Experience and advice
Summary of a lesson on appliqué in the middle group “Christmas trees - prickly needles” Evgeniya Khamzina Summary
Beautiful and simple Mushroom applique. Templates can be obtained for free. Details in my post here.
Tests on geometry in 10th grade TOPICS OF TESTS ON GEOMETRY IN 10th grade
People need heroes, or rather, not so much themselves as legends about them. After all, when
Modeling wild animals from plasticine Wild animals. Based on the Russian folk tale "The Fox and
Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic “My favorite toys!” High school lesson notes
Lesson developments in the Russian language, grade 1 Lesson 1. LESSON TOPIC: Introduction to the textbook
Lesson progress 1. Organizational part of the lesson 2. Identifying knowledge about available means of extinguishing fires.
Project “Love and Know Your Native Land” A person cannot live without his Motherland, as