Lesson summary for the section Social world in the middle group On the topic Our friendly family
Summary of GCD in the middle group on familiarization with the social world on a winter theme Lesson
Outline of a conversation about E. Grieg’s musical work “Morning”.
A series of conversations with children of the preparatory group Topic: “Portraits of composers” The purposefulness of the perception process will allow
'Presentation "Visiting the Minister of Ecology"; 1-4 grades' title= 'Presentation "Visiting the Minister of Ecology"; 1-4 grades' width= "400
Ecological game “I want to know everything!” Ecological game I want to know everything! Start the game. - presentation
Presentation “Visiting the Minister of Ecology”; Grades 1-4 Native nature is a powerful source,
Article on the topic: “Folk music in the works of Russian composers”
Folklore in the music of composers Lesson topic: “Folklore in the music of Russian composers.” “Kikimora is knocking and thundering.”
Traditions as one of the forms of an innovative approach to organizing the educational process in a preschool educational institution Educator of MDOU 6 Misharina A.E. - presentation
Good traditions as one of the methods of raising preschool children Bibliographic description: Dokina, E.
Summary of a mathematics lesson in 5th grade. Topic: Numeric and alphabetic expressions
Summary of a mathematics lesson in 5th grade. Topic: Numeric and letter expressions Lesson on topic:
Research project “Creation of a puppet theater”
Making dolls Dolls can be made from completely different materials, including
Literature lesson in 11th grade Conversations with Valery Bryusov
Presentation for a literature lesson (grade 11) on the topic: Balmont - presentation of Balmont Konstantin
Lesson plan “The Russian state under Yaroslav the Wise”
Summary of a history lesson in 6th grade with presentation. The rise of the Russian state under Yaroslav the Wise
Russian language lesson. 11th grade (preparation for the Unified State Exam)
Russian language lessons Create your teacher website PC and PPK courses Video lessons Olympiad
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