Individual project “The role of medicinal plants in human life.”

Project “Medicinal Plants” (senior group)

Ivanova Svetlana Evgenievna

Project “Medicinal Plants” (senior group)

Type of project: informational - creative

Project duration : short-term.

Project participants: teachers, older children and their parents.

Relevance of the project:

The medicinal properties of plants have been known to people for a very long time; probably, even cave dwellers already used medicinal herbs to treat various diseases. Traditional healers passed on from generation to generation grains of information about the healing properties of this or that herb, creating a solid foundation for the “green pharmacy” that we still use today.

Preschool children should know about the benefits of medicinal plants, be able to distinguish them from other plants, take care of them and not tear them unnecessarily.

The goal of the project: to consolidate children’s ideas about medicinal wild plants, their health value, and rules of use.


1. Educational:

introduce the variety of medicinal plants, their significance for all life on the planet;

introduce children to the folk names of medicinal plants and their history;

expand the vocabulary (primrose, decoction, infusion, honey plant, seedlings, inflorescences) due to new impressions and information, create a desire to talk about the values ​​of the plant living next to us;

2. Developmental:

develop children's vocabulary and knowledge about medicinal plants;

develop creativity, thinking, imagination;

3. Educational:

cultivate an environmental culture;

cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Expected results of the project:

consciously correct attitude of children towards plants that help human health.

Material and technical resources:

selection of visual material (illustrations, paintings, photographs);

preparation of visual material for productive activities;

didactic games;

exhibitions of books, drawings;

preparation of information for parents: “Useful recipes from medicinal herbs”, “Medicinal plants in the treatment of ARVI”, “Rules for collecting medicinal plants”;

creating a card index with speech material (poems and riddles about medicinal plants);

creating conditions for viewing presentations.

Organizational forms of work on the project:

Forms of interaction

Collaborative activities between teachers and children


“Medicinal plants – means of human health” (cognition);

Application “Chamomile field”;

CONVERSATION: “Green Pharmacy”; "Friend or foe"; "Medicinal plants"; “What are medicinal plants for?”; "Scented mint"; "The humble dandelion"; "Useful nettle"; “Lily of the valley – “rabbit ears”; “How good our burdock is today!”; “Clandestine – yellow flower”; "Calendula - marigolds"; “Forget-me-not – “mouse ear”; “Chamomile – “white shirt”;

Compiling children's stories on behalf of plants (reincarnation): “I am a plantain...”, “I am a chamomile...”, “I am a nettle...”;

Compiling the story “The Journey of a Seed” (schematic representation);

EXAMINATION OF PAINTINGS BY FAMOUS ARTISTS: I. I. Levitan “Dandelions”, V. M. Vasnetsov “Oak Grove in Abramtsevo”, I. I. Shishkin “Pine Forest”;

OBSERVATION “Our faithful friend is the plantain”


READING FICTION: Reading excerpts from the story “Vegetable Garden at the Edge” by A. Strizhev; A. Ozhegova “Field path”; Y. Dmitrieva “Who lives in the forest and what grows in the forest”; N. Pavlova “Riddles of flowers”; A. Pleshakova “Green Pages”;

D/GAMES: “Tops - roots”; “Get to know the plant”; “Recognize by smell”; Project

Independent activities of children

examination of illustrations, photographs and paintings on the topic of the project;

drawing and coloring using coloring books and stencils;

S/R GAME: “Green Doctor”

folding mosaics of various colors;

Working with parents

consultations for parents: “Useful recipes from medicinal herbs”, “Medicinal plants in the treatment of ARVI”, “Rules for collecting medicinal plants”

Activities of a teacher

familiarization with best practices;

clarification of the formulation of the problem, topic, goals and objectives;

design of a book corner;

development of methodological recommendations for introducing children to the artistic word;

creating notes of organized educational activities on the project topic;

creation of the album “Medicinal Plants”;

selection of material for conversations and games with children;

preparing presentations for children on the topic of the project;

selection of illustrations, literature.

Results of the project:

1. active participation of children in the creation of the album “Medicinal Plants”;

2. consciously correct attitude of children towards plants that help human health;

3. knowledge about medicinal plants has been formed;

4. Children’s experience in the field of environmental education has been enriched.

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