Experience and advice
Professional competence of a preschool educational institution teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education Professional competence of a preschool educational institution teacher
Hang An amazing musical instrument, one of the newest inventions of our time. Hang was invented in Switzerland
project “My Favorite Fairy Tale” project on fiction (preparatory group) Project “My Favorite Fairy Tale”
Medicinal plant coltsfoot: why is it called that? The coltsfoot plant got its original name because of its leaves.
Reports and messages Geography Volcanoes and earthquakes Our Earth has always been hot inside. Many
Teaching methods and objectives of the lesson in the preparatory group on the topic: “Women’s professions” Topic: “Women’s
Who prepares the manual Lapbook on the topic “Theater” is usually compiled by a teacher: the teacher himself selects the materials,
Project “Game activity in the senior group of kindergarten” Project on game activity “Playing-learning, playing-learning!”
Preview: Summary of the washing process in the preparatory group Educator: Popova T.A. “Washing” process Software
How to analyze an open lesson in kindergarten Self-analysis of a complex lesson in a middle group