Experience and advice
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Greetings, dear mothers. Today we have a very interesting topic, because... she will touch
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Download the material so UNT / Lesson plans for the Russian language / Lesson plans
Components of physical culture Sports Sports is a part of physical culture. It is characterized by the most effective
Objectives, goals, principles of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education The goals of the new Federal State Educational Standard in the preschool educational institution: 1) increasing social status
“Cognitive and speech development of preschool children” consultation “Cognitive and speech development of preschool children” The development of cognitive and speech activity is one of the most important
Butuzova Taisiya Yuryevna, chemistry teacher, MBOU "Sredneikoretskaya secondary school" in the village of Sredniy Ikorets, Liskinsky district, Voronezh