Additional educational program “The World Around Us”

Quiz “The World Around Us” with answers for elementary school

Author of the scenario development: Novikova Ekaterina Mikhailovna, head of the department for core activities of the State Educational Institution “Slutsk Ecological and Biological Center for Students”, Slutsk, Minsk region, Republic of Belarus

Goal: To summarize children’s knowledge about the world around them in the form of an environmental quiz. Objectives: - reveals the level of children’s knowledge about animals, plants, nature conservation; — develops the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and peers; — trains the ability to work in a team, responsibility to the team; — the competitive nature of the quiz increases student activity; — fosters a caring attitude towards nature. Form of organizing the event: quiz. Teaching methods: verbal, practical. Duration of the event: 1 hour Event plan 1. Opening speech by the teacher.
2. Creative task “Greeting” 3. Block of questions “Plants” 4. Block of questions “Animals” 5. Physical education 6. Block of questions “Environmental protection” 7. Block of questions “Underwater kingdom” 8. Summing up 9. Final word from the teacher . Progress of the event
1. Opening speech by the teacher. The amazing world of nature is rich, beautiful and infinitely diverse. Wherever you are: in the forest, in the meadow, on the bank of the river - mysteries and mysteries surround you everywhere. Today we will try to open several pages of this world, we will give you a quiz “The World Around Us”
Two teams will take part in the quiz. Rules: listen to the question, task to the end; do not prompt the respondent; who knows the answer, raise your hand; If students on one team do not know the answer to a question, then students on the other team answer. Each correct answer will be worth 1 point. After the quiz, we will count the number of points and determine the winner of the game. 2. Creative task “Greeting”. Before starting our quiz, you need to divide into two teams, come up with a team name, a symbol and draw a small poster with a picture of the symbol. You are given 7 minutes for this task and so the time goes by. Time is up, let's see which teams are participating in our quiz today. The first command is "__________" and the command symbol is "__________"; The second command is "__________" and the command symbol is "__________". What wonderful teams we have. Each team receives 1 point. And now we move on to the first block of questions “Plants”. 3. Block of questions “Plants” How many amazing plants the sorceress Nature created. We can only be amazed at the wonderful diversity and amazing properties of plants. Question-answer round. Questions for the first team. The second team listens attentively, but does not give any hints; if the guys from the first team do not answer, you will have a chance to get an extra point. 1. What is the name of science and plants? (botany).
2. Which medicinal plant has a calming effect and is used in medicine?
(valerian officinalis)
3. Does this plant grow near roads and have healing properties?
4. What plant can grow 1 meter in height in a day?
5. Is this group of plants capable of growing under snow at a depth of up to 20 centimeters and a temperature of -14°C?
The first team completed their questions.
It's time for the second command. The first team also listens carefully to the questions. 1. What flower was named after the boy Vasily? (cornflower)
2. What plants can live without water?
(there are no such plants)
3. Plants that make you cry?
(onions and horseradish)
4. From what plant is sugar obtained?
(sugar beets, sugar cane)
5. Which berry is the largest?
(watermelon and pumpkin)
Well done guys from the second team.
Riddle round. Team 1 1. Red, juicy, fragrant, Grows low, close to the ground. (strawberries) 2. Oh, don't touch me! I'll burn you without fire! (nettle) 3. It does not grow on land and its head is made of plush. (reeds) 4. Sisters are standing in the field: Yellow eye - white eyelashes. (Daisies) 5. The ball grew white, the wind blew and flew away. (dandelion) Team 2 1. Planted a seed and raised a sun. (sunflower) 2. They grow in the spring, and fall in the fall. (leaves) 3. She lowered her curls into the river and became sad about something. (willow) 4. In the wetlands, The berry turns red in tears, It has served as a medicine since hoary centuries, And they call it... (Cranberry) 5. The head has become heavy, I have put on a lot of hats, The neck is bent, What is the name of the vegetable? (Cabbage) Team 1 1. The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats. Whoever undresses him sheds tears. (Bow) 2. But here is someone important on a little white leg, He has a red hat, with polka dots on his hat. (Amanita) 3. The head is on a leg, There are peas in the head. (Mac) 4. Small stove With red coals. (Garnet) 5. A fashionista is hanging on a branch, In a purple vest, Maybe she can wear a red one, Or climb into a yellow one! (Plum) 2nd team 1. Yellow-bellied, aromatic, It’s probably sour, They add it to tea for taste, Tell me what it’s called? (Lemon) 2. Hanging on the branches, In prickly vests, Autumn has come, The peel has been removed! (Chestnuts) 3. Red jug, With stones inside, Hanging on a branch, Prickly and tenacious! (Rose hip) 4. In the middle of the snowdrifts, Between the ice “glass”, Blooms boldly, The servant of that spring! (Snowdrop) 5. What kind of hedgehogs are these, If all their legs are covered in thorns, But they don’t run, They grow among the grass! (Rose) Well done guys, they guessed all my riddles. And now we move on to the next round. Round photo question Questions for the first team. 1. Which coniferous tree cones are shown in the photo?

(pine) 2. This plant is a “predator” of the plant world; it feeds on insects. Name this plant.

(Venus flytrap) 3. Do these mushrooms grow on tree stumps in large groups?

(honey mushrooms) 4. The leaves of this plant are tender and soft on one side, and prickly on the other.

(mother and stepmother) 5. The flowers of this plant have healing properties.

(linden) Questions for the second team. 1. Which coniferous tree cones are shown in the photo?

(spruce) 2. This plant is a “predator” of the plant world; it feeds on insects. Name this plant.

(sundew) 3. These mushrooms are very poisonous. (pale toadstool) 4. The name of this flower contains both a female and a male name.

(Ivan and Marya). 5. The berries of this tree are used in the treatment of stomach diseases.

(sea ​​buckthorn). That's it for all the questions about plants. Let's count who earned how many points. Let's move on to the block of questions about animals. 4. Block of questions “Animals” The rules remain the same. And so questions to the first team
Round question and answer 1. Where do crayfish spend the winter? (In burrows along river banks)
2. What does a camel’s hump consist of? (From fat)
3. Was she born in water, but lives on land? (Frog)
4. Where do frogs go for the winter? (They burrow into the mud, silt, under moss)
5. Does a penguin fly? (No).
6. What will the tadpole become in the future?
7. Who is a hippopotamus?
8. Which animal’s skin should always be moist?
(In frogs, toads, newts). Second team
1. Does the polar bear hunt penguins?
(No, they live at different poles).
2. Who is called the owner of the polar region?
(Polar bear).
3. Which pet has teeth that grow throughout its life?
(In rabbits).
4. Why do rabbits constantly chew something?
(To grind teeth).
5. What is the name of a baby sheep and ram?
6. Which animal is more like a human?
7. Which giraffe legs are longer, front or back?
(The same.)
8. Which animal has a strong voice?
(Crocodile.) Riddle round First team
1. This beast is very tall And the door will not enter the apartment.
Don’t invite him to visit, but rather go to him yourself. He's at the zoo, dear brother, I'm always glad to see you. (GIRAFFE) 2. I’m hanging with my head down, And now I’ll ask you: - Who isn’t afraid of cats and kittens And strives upward at night with all his might? (BAT) 3. There is a mighty beast in the forests, you, son, believe me! He eats raspberries and loves honey. Who will call him for me? (BEAR) 4. Once I saw a dark red beauty in the forest. She jumped along the branches, apparently looking for cones there. (SQUIRREL) 5. She is very cunning: She ate a bun in a fairy tale, steals chickens and roosters. Who is ready to name her? (FOX) Second team
1. I have a big “hand” that hangs on my head.
I grab everything “at hand” and send it into my mouth. (ELEPHANT) 2. Angry touchy lives in the wilderness of the forest. There are a lot of needles, but not one thread. (Hedgehog) 3. I combed my hair without a comb and washed my face without water, climbed into a soft chair and sang in every key. (CAT) 4. He is a stubborn hard worker, He was born in a black fur coat, And he lives in the ground all his life, Who is this? This is... (MOLE) 5. Hard-working animals Build a house in the middle of the river. If anyone comes to visit, Know that the entrance is from the river! (BEAVES) Round photo question Questions for the first team 1. This wild animal has been tamed in recent years.

(ferret) 2. A wild animal, lives on land and in water, eats both fish and mice.

(otter) 3. Who left a mark in the forest.

(wolf) 4. In times of danger, this animal curls up into a ball.

(armadillo) 5. These birds feed on carrion.

(vultures) Questions for the second team.
1. The most smelly animal.

(skunk) 2. Which animal eats termites and ants.

(anteater) 3. He sleeps all winter.

(bear) 4. The fur of this animal is green.

(sloth) 5. The males of these birds have the largest and most beautiful tail.

(peacock) Let's count the points for this block of questions.
That's half of our quiz left behind. You and I were sitting, tired, we urgently need to get up and do a little warm-up. 5. Physical school We are going into the woods, Be careful, my friend. (Walking.) There is a stream ahead, Cross - here is the bridge. (On tiptoes.) Make your way carefully - You can get your feet wet here. (They raise their legs high.) We will jump a little along the winding path. (Jumping.) When we hear thunder in the sky, we will hide under a bush. (They crouch.) We will walk slowly - the rain will overtake us on the way. (Easy running.) We came with you, my friend, into a dense forest. (Walking.) 6. Block of questions “Underwater kingdom” We talked about animals and plants and it’s time to move on to the underwater kingdom. The rules are the same. Question-answer round Questions for the first team.
1. What is the name of the water shell of the earth?
2. Which mammals live only in water?
(whale and dolphin)
3. Which sea animal has claws on its “hands”?
4. Which fish can give an electric shock?
(stingray, eel)
5. What fish are named after tools?
(sawfish, hammerfish, swordfish) Questions for the second team.
1. Why can’t you drink sea water?
(it is salty)
2. How much area of ​​the earth is covered with water?
3. What does a whale eat?
4. Which sea creature has 8 “legs”?
5. This huge fish smells blood from many kilometers away?
(shark) Riddle round 1 team
1. What mineral are we talking about: he himself is afraid of water, but he will be born from it.
Salt. 2. What can’t you roll up the mountain, can’t carry in a sieve, can’t hold in your hands? Water. 3. What is the name for complete calm, silence at sea? Calm. 4. What is the name of the god of the seas, who controls the water element with a trident? Neptune or Poseidon. 5. A flock rushes one after another, cutting the waves with its body, First their tails, then their backs again, some swim forward (dolphins) Team 2
1. An umbrella walks along the waves - What a miracle, What a miracle!
The umbrella stings like nettles. (jellyfish) 2. The short body is covered with spines! Use spikes to skillfully fight enemies. It is important to inflate like a balloon. And yet... Sometimes it’s scary, it floats. (Fish-hedgehog) 3. Here is the expanse of the ocean, A mountain with a fountain plows through, Beats with its tail, the water boils - It swims important. (Whale) 4. This is not the sea at all, and not the land at all, Yachts don’t sail here, and you can’t walk. What is this? Swamp. 5. What sleeps under the ice in winter, and when spring comes, it runs and makes noise? River Round photo questions. First team.
Questions for the first team. 1. This fish wears a “weapon” on its head.

(swordfish) 2. This fish is called monkfish. She has a flashlight on her head, why does she need it?

(this is a bait for other fish) 3. The body shape of this animal resembles a chess piece.

(sea Horse). 4. What are aquatic plants called?

(seaweed). 5. This whiskered fish lives at the bottom of our rivers.

Questions for the second team.
1. When does a sea urchin release its spines?

(in case of danger) 2. This fish is capable of flying 10 meters above the water.

(flying fish) 3. This type of algae is rich in iodine; it is often served to us at the table.

(sea kale) 4. This is an invertebrate echinoderm.

(starfish) 5. This fish got its name due to its many wing-like fins.

(lionfish) Let's summarize the round.
7. Block of questions “environmental protection” We have come to the most difficult questions of our quiz, these are questions about environmental protection. For each correct answer you receive 2 points. 1. Think about why in large cities the main highways need to be designed parallel, and not perpendicular to the direction of the main winds. (In this case, the wind blows harmful automobile emissions from the ground layer and reduces their concentration on the roads) 2. Explain why within the city the incidence of trees is higher and their life expectancy is shorter than in nearby rural areas (This is due to the increased content of harmful compounds in the atmosphere and soil of the city, heavy dust, which impairs photosynthesis by disrupting air and water exchange in the soil during road construction and laying asphalt; soil salinity; mechanical damage to plants; lack of nutrients in the soil due to disruption of the cycle of elements) 3. Explain Why do environmental scientists believe that people who use water, electricity, gas, food, and household items sparingly actually protect nature? (At the same time, they conserve resources and pollute the environment less) 4. How do you explain why the numbers of almost every 10th species of plants and animals are declining? (This is the result of human intervention in natural ecosystems) 5. Why are trees and shrubs planted near residential buildings, schools, kindergartens, and along highways? (In addition to the fact that green plants absorb CO2 during photosynthesis and saturate the air with O2, they retain dust, soot, and reduce noise.) 8. Summing up. (congratulations to the winners) 9. Final words from the teacher. And in conclusion, I would like to say that the world of knowledge is vast, and a person should not stop there, he should go further and further, make discoveries, learn new and interesting things.

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Work program “The World Around Us”

The world around us


This program is compiled on the basis of the standard program “Education and Training in Kindergarten” edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, the book by P.G. Samorukova “How to introduce preschoolers to nature”, and provides for additional development of students of primary preschool age in the discipline “the world around us” " in the field of social and pedagogical orientation, since it is aimed at developing the qualities necessary for mastering educational activities, curiosity, initiative, independence, productivity and creative self-expression and is built on the principles of developmental education, systematicity, consistency and gradualism.


This educational program lies in the fact that it provides for the widespread use of students’ life experiences and examples from the surrounding reality. Particular importance in this program is given to the assimilation of ecological and biological experience, teaching the basics of the surrounding world.


The proposed educational program is determined by the need of students and their parents for programs for the social and pedagogical development of preschool children, the material and technical conditions for the implementation of which in the realities of rural areas are available only at the Center for Children's Creativity Art. Temirgoevskaya.

Pedagogical feasibility

program “The World Around Us” is that it complements and expands the content of preschool basic environmental education, and also helps students navigate throughout the year and decide on the further choice of an environmental association of a narrower focus.
Personally -
oriented learning
which ensures self-knowledge of students, the development of their reflective abilities, and mastery of methods of self-regulation, self-improvement and self-determination.
Individual differentiation is observed in the learning process .
The program creates conditions for the development of the student’s personality; reveals aptitudes and abilities for types and forms of research, practical, and experimental activities. Health-saving technologies are used: the use of physical education minutes (children willingly do them themselves), psychological training, dynamic pauses, eye exercises, and breathing exercises.

The goal of the program
to create conditions for the development of a child’s personality through acquaintance with the outside world, the formation of basic competencies in the field of natural history, the implementation of an integrated approach to the study of natural objects through observation and comparison, and the cultivation of a caring attitude towards nature.

Program objectives:

-expand knowledge about the relationships between humans, plants, animals and the natural environment.

-introduce plants and animals of the native land, as well as animals and plants listed in the Red Book;

- consolidate and deepen ideas about the vegetation of a forest, meadow, garden, - formulate children’s ideas about the inextricable connection between man and nature;

— deepen children’s understanding of seasonal changes in nature;

- develop observation and comparison skills;

-expand ideas about living and inanimate nature, about personal hygiene.

- cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards the natural world;

— to cultivate a sense of responsibility for the state of nature and culture of their native land.

Unlike existing ones, this program allows you to develop key competencies through additional education; concentrate pedagogical attention on the individual interests of the student, promptly identify learning problems; provide real pedagogical support to the child in achieving his educational goals; realize the rights of each student to choose the content, methods and pace of mastering the educational program.

Age of students

participating in the implementation of this educational program for 5.5-6 years. A same-age group of children of different sexes is formed without prior preparation. Anyone who has a doctor’s clearance to practice is accepted into the association. The group consists of 10-12 people.

Timing of the program implementation.

The “The World Around Us” program is designed for 1 year of study, 72 hours.

Forms and mode of classes.

Classes are held 2 times a week for 1 class hour, duration - 30 minutes, break - 15 minutes, after the second lesson there is a dynamic break of 45 minutes. The form of organizing children's activities in class is group.

Classes are conducted in the form of a role-playing game, a travel game, a performance, a performance, an excursion. This program has a basic level.

The educational process is organized in accordance with the age and psychophysical characteristics of children and is built on the basis of a respectful, sincere and tactful attitude towards the child’s personality.

Expected results by the end of training:

By the end of the training:

  • the student will know the vegetation of the forest, meadow, field, garden;
  • the student will be able to distinguish between objects of living and inanimate nature;
  • the student will know domestic and wild animals, wintering and migratory birds of the Krasnodar region; animals listed in the Red Book.
  • the student will know and be able to fulfill basic environmental requirements;
  • A respectful attitude towards people’s work and the results of their work has been fostered.
  • the student will know seasonal, temporary changes in nature (week, day, month, year);
  • the student will be able to socially adapt in society.
  • the student will be taught the rules of hygiene and take care of his health;

To assess the knowledge, abilities, skills, creative, personal and communicative qualities of students, level diagnostics are carried out: input, intermediate, final. Students perform diagnostic tasks. The final grade is determined as the average level. The diagnostic results are recorded in the pedagogical diary.

To summarize the work on the topic, non-documentary forms of summing up the lesson are used: survey, lesson - travel, final lesson, demonstration of children's work. Based on the results of the event, an analytical report is prepared.

Summing up forms


Name of topics Type of control Form not document control Dates
1. Introductory lesson. "On a fairytale island."

Input Diagnostics.

Input Interview, diagnostician September
2. Travel activity “Visiting Baba Yaga.” Current Occupation: travel. November
3. Generalization of knowledge for the 1st half of the year. Class

“It’s cold in the forest in winter.”

Intermediate diagnostics.

I'll be in between


diagnostician. December
4. Consolidation and generalization of the studied material. Class-

game "Journey to the Kingdom of Nature."

Final diagnostics.

Final Activity – game, diagnostician May

Using non-documentary forms of summing up, it is necessary to draw up an analytical report or a pedagogical observation diary.

Educational and thematic plan


Name of sections and topics Total


Number of hours
Theory Practice Departure.,


1. Introductory lesson. 1 0,5 0,5
2. What surrounds us. 2 1 1
3. Home and school. 1 0,5 0,5
4 Our village. 4 3 1
5. Man and his health. 3 2 1
6. Inanimate nature. 7 4 3
7. Live nature. 26 16 10
8. Seasons. 8 6 2
9. Materials on the regional component “Cuban Studies”. 4 3 1
10. Excursions. 4 4
11. Final lessons. 4 4
12. Interesting stuff. 8 2 6
Total: 72 38 30 4

Contents of the additional general education program


  1. Introductory lesson.

Determining the readiness of children. Acquaintance. Goals and objectives of the association. Rules of behavior in public places. Diagnostics.

  1. What surrounds us.


Air, water, plants, animals - all this is the nature that surrounds us. Living and inanimate nature.


Working with didactic material.

  1. Home and school.


Home address. Family. Rules of behavior at home, in the Children's Center, on the street, in public places.


Working with posters and cards on the topic.

  1. Our village.


Name of the village. Main attractions. Traffic Laws. Basic road signs. Traffic light. People's work. Professions.


Excursion “Sights of the village of Temirgoevskaya”.

  1. Man and his health.


Health is the main wealth of a person. The importance of exercise and exercise in human life. Personal hygiene. Daily regime.


Following the rules of personal hygiene, creating a daily routine.

  1. Inanimate nature. Theory:

Water. Properties of water. Air. Air movement. Keeping water and air clean. Natural phenomena. It's interesting what's in the ground.


Experiments with water and air. Study of natural phenomena. Working with didactic material.

  1. Live nature.


Diversity and beauty of animals. Appearance of animals. Domestic and wild animals. Diversity of water inhabitants. Variety of birds. Variety of insects. Domestic and wild animals in autumn. Domestic and wild animals in winter. Domestic and wild animals in spring. Domestic and wild animals in summer. Migratory birds. Wintering birds. Red Book. Animal protection. Trees, shrubs, herbs. Deciduous and coniferous trees. Plant parts: root, stem, leaves, flower, fruit. Vegetables and fruits. Fruits and seeds. Distribution methods. Houseplants. Wildflowers. Medicinal plants. Spring flowers. Primroses. Plant protection.


Studying living nature by observing its objects, working with visual aids and didactic material.

  1. Seasons.


Autumn. Signs of autumn. People's work in autumn. Signs of winter. First snow. Snowflakes. Ice. People's labor in spring. Summer. Signs of summer. People's work in summer.


studying the seasons by observing seasonal changes in nature.

  1. Materials on the regional component “Cuban Studies”.


Nature of Kuban. Animals and plants. Labor of people in Kuban. Folk signs.



“Autumn changes in nature”, “Zimushka - winter”, “Diversity and beauty of the village’s nature”, “Spring drops. Generalization".

11.Final lessons.

Lesson “On a fairytale island”.

Lesson – travel “Visiting Baba Yaga”.

Generalization of knowledge for the 1st half of the year. Lesson “Cold in the forest in winter.”

Consolidation and generalization of the studied material. Lesson-game “Journey to the Kingdom of Nature”.

12.Entertaining material.


“Riddles about animals”, “Riddles about plants”.

Games: “Transport the crop from the field”, “Cross a puddle in galoshes”, “Collect weeds in a bucket”, “Obvious - not very probable”, “Name the kids”, “Traffic light”, “Pedestrians”.

Activities - travel: “To the forest”, “To the zoo”, “To the reserve”, “To the desert”, “To the underwater kingdom”.

Methodological support

Classes are held in the form


games, travel games, role-playing games, gallery exhibitions, excursions.

Techniques and methods for organizing the educational process:

visual, practical, explanatory and illustrated,


The following didactic material is used:

posters, flashcards, handouts, photographs.

Material and technical equipment of classes:

Multimedia projector, CD player.

List of cabinet equipment:

blackboard, desks and chairs, cabinets for storing teaching aids, educational stands, decorations.

List of equipment and materials:

TSO, hand tools

materials (flash cards, handouts...), demonstration material.

List of required literature:

  1. Bakhtiyarova V.F., Ilyasova G.R. Author's educational program for a teacher of additional education: from development to implementation: Educational and methodological manual. Ufa: BIRO publishing house, 2009.
  2. 2. Bondarenko T.M. Organization of direct educational activities in the preparatory group of a kindergarten. Educational field "Cognition", Voronezh, 2012.
  3. Barkov A.S. Zoology in pictures. – M.: Roman, 2000.
  4. Grizin T.I. I will experience the world. – M.: Education, 2000.
  5. Elkina N.V., Marinicheva O.V. We teach children to observe. – Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 2001.
  6. Zaluzhskaya M.V. Preparatory group for school in kindergarten. – M.: Education, 2002.
  7. Zolotova E.I. We introduce preschoolers to the world of animals. – M.: Education, 2002.
  8. Kudryavtsev V.T., Egorov B.B. Developmental pedagogy of health improvement. – M.: Linka – Press, 2000.
  9. Lotyshev I.P. Traveling around your native land. – Krasnodar, 2006.
  10. Ryleeva E.V. It's more fun together. – M.: Linka – Press, 2000.

List of additional literature:

11.Astapenko P.D. Questions about the weather. L.: Gidrometioizdat, 2006.

The Arctic is my home. Peoples of the North of the earth. Culture of the peoples of the North. (encyclopedia) M.: Northern Expanses, 2001. Dorofeev Yu. School of the Seven Dwarfs. Annual course for children 6-7 years old. Ethics lessons. M. 2008.

12. Fedyukova L.B. Education with a fairy tale. Conversations based on pictures. A visual aid for educators. Teachers. Parents. Publishing house "Ranok", 2007.

13Fedyukova L.B. Lessons of kindness. Conversations based on pictures. A visual aid for educators. Teachers. Parents. Publishing house "Ranok", 2007.

14. Fedyukova L.B. In the world of proverbs. Conversations based on pictures. A visual aid for educators. Teachers. Parents. Publishing house "Ranok", 2007.

15. Fedyukova L.B.Ya and others. Conversations based on pictures. A visual aid for educators. Teachers. Parents. Publishing house "Ranok", 2008

16. Fedyukova L.B. I am developing. Conversations based on pictures. A visual aid for educators. Teachers. Parents. Publishing house "Ranok", 2007.


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