Biological game Extracurricular biology activity for 6th grade students. - presentation




Prepared by: Kuleva Nadezhda Borisovna

KSU "Novopokrovskaya Secondary School"»


formation of a holistic perception of nature, awareness of the need for a sensitive, careful attitude towards nature.


to awaken in students interest and love for the surrounding nature, to teach communication with it; develop systems thinking and observation skills; contribute to the deepening of students’ knowledge of biology and ecology, to cultivate a humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsible attitude towards all living things.

Progress of the game:

Host: Good afternoon, guys! Today our event is held for those who want to learn more about what surrounds us. After all, amazing things are nearby, you just have to look around!

Everyone, everyone in the world, in the world is needed!

And midges are no less necessary than elephants.

You can't do without ridiculous monsters

And even without predators, evil and ferocious.

We need everything in the world, we need everything:

Who makes honey and who makes poison.

Let's plunge into the world of amazing, wonderful, diverse animals and plants. You will all be able to take part in our competitions and show your knowledge, and two beautiful goddesses Flora and Fauna, mistresses of the kingdoms of Plants and Animals, will help us in this today.

Let's listen to a short story about them. Fairy tale.

Once upon a time there lived two beautiful girls, Flora and Fauna. They were sisters, but did not love each other. Each of them considered herself the most beautiful. And no one wanted to give in. One day, the Wind flew by and involuntarily heard their argument. - I am the most beautiful and necessary on earth! - said Flora. - No, I am the most beautiful and necessary on the planet! - Fauna exclaimed. I decorate the world of fabulous beauty with flowers, herbs, trees, and this makes the Earth extraordinary! - said Flora. “You’re right,” answered Fauna, “but what would your flowers, herbs and trees do without my butterflies, bees, birds and animals?” Who would pollinate them and save them from pests?! - What would your animals and insects eat if it weren’t for me?!

But Flora did not have time to answer anything, because the Wind flew up and said: “Dear beauties!” I accidentally overheard your conversation and I want to admit that you are both right! If there were no flowers, fields, meadows and forests on earth, everything would be mired in pitch gray, and Melancholy would reign all around! But there would be no life in such a world... Only the fluttering of butterflies and moths, the singing of birds, the voices of animals fill this world with life! But this is not real life yet! Life cannot continue without the Sun, Wind, Rain and much more! Our planet needs us all! So, no need to quarrel! Since then, Flora and Fauna have always been together, helping each other to make our planet the most beautiful.

And today they will help hold our competitions.

And our 1st competition is “Warm-up”.

We raise our hands and answer questions, and the most active ones will participate in our next competition.

1. What feeds the wolf? (legs) 2. Which animal can breathe in three ways: lungs, skin, mouth? (frog) 3. The name of which bird in the ancient Russian account corresponded to 10 million? (raven) 4. Which animal is the largest predator on land? (polar bear) 5. Can a polar bear eat a penguin? (no, they do not occur in nature) 6. What should you not feed the nightingale? (fables) 7. What animals are used to treat high blood pressure, eye diseases, and blocked veins? (leeches) 8. In what habitat do the fastest animals live? Name them. (Ground-air: swift, falcon, cheetah) 9. This bird is a real acrobat, only it can run up and down a tree trunk. Who is this? (nuthatch) 10. Is this bird not like the others - its beak is crisscrossed, and it can hatch chicks even in winter? (crossbill. Because even in winter it can feed the chicks with pine and spruce seeds) 11. Which insect can be called a “heavyweight” (ant) 12. There is such an expression - “ant cows”. Who is this and why do they call it that? (aphids. Ants feed on the sweet secretions of aphids and “graze” these insects, protecting them from enemies.) 13. Your age can always be found out by your birth certificate or passport. What serves as a “passport” for fish? (scales. By counting the number of rings on it, you can determine the age of the fish.) 14. Who “sees” with their ears? (Bat)

Competition 2.
“The most attentive”.
Two participants are invited from the hall.


: A very important quality when studying nature is observation.
Now we have to find out who is the most attentive and observant. Various animals will be shown on the screen for a few seconds. Your task is to have time to recognize, remember, and then name as many of them as possible, as well as notice a common feature that is characteristic of all. The screen shows 8 slides depicting various animals, each slide lasting 3-5 seconds.
(Slides: dolphin, penguin, coyote, frog, heron, crocodile, polar bear, swimming beetle. Characteristic feature: predation)

Competition 3 “In the animal world”.

3 participants are invited from the hall. Each participant must come up with as many animal names starting with the letter “K” in one minute. The guys take turns naming the animals. If the words run out, the student drops out. The one with the most words wins.

And while they are preparing, we will learn a little interesting about animals.

When workers at the British Museum saw the first platypus, they didn't believe it was a real animal and tried to tear off its beak.

The ostrich has a small brain (relative to its body size), making it one of the dumbest birds. The sooty tern can remain aloft for 10 years. She eats, drinks and sleeps during the flight, and lands only to breed and raise her offspring. The albatross can soar for 6 days without a single flap of its wings, choosing the necessary air currents.

The thickness of hippopotamus skin is 3.5 centimeters - it is practically bulletproof! Ancient explorers thought that the giraffe was a hybrid of a camel and a leopard, so they called it the “camel-leopard”! A vulture throws stones at ostrich eggs, breaks them, and then eats them. Flounder are born similar to ordinary fish with eyes on both sides of the body. As soon as she grows, one eye moves towards the other, so both eyes end up on the same side! The fish becomes wider and flatter. She sinks to the bottom of the sea, where she spends the rest of her life. The tuna never stops. This fish swims throughout its entire life - which is over 15 years - covering a distance of approximately 1.6 million kilometers. What was found inside the stomachs of sharks - a horse's head, a porcupine, parts from bicycles and cars, paint brushes, a sheep, a chicken cage and even the remains of a French soldier in uniform!

If a crow sees its reflection in a window, it attacks it (even if it hurts to hit the glass) because it thinks it is its rival. Bird brain...

Competition 4. Clever hunter.


Every hunter needs knowledge of habits, strength, dexterity, and fearlessness. Man used various devices to catch animals. We also can’t do without gear. Tell us who and how you can catch using a garden watering can. Discussion of the question is 1 minute, then answers are accepted.

(This animal is an earthworm. If you water the soil in the garden well, the worms will crawl to the surface, since they breathe atmospheric air.)

If there is no correct answer, the bravest person is asked to take the animal out of the box without looking.

Now let’s give the floor to Flora and talk about plants.

Physics lesson “Trees, shrubs, herbs.”

Flora: Guys,

You’re probably already tired of sitting still, so let’s warm up a little.

will name the names of different plants.
When I name a tree, you stretch your arms up to show which trees are tall, shrubs - spread your arms to the sides (bushes are wide), grass - we stomp your feet (grasses are short). If we are not talking about plants, then you should not perform any actions. (Bellbell, sea buckthorn, aspen, poplar, raspberry, timothy, cedar, aster, aspen, linden, oak, cucumber, currant, snowdrop, mosquito, birch).

Competition 5. “Guess the riddle”

Flora: I can’t believe that you know plants well. Try to guess my riddles.

Although I am called sugar, But I did not get wet from the rain, Large, round, sweet in taste, Did you know who I am?... (Beets)

Balls hang on the branches, Turned blue from the heat. (Plum)

I am long and green, I am delicious when salted, Tasty and raw. Who am I? (Cucumber)

There is a fruit in the little garden, It’s as sweet as honey, It’s as rosy as a roll, But it’s not round like a ball, It’s stretched out a little right under the leg.


Before we ate it, we all had time to cry. (Onion)

Round, ruddy, I grow on a branch. Adults and little children love me. (Apple)

How riddles grew in our garden bed, juicy and large, so round. They turn green in summer, and turn red in autumn. (Tomatoes)

Even though he hasn’t seen ink, he suddenly turned purple, and is shiny from praise. Very important... (Eggplant)

It comes in different colors, children – yellow, grassy and red. Either he is hot, or he is sweet, You need to know his habits. And in the kitchen - the head of spices! Did you guess it? This is... (Pepper)

Round and smooth, take a bite and it’s sweet. Settled firmly in the garden bed... (Turnip)

Well done, I shouldn’t have doubted you. Now try to guess the houseplants. Competition 6
“Collect a houseplant.”
Since ancient times, people have decorated their homes and clothes with flowers, and given them as gifts. The history of their origin goes far back and begins, as archaeological excavations testify, 3000 years ago in Ancient Egypt.

Guys, here are fragments of a houseplant. You must collect and say its name.

geranium cactus violet ficus begonia

Competition 7. “Guessing game.”

Now we invite the most artistic guys. You are given the task of portraying some kind of animal in a certain, perhaps humorous, situation. And the job of the audience will be to guess this animal and what happened to it.

Tasks: 1. “The Oversleeping Rooster.”

2. "Dancing Bear."

3. “The elephant who saw the mouse.”

In the meantime, the guys are getting ready, we'll play.

Think about it.

  1. When is the sparrow's temperature lower: in summer or winter? Same
  2. Which giraffe legs are longer: front or back? The same
  3. Does a tree grow in winter? No
  4. A white dog runs after a gray hare, who sweats more? Nobody, they don't have sweat glands
  5. What does a toad eat in winter? It's okay, she sleeps in winter.
  6. What animals are called connecting rods? Bears driven out of their den and not sleeping in winter.
  7. How many legs does a spider have? Eight
  8. What is the heron's back and the hare's front? LetterTs.

Competition 8. “Game of hide and seek.”

Did you know that animals, birds, fish and even insects write poetry? Only you won’t find signatures under the poems. These poets are modest. They hide their name inside the lines, between the words. Help me find out who wrote each of these lines.

  1. There was a grobehind

    didn’t open my eyes for a whole hour out of fear.

  2. Quiet the kamaw

    , everyone is sleeping, no one is moving.

  3. I knowcoma r

    I fish my shadow, I dance over the surface of the rivers.

  4. Youjuice l

    The swift flies, but you can’t compare it with me.

  5. I go into all the bays andpike

    some profit.

  6. It's dreamy insidespider

    out of sight, I slept peacefully for an hour.

  7. I got sneaky withyou're crazy

    You know, diving and swimming is bad?

  8. The watermelon floated down the Volga, I halffor sure

    followed them.

  9. Traces ofstra u s

    My palm trees, the bark is burnt... It's a sad fact.

  10. Dawn in the distancetsa - beach

    sound of light: a thunderstorm is making noise, probably somewhere.

This is where our game comes to an end. We are glad that you all turned out to be true experts and lovers of nature. See you again!

Extracurricular activity in biology, grade 7, lesson plan in biology (grade 7) on the topic

Extracurricular activity in biology 7th grade

"Biological hockey"

Chemistry and biology teacher, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1”, Abakan

Fayzulina Anastasia Andreevna

Goal: to develop students’ cognitive interest in biology.


  1. Develop students' cognitive activity.
  2. Develop students' creative thinking.
  3. Develop a caring attitude towards the environment.
  4. To foster team spirit and a strong-willed desire to win, increase students’ self-esteem, and unite the team.
  5. Reinforce the material covered in botany and zoology.

Lesson motto: “what we know is limited, what we don’t know is infinite” (P.-S. Laplace)

The format is a competition game (the event is accompanied by multimedia), designed for approximately 45-50 minutes per lesson.

Methodological commentary. Extracurricular work in a subject is defined as activities that are performed outside of class time, are optional for students and are based on their interest in the subject being studied.

When determining the content of extracurricular activities, the teacher proceeds from such principles as connection with life, connection with program material in the subject, correspondence of the content of extracurricular activities to the age of the students, the characteristics of their mental development and interests.

The content of this event is the development, deepening of the material that is studied in the lesson of grades 6-7 (variety of flowers, animals and birds). In addition, this event helps students relax from hard work in the classroom. Will give students the opportunity to expand and consolidate environmental knowledge and realize the possibility of applying it in practice; formation in schoolchildren of beliefs and skills, moral principles and an active life position in the field of environmental protection towards the diversity of the animal and plant world. One of the main directions of health conservation at this event is the creation of a healthy psychological climate at the event and increasing interest in the subject. In this regard, the lesson alternates several types of activities; methods are used that promote the activation of initiative and creative self-expression of the students themselves. At this event, great importance was also paid to the emotional climate in the lesson: “good laughter gives health”, the importance of the lesson, emotional motivation at the beginning of the lesson, creating a situation of success.

2 teams take part in the game

The hall where the game takes place is decorated with biological exhibits; quiz newspapers and why newspapers prepared by students in advance hang on the walls.

There is a poster hanging on the wall:

“I, my friends, write about nature, but I myself think only about people. We are the masters of nature, and for us it is a storehouse of the sun with the treasures of life. For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest, steppe, mountains. But a person needs a homeland, and protecting nature means protecting the homeland.”

M. Prishvin

Progress of the event.

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear children, everyone has heard about such a wonderful collective and active game as hockey (children's statements). Today we will try to play this wonderful game, only we will have it with a slightly different twist, and we will call it “biological hockey” (slide 1). Well, just like in a real game, we will have two teams competing. Team "Flora" and Team "Fauna". Each team has 6 “hockey players”: 1 goalkeeper, 2 defenders, 3 forwards. The goalkeeper is the captain of the team.

Children determine roles on their team in advance. Each team member has a “goalkeeper”, “defender”, etc. sign on his chest.

Teacher: Guys, how does a hockey game play out (children speak out). Our game will take place in three periods with short breaks. I will act as the main judge, and I need two more assistants (selected from those children who are not involved in the teams). So, dear guys, the conditions of the game will be simple: if the team answers the questions of each period correctly, then they will count a goal. If a player who behaves incorrectly on the field argues with the referee and players, etc. removed for a period of 2-5 minutes. The team that scores the most goals in all three periods of the game will win. Well, are the guys ready!? Then let's go!!!

First period. Warm-up “Amazing Animals” (slide 2)

Teacher: In turn, each team will be asked five questions, if the team answers the question correctly, the goal will be defended, if the team does not answer, then the opposing team can answer the opponent’s question and thereby earn an additional goal.

  1. Which bird is named after the dance? (tap dance) (slide 3)
  2. Which whale dives the deepest? (sperm whale, dives to a depth of 2200 m, can remain under water for almost 2 hours) (slide 4)
  3. What fish bears the name of a person (carp) (slide 5)
  4. Thanks to which the fly crawls along the ceiling and window (there are suction cups on its legs)
  5. Only this large representative of the feline, in a good mood, can purr like an ordinary domestic cat (cheetah) (slide 6)
  6. Often in cold weather you can see that the bird gets ruffled and becomes fluffy. What is the significance of this phenomenon (heat is retained in fluffed feathers)
  7. What kind of bird can fall asleep for a few minutes during a flight?

(stork) (slide 7)

  1. What fish has the same name as an athlete? (Jumper - mud jumper) (slide 8)
  2. New Guinea Papuans worship these animals. They are raised as family members, addressed by name, put to sleep with them, stroked, caressed and cried when the animal is sick, fed with the best dishes from their table. (pigs) (slide 9)
  3. About these animals in the sacred book of the Persians “Zenu-Avesta” it is written “In them is our strength, in them is our need, in them is our food, in them is our clothing, in them is our victory” (cows) (slide 10)

The teacher blows the whistle.

Teacher: The first period ended with the score……All great well done. I announce a short break between the first and second periods. I ask everyone to stand up, including you fans too. Hockey is a very dynamic game, so we definitely need training.

And we have a physical education session. We bent over, come on, come on! They straightened up, stretched, and now they bent back.

(bending forward and backward)

My head is tired too. So let's help her! Right and left, one and two. Think, think, head.

(head rotation).

Although the exercise is short, we rested a little.

Have you rested!? Then I announce the second period, which is called “Flower - Seven Flowers”. Let's talk about beautiful flowers.


In the world of flowers it is so warm and cool. A whole bouquet of aromas and sounds... Each flower is elegant in its own way... In the form of exquisite festive cups.

I would like to stay in the world of flowers, To become the heroine of stories and fairy tales, To admire the beauty every day, To merge with the harmony of light and colors.

Here is a flower of seven petals of different colors. (Slide 11) For each color of the petal, a flower is encrypted. The slide will show you tasks in the form of a rebus riddle, pictures about a certain flower. Whoever guesses first what flower we are talking about wins a goal (point).

Slide Name Mystery Legend (additionally read if teams cannot guess which flower is being discussed)
12-13 cornflower He grows on a thin leg, In blue cotton clothes, You will always find him, Where the rye is ripening in the field. The Latin name of this plant is associated with the centaur Chiron - an ancient Greek mythological hero - half horse and half man. He had knowledge of the healing properties of many plants and with the help of this flower he was able to recover from the wound inflicted on him by the poisoned arrow of Hercules. The origin of the Russian name for this plant explains an ancient folk belief. A long time ago, a beautiful mermaid fell in love with a handsome young plowman. The young man reciprocated her feelings, but the lovers could not agree on where to live - on land or in water. The mermaid didn’t want to part with the guy, so she turned him into a wildflower, whose color resembled the cool blue of water. Since then, according to legend, every summer, when these flowers bloom, mermaids weave wreaths from them and decorate their heads with them.
14-15 Aster Beautiful flowers have bloomed in the garden, are full of colors, and autumn is just around the corner. At the beginning of the 17th century, a French botanist was sent seeds of an unknown plant from China. The seeds were sown in the Paris Botanical Garden, and the plant bloomed with a red radiant flower with a yellow center. It looked like a big daisy. The French really liked this flower and called it the Queen of Daisies. Botanists and gardeners began to develop more and more varieties of Queen daisies of all kinds of colors. And two years later, an unprecedented double flower bloomed. Seeing him, one of the botanists exclaimed: “Aster!”, which in Greek meant “star.”

Since then, this flower began to be called aster.

Slide Name Mystery Legend
16-17 Chamomile Yellow eyes with white eyelashes, for the joy of people, bees and birds. They decorate the earth with themselves, Sometimes they tell fortunes on their petals Butterflies love them, insects love These flowers are called... Many years ago, in a small village, there lived a sweet girl with blond hair and blue eyes. This girl had long been in love with a boy named Roman and her feelings were mutual. Every day they walked in the forest, picked mushrooms, berries, flowers and practically never separated.

One day, a young man had a dream in which a gray-haired old man gave him a flower unknown to him, with a bright yellow center bordered by many long thin petals. Waking up from sleep, the boy actually finds this strange flower near him. He immediately ran to his beloved and gave her a flower. She was delighted and immediately gave it a name - Chamomile, from the affectionate name of Roman.

But the girl felt sad because other lovers were deprived of the opportunity to admire such flowers and she asked Roman to go to the land of dreams and collect a bouquet of daisies. He set off, but it was not so easy to find this country. After spending several years wandering, Roman finally found this country. The ruler of the country, after listening to the story of the young man, agreed to give mortals a field of chamomile in exchange for the fact that the young man would forever remain in the land of dreams. The young man in love was ready to do anything for the sake of his beloved and agreed.

The girl waited day after day for the return of her beloved, and then one day she looked out the window and saw a whole field of daisies under the window and realized that her love was now with her. This is how the chamomile, a symbol of love, appeared on earth.

18-19 Lady's slipper This shoe cannot be put on your foot, This shoe is filled with nectar. I can only look at her. She was not included in the “Red Book” for nothing. One day the goddess Venus was hunting with her lover Adonis in the forest. Suddenly a thunderstorm came. The lovers hid in the cave, and Venus threw off their wet shoes at the entrance. A random traveler, also caught in a thunderstorm in the forest, also wanted to find refuge in a cave, but he saw wonderful shoes on the ground. As soon as he bent down to pick them up, the shoes turned into orchids. The traveler guessed that the gods were resting in the cave, and quickly got out, and the beautiful lady’s slipper orchid has been growing in the forest ever since.
Slide Name Mystery Legend
20-21 Chrysanthemum The mystery flower is a symbol of autumn, A shining star descends from the heavens... Autumn gives us “starry moments”, And outside the window there is a flower-like forest. One day, the dragon king decided to harm people by stealing the Sun.

The dragon flew to him and wanted to grab him, but burned his fingertips.

Then he became very angry and began to tear the Sun into pieces.

Torn pieces of the Sun fell to the ground and beautiful flowers grew in this place - chrysanthemums.

22-24 Cactus What kind of strange ball is growing on the window in needles? It turns green and blooms, And it doesn’t look like a Christmas tree. A rose, tender and defenseless, once had a birthday. All the flowers prepared their gifts for her - petals with drops of dew. And only Cactus did not know what to do. “Rose is so beautiful! - he thought. “And I’m so clumsy, ugly with my thorns... no, it’s not her birthday for me...”

And Rose, it turns out, was sensitive and attentive, she seemed to guess Cactus’s sad thoughts and asked her friend Butterfly to tell him to be sure to come: after all, there is no gift more valuable than friendship. How happy Cactus was at the invitation!

“I’ll definitely come,” he said to the Butterfly. And then Rose's birthday came. Accepting gifts from guests, she smiled at everyone tenderly and a little sadly. Cactus was the last to approach Rose.

“I wish you all the very best,” he said. “But you’re so defenseless, you’re so easy to offend, and that’s why your smile is always a little sad.” I’ve been thinking for a long time about what to give you... Here, take this... - and Cactus handed Rose a prickly fur coat. “Thank you, dear friend,” Rose answered, “I really missed this fur coat.” But you are too modest - after all, it’s your birthday too. I haven't forgotten about it. Accept a gift from me too,” Rose handed him a fragrant white bud. Since then, Rose has worn a prickly fur coat, and Cactus blooms on her birthday.

Slide Name Mystery Legend
25-26 Iris There are some sweets

And there is such a flower,

And the threads from which

You will wind up a ball.

When the titan Prometheus stole the heavenly fire on Olympus and gave it to people, a wondrous seven-colored rainbow flashed on earth - so great was the joy of all living things in the world. The sunset had already faded, and the day had faded, and the sun had gone, but the rainbow still shone over the world, giving people hope. It did not go out until dawn, and when in the morning the sun returned to its place again, where the magical rainbow burned and shimmered with colors, irises bloomed...

The ancient Greeks gave the flower its name after the goddess of the rainbow, Iris. The rainbow crumbled into small fragments - and the irises bloomed.

The whistle sounds.

Teacher: The second period is over with the score ....., I announce a break. Let's play annoying fly. Look at your face from the side, Now at the part on which the fly landed, or rather on the chin, Drive away the fly with your facial muscles. It flew to another place - on the cheek, Drive away the fly again. The fly flew to the forehead. Drive the fly off your forehead.

The last period is called “find the animal”

Teacher: Each team is given a piece of paper with tasks, in which there are 5 sentences where the names of the animals are hidden.

Let's look at one example together: (slide 29)

There is peace among the bushes, it’s good to wander here alone

This sentence contains the name of the animal, find it...

Answer: There is peace among the bushes; it’s good to wander here alone.

Now I'm handing out assignment sheets to you. I give you exactly three minutes, during which time you underline in each sentence the encrypted names of the animals you found.

Leaflets with tasks for each team (slide 30)

  1. I go into all the bays, looking for some profit
  2. I found someone's helmet. Hooray! I'm not afraid of the heat now!
  3. Few will find my trace: I am here, but it seems that I am not
  4. It's easy to breathe, the sunset is glowing, the cool evening is coming.
  5. Thunder rumbled, the whole forest shook, but I walked out of spite.

Well, while our teams are working, I suggest playing with the audience

Quiz for viewers “such wonderful birds..”

  • Which birds fly to us from the south first? (Rooks)
  • Where do starlings nest, other than birdhouses? (In the hollows)
  • Where do the shells of broken eggs go from birdhouses? (Birds carry them out in their beaks)
  • What do our swallows make their nests from? (From dirt and saliva)
  • What birds do not land on the ground, on water, or on branches? (Swifts)
  • What bird does not build nests and hatch chicks? (Cuckoo)
  • What birds spend the night buried in the snow? (Grouse, partridge, hazel grouse)
  • Why shouldn't you touch eggs in nests? (Birds abandon nest)
  • When is a sparrow's body temperature lower in winter or summer? (Same)

The teams' answers are checked on the slide. Goals are counted (points for the third period of the competition and for all three together). The winner is revealed. Teams are awarded for participation and as a winner.

Teacher: Well, dear guys, our “biological hockey” game has ended and at the end of our event, I would like to know with what mood you will leave. Each team has flowers of three different colors on their tables, I suggest we all put together a bouquet of moods on the board. Each of you will choose a flower of your own color and place it on the board.

A red flower means I liked the event, I’m in a good mood, and I learned a lot of interesting things.

A yellow flower means – I liked the event, my mood did not change, I did not learn anything particularly new for myself

A blue flower means I didn’t like the event, I was bored, I didn’t learn anything new.

Teacher: And I would like to end our event with these words:

Like an apple on a platter, We have only one Earth. Take your time, people, Scrape everything down to the bottom. It’s no wonder to get to the hidden hiding places, To plunder all the wealth of future centuries. We are a common life of grain, We are relatives of the same fate, We feast shamefully At the expense of the next day.

Good luck to everyone, take care of yourself and most importantly your health!!!!


  1. Alekseev V.A. 300 questions and answers about animals. Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 1997
  2. Plavilshchikov N.I. Life of Labor. M.: Education, 1997.
  3. Terentyev V.P., Chernov S.A., Brief key to reptiles and amphibians. M.: Education, 1997.
  4. Encyclopedia for children: Biology. M.: Avanta +, 1994.

Biological game Extracurricular biology activity for 6th grade students. - presentation

Biological game Extracurricular activity in biology for 6th grade students

I round

Category 1: What organs are eaten: Category 2: What is the name of the fruit: Category 3: What is the inflorescence called: 10 b 20 b 30 b 10 b 30 b 20 b 10 b 20 b 30 b

Root vegetable Beet category 1: Which organs are eaten: 10 b

Category 1: Which organs are eaten: 20 b pea seeds

Category 1: Which organs are eaten: 30 b cabbage buds

Category 2: What is the name of the fruit: corn has 10 b

Category 2: What is the name of the fruit: bean 20 b

Category 2: What is the name of the fruit: capsule Poppy has 30 b

Category 3: What is the name of the inflorescence: sunflower Basket 10 b

White cabbage category 3: What is the name of the inflorescence: Cluster 20 b

Category 3: What is the name of the inflorescence: Onion Umbrella 30 b

20 b 10 b 30 b 20 b 10 b 30 b 20 b 10 b 1st category Guess the plant by the fruit 2nd category Aliens - guests. Category 3 Spicy aromas.

Category 1: Guess the plant by its fruit. This is the favorite vegetable product of our population. Its nutritional value is low, but its taste is excellent. They are due to the high content of mineral salts, trace elements, pectin substances, organic acids and essential oils that stimulate appetite. And fresh juice squeezed from its fruits is a good remedy for gastrointestinal colic. Fresh juice mixed with honey is a good cough remedy. It is eaten fresh, salted, and pickled. They are stuffed fresh, made into salads, and eaten simply with salt and bread. Salted, they are good for solyankas, pickles, cold borscht, beetroot soups, and sauces. cucumber 10 b

Category 1: Guess the plant by its fruit 20 b Large berry, round, pear-shaped or cylindrical; the surface of the fruit is matte or glossy. Reaches a length of 70 cm, a diameter of 20 cm; weighs 0.41 kg. The color of ripe fruits ranges from gray-green to brownish-yellow. When fully ripe, they become rough and tasteless, so they are used for food slightly unripe. These fruits are actively used in cooking in many countries around the world. They are boiled, fried, baked, stewed, grilled, marinated, used to make salads and caviar, and also eaten raw. Overripe fruits are not recommended for consumption as they contain a lot of solanine. eggplant

Category 1: Guess the plant by its fruit 30 b In our country, the fruits of this plant are served for dessert, the British eat it during breakfast, in the USA they often start lunch with it, and in the Middle East they are served with meat and fish. The Arabs claim that this fruit is the fruit of the Gardens of Eden and that one of the inhabitants of Paradise brought it to Earth, thereby committing a terrible crime before God. The cracks on the surface of the fruit are considered sacred writings inscribed by Allah himself. Therefore, this fruit is considered a gift from heaven. What kind of fruit is this? Melon

Category 2 aliens - guests. The homeland of this plant is South America. In Europe they learned about it in the 16th century. For a long time, it was considered a sin to grow “damn apples,” as they were then dubbed. The most they agreed to was to plant flower beds with flowers of this plant around the palaces. Later it began to be used as food, but for many years it was a delicacy, and was eaten only in rich houses. Now we can't imagine lunch without it. What plant are we talking about? potatoes 10 b

Category 2 aliens - guests. The Aztec Indians called this plant “tumalantla,” which means “large berry.” From overseas, this plant was brought to Italy, where it was dubbed the “golden apple,” and in France it was called the “apple of love.” At first, people were afraid to eat the fruits of this plant and considered them poisonous. Even the great naturalist Carl Linnaeus gave the plant the Latin name “solyanum lycopersicum” - wolf peach. What are we used to calling this plant? 20 b

Category 2 aliens - guests. The homeland of this plant is the Kalahari Desert, where it is still found in the wild. It became famous for giving its juice to everyone who was thirsty in the desert. This plant was brought to Russia as an overseas delicacy. The fruits of this plant were not eaten raw, but the slices were soaked for a long time and cooked with pepper and hot spices. Only in the 19th century did it finally take root in the Lower Volga region and Ukraine. The Russian name translated from Iranian means “huge cucumber”. What is it called? 30 b

Category 3 Spicy aromas. This plant was dedicated to the God of science and art, Apollo. It was awarded to artists, performers and scientists in recognition of their creative achievements. These were the best of the best: winners in sports, heroes who distinguished themselves in battle, and beloved poets. It was a symbol of victory and protection. This is where the word “laureate” comes from. Today every housewife has this plant in her kitchen. What is this? Noble laurel 10 b

Category 3 Spicy aromas. Queen of France Marie de' Medici used this plant for her frequent depressions and loss of strength. In the old days, it was believed that it helps with many diseases and drives out evil spirits from the house. And one twig brought into the house will ensure longevity and prosperity for the family. This is an amazing plant. The leaves contain many vitamins and chlorophyll. And in the roots there is carotene. It rightfully occupies a leading place among spicy vegetables; it can be added to almost all dishes, except sweet ones. The leaves are used fresh, dried and dried. The root is consumed raw and dried, the seeds are whole or crushed. Delicious curly herb perfectly helps cleanse the body parsley 20 b

Category 3 Spicy aromas. In ancient times it was considered one of the best ornamental plants. The branches of this plant, with its beautiful, finely dissected leaves, served as decoration in flower bouquets. Today, not a single picnic is complete without it. It is needed in salads, sprinkled on young boiled potatoes, and added to soups and main courses. Pickling cucumbers is unthinkable without it. And the seeds are included in many medicinal preparations. dill 30 b

1st category Rosaceae family 2nd category Solanaceae family 3rd category Cruciferous family 10 b 20 b 30 b

1 category Rosaceae I was small green, Then I became scarlet, I turned black in the sun, And now I am ripe. cherry

Category 1 Rosaceae There was a green dress - satin, No, I didn’t like it, I chose red, But I also got tired of this Dress I put on in blue. plum

Category 1 Rosaceae Red beads hang, They look at us from the bushes. Children, bees and bears love these beads very much. raspberries

Category 2 Solanaceae How mysteries grew in our garden bed Juicy and large, So round. Tomatoes turn green in summer, turn red by autumn 10 b

Category 2 Solanaceae In the garden in front of us The bush is strewn with caps, Each one hides a flame, And whoever eats it will cry. pepper 20 b

Category 2 Solanaceae The bird built a nest underground and brought eggs. potatoes 30 b

Category 3 Cruciferous turnips Round, not the moon, Yellow, not butter, With a tail, not a mouse. 10 b

Category 3 Cruciferous He was a child - He didn’t know diapers, He became an old man - He had a hundred diapers on him. 20 b cabbage

Category 3 Cruciferous radishes Red on the outside, white on the inside, On the head there is a tuft of green forest. 30 b

Some researchers consider Peru, where it was the emblem of the sun god, to be the birthplace of the plant, while others consider Mexico: it is reliably known that the indigenous population ate its seeds and used them as medicine, even producing dyes from it. (50 b) In Europe, at first they decorated flower beds with its flowers, then they began to grow it in front gardens and vegetable gardens - because of the seeds, which were not only eaten, but also used to fatten birds. The British ate young inflorescences with vinegar and oil, coffee was made from roasted seeds in Germany, and flour was made from the roasted seeds in Portugal. (40 b)

Bees collect nectar and cross-pollinate its flowers, which increases the yield and quality of seeds. Honey collected from its flowers has a golden color with a tart resinous taste, a faint aroma reminiscent of the aroma of flowers, and quickly crystallizes into a light amber mass. (30 b) Everyone loves the fruits of this plant: from young to old and consider them a delicacy. (20 b) The Flemish botanist Lobelius gave this plant the Latin name “hellianthus” - “flower of the sun”. (10 b) sunflower

This plant is from the most ancient cultures. Its fruits can be stored until spring at room temperature (50 b). Porridges, casseroles, stews, pancakes and even cakes are prepared from its fruits. (40 b) And the seeds, a real delicacy for many people, have an anthelmintic effect. (30 b) You can make dishes from the fruits of this plant: plates, bowls, jugs and salad bowls. (20 b) It is also associated with one of the most popular children's holidays in the USA - Halloween. (10 b) pumpkin

One of the oldest cultures of the New World, it was known to mankind 12 thousand years ago. It can be called the basis for the development of the most ancient civilizations of America - the Olmecs, Mayans and Aztecs. (50 b) Today, many national cuisines cannot do without it: Italian polenta, Romanian hominy, Georgian mchadi, famous American bourbon and others. (40 b)

Flour, cereals, butter, vitamin E, glutamic acid, starch, dextrin, molasses, glucose, syrup, alcohol, beer and other products are obtained from it. (30 b) The Indians cultivated it from time immemorial, deified and worshiped it, and called it maize. (20 b) For children, it is a real delicacy. It is used to make delicious sticks, cereals and popcorn. (10 b) corn

Literature and Internet resources used: Plants are migrants. Set of postcards. “Fine arts” Moscow (peas, melon, cabbage) (beets) (corn) shtml (beans) shtml (poppy) (sunflower) html (flowering cabbage) html G.html (onion inflorescence) G.html (cucumbers) htm ( potato) htm (potato) (tomato) html (watermelon)

htm (parsley) (dill) (cherry) spicy) (turnip) (radish) (pumpkin) html nsf/publicall/DFF7DED344AB2E61C325744E0082CFA html htm (animation) htm backgrounds)

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