Extracurricular event “Your decoration is hair” for girls in grades 4-5 with presentation

Extracurricular event “Your decoration is hair” for girls in grades 4-5 with presentation

Summary of the extracurricular activity “Your decoration is hair” for girls in grades 4-5

Extracurricular activity with presentation on hair care

Author: Tatyana Aleksandrovna Tolstikova, teacher at State Budgetary Educational Institution NJSC "NSHI", Naryan-Mar Description: I bring to your attention a summary of an extracurricular event for students in grades 4-5 about hair care. The event introduces the structure of hair, its characteristics, the history of hairstyles, and the rule for choosing a hairstyle depending on hair type. The material may be of interest to primary and secondary school teachers, parents and girls who care about their hair. Goal: to develop students' knowledge, initial skills and abilities in hair care Objectives: to familiarize students with the structure of hair, the history of hairstyles, to teach how to determine hair type, face type, to introduce the rules of hair care, choosing a hairstyle taking into account the shape of the face, to cultivate the need in proper hair care, develop children's taste, creativity, and develop communication skills. Equipment: TV, laptop, film “Morozko”, kettle with hot water, herbs (St. John’s wort, chamomile, nettle), products: vegetable oil, walnuts, fish (mackerel), cod liver, milk, cheese, egg, buckwheat, cocoa , avocados, bananas, carrots, seafood, onions, tomatoes, cabbage, orange, kiwi; exhibition of books on hair care, photographs of children, hairstyle templates. Design: Heading “Your decoration is your hair” Photos of visiting a beauty salon and perfume store Statement “The beauty of the mountains is the stones, the beauty of the head is the hair” Preliminary work: Visiting the perfume store, Visiting the hairdressing salon, Photographing children
Progress of the event:
Teacher: Good evening! Today we met for a conversation that is very important for every girl, which I want to start by looking at a short story from the fairy tale “Morozko”.

( Viewing a story where Marfusha sits disheveled
Teacher: Girls, what impression did you get when watching this story? Did you like the heroine? Why didn't you like it? (Children's answers) Teacher: Yes, girls, it’s unpleasant for anyone to communicate with a disheveled girl. It’s not for nothing that in the east they say “The beauty of the mountains is the stones, the beauty of the head is the hair.” You probably already guessed what our lesson will be devoted to? What would you like to know today? (Children's answers). Teacher: Today we will try to learn the secrets of beautiful hair and how to make it become our decoration. Hair is the horny formation of the skin that makes up our scalp. Why do you think a person needs hair? (Children's answers) Hair protects the scalp from heat and cold, from various damage, and regulates our body temperature. Hair serves as our decoration. You can determine a person’s character by their hair: an obedient person has obedient hair, straight hair for straight and determined people, large (wide) rings speak of a broad soul, and emotional, hot-tempered people have hair that curls on its own. Let's see how our hair works.

Hair is divided into a shaft and a root. What we see on our head is the shaft, and the root is in the skin. The hair shaft consists of 3 layers. The top layer is called the cuticle, which consists of scales. In healthy hair, the scales fit tightly to each other, close the pores of the hair and protect it from dirt and dust. This hair looks smooth and shiny. Behind the cuticle there is a cortical layer - the cortex, in which there are air bubbles and grains of dye (pigment). Hair color depends on them. The thicker this cortical layer, the stronger the hair. In the center of the hair there is a core - medulla. Let's get acquainted with interesting facts from the life of hair: Student presentations: 1) Everyone has from 100 to 150 thousand hairs growing on their heads. 2) Hair lives on average from 2 to 4 years. Girls can live up to 10 years. 3) Every month, hair grows by 1–1.5 centimeters, per year – by 12–15 centimeters, and it grows faster in the summer and during the day. 4) Every person loses from 20 to 60 hairs every day, but new ones grow in their place. 5) The appearance of hair depends on: the state of a person’s health, the presence of bad habits, daily care, nutrition, and even mood changes. Teacher: You heard that the appearance of hair depends on daily care. Guys, we went to the hairdresser, where they told you about hair care. What rules of daily hair care have you remembered? (Children's answers)

Let's repeat them again: 1. you need to comb your hair twice a day. Long - starting from the ends, short - from the roots; 2. It is recommended to wash your hair with moderately hot water as it gets dirty; 3. When washing, you need to soap your hair twice, and finally rinse your hair thoroughly; 4. Dry your hair in the open air, combing it with a plastic comb while it is slightly damp. When you quickly dry your hair with a hairdryer, it is easy to overdry it, which makes your hair brittle; 5. It is recommended to use masks, balms or hair rinses. They nourish and heal hair. Practical work. Teacher: You can prepare the mouthwash yourself using folk recipes. Now we will prepare a rinse for strengthening, nourishing and treating hair from herbs. We will need dry herbs: nettle (to nourish hair); St. John's wort (for hair treatment); chamomile (to strengthen hair). The teacher invites one of the children to pour 1 tablespoon of each herb into a bowl and pour in 1 glass of hot water.
Let the infusion settle. Teacher: This rinse is used after washing your hair.
How to wash your hair correctly? Determine the correct sequence for washing your hair. ( Children are offered cards on which the stages of washing their hair are written. They must be laid out in the correct sequence
Cards: A) Wet the hair, then take a small amount of shampoo and gently rub it into the roots. B) Prepare a shampoo suitable for your hair type C) Rinse your hair until the water flowing from it becomes clear. D) Comb your hair thoroughly. D) Dry your hair with a towel. Dry your hair at room temperature, letting it loose. Answer: B, A, C, D, D Teacher: Guys, you need to start washing with the right selection of shampoo. We went to the store and noticed that there are shampoos for different hair types. There are several types of hair: normal, oily, dry, mixed (oily roots, dry ends). ( There are signs on the board with the names of hair types, children have cards with the signs of these types. A table is compiled

Dry hair: - does not become greasy for a long time; - hair roots are dry immediately after washing, on the 3-4th day - normal, by the end of the 7th day - oily; - ends are dry, split, brittle; - after drying with a hairdryer, the hair becomes brittle and brittle; — after washing your hair, there is a feeling of tightness on the scalp. Normal hair: - becomes oily in 2-3 days; — hair roots are normal immediately after washing, but by the end of the 3rd day they are oily; - ends are normal or dry, sometimes split; — after drying with a hairdryer, the hair becomes fluffy and pleasant to the touch; — after washing your hair, you sometimes experience a feeling of tightness on the scalp. Oily hair: - quickly becomes oily; — hair roots are normal immediately after washing, but by the end of the 1st day they are oily; - ends do not split; — after drying with a hairdryer, the condition of the hair does not change; — after washing your hair, there is never a feeling of tightness on the scalp. Mixed (oily roots, dry ends) hair: - becomes oily in 3-4 days; - hair roots are normal immediately after washing, but on the 2-3rd day they are oily; - dry, split ends; — after washing, a feeling of tightness on the scalp can occur extremely rarely. Teacher: Let's conclude, which hair should be washed more often? (Fat) Teacher: The beauty of hair also depends on nutrition. What should you eat to have healthy and beautiful hair? If your hair loses its shine or splits, you need B vitamins and vitamin F. Vitamin F is found in vegetable (unrefined) oil, walnuts, fatty sea fish (mackerel, salmon, herring), and cod liver. Vitamin B2 is found in dairy products, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, buckwheat, and cocoa. Also, a lack of these vitamins causes dandruff. To combat it, you also need products containing vitamin B6, B12 and selenium. B6 – meat, fish, avocado, legumes, bananas, carrots, B12 – liver, seafood, shrimp; selenium – onions and tomatoes. If your hair begins to fall out, this indicates a lack of not only B vitamins, but also vitamin C. It is advisable to eat vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C (cabbage, orange, kiwi, black currant) at least 5 times a day.

Products are laid out on the table. Children take turns going out and putting food into groups: C, B, F, selenium. Teacher: I hope that you will draw the right conclusions for yourself and try to consume these products. Teacher: Does the appearance of any girl depend only on the cleanliness and thickness of her hair? (Answers) A girl’s appearance also depends on the correctly chosen hairstyle. The history of hairstyles is very interesting. (Presentation “The History of Women’s Hairstyles”) Teacher: But not every hairstyle can suit each of you. You should choose your hairstyle in accordance with the shape of your face. There are the following face shapes: oval, round, square, rectangular, triangular. Determine in the photo what face shape you have.

(Determination of your face type using a stencil and your photograph). Now you will choose your hairstyle according to your face type. But first, listen to the recommendations. 1. Hairstyles of any length will suit an oval face and they will all look great. 2. For a round face, we can recommend high voluminous hairstyles and straight hairstyles, but the length of the haircut should be below the chin. 3. If you have a square face shape, you can wear side-swept bangs and parting, and move most of your hair to one side of your face. You can wear this hairstyle with long hair, which can be given more volume. But there is no need to cut your hair and comb it back. 4. Hairstyles with fluffy and long bangs will suit a triangular face. The hairstyle itself should be high. Hairstyles with a straight or side parting are also suitable. Not recommended: short bangs and combing hair back, short puffy haircuts. 5. For a rectangular face shape, you need to choose medium-length hairstyles, always with bangs. ( Practical work on choosing a hairstyle. Girls are given sheets of paper with photographs of their faces and models of hairstyles. They choose a hairstyle for themselves.)

Teacher: Guys, if we could find ourselves in the movie “Morozko” and meet Marfusha, what advice would you give her to make her look attractive? (Children's answers) Teacher: Well done! You can learn a lot more interesting things from the books that are on display at our exhibition. I can only wish you to patiently care for your hair so that it truly becomes your adornment.

Presentation on the topic: History of hairstyles

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2.1. General requirements for personal hygiene of employees of hospitality enterprises

Occupational hygiene is a branch of hygiene that studies the influence of labor processes and the surrounding production environment on the health of workers and develops hygienic standards and sanitary measures to ensure favorable and healthy working conditions, high performance, prevention of occupational diseases and other harmful consequences associated with human work.
A profession is a type of human activity that mainly ensures his existence and determines his position in society. Occupational hazards are factors in the labor process and production environment that can have a harmful effect on the health of workers. Existing occupational hazards can be divided into 3 groups.

1. Harm associated with improper organization of work: a) excessive stress on the nervous system; b) prolonged monotonous body position; c) excessive tension of the motor system and individual sense organs (vision, hearing); d) improper work schedule.

2. Hazards associated with the production process: a) physical factors (unfavorable microclimate, changes in atmospheric pressure, etc.); b) chemical and physical-chemical factors (gases, dust, vapors); c) biological factors (microorganisms, helminth eggs, etc.).

3. Harmfulness associated with the work environment itself. They are non-specific and can occur in any industry. This includes insufficient ventilation, lighting, area, cubic capacity, etc.

As a result of exposure to occupational hazards on the body of workers, occupational diseases can develop. This is the name given to diseases that are caused solely or predominantly by an occupational factor.

The implementation of these opportunities, in turn, poses new challenges for occupational health in terms of establishing favorable and safe working conditions in various sectors of industry and agriculture. This applies to the definition of psychophysiological criteria for mental and muscular work, the substantiation of maximum permissible concentrations of toxic substances, and safe parameters for exposure to various physical factors.5

One of the important personal hygiene requirements for hospitality workers is keeping the skin of the body and hands clean.

Human skin contains sweat and sebaceous glands. Under normal conditions, up to 1 liter is secreted through the sweat glands. sweat per day. At high air temperatures and heavy physical work, sweat production increases sharply and sometimes reaches 10 liters. The composition of sweat includes up to 2% dry matter, including organic substances (ammonia, urea, uric acid, etc.

), table salt, various acids. The sebaceous glands secrete about 20 g of fat per day. In addition, a significant amount of epithelium is exfoliated from the surface of the skin every day. Clean, healthy skin prevents microorganisms from entering the body. It has an acidic reaction (pH = 3.0-4.0), so many microbes quickly die on the surface of clean skin.

During human life, sebum, sweat residues, dead epithelium, and dust accumulate on the surface of his skin. All this pollutes the skin, interferes with normal gas exchange, the separation of sweat and sebum. As dirt decomposes, it causes itching, which leads to scratching. Scratching and burns, when infected, lead to the development of pustular diseases. Pustular skin diseases, especially on the hands, are often the cause of staphylococcal food poisoning.2

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Hospitality workers are required to keep their bodies clean. To do this, you need to wash with soap and a washcloth and change your underwear at least once a week. In production, before starting work, you should shower daily and put on clean sanitary clothing.

Hands require especially careful care, since all intestinal infections are mainly diseases of dirty hands. Hands should be washed before starting work, when moving from one operation to another, before and after visiting the toilet, after each break. Catering workers should wash their hands as well as The surgeon washes them with soap and a brush, warm water.

After washing, dry your hands with a clean towel. In certain workshops where microbial contamination of products poses the greatest sanitary hazard (cold, confectionery), it is recommended to use individual disposable napkins for wiping hands. The most hygienic and sanitary safe is an electric towel.

Keeping the subungual spaces clean is important. Nails must be cut short. Workers who come into contact with heat-treated products (cooks, pastry chefs in the finishing department, distributors, waiters) get a production manicure.

Excessive visual strain when working to distinguish small details, especially in low light, can lead to occupational myopia. To prevent diseases, it is necessary to comply with the established standards of illumination of the working surface and the distance of the eyes from the part in question (at least 35 cm); the admission of persons with a high degree of myopia to work associated with visual strain is limited.3

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