What does an analytical report for certification look like and how to format it correctly


After carrying out any diagnostics and monitoring, the results of these activities must be analyzed and documented on paper, that is, a certificate (report) must be written.

I offer an approximate text of an analytical report on the development by pupils of the basic educational program of preschool education (BEP), implemented in a preschool educational institution:

Sample certificate

During the period (approximate dates) from 10/01/2018. to 10/14/18 and from 05/15/2019 to 05/30/2019, in order to individualize education and optimize pedagogical work with children, an assessment of the individual development of pupils was carried out in the group.


  1. Studying the results of children's mastery of the basic educational program of preschool education.
  2. Assessing the effectiveness of pedagogical actions.
  3. Designing educational activities based on the results of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring).

The intended result of monitoring is to increase the efficiency of the educational process.

Monitoring methods : observation, diagnostic game tasks, statistical processing of information, etc.

Monitoring of educational activities was carried out as part of an internal assessment of the quality of preschool education in preschool educational institutions.

We studied children's mastery of the basic educational program of preschool education in five educational areas: physical development, cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Introductory and final pedagogical diagnostics were carried out on the basis of diagnostic tables developed by the authors of the program ... (for example, “From birth to school”, edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva).

In accordance with clause 3.2.3 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, pedagogical diagnostics were carried out with the aim of implementing an individual approach in the process of teaching, raising and developing children. This feature does not allow us to consider the diagnostic results (even if they are reliable) stable and determining the fate of the child. Any achievement of a preschooler at each stage of his development is intermediate and serves only as a basis for the teacher’s choice of methods and technologies for individual work.

The roster of the group is... people.

A comparative analysis of monitoring showed that students demonstrate positive dynamics in all educational areas.

Thus, the following results were revealed:

  1. In terms of social and communicative development: the dynamics of the level of formation of knowledge and skills is 50% (from 25% at the beginning of the year to 75% at the end of the year).
  2. In terms of speech development: the dynamics of the level of development is 38% (from 37% to 75%);
  3. In terms of cognitive development: the dynamics of the level of development is 41% (from 18% to 59%).
  4. In terms of artistic and aesthetic development: the dynamics of the level of formation is 25% (from 12% to 37%).
  5. In terms of physical development: the dynamics of the level of development is 50% (from 12% to 62%).

A qualitative leap in high results occurred in social-communicative, cognitive and physical development.


— in the process of social and communicative development, special attention was paid to the communicative communication of pupils, the formation of dialogical speech, the positive interaction of children with peers and adults;

— modern educational technologies were used in cognitive development, the developing subject-spatial environment was enriched, and attention was paid to cognitive and research activities;

— a set of health and sports activities was developed for the physical development of preschool children, in the organization and implementation of which parents were involved.

A feature of the development of children in this age group can be identified by high indicators of the “formation stage” level, in particular in cognitive development (62% at the beginning of the year and 50% at the end of the year) and in physical development (62% at the beginning of the year and 50% at the end of the year). These indicators made it possible by the end of the year to reach good levels of development: from 0% to 25% for cognitive development and from 0% to 22% for physical development.

Reason: modern educational technologies were used in cognitive development, the developing subject-spatial environment was enriched, and attention was paid to cognitive and research activities. In physical development, there is an emphasis on individual-personal interaction, the targeted development of physical qualities, the development of children’s motor activity, interaction with parents on the health and physical development of preschool children.

Thus, a comparative analysis showed a positive dynamics in the children of my group mastering the main educational program of a preschool educational institution in all educational areas compared to the beginning of the school year. These results were achieved thanks to the creation of conditions for the advancement of each child based on taking into account his individual capabilities and needs, enriching the educational program, applying an activity approach, using modern technologies and methods of developmental education.

Dear teachers! If you have questions about the topic of the article or have difficulties in working in this area, then write in the comments . I'll definitely help.

Golovina Bela Gennadievna, site administrator, candidate of pedagogical sciences
Designing monitoring of educational activities What to write in self-analysis about the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions What to write about developmental education in self-analysis What to write about the individualization of the educational process >

Samples on how to write an analytical report

When writing an analytical report, it is important to understand the characteristics of the industry in question. For example, if we are talking about issuing this type of document according to the Federal State Educational Standard or for a teacher in a preschool educational institution, it should include such criteria for assessing work with children as:

  • care for maintaining and strengthening physical health;
  • assistance in personal growth;
  • conducting playful leisure activities;
  • mental development.

By describing what technologies a particular teacher uses in his work and what results they produce, one can draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the work. Similar principles are used in other cases (the work of a methodologist, school performance). When compiling a certificate of progress in certain classes at school, information is collected by quarter, by subject, and by teaching program.

The results of certification by a psychologist should be displayed in the certificate in the following order: information about the reason for admission, then the result of individual and comprehensive sessions. As a conclusion, the final state for a certain period.

A correctly compiled certificate must fully answer the initially posed questions of the target audience. In addition, the recommendations that the researcher can give based on the results of the study are important.

Template for a certificate based on the results of monitoring universal educational activities

Template for a certificate based on the results of monitoring universal educational activities

This publication contains a template for an analytical report on the results of monitoring universal educational activities. He will help the deputy director summarize the results of monitoring meta-subject results at the end of the year.

The help has five main sections.

First, you should write down what skills and methods of action you identify in schoolchildren.

Then - what results did the students achieve?

The reference ends with conclusions. They define what teachers can do to improve the quality of education.

Why is it important to monitor students’ meta-subject results and draw up a certificate

VSOKO reveals to what extent the educational achievements of your students meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Therefore, you must monitor subject and meta-subject results.

Regarding the control of meta-subject results, two questions arise:

  • The first is why control if meta-subject results are not checked at the state final certification (SFA).

Assignments for GIA grades 9 and 11 are developed on the basis of the Federal Component of State Educational Standards (FKGOS), approved by Order of the Ministry of Education dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089. And among the educational results in FKGOS there are no meta-subject ones. But grades 5–7 in any school must study according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Therefore, at school you plan meta-subject diagnostic work and write certificates based on the control results.

  • The second question is how to control it if it is difficult for school teachers to independently prepare meta-subject diagnostic work.

There are regions in which the problem of preparing meta-subject diagnostics has not been centrally solved, and the deputy director is looking for a way out on his own. To conduct meta-subject work, you can sign up students on the MCKO website (mcko.ru) for group diagnostics, but this service is paid, or use the open task bank on the mcko.ru website.

So, you took a ready-made diagnosis and carried it out. After the diagnosis, you analyze the results, write a certificate and inform the teachers of your school about the problems and achievements of students based on the diagnostic results.


Federal State Educational Standards determine the development of UUD by level of education. You can formulate which UDL students master in each class yourself in the UUD Formation or Development Program.

What to write in the first paragraph of the certificate about diagnostic purposes

In the first paragraph of the reference, formulate the topic and purpose for which you are conducting meta-subject work. The main thing is to determine the goals of meta-subject diagnostic work according to the Federal State Educational Standard and according to the Program for the formation or development of UUD, which you have drawn up at your school.

There can be several goals. For example, you want to identify the level of students’ abilities: to master, independently replenish, integrate systematic knowledge; work with information; collaborate with peers and teachers, etc.

What to tell in the second paragraph about control tools

In the second paragraph of the help, describe what you use to monitor the results, that is, diagnostic tools. Include the UUD codifier in the toolkit. If you don’t have time to create your own, take a ready-made codifier, for example, approved by the Metasubject Council of Teachers’ Associations of the city of Moscow.

In the toolkit you can include information about which tasks are included in the diagnostics. You can also formulate methodological recommendations on how to conduct and analyze work, and include answers to tasks.

What to write about the levels at which the student has mastered the method of action in the third paragraph

In the third reference point, list the levels at which students have mastered the methods of action. The tasks should reveal different levels of difficulty. For example, at a low level, a student recognizes individual learned methods of action, but knows how to apply them only for known typical situations.

At the intermediate level, the student applies verifiable methods of activity in simple situations and meaningfully uses the learned algorithms of action. At a high level, the student is fluent in methods of activity and draws up his own plans for solving educational problems. There can be four levels: low, medium, advanced, high.

Students with different abilities should be able to cope with the diagnostic work. Therefore, use simple multiple-choice or short-answer tasks. Rate them up to two points. Provide more complex tasks with detailed answers - rate them from two points and above.

Determine how long the student will take to complete the work. The number of tasks depends on this. Calculate the maximum score for a paper to compare the completion rate of different students.


Attach the text of the diagnostic work to the certificate to understand which tasks the students performed better or worse.


How to show that VSOKO works in your school

If in your school you have developed a Regulation on VSOKO, this does not mean that you have fully complied with the requirements of the law and ensured quality control (Clause 13, Part 3, Article 28 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation").

In the Regulations on VSOKO you write that the school controls the educational results of students in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Therefore, you must have documents that confirm that you have monitored the level of educational results and organized work to improve the level. Otherwise, the Regulations on VSOKO will remain a formality in your school.

The documents include: diagnostic and control work, observation sheets, quality improvement plans, HSC and monitoring plans, certificates on the results of HSC and monitoring.

Also note that Rosobrnadzor necessarily recommends checking not only local regulations on VSOKO, but also the VSOKO program (letter dated 08/04/2017 No. 05-375).

How to summarize the results of meta-subject diagnostics in the fourth paragraph

In the fourth paragraph of the certificate, write what results the students achieved. Compare results by class and parallel.

When you have completed the meta-subject work, distribute the answer keys to the assignments to the teachers so that they can check the students’ work. Analyze the results of meta-subject work.

Write down how many students completed the tasks; what percentage of points the student scored from the maximum; how many students showed high and advanced levels of mastery of specific learning tools.

In Figure 1 you will see what this table is and what data to enter into it to calculate the results.

Figure 1. What data can be changed in a spreadsheet to process meta-subject diagnostics

LIST OF UUD. List the UUD according to the codifier of the diagnostic you are using

SCORE FOR ASSIGNMENT. Enter the scores for the assessment criteria in your diagnostic

JOB CODE AND TYPE. Write new codes and types of tasks according to the codifier you use

NUMBER OF STUDENTS. Add as many students as you have completed the work

Pay attention to the column “Student Code”. We replaced the names and surnames of schoolchildren with a code so as not to violate the requirements of the law on the protection of personal data. You show the student’s last and first name to the student and his parents during an individual consultation. At a school-wide meeting, when sharing the results with all students' parents, replace the student's first and last name with a code.

Cells have special formulas. Therefore, the table itself will calculate which students scored points and what percentage of task completion for each UUD (Figure 2). Next, the table will automatically build graphs that show the students' results. On the graphs, the table will indicate the UUD with numbers according to the codifier. Examples of graphs are below.

If several classes performed the work in parallel, the electronic template will calculate the results of the class and parallel. So that you can see which UUD is better formed, the table will automatically fill in a new sheet “Percentage of completion of tested skills.” Another table will count the number of tasks for each UUD, calculate the degree of mastery by class and find the average value for parallel classes.

Figure 2. What data is automatically calculated by the spreadsheet for processing meta-subject diagnostics

STUDENT SCORE. The table will compare the scores for each UUD and calculate the student’s final score

50% BARRIER. The table will automatically determine which student has completed more than half of the work

PERCENTAGE OF MAXIMUM VALUE. The table will calculate the sum of points for the UUD and determine how well the UUD is formed

How to draw up conclusions and recommendations in paragraph five

In the certificate, formulate conclusions based on the diagnostic results. Write a list of activities that will improve results. Indicate the deadlines and those responsible for the activities. For example, include problematic UUDs in the methodological work plan and in-school control.

Analytical report on the results of diagnostics of cognitive skills when working with information and reading in 8th grade


Objectives of the test work:

1) determine the maturity of meta-subject (cognitive) skills when working with information and reading;

2) identify characteristics that reflect the dynamics of the formation of the most important skills and methods of activity for 8th grade students.

The date of the:

May 16, 2020.

Control methods:

meta-subject (cognitive) diagnostic work.


The content of the diagnostic work is determined by the codifier of meta-subject (cognitive) skills for basic general education, which is compiled on the basis of the Approximate basic educational program of basic general education and approved by the Meta-subject Council of Teachers' Associations of the city of Moscow (mcko.ru). Table 1 contains a fragment of the codifier with a list of skills being tested in this diagnostic work.

Table 1. UUDs that diagnostic work checks

Code UUD
6 Cognitive activities for working with information and reading
6.1 Search for information
6.1.1 Navigate through various types of reference publications
6.1.2 Assess the sufficiency of information to solve problems
6.1.3 Formulate a search query, combine thematic and subject information search
6.2 Focus on the content of the text, answer questions using information explicitly given in the text
6.2.1 Determine the topic and main idea of ​​the text, the overall purpose and purpose of the text
6.2.2 Find specific information and facts in the text that are given explicitly
6.2.3 Correlate information from different parts of the text, compare main text and extra-text components
6.2.4 Divide texts into semantic parts, draw up a text plan
6.2.5 Organize, rank and group information
6.3 Interpret information, answer questions using implicitly given information
6.3.1 Correlate facts with the general idea of ​​the text, establish simple connections that are not directly shown in the text
6.3.2 Formulate conclusions based on the text; find arguments to support a conclusion
6.3.3 Summarize information from different parts of the text, from different texts
6.3.4 Determine the place and role of the illustrative series in the text
6.3.5 Retell the text in detail and concisely, orally and in writing
6.3.6 Interpret a work (art, music, painting, etc.) based on the characteristics of the genre, style, means of artistic expression and figurative system present in them
6.4 Assess the reliability of the information offered, make value judgments based on the text
6.4.1 Evaluate the reliability of information based on existing knowledge
6.4.2 Assess the reliability of information based on comparison of information from several sources
6.4.3 Assess the reliability of information based on information about the author and the publication in which the text is published
6.4.4 Express value judgments and your point of view about the text you read
6.4.5 Evaluate the content, language features and structure of the text
6.4.6 Compare different points of view, correlate the author’s position with your own point of view. Establish similarities and differences in assessments of phenomena reflected in the work
6.5 Create your own texts, apply information from the text when solving educational and practical problems
6.5.1 Apply information from the text when solving educational and practical problems
6.5.2 Based on the text, compose a monologue statement on a given question
6.5.3 Create annotations for text
6.5.4 Create reviews based on the content of the text, reviews of what you have read, reviews of a painting, sculpture, or piece of music
6.5.6 Create texts (information objects) of different genres (both verbal and visual): popular science, journalistic, artistic

Students wrote down their answers on the answer sheet. No additional materials or equipment were required to carry out the work.

The diagnostic test tests information processing skills that are part of reading literacy. Tasks to test the level of development of reading skills are constructed on the basis of two information texts. The work consists of 18 tasks (Table 2): 11 tasks - with the choice of the only correct answer from those proposed (VO); 4 tasks – with a short answer (KO); 3 tasks - with a detailed answer (RA).

Table 2. Test work specification

tasks Job type Controlled skills Skill code by codifier
Group of tasks 1–6 and C1, C2
1 IN Find specific information and facts in the text that are given explicitly 6.2.2
2 KO Find specific information and facts in the text that are given explicitly 6.2.2
3 IN Evaluate the reliability of information based on existing knowledge 6.4.1
4 KO Interpret a work (art, music, painting) based on the characteristics of the genre, style, means of artistic expression and figurative system present in them 6.3.6
5 IN Correlate facts with the general idea of ​​the text, establish simple connections not directly shown in the text 6.3.1
6 IN Interpret a work (art, music, painting) based on the characteristics of the genre, style, means of artistic expression and figurative system present in them 6.3.6
C1 RO Compare different points of view, correlate the author’s position with your own point of view. Establish similarities and differences in assessments of phenomena reflected in the work 6.4.6
C2 RO Formulate conclusions based on the text; find arguments to support a conclusion 6.3.2
Group of tasks 7–15 and C3
7 IN Correlate information from different parts of the text, compare main text and extra-text components 6.2.3
8 IN Summarize information from different parts of the text, from different texts 6.3.3
9 KO Correlate facts with the general idea of ​​the text, establish simple connections that are not directly shown in the text 6.3.1
10 KO Correlate information from different parts of the text, compare main text and extra-text components 6.2.3
11 IN Correlate facts with the general idea of ​​the text, establish simple connections that are not directly shown in the text 6.3.1
12 IN Find specific information and facts in the text that are given explicitly 6.2.2
13 IN Find specific information and facts in the text that are given explicitly 6.2.2
14 IN Correlate information from different parts of the text, compare main text and extra-text components 6.2.3
15 IN Assess the reliability of information based on comparison of information from several sources 6.4.2
C3 RO Apply information from the text when solving educational and practical problems 6.5.1

Multiple choice and short answer questions are worth one or two points. Tasks with a detailed answer - from one to two points in accordance with the assessment criteria. The maximum test score for completing all work is 25.


Diagnostics revealed levels of mastery of cognitive learning tools when working with information and reading - Table 3.

Table 3. Levels of mastery of cognitive learning tools

Level Interpretation of the result Point
Short The student learns individual studied methods of action, but knows how to apply only for known typical situations. May experience serious difficulties in the learning process; he needs compensatory classes to master all general educational skills 0–9
Average The student copes with the use of verifiable methods of activity in simple situations, meaningfully uses the studied algorithms of action at the level of their application. When fixing the level, it is necessary to analyze the student’s performance of each group of tasks in order to identify difficulties in mastering methods of action and carry out targeted correction 10–18
Elevated The student has verifiable methods of activity and can combine learned algorithms in accordance with the requirements of a new situation. 19–27
High The student is fluent in verifiable methods of activity, can combine learned algorithms in accordance with the requirements of a new situation, and draw up his own new plans to solve educational problems 28–36


34 students participated in the diagnostics of cognitive skills when working with information and reading in the 8th grade. Based on the results of completion, the average score was 11 points, and the average percentage of test completion was 43%. 5 people (15%) received less than 5 points for completing tasks and demonstrated a low level of training. 13 people (38%) reached advanced and high levels, receiving from 12 to 25 points. The remaining students - 16 people (47%) - showed an average level of development of cognitive meta-subject skills. Summarized diagnostic results for the entire sample of participants are presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Generalized diagnostic results in 8th grade

UUD mastery level Number of students % mastery of UUD
8 "A" class 8 "B" class Total 8 "A" class 8 "B" class % of the number of students in parallel
High 2 1 3 12 6 9
Elevated 7 3 10 41 18 29
Average 6 10 16 35 59 47
Short 2 3 5 12 18 15

In total, 10 people (29%) completed the work to 50% or higher. Students of grade 8 “A” did better: 7 people (43%) overcame the minimum threshold. In grade 8 “B”, 3 people (18%) completed 50% or more of the tasks.

Students best mastered the ability to summarize information from different parts of the text, from different texts (65%), evaluate the reliability of information based on existing knowledge (56%), interpret a work based on the characteristics of the genre, style, means of artistic expression and figurativeness present in them systems (53%). Thus, the majority of students were able to determine the dates of the trip using the calendar (task 8), and correctly found the answer to the question from the presented text quotes (task 3).

The most difficult thing was to master the ability to apply information from the text when solving educational and practical problems (24%), compare different points of view, correlate the author’s position with one’s own point of view, establish similarities and differences in assessments of phenomena reflected in the work (35%), find the text contains specific information and facts stated explicitly (37%). Thus, students found it difficult to calculate the cost of the trip and justify their answer (task C3), as well as justify their own judgment based on at least two arguments (task C1).

Comparative indicators of the tested UUDs are presented in the form of graph 1.

Graph 1. Comparative indicators of tested UUDs in 8th grade

In 8 “A” students better mastered the UDL in summarizing information from different parts of the text, from different texts (76%), in assessing the reliability of information based on existing knowledge (59%).

Graph 2 shows the results of grade 8 “A”.

Chart 2. UUD for working with information in grade 8 “A”

In 8 “B” students mastered these skills by 53 and 53%, respectively. Difficulties were caused by the ability to apply information from the text when solving educational and practical problems (24%).

Graph 3 shows the results of 8 “B”.

Chart 3. UUD for working with information in grade 8 “B”

Among multiple-choice tasks, students better assessed the reliability of information based on existing knowledge and correlated facts with the general idea of ​​the text (tasks 3, 5).

It was more difficult to interpret the work based on the characteristics of the genre, style, means of artistic expression and figurative system (task 6). The students did not choose the correct statement corresponding to the word “self-spinner.”

Among the tasks with a short answer, the ability to establish simple connections that were not directly shown in the text was better demonstrated (task 4). Students correctly identified statements that did not correspond to the author’s intentions. It was more difficult to find specific facts given explicitly (task 2). Inattentive reading of the text did not allow us to select from the proposed information those that do not correspond to the content.

Among the tasks with a detailed answer, they better learned the ability to formulate conclusions based on the text; find arguments that support the conclusion (task C2). Students provided quotations from the text to support their answer. It was more difficult to apply information from the text when solving educational and practical problems (task C3).


According to the diagnostic results, it was revealed that 75% of students mastered meta-subject skills at high, advanced and average levels. In order to increase the level of mastery of educational learning among other students, it is recommended to include the following activities in the school’s methodological work plan for the 2018/19 academic year:

1. Conduct a system of open classes on the use of information from texts in solving educational and practical problems. To do this, at methodological associations, develop assignments in different subjects.

The expected result is to increase the level of students’ ability to apply information from the text when solving educational and practical problems.

Deadline: until October 1, 2020.

Responsible: deputy head of the public organization for educational work A.P. Ivanova

2. Include tasks to find information and facts in the text that reflect its content in extracurricular activities for grades 5–7 in order to develop the ability to work with information.

The expected result is to reduce the number of errors associated with inattentive reading of the text.

Duration: during the 2018/19 academic year.

Responsible: subject teachers and teachers leading extracurricular activities, deputy head of the public organization for educational work Ivanova A.P., for educational work Gavrilova N.V.

3. Develop and implement individual educational trajectories for students who have demonstrated the lowest educational attainment.

The expected result is to increase the level of skills of schoolchildren who showed the lowest results.

Duration: during the academic year.

Responsible: subject teachers, deputy head of the public organization for educational work A.P. Ivanova.

4. Include in the in-school quality control plan the conduct of repeated meta-subject diagnostic work at the beginning of the 2018/19 academic year in 9th grade.

Deadline: until October 1, 2020.

Responsible: deputy head of the public organization for educational work A.P. Ivanova

5. Conduct a comparative analysis of the results of the work performed with the results of the planned work.

Deadline: until November 1, 2020.

Responsible: deputy head of the public organization for educational work A.P. Ivanova

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