Summary of GCD on application in the senior group “Traffic Light” lesson plan on application, modeling (senior group) on the topic
The traffic light applique can be made with children in classes in kindergarten or at home.
PROJECT KNITTED TOYS - SMISHARIKS Completed by: Yulia Olegovna Chizhova, 7A class, Municipal Educational Institution "SOSH145" Supervisor: Teacher of technology, Municipal Educational Institution "SOSH145" Glushko I.N. - presentation
An outdoor game for young children. Abstract
Play activities of children of the younger group Municipal preschool educational institution TsRR kindergarten No. 51
Legal tasks in social studies for schoolchildren in grades 7-9
Legal tasks in social studies for schoolchildren in grades 7-9 Legal tasks in social studies with choice
Social studies test "Economics". social studies test (grade 10)
Test with answers on the topic: “Supply and Demand” 1. Equilibrium price in a market economy
Didactic game “Guess by touch”
Didactic games aimed at developing color perception
Card index of didactic games for the development of sensory concepts, color perception in children Progress of the game: for children
Lesson developments in the Russian language, grade 7, for the textbook by M.T. Baranova - 2013
Russian language events Create your teacher website PC and PPC courses Video lessons Olympiads
poems about teenagers, poems about girls, poems about guys, poems about women, poems about men, poems about youth, poems about a daughter, poems about a son, poems about children, poems about adults, poems for congratulations, poems for anniversaries, gentle poems about birthday boy, with tenderness about his birthday, poems for the birth of a child, poems for a child's birthday, beautiful poems about birthdays, funny poems for birthdays, funny poems about children, mother's poems, mother about her son, mother about the anniversary, love, poems congratulatory poems, poems about dates, poems about love, tender poems, with tenderness about a daughter, with tenderness about a son,
Extracurricular event “Autumn Birthday Day” (3rd grade)
Paraphrases about various things You are nineteen... and a little more... You are nineteen... and a little more But
XXVIII All-Russian Olympiad in Music for students in grades 1-4
Music 7th grade Time limit: 0 Navigation (task numbers only) 0 out of 10 tasks
The use of Voskobovich’s games in the work of a preschool educational psychologist
The essence of Voskobovich's developmental technology Modern parents are lost in front of the windows of children's stores - such an abundance
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