Experience and advice
Cards “Communication. Participial turnover". Grades 7-8-9 Card 1. Copy, adding missing punctuation marks. Graphically
Review of a student's research work REVIEW OF A STUDENT'S RESEARCH work A review of educational research is being prepared
Olifirenko Elena Vladimirovna, teacher of Russian language and literature Russian language lesson in 9th grade
Irina Krasnozhonova Summary of a lesson in visual arts in the preparatory group. Drawing “My favorite toy”
Galina Petrova Application with plasticine elements “Ladybug”, junior group TOPIC: Insects. God's
Developmental manual “Rings of Lull” Senior preschool age is a favorable period for the development of logical
Summary of a biology lesson in 5th grade. Biology - the science of life Lesson notes Summary
Self-education report - Selection of illustrative material for classes and for the design of stands, groups,
The essence and types of innovative educational technologies Definition 1 Innovative educational technology is a methodology
Presentation for the lesson “Insects” for children of senior preschool age Evgeniya Vladimirovna Gorshkova Presentation for