
6 months 104.
After what period do federal laws come into force on the territory of the Russian Federation?
after 10 days after the day of their official publication, unless the laws themselves establish a different procedure for their entry into force 105.
On what issues are federal constitutional laws adopted?
on issues provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation

The right to profess, individually or together with others, any religion or not to profess any, to freely choose, have and disseminate religious and other beliefs and act in accordance with them is: •
freedom of religion 107.
Presumption is: •
recognition of a fact as legally reliable, until the opposite will be proven 108.
In what forms of reorganization of a legal entity does the transfer of rights and obligations to newly created legal entities occur in accordance with the transfer deed?
merger, accession, transformation 109.
Application to relations not directly regulated by law, agreement of the parties or legal custom, the norms of legislation governing similar relations is: •
analogy of the law 110.
Is the death penalty applied in Russia?
no, since its application is suspended 111.
Is a divorce carried out in the registry office at the request of one of the spouses with minor children if the other spouse is declared incompetent by the court?
performed 112.
Part-time work cannot exceed: •
4 hours a day and 16 hours a week

At what age can a person be brought to criminal liability?
if he has reached the age of 16 years at the time of committing the crime 114.
At what age, as a general rule, do citizens acquire full legal capacity?
from 18 years of age 115.
From what day does a marriage contract concluded before the state registration of marriage come into force?
from the date of state registration of marriage 116.
From what moment is marriage considered concluded?
from the date of state registration of marriage in the registry office 117.
From what moment is a marriage considered invalid?
from the date of its conclusion 118.
From what moment is a marriage considered terminated?
from the date of entry into force of the court decision on termination 119.
From what moment does copyright in a work arise?
from the moment of creation of the work 120.
From what moment does a legal entity acquire legal capacity?
from the date of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the creation of a legal entity

From what moment, as a general rule, is an agreement subject to state registration considered concluded?
from the moment of its registration 122.
Independent activity, carried out at one’s own risk, aimed at systematically obtaining profit from the use of property, sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in the manner prescribed by law is: •
entrepreneurial activity 123.
Overtime work cannot exceed: •
4 hours for 2 consecutive days and 120 hours per year 124.
How many subjects are there in the Russian Federation?
85 125.
A set of techniques, methods and means of influencing the rules of law on the relations they regulate – is this?
method of legal regulation 126.
The ability of a subject to acquire and exercise rights through his actions, create obligations for himself and carry them out, including bearing independent legal responsibility, is: • legal
capacity 127.
The statute of limitations for bringing to administrative liability is: •
2 months from the date committing an administrative offense

The probationary period when hiring cannot exceed: •
three months - according to the general rule 129.
The structure of the legal relationship includes: •
subjects and content 130.
The essential terms of the employment contract are: •
characteristics of working conditions 131.
Forms of guilt in an administrative offense are: •
intent and negligence 132.
How can the procedure and conditions be established under which marriage, as an exception, can be permitted before reaching the age of sixteen?
laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation 133.
How is a response about consent to conclude an agreement on conditions other than those proposed in the offer recognized?
refusal of acceptance and at the same time a new offer 134.
What can a testator bequeath to his heirs?
property that belongs to him at the time of drawing up the will and which he can acquire in the future 135.
What does not apply to state property?
municipal property

What does not apply to the powers of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation?
giving explanations on issues of judicial practice 137.
What constitutes the content of a legal relationship?
subjective rights and subjective obligations 138.
What is meant by “precedent” as a source
of law?
judicial or administrative decision 139.
What is recognized as the intellectual property of a citizen or legal entity?
exclusive right to the results of intellectual activity and equivalent means of individualization of a legal entity, individualization of products, work performed or services 140.
What is the subject of legal regulation?
public relations 141.
What is a “fictitious marriage”?
a marriage entered into by spouses or one of them without the purpose of creating a family 142.
What is a power of attorney?
written authority issued by one person to another person for representation before third parties

What is moral hazard?
physical or moral suffering 144.
What is inheritance?
transfer of the property of the deceased to other persons in the order of universal succession, that is, unchanged as a single whole and at the same moment 145.
What is legal capacity?
potential (abstract) ability of a person to have rights and bear obligations 146.
What is a transaction?
actions of citizens and legal entities aimed at establishing, changing or terminating civil rights and obligations 147.
What is a security?
a document certifying, in compliance with the established form and mandatory details, property rights, the exercise or transfer of which is possible only upon presentation 148.
What is the basis for the emergence, change and termination of legal relations?
legal fact or set of legal facts 149.
What, as a general rule, is the place of opening of inheritance?
the last place of residence of the testator (Article 20 of the Civil Code) 150.
Is confiscation of property a measure of criminal liability?
is not

Is deprivation of a special right granted to a given citizen an administrative penalty?
is 152.
Are things objects of legal relations?

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