Sports and recreational event for students in grades 1-4 “Excellent health”

Physical education and health activities in elementary school under the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard

In the modern world, environmental stressors affecting the child have increased. The problem of the health of younger schoolchildren is becoming a priority direction for the development of the initial stage of the educational space of a modern school, the strategic goal of which is to educate and develop a healthy personality.

The activities of students in education are associated with high loads, often leading to overload, which determines the need to take into account the health factor in its organization. Thus, the health of children is an important condition for their effective participation in education, and various deviations and deteriorations in it create obstacles in students achieving a given level of education that corresponds to the State educational standard. Today, teachers and psychologists identify problems in emotional development. When organizing the educational process, in an effort to enhance the intellectual development of children.

The formation, preservation and strengthening of the health of students is an urgent problem and a subject of primary importance. A healthy lifestyle for pupils ensures the full development and realization of everyone’s capabilities, promotes their socialization and is a necessary condition for raising a comprehensively developed personality.

Considering health-saving educational technologies, we have identified correctional and compensatory tasks; we assume such an organization of classes in which physical exercises are used to correct existing disorders, both in physical and psychological development. When organizing extracurricular physical education classes, especially in primary school, they should be emotional and arouse students’ interest in physical activity.

The main components of health-saving technology are:


which includes the manifestation of psychological mechanisms - emotional and volitional. Positive emotions are a necessary condition for maintaining health; experiences through which a person develops a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle. Will is a mental process of conscious control of activity, manifested in overcoming difficulties and obstacles on the way to a goal.

Play, the most important type of children’s activity, plays a huge role in the development and upbringing of a child. It is an effective means of shaping the student’s personality, his moral and volitional qualities; the game realizes the need to influence the world. The Soviet teacher innovator Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky emphasized that “game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the surrounding world flows into the child’s spiritual world. Play is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.”

Game psychocorrection is widely used when working with children with severe interpersonal conflicts and behavioral disorders. During the correction process, children are offered not only playful reproduction of past or present experiences, but also modeling of new experiences under possible stressful conditions. The effectiveness of role-playing games and dramatization of the game largely depends on the child’s social experience, on the characteristics of his ideas about people, their feelings, and relationships.

We used the method for determining the level of anxiety, according to Romitsina E.E. “Multidimensional assessment of children's anxiety” Of all the methods, we are most interested in the results obtained on the scale “Decreased mental activity due to anxiety,” which indicate the presence of high and low levels of psychophysiological activity in children. A high level of the scale distinguishes a child with high motor activity. However, we should not forget that these features may indicate the presence of defensive reactions associated with overcompensation. A low level is characterized by extreme vulnerability, wariness and self-doubt. In accordance with what we set the tasks: balancing psychophysiological activity, developing the motivational sphere, creating a favorable emotional background. In the solution we use the method of game correction in organizing extracurricular activities.

Within the framework of our project, interdisciplinary connections are used; generalized experience of primary-level teachers, psychologists, parents.

The proposed project is an extracurricular form of organizing physical education and recreational activities in elementary schools. The use of the project allows specialists to adapt to the specifics of their educational process, learning conditions and goals, increase or decrease the number of hours, make changes to the content, enrich the plot-game concept and sports perspective of the project.

Project for organizing an extracurricular activity “Travel to Skazkograd”

The project aims to :

  • implementation of the principle of variability, which makes it possible to select material in accordance with the age characteristics of students;
  • acquisition of practical skills and abilities, including in independent activities, for the formation of cognitive and subject activity of students;
  • expansion of interdisciplinary connections that focus on the holistic formation of students’ worldview in the field of physical education,
  • enhancing the healing effect achieved during physical exercises, physical education and health activities, daily routine, and independent physical exercise.

Goal: create conditions for emotional and psychological comfort; development of cognitive motivation of students; acquiring knowledge about the basics of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle, for the formation of vital motor skills.


  • assist in gaining knowledge about personal hygiene, daily routine, and the effect of physical exercise on health;
  • develop physical qualities, coordination abilities, introduce physical exercises and outdoor games to independent activities;
  • instill the skills of discipline, a friendly attitude towards comrades, honesty, and courage while performing physical exercises.

Modern educational technologies :

  • health-saving technologies - instilling hygiene skills, proper breathing skills, massage techniques, the use of physical exercises that have a therapeutic and educational effect, corrective and remedial exercises;
  • information and communication technologies - showing presentations to improve motivation for physical exercise and in acquiring knowledge of the basics of physical culture;

Forms of organization:

  • For better development, the acquired knowledge and skills in the content of a physical education lesson are consolidated in extracurricular forms of classes: the project “Travel to Skazkograd”, physical education and health activities in school and extended day mode, physical education - mass and sports events, in extracurricular activities.

Pedagogical conditions:

  • Going beyond the limited scope of physical training and creating an atmosphere of cultural and sports activities, also aimed at the spiritual development of children.
  • Changing the internal position of students, their experience of the educational and sports process as an active participant.
  • The opportunity to take an initiative position that opens the way to self-education.

Organizational and game design of the project:

The project involves psychological, social and physical correction of primary school students, the formation of play behavior, and the active personal development of the child. Games help correct a child’s self-esteem and form positive relationships with peers and adults. Before starting game correction, it is necessary to develop a game plot, select game material, form a group of children and plan game situations. During the game, the emotional manifestation of the child is recorded. Before starting the game, it is necessary to select special scenes where the child would see various conflict situations that are close to him in meaning. A fairy tale actualizes a child’s imagination and develops his ability to imagine playful collisions in which the characters find themselves. The child not only imitates, but creates an image of the character, becomes like him - this is an important condition necessary for correcting not only emotional discomfort, but also negative characterological manifestations. Children transfer their negative emotions and personality traits to the game image, endowing them with the characters.

For children, it is advisable to use dramatization games based on familiar fairy tales. The implementation should be preceded by preparatory work with the child, on the part of teachers, parents and a psychologist. Thus, for students of primary school age, the most interesting, accessible, and stimulating educational activities will be; poems, proverbs, sayings, discussion of “Tales of Travel”, selection of costume, drawings, attributes, learning roles for performances, selection of musical and multimedia accompaniment. Working with such material should give them a feeling of joy and satisfaction and correspond to their aesthetic tastes and emotional needs.

Project structure and content:

The project is designed for primary school students. To organize an extracurricular event. The scope of the project is developed for the academic year in terms of extracurricular activities. United by a single semantic concept, preserving the interest of students in the plot-based game theme. The project structure includes two parts:

  • The semantic orientation of the project is recognized to help in solving the problems of the child’s spiritual and physical development, the formation of vital motor skills, introduction to a healthy lifestyle and, most importantly, interest in solving problems.
  • The main means of implementing the project involve the creative initiative of children, including a set of necessary knowledge and skills, physical exercises, tasks for individual and joint activities in the classroom and in the family, organized mainly in the plot of a fairy tale game.

Expected Result:

  • increasing motivation for a healthy lifestyle;
  • reduction of morbidity among children;
  • an idea of ​​the diverse world of movements;
  • systematic and regular physical exercise;
  • interest in gaming activities;
  • correction of psychophysiological resistance to stress factors;
  • increase in physical fitness and improvement in physical performance.

The experience of our work has shown that the use of this method of psychological correction causes in children a wide range of positive emotions from a calmly satisfied state to a state of emotional inspiration. During the game, children develop concepts about the norms of social behavior, and also develop certain cultural skills. However, the game is beneficial only when the teacher has a good command of the pedagogical tasks that are solved during the game. Thanks to outdoor games, children can achieve the desired results in training and competitions, because they develop not only moral and psychological qualities, but also physical ones. Outdoor games (tag, blind man's buff, etc.) are of particular importance in correcting the child's emotional-volitional sphere. These games provide emotional release, relieve inhibition associated with fear, promote flexibility of behavior and the assimilation of group norms, develop coordination of movements, the use of any correctional and developmental techniques, respiratory relaxation techniques, visualization techniques, elements of fairy tale therapy, leads to the unification of all subjects of the educational process (teachers, parents, psychologists, children).

In the development of the project, along with pedagogical guidelines for the teacher (pedagogical tasks, means of physical education), guidelines for schoolchildren are also introduced - game titles, names of fairy tale characters and their roles, goals, homework, involving the participation of the whole family in their implementation.

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