Extracurricular event in mathematics “MATHEMATICAL KVN” for 5th grade students

Physics and mathematics evening “Eureka”

“This is an Evening of Research Solutions for Aphorism Competitions” (EUREKA)
Mathematics teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 20 of the village of Bryukhovetskaya, Krasnodar Territory S.N. Reznikova Physics teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 20 of the village of Bryukhovetskaya of the Krasnodar Territory P.P. Razmeta
The evening was held as part of the week of physics and mathematics for students in grades 9-11.
Teams are formed according to parallels. Goals: educational:
· formation of a holistic perception of the world;
· increasing students’ cognitive interests in mathematics and physics; · promote the identification of knowledge and skills in students in non-standard situations; educational:

  • nurturing initiative and ingenuity in students;
  • fostering team spirit and quick thinking
  • developing the ability to manage one’s behavior, the ability to follow the interests of the team;


  • development of imagination, intuition, creative activity and independence, the ability to navigate new conditions
  • increase cognitive interest in mathematics and physics;
  • teach the ability to think logically, analyze and generalize;

Formed UUD:
regulatory –
the ability to organize oneself, tune in to work, apply theoretical and practical knowledge in subjects, control the process and results of activities, make the necessary adjustments;
adequately evaluate one’s achievements · cognitive
– to be aware of the cognitive task;
read and listen, extracting the necessary information, carry out operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification to solve educational problems, establish cause-and-effect relationships, make generalizations, conclusions, build reasoning in the form of connecting simple judgments about an object, its structure, properties and connections. · communicative
– the ability to enter into dialogue, observing the rules of speech behavior, to participate in a collective discussion of an educational problem, to express one’s thoughts orally and in writing, to establish and compare different points of view before making a decision and choice, to formulate one’s own thoughts, to express and justify your point of view;
construct small monologue statements, carry out joint activities in pairs and work groups, taking into account specific educational and cognitive tasks. Technology:
meta-subject, gaming.
Forms of work:
team play, frontal survey, group and individual work


Projector, computer, screen, stopwatch, bell, props for a theater competition, banknotes of the Eureka subject week, handouts
Time :
2 hours.
Venue :
school assembly hall.
1. Opening remarks.
(2-3 min.) 2. Presentation of teams (2-3 min.) 3. Warm-up: blitz - survey (Updating basic knowledge, solving problems orally, 15 min.) 4. Musical break.
(3 min.) 5. Creative competition “Theater History” (30 min.) 6. Game with fans 7. Film demonstration - (5 min.) 8. Competition “Black Box” - (5-10 min.) 9. Pantomime competition (6 min. ) 10. Captains competition 11.
Musical break.
(3 min) 12. Competition “Beautiful Imagination” (5 min) 13. Demonstration of experience for fans (5 min) 14. Competition “Mathematical sophistry” (5 min) 15. Competition “Derive the formula” (5 min) 16.
Musical pause.
17. Summing up (5 min.)
The hosts of the evening are mathematics and physics teachers.
1. Our young friend!
Today you came to this hall to dream, think, relax, see our concert and number ball, show off your mind 2. For more than 20 centuries, the flight of creative thought, the solution found, the discovery, ended with an admiring cry of “Eureka!” According to legend, this winged exclamation was given to us by Archimedes 1. He found a solution to a new problem, a problem! - “Eureka!” 2. I came up with a new solution method - “Eureka!” 1. Made a discovery! - “Eureka!” 2. Today, remembering Heron’s formula, Which you wrote more than once, You will also remember Newton, whose Law you knew 1. Let Archimedes rise in your memory, Fighting for great creations. Let you remember the well-known Viet, Who discovered the formula for the equation 2. To everyone who is passionate Our evening is dedicated to knowledge, who loves to create, solve, count, and is not devoid of humor and imagination. 1.So, today is a competition of smart, talented and resourceful teams, which means we need a JURY! - advice of the wisest - whose decision is not subject to appeal! 2.Composition of the JURY: Deputy Director for Academic Affairs - Deputy Director for Educational Work - Chairman of the School Governing Council - President of the School, 10th Grade Student - Winner of the Zonal Polytechnic Olympiad, 9th Grade Student - WELCOME TO THE TEAMS. 1 competition (inventory: stopwatch, bell) Blitz - survey:
For 2 minutes, each team is asked questions, if the team does not know the answer, then it says “Next” and skips the question.
CORRECT ANSWER 1 POINT Questions for the first team: 1. 1% of 1000 rubles (10 rubles) 2. Unit of speed at sea (knot) 3. Is it possible to get 0 when multiplying numbers? (yes) 4. What is 1 pood equal to? (16 kg) 5. The smallest natural number (1) 6. The theorem for the coefficients of a quadratic equation (F. Viète) is named after him 7. Motion at which a body passes the same sections of the path in equal periods of time (uniform) 8. Section of geometry, studying the properties of figures in space (stereometry) 9. A statement accepted without proof (axiom) 10. What is the name of the second coordinate of a point (ordinate, y) 11. Physical quantity characterizing the inertia of a body (mass) 12. Find the third part of the number 60 ( 20) 13. Name the root of the equation IxI = -4 (no roots) 14. What English scientist is named after the law of elastic force (Hooke) 15. What is the name of a function of the form y=kx+b? (linear) 16. Are the diagonals of a rectangle mutually perpendicular? (no) 17. A parallelogram in which all the angles are right (rectangle) 18. A segment connecting the opposite vertices of a polygon (diagonal) 19. What was the name of Boyle’s wife - Mariota (these are different people)
Questions for the second team
1. What is the name of the hundredth part of a number? (percentage) 2. Name the unit of mass of precious stones (carat) 3. Russian woman - mathematician, professor at Stockholm University (S.V. Kovalevskaya) 4. The largest negative integer (-1) 5. The science that studies the properties of figures on a plane ( planimetry) 6. The relationship of path to time (speed) 7. A statement requiring proof (theorem, lemma) 8. What is the name of the first coordinate of a point (abscissa, x) 9. Divide 100 by half (200) 10. Device for measuring body mass (scales) 11. What is the name of the sign of the root (radical) 12. Find the root of the equation X2 = -9 (no roots) 13. The force that is obtained by adding several forces acting on the body (resultant) 14. In which quadrilateral the diagonals are mutually perpendicular (rhombus, square) 15. What is the name of the equation of the form ax2 + bx + c = 0 (square) 16. The sum of all sides of a triangle (perimeter) 17. A segment connecting any 2 points of a circle (chord) 18. This force holds a nail driven in into a board, a lace in a shoe (static friction force) 19. The area of ​​a square is 49 cm.2 What is its side?
(7 cm) Questions for the third team
1. Directed segment (vector) 2. Inventor of the mathematical “sieve” (Eratosthenes) 3. The angle at which the soldier turns when commanded “circle” (unfolded, 180) 4. This number is neither positive, neither negative (0) 5. A segment connecting a point of a circle with its center (radius) 6. The ratio of the path to the speed (time) 7. How many vertices does a rhombus have (4) 8. The equality of two ratios (proportion) 9. A thousandth of a kilogram ( gram) 10. A segment connecting the vertex of a triangle with the middle of the opposite side (median) 11. Which substance has more density: honey or milk (honey) 12. The author of your algebra textbook (………………..) 13. Signed numbers minus (negative) 14. Part of a circle (arc) 15. Unit of measurement of pressure (Pascal) 16. 20% of 50 (10) 17. What is a teapot as a physical device (communicating vessel) 18. Result of action (answer) 19. Rectangle with equal sides (square) Musical pause. Momot Katya - 8th grade “The Wizard's Song - Dropouts” Summing up the results of the competition
The jury announces the results of the blitz survey.
1. In the minds of many, physicists and mathematicians are crackers who are not interested in anything other than formulas and problems.
However…. The famous scientist Hilbert was once reproached for blaming his student, who later became a poet, for the lack of imagination, to which the professor replied: “Yes, but he still doesn’t have enough imagination to become a mathematician.” 2. Brilliant a scientist is a creator and his talent is manifested in music, literature, poetry and art. The poets were: Omar Khayyam, Lobachavsky, Kovalevskaya, Griboedov, Einstein, Pythagoras, Euler studied music, the artist Vlad Nikonov was a professor of mathematics, the great Russian scientist Lomonosov was a physicist, mathematician, poet, and artist. 1. Next competition “Theater Story”
The group must dramatize the proposed poem, props are offered.
Preparation time for the competition is 10 minutes. Team captains draw lots for the names of the skits. The following fragments of poems are offered for staging: Scene 1 “Newton was sitting under an apple tree Props: apple, branches, chair, signs with the indicated roles Characters: Author, Newton, Idea, Moon, Sun, Earth, Apple tree Author: Newton
was sitting under an apple tree – Now,
the Idea
, and the fruit above it has already ripened, gravitating toward the Earth with its entire mass.
The birds fell silent.
Silence. The distant luminaries lit up and the Moon hung like a ripe apple in the sky and shone. Author:
He thought... And the Moon, spinning, went around the Sun with the Earth.
The invisible connection between things became clearer that night. Newton looked at the sky... But the branch shook and an apple fell to the Earth!!!
And the scientist realized that the apple is connected with the yellow Moon by one thread
The greatest law may be - the Universal Law of GRAVITY - He explains to us the rotation of the planets And the fall of ruddy apples.
Scene 2 “Einstein’s Theory” Props : newspapers, top hat, ladies’ hat, newsboy bag, signs with the indicated roles Characters : Newsboy, Mr. 1, Mr. 2, Mr. 3, Lady Newsboy
Einstein’s Theory!
The newest one! Buy a newspaper! Gentleman and lady! Lady:
Ah, Einstein!
This is mind-blowing! Mister:
I don’t know!
Don't know! Everything is relative! Lady.
If you travel faster than light, you will return to the past.
Is it true? Mr.
What's in the past? Lady
My dear! I would become young again! Mister.
And I would still be sitting without an inheritance... Where can I get away from this physics?
There is no trace left of the old science.
Buy a newspaper, hey gentlemen! Mister 2
Energy is related to mass... Eat more bread and butter... If you want to be energetic... This formula is very logical! Mr. 3
He writes, if you fly in a straight line, you will return straight to your home.
It’s hard for me to test this in practice. Try leaving home for a week! Newsboy
New theory in newspapers and magazines!
Everyone reads it. They understand little! Scene 3 “And then all the parallels intersected” Props: pointer, magazine, glasses, mantle, signs with the indicated roles Characters Author, Lobachevsky, Professor Professor:
Lobachevsky, but why on the eve of the celebration, Where do you become a scientist, You need to declare this : They say there is no deity!
Lobachevsky! You are not a boy, your twentieth is coming... Lobachevsky:
I couldn’t do otherwise then
Yes, of course, it’s pointless to prove!
Parallel ones will not go in parallel! Professor:
What awaits you!? Author:
And the professor, frowning his eyebrows, continued the sinful counting:
Who raced through the park on a cow backwards!?
I bet...
Why is this necessary!
There is no money for a textbook!
the guy said in response... To prepare for the creative competition, the teams leave the assembly hall and conduct rehearsals in different classrooms. At this time, the presenters conduct a game for spectators - fans of the teams
. Tasks for fans. (for each correct answer, the fan is given 1 “eureka”, which can be used to “sponsor” his team, or can be used in a personal test for a grade in the subject) 1. Crosswords (
students are asked to solve physics and mathematics crosswords)
2. Questions for fans Find the average arithmetic:
1. briefcase and backpack (satchel) 2. sock and stocking (golf) 3. cola and fives (troika) 4. hedgehog and snakes (barbed wire) 5. women and fish (mermaid) 6. men and horse (centaur ) 7. bicycle and motorcycle (moped) 8. tram and train (electric train) 9. refrigerator and fan (air conditioner)
Math questions
: 1. What does each word, plant, equation have?
(root) 2. Which number works as a singular imperative verb in Russian? (THREE!) 3. Which Russian cities have numerals in their names? (Semipalatinsk, Semikarakorsk, Semiluki, Pyatigorsk, Nolinsk) 4. Which city is named after the largest number? (Tyumen - from the Turkic "tumen" - 10000) 5. What distinguishes one train from another from the point of view of a mathematician? (number) 6. Which shirt weighs a ton (plain) 7. Round, but not stupid, with a hole, but not a donut (zero) 8. When do elephants have eight legs? (when there are two of them) 9. At what enterprise can you see the inscription STO? (service station) 10. Everyone knows the fabulous number distant. What is this in our understanding? (27) 11. Name the type of cinema whose name was given by one of the mathematical operations (animation, multi-multiplication, to create a small film you need many drawings) 12. Whose nose serves as a unit of measurement? (Gulkin) 13. The number of tears of which animal serves as a measure? (Kota) 14. What arc entered the history of the 20th century? (Kursk) 15. How to call a glass (truncated cone, cylinder) in mathematical language 16. What geometric figure bites very painfully, sometimes with fatal consequences? (A cone is a predatory sea mollusk with a conical bright shell and a poisonous gland) 17. What geometric bodies, geometric instruments settled in the heavens? (Triangle, Southern Triangle, Compass - constellations) 18. Which of the great Russian poets owns the lines: “We honor everyone as zeros, and ourselves as ones”? (A.S. Pushkin) 19. Here is a line from the work of the French writer Alphonse Daudet: “Four thousand barefoot Arabs waving their arms ran after the camel, like fools flashing six hundred thousand teeth.” Where is the mistake? (On average, each Arab has 150 teeth) 20. Hugo noted that the human mind has three keys that allow us to know, think and dream. Two of them are a letter and a note, but what is the third key? (Number) 21. Peter 1 knew well adicia, subtraction, animation and division. In his time, not everyone knew these four actions, and Peter forced his companions to study them. And what does a modern schoolchild who successfully masters these concepts call them now? (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) 22. What is the name of a book that is as popular as the Bible, written several centuries before, and known to every schoolchild in its modern version? (geometry textbook, Euclid’s Elements) 23. This student of Kazan University was often imprisoned in a punishment cell for riding around the city garden on a cow, for launching rockets at night. (Lobachevsky) Questions on physics
1. Why is Lomonosov called an encyclopedist scientist?
2.Why shouldn’t boots be tight? 3.What happens to ice cream if you wrap it in a fur coat? 4. How many faces does a snowflake have? 5.What is the waterline called? 6.Why are there many craters on the surface of the Moon? 7. In what year was the first satellite launched? 8. How much does 1 kg of chocolates weigh? 9.Repeat the famous exclamation of Archimedes. What does it mean? 10.Where is the Sun when you look at a rainbow? 11.Why did you burn with steam more than with boiling water? 12.Which protects against the cold better: a wooden wall or a layer of snow of the same thickness? 13.When is the railway between Moscow and St. Petersburg longer - in summer or winter? 14.Why don't clouds fall? 15.Why does a large shell make noise when you put it to your ear? 16. Why is jumping into water from a great height dangerous? 17. What is the name of an artificial diamond? 18.Why is the shell of a soap bubble thinner at the top than at the bottom? 19.What chemical element was discovered on the Sun and then on Earth? 20.Why does the snow squeak underfoot in winter? 21.Why can’t you cook meat high in the mountains? 22.Which physicist played the violin? Summing up the competition
The jury announces the results of the theater competition and the game for the fans.
1. Now is the “Advertising Break”.
We are visiting the “Obvious - Incredible” program. A physics teacher shows the film “The Adventure of a Drop of Water” ( BBC DVD collection ) Presenter 1:
Often when we pick up an object, we don’t think at all that it has its own, amazing, unique story.
So, the unfamiliar about the familiar. Competition: Black box
In the black box there is an object related to physics or mathematics, we ask questions - hints, with each hint the price decreases.
Starting cost 8 points. 1 subject
1. (8 points) 20th century historian Rose said that “This is intimate conversation without words, feverish activity, triumph and tragedy, hope and despair, life and death, poetry and science, the Ancient East and modern Europe” 2.( 7b) The source of many mathematical problems; terms from this area can be found in programming, combinatorics, and cybernetics.
3. (6b) When this game can be found in every family, then there will be hope that the poverty of state minds will disappear 4 (5b) Homeland - India, Age - 15 centuries, ancient name - chaturanga. 5 (4b) This is a constant dispute between two “Ks” 6. (3b) This is palace life in miniature 7. (2b) This is a symbol of wisdom and justice, art, sports, play, recreation, science 8 (1b) On the squares of the board the Kings brought together regiments The regiments have no cartridges or bayonets for battle. CHESS 2 subject
1.(8) The history of their invention goes back thousands of years.
In ancient times they were called clepsydra 2. (7b) almost all of us have this wonderful thing 3. (6b) This thing has been constantly changing over the centuries: decreasing, increasing. Galileo Galilei, the Pope, and engineer Kulibin made their contribution to these transformations. 4(5b) At the beginning of the 20th century, the supplier of this important item to His Majesty’s court was the owner of a famous family. Years later, his grandson, a famous athlete who played in the NHL, took over the inheritance business. 5. (4b) This thing does not have a singular number 6 (3b) Partially about this thing is sung in the song: Everything in this raging world is ghostly, There is only a moment, hold on to it, there is only a moment between the past and the future, it is called - life" 7(2b) Almost no experiment can be done without this item, especially if you need to measure speed. 8(1b) This thing: solar, flower, water, sand, shockproof, mechanical, electronic, waterproof, computer CLOCK. 3 subject
1.(8) There is a legend about the Greek inventor Daedalus (the master who made the wings of Icarus) and his nephew, who invented the potter's wheel, the saw and what lies in this box.
For which the nephew paid with his life, as an envious uncle threw him off a high city rampart. 2(7) The oldest this object lay in the ground for 2000 years 3(6) Under the ashes of Pompeii, archaeologists discovered many such objects made of bronze. And in our country it was discovered during excavations in Nizhny Novgorod. 4(5) For many hundreds of years, its design has not changed - it is so perfect 5(4) In Ancient Greece, the ability to use it was considered the height of perfection, and solving problems was a sign of great intelligence and high position in society. 6(3) This subject is indispensable in architecture and construction. 7(2) It is necessary for transferring dimensions from one drawing to another, and constructing angles 8(1) Two legs conspired to make arcs and circles. COMPASSES Summing up the results of the competition.
The jury announces the results of the theater competition
Presenter 2
There is such a phrase: I understood a person at a glance.
Can we understand someone without words? Now there will be a pantomime competition. The team will have to portray well -known theorems so that the opponent understands it and correctly formulates it, then the team that portrays will receive 2 points, and the team of opponents - 1 point. The team participates in the competition without a captain, since a competition will be held for them to solve the "tricky" problems. Pantomim theorems. Theorem 1
: The sum of the angles of the triangle is 180
theorem 2
: In the triangle against a larger angle, the large side
of the theorem 3
: if in the triangle the square of one side is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides, then this is a rectangular triangle.
Task for captains. Each captain solves the 1st problem and gives a solution to the jury.
The maximum rating is 3 points for the correct decision. 2 - for the decision with a shortage .
No. 1 Evil sorceress turned into a snow -white and baked 40 pies with nails for 7 gnomes. Three gnomes refused treats, and the rest divided the pies equally and threw them in the sorceress. Half of the pies abandoned by every gnome hit the sorceress, and the other half flew past her. How many pies with nails hit the sorceress? No. 2, 160 pears were removed from one tree, and from the second - 5 boys, each of which, sitting on a tree, ate 30 pears each. After that, another 50 pears were removed from the second tree. How many pears were there on both trees? No. 3 40 grandmothers entered the bus. The fifth of the grandmothers bought tickets, and the rest stated that they had a pass. In fact, only seven grandmothers had a passage. How many grandmothers went hats? Musical pause Saenko Olga -10A “The cost of goodness” Holder 1. Conduct “Beautiful Imagination”
Task: Write poetry for specified rhymes. You cannot mix the words below!

Friendship Guys We need to talkWe pass We reach We calculate We presentScience Flour Not many years old

Physics teacher.
We are visiting the program “Obvious - Incredible” Solve the trick Experience “Fireproof handkerchief”
Equipment: tripod with a coupling and foot, alcohol, handkerchief previously moistened with water and wrung out, matches Procedure:
Hold the handkerchief in the foot of the tripod, pour alcohol on it and set it on fire.
Despite the flames engulfing the scarf, it does not burn. Why?
The heat released during the combustion of alcohol was completely used to evaporate the water, so it cannot ignite the fabric.
A fan who answers correctly receives 3 “Eureka” Math teacher.
I ask you to find a mistake in this reasoning. The team that answers correctly receives 3 “Eureka”
Mathematical sophisms (slide)

Let a=b.
We multiply both parts by
we get
b2 a2-b2=ab-b2 (a-b)(a+b)=b(a-b),
divide by
(a-b) a+b = b
, but
which means
divide by

Where is the mistake? Leading.
2 In the French city of Chartres, a beautiful cathedral was built in the 13th century, which has miraculously survived to our day.
So there is a legend about how a random traveler asked three builders who were rolling wheelbarrows with stones along the road to build a cathedral: “What are you doing?” One said: “I’m carrying a heavy car, let it go to waste!” Another said: “I earn my bread, I have a large family, I need to feed it.” The third replied: “I am building a temple of Faith.” So you should know and understand that science and education are a tool with the help of which a person learns and conquers the world around him and builds his temple. Presenter 1 Final competition “Derive the formula”
They say that talent is 99% labor and 1% inspiration.
And we invite you to derive the formulas: 1) Love 2) Good luck 3) Happiness During the competition, musical accompaniment (“Physics” is a bard song) - students of grade 11a . Presenter 1.2
The path of discovery is not an easy path, But man cannot turn back.
WHAT? WHY? - they are watching him, so that he goes forward and not back. The jury sums up the results. Awards the winners. List of used literature 1. I.D. Ageeva “entertaining materials on computer science and mathematics. Methodological manual,” M.Ts Sfera, 2006. 2. Z.N. Alkhova, A.V. Makeeva “Extracurricular work in mathematics”, Saratov, Lyceum, 2003 3. B.A. Kordemsky “Great Lives in Mathematics. Book For students of 8-11 grades" - M. Prosveshchenie, 1995. 4. E.S. Efimovsky "Wise sciences - without edification and boredom: The trace of the chariot", - St. Petersburg. TITUS Comet. 1994.

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