Lesson summary on the topic: “Teacher's Day. Lesson about teachers"

Development of a classroom lesson for Teacher's Day

“Teacher is a necessary, important profession,

the most important on earth"


to form in students an idea of ​​the teaching profession. Increase the prestige of the teaching profession.


projector, computer.

Class progress

1.Introductory conversation.

Slide 1 Teacher.

Hello, doctors and teachers, turners and poets, athletes and astronauts, artists and sailors, builders and defenders of the Fatherland!

Don't be surprised that I call you that. Your school years will pass, and it will be you who will become captains of the ship, build cozy houses, sew beautiful and comfortable clothes and shoes, bake the most delicious cake in the world, or build a new beautiful city. But in order to become someone in life, you need, first of all, to grow and learn.

-Which of you guessed what we will talk about today?

-That's right, about professions.

2. The concept of the word “profession”.

a) designation of the word profession


What does the word “profession” mean?

Slide 2 Teacher:

Thank you all. Now let's listen to the definition of this concept in the Great Russian Encyclopedia. “Profession is the type of labor activity of a person, the subject of his constant occupation, as well as evidence of his knowledge, skills, and experience that allow him to competently perform a certain type of work. lat.

Slide 3

Profession – I declare it my business.” I declare it my business! The person who chose the profession of a teacher not only declared this business his own, but put his soul into this business.

There are a lot of different professions in the world; today there are more than 10 thousand professions in the world, and all of them are important and honorable, from a simple janitor to a scientist. And indeed it is.

b) proverbs and sayings about work

-Guys, try to remember proverbs and sayings about work or professions.

(Slide 4)

Labor created man, without labor you cannot take a fish out of the pond, labor feeds and clothes a person, whoever loves to work cannot sit idle, labor while learning is boring, but the fruit from learning is delicious.

-Now let's try to guess riddles about professions.

3. Game “Guess the riddle”

Slide 5

. His work is in the depths, at the very bottom, His work is in darkness and silence. Let his work be difficult and difficult, Like an astronaut, he floats among the stars. (Diver)

Slide 6

He descends into the face. His work is underground. (Miner)

Slide 7

He needs the following things: A hammer, a vice and pliers, A key, a file and a hacksaw, And the most important thing is skill! (locksmith)

Slide 8

Master, master, help - The boots are leaky. Hammer the nails in harder - We'll go visit today. (Shoemaker)

Slide 9

Lays brick by brick, Grows floor by floor. And every hour, every day, the new house is higher, higher. (Builder.)

Slide 10

He is the most useful in the days of illness and heals us from all illnesses. ( Doctor.)

Slide 11

I teach children to read and write, to love nature, to respect the elderly. ( Teacher.)

4. Profession "teacher"


We all learned a little Something and somehow. And everyone chose the road, And everyone chose their own path. Let’s talk to you today about those who were next to us, who taught and mentored us.

Let's give honor to the teachers!


Guys, 2010 was declared by the President of the Russian Federation as the Year of the Teacher. Why do you think the whole year is dedicated to this profession?


October 5 is Teacher's Day.


Do you remember there was a Sea of ​​colors and sounds around. The Teacher took your hand from your mother’s warm hands. He ushered you into first class Solemnly and respectfully. Your hand is still in the hand of your teacher. The pages of the books turn yellow, The names of the rivers change, But you are his student: Then, now and forever.


Guys, what do you think a person who has chosen the profession of a teacher should be like?

Yes, the teacher loves children, is kind, fair, demanding, etc.


Let's play a little. In elementary school you have one teacher for almost all subjects. I teach the Russian language, literary reading, mathematics, the world around us, etc. But when you leave elementary school, you will have many other academic subjects. Here (slide 14) are subjects taught in primary and secondary schools. Your task is to think and formulate your answer, taking turns at your desks. The first desk starts - English is taught by an English teacher, chemistry is taught by a chemistry teacher, biology is taught by a biology teacher, Russian is taught by a teacher of Russian language and literature, literature is taught by a teacher of Russian language and literature, mathematics is taught by a mathematics teacher, physics is taught by a physics teacher, computer science is taught a computer science teacher, history is taught by a history teacher, German is taught by a German language teacher, music is taught by a music teacher, technology is taught by a technology teacher, ecology is taught by an ecology teacher, fine arts is taught by a fine arts teacher.

-Well done guys, you did a great job.

Slide 15 Teacher:

If there had been no teacher, Then there would probably have been no poet, no thinker, no Shakespeare, no Copernicus. And to this day, probably, If it weren’t for the teacher, the Undiscovered Americas would remain undiscovered. And we would not have been Icari, We would never have soared into the sky, If the wings had not been grown in us through his efforts. Without his kind heart the world would not be so amazing. That is why the Name of our teacher is very dear to us!


Guys, have you already thought about what you will become when you grow up? Which of you would choose to become a teacher? Why?

5. Game “Learn a profession”

Each profession has its own subjects of labor, important and necessary. Based on the items, you can guess what profession we are talking about.


- Stethoscope, thermometer, syringe...

- Spoon, knife, ladle... - Scales, calculator, weights, money, goods... - Brushes, paints, canvas... - Sky, steering wheel, plane, airport.

—Comb, scissors, mirror, hairspray.

Farm, cows, bucket, milk.

Tractor, plow, lever.

Books, shelves, exhibition of books.

6. game

— Guys, almost every fairy-tale character had certain skills or was involved in some kind of “professional activity.” Guess which one? Slides 17 – 30

  1. Grandfather from the fairy tale about the goldfish? (He was engaged in fishing)
  2. Grandma from the fairy tale about Kolobok? (I was engaged in baking)
  3. Resident of the village of Prostokvashino - Pechkin? (He was the village postman)
  4. Dunno and his friend Donut? (astronauts)
  5. Malvina, Pierrot (puppet theater artists)
  6. Aibolit (high-class veterinarian)
  7. Baba Yaga (the first fairy-tale pilot)
  8. Uncle Fedor (beginning farmer)
  9. Cat Matroskin (entrepreneur at heart)
  10. Crocodile Gena (Honored Zoo Worker)
  11. Mole from the fairy tale “Thumbelina” (Accountant with extensive experience)
  12. Mary Poppins (Professional Nanny)
  13. Puss in Boots (manager)
  14. Karabas-Barabas (theater director)

7. Conclusion.

— We can conclude: all professions are needed, all professions are important. You can be anyone: a wonderful, knowledgeable doctor, driver, writer, loader, but if you have an evil heart, if you are envious, selfish, you will not bring joy to anyone with your work. Therefore, first of all, I wish you to be kind and sympathetic people.

Congratulations to summer birthday celebrants.
I tell the guys, who will be named, to get up from their seats boldly, and sit forward, right here!

I invite you to the stage: Sasha Groshev, Alesya Kiotova, Sergei Krasavtsev, Timofey Negra, Olya Sosnina, Yura Suturin.


Birthday people, attention! I'm glad to inform you. Your best friends want to congratulate you now.

(Children come out and read poems for the birthday people)

We congratulate all children and with all our hearts wish: Don’t get sick, don’t catch a cold, Harden up with us!

Don't offend kids, don't upset moms and dads!

Grow up as kind children and behave well!

We congratulate you guys and give you gifts!

Class notes "Teacher is a calling"

Class notes

Developed by the teacher of MBOU Secondary School No. 11 named after. Hero of the Soviet Union E.Ya. Savitsky

Topic: Teacher is a calling.

Classroom goals:

1. To acquaint students with the features of the teaching profession and to promote an informed choice of a future profession.

2. Increase the prestige of the teaching profession.

3. Promote the development of children's creative abilities.


  • Note paper
  • Handouts (cards)
  • MM presentation
  • Projector

Class progress

On the board there is an epigraph for the lesson:

“They have been given an excellent position, higher than which nothing can be under this sun. Let it be an eternal law: to teach and learn everything through examples, precepts and practical application.”

(Jan Amos Kamensky)

1. Organizational moment.

1) Introductory speech by the teacher:

— Today we will talk about one of the oldest professions in the world - the profession of a teacher. The work of an educator is very important and respected, but it is incredibly difficult. In the life of every child, the teacher is the main assistant and protector. The teacher will tell you about the secrets of space and the extraordinary beauty of the oceans. Only a teacher can captivate the subject in such a way that you want to listen and listen. A teacher is able to find an approach to everyone and become a friend.

There is an opinion that a teacher is not just a profession, but a calling, a lifestyle. A teacher is a person who has reached such a level of spirituality that he is able to share it with others. A teacher can rightly be called the creator of the future. The morality of the teacher, his consciousness, spirituality and worldview leave the most significant imprint on the destinies of children.

2. Updating knowledge

1) Frontal work (conversation with students):

— Do you think there are professions other than teaching that can shape the future?

— What qualities should a teacher have?

— Do you always agree with the teacher’s opinion?

— Do you think it’s easy for teachers to cope with each student and find an approach?

— Can this profession be called a vocation?

— We can consider that a teacher is a profession given by God. Vocation. However, even if you have a great passion for teaching and talent, in the modern world it is not enough to become a full-fledged teacher. There are qualification requirements for the profession. Let's get to know some of them:

  • Higher or secondary pedagogical education
  • Creative skills
  • Teaching abilities

(Discussion of requirements with examples)

3. Discovery of new knowledge

Presenter (student who has prepared in advance):

— I suggest you listen to the history of the emergence of the teaching profession.

The first schools arose in the countries of the ancient East. The teachers were mainly priests, constituting a privileged caste.

In Ancient Greece, schools of grammarians and schools of citharists initially appeared. At the grammarian's school, boys were taught reading, writing and arithmetic. At the cithar player's school, boys learned music, singing and poetry recitation. Both schools were private and paid. As the boy walked to and from school, he was accompanied by a slave called a “teacher.”

During the early Middle Ages, the church reigned supreme in the field of education. During this period there were three types of schools: monastery, cathedral, and parish. There was no collective work of the whole class with the teacher in the medieval school. The teacher called the students to him one by one and taught them individually.

In Russia, the first teachers' seminary preparing primary school teachers was opened in St. Petersburg in 1786. After the October Revolution, it was transformed into pedagogical courses, then into a pedagogical technical school, a pedagogical school.” In pre-revolutionary Russia, teacher training for primary schools prevailed. The main type of teacher training for primary schools was teacher seminaries with a 4-year training period, subordinate to the Ministry of Public Education. At the beginning of 1917, there were 171 teachers’ seminaries in Russia. The seminaries taught the law of God, Russian and Church Slavonic languages, literature, arithmetic with basic information from algebra and geometry, natural science, physics, history, geography, drawing, singing, as well as pedagogy, methods of initial teaching of the Russian language and arithmetic. Primary school teachers were also trained in pedagogical classes at 913 women's gymnasiums, 50 women's diocesan schools and the Women's Pedagogical Institute in St. Petersburg.

Already at the end of the 19th century, the teaching profession was recognized by public opinion as noble and respected.

4. Consolidation of acquired knowledge

— When did the first schools appear in the world?

— What schools appeared in Ancient Greece? What did they teach and who?

— Since what year did they begin to train the first teachers in Russia?

— During what period was the teaching profession recognized by public opinion as noble and respected?

1) Game “What is more important”

— Here are cards with encrypted words. Solve them.

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