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Methodology and technology of the project lesson Methodist Lotova N.S. This presentation used materials from the site - presentation
Using project-based learning technology in elementary school lessons Bibliographic description: Sozonova, S. D.
Presentation for a speech at the conference “How to make toothpaste at home.”
Colgate Smiles Toothbrushes Children's toothbrushes that grow with your little ones! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytdeven-GB
Program of an optional course in history for 7th grade “History in the biographies of great people” for 2015-2016.
Elective course “Mysteries of History” Approved by the head of the educational institution E.V. Golyatkina “August 28, 2014” Working
Consultations for parents on preschool children's health
Summary of educational activities for cognitive development with children of the preparatory group “Types of transport”
Summary of GCD in the preparatory group. “Transport” Objectives: Educational: 1. Activate subject and verb vocabulary
Healthy eating presentation for a lesson (grade 5) on the topic
Technology presentation on the topic: “Healthy eating” View the contents of the document “Technology presentation on
Methodological recommendations for conducting practical classes on the history of secondary vocational education
Methodological recommendations on history for open source education An epigraph is a saying (or a short quote) before
NOD “Food chains in the forest” (preparatory group)
FOOD CHAINS IN THE FOREST Vladimirova Alena Pavlovna teacher of additional education Topic: “Food chains in
A set of anti-stress exercises To relieve emotional stress, specialists have developed a whole set of exercises. This program
What is the art of scrapbooking and getting to know its techniques?
SCRAPBOOKING IS A BEAUTIFUL HOBBY Maslennikova L.P. Technology teacher MBOU school 27 1. - presentation SCRAPBOOKING
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