Material for certification “Teacher Information Card”

Information card of primary school teacher Z.A. Kisheva

I. General information
FULL NAME. author's experience Institution where the author of the experience works, address with zip code Position indicating the subject taught or functionality performed Length of work in position
Kisheva Zareita Anatolevna MOWSOSH No. 1

S. Chegem-2

Chegem district of the KBR

Primary school teacher, head of school 29 years
II. Essential characteristics of experience
1. Theme of innovative pedagogical experience (IPE) Educational system of the class
“I create myself”
2. Source of changes (contradictions, new teaching tools, new conditions for educational activities, etc.) The main direction of work is to give the student an orientation toward self-education, self-improvement, and self-development. Although education is one of the most important factors in personality development, it is by no means indifferent to its self-development. Moreover, it is in this self-development that it receives its true realization and effectiveness. When organizing upbringing, one cannot fail to take into account the activity of the child himself in working on himself. The fact is that all personal properties and qualities are not biological, but social in nature and are developed by a person during his lifetime. The only source of development of these properties and qualities is the social experience accumulated by previous generations of people. And this determines the huge role of the environment, conditions and influences in the formation of personality. Whatever side of a person’s personal development we take, it is organically connected with his activity, with the measure of his activity in this activity and the desire for his own improvement. It follows from this: nothing can be conveyed to a child without his own activity, will, activity. The idea of ​​self-development is aptly expressed in the following thought: “You cannot teach a student - he can only learn; you cannot educate him - he can only be educated.”

Outside of his own active activity, desire and his own efforts in working on himself, his personal formation is impossible.
Based on this, I defined the goal of educational work as the formation of a person capable of developing and educating himself.

were identified :

  • Let the child feel his place in life, the significance of every organism, every person, the value of life of all living things, and on the basis of this help him understand his place in nature, in the cultural, economic and labor sphere.
  • Teach children to manage their emotions, excite the mind, create a positive mood, and find the correct behavioral forms in various situations.
  • Teach to enjoy every day you live, small successes, your new knowledge, the successes of your comrades, other people, to love everyone around you and, most importantly, yourself.
3. The idea of ​​change (what is the essence of IPE: in the use of educational, communication and information or other technologies, in changing the content of education, in organizing the educational or educational process, etc.) The organization of classes according to the program is based on the following principles: 1. Principle of reasoning.

He suggests that the lessons should be based on situations that prompt children to develop their own thoughts, guesses, assumptions and evoke a desire to openly express them, i.e., the leader should be dialogue.
2. Comfort.
It involves moving classes from a regular classroom to other premises corresponding to the theme of the lesson (club, gym, museum, library, school site, psychology room, medical room, etc.).
Comfort is freedom and ease of posture, emotionally positive communication, and the absence of pedagogical distance. 3.

Interdisciplinary connection
is required : the world around us, psychology, children's rhetoric, computer science, etc. However, the main difference between classes according to the program and educational ones is that they do not form concepts, but give children the opportunity reason freely, pushing their reasoning with the communication of new information.
When organizing classes, it is necessary
to rely on sensory perception.
Any lesson should begin with the creation of a relational situation appropriate to the topic that evokes empathy in children.
Systematic use of the “Heuristic discoveries”
, which ensures the realization of the internal potential of students and the class teacher in the course of their joint activities. A distinctive feature of heuristic activity is the presence as a result of a product that is new for students and the class teacher. The use of developmental, problem-based learning technologies, information, and design technology makes it possible to diversify the educational process, involve all students in active cognitive activity, analyze the results of their teaching activities and outline corrective work. Having studied the experience of Russian teachers A.V. Khutorskogo, D.N. Ushakov on the formation of basic competencies (educational-cognitive, communicative, social), I apply it at various levels of education within academic subjects. This makes it possible not to give students knowledge in a ready-made form, but to develop in them the key competencies they need not only at school, but also in later life. In my work, I pay serious attention to working with gifted children. Based on design and information technologies, individual and group lessons, I prepare with my students and present creative works for competitions at the municipal and regional levels, as well as research works at the scientific and industrial complex. Using E.I. Casanova’s technology of success, I skillfully and tactfully manage the student team, instilling in students responsibility for the assigned work, independence and initiative.

4. Concept of changes (methods, their advantages over analogues and novelty, limitations, labor intensity, risks)The content of educational work, its forms are selected on the basis of selected thematic blocks: 1 block
- “The value of the human
“I””, the idea of ​​which is to solve problems that allow children to take their first steps into psychology, philosophy, medicine, to comprehend their inner world, to get an idea of ​​it components, your emotional state, your inclinations and abilities, learn to communicate with yourself in the language of thought and reflection.
Block 2 – “Man and his constellation.”
A person is born as a one and only star, but he lives in a world of the same stars.
The power of a star is in the light, the power of a man is in his knowledge! A person creates his own constellation if he lives according to the laws of goodness, love, beauty, if he knows how to make the right choice. There are different stars in the human constellation, but the brightest star is family! The light of these stars depends on how a person takes care of his constellation.” Block 3 – “Man and Nature”.
Ideas of the block: to help consolidate and realize what was learned in the course of studying natural disciplines, the unity of nature and man, to perceive the culture of unity accumulated by the history of mankind, to lay down the experience of using the gifts of nature to show human gratitude to nature.
Block 4 – “A person changes himself.”
The idea of ​​the block: to teach children specific techniques of self-regulation and self-government, using a system of games and training exercises. To achieve the objectives of each block, favorable socio-psychological conditions have been created in the classroom, providing mental comfort to the teacher and student.
5. Conditions for the implementation of changes (including the personal and professional qualities of the teacher and the level of professionalism achieved by him) As a teacher, I understand that when taking on the important and sacred task of raising and teaching children, it is necessary, as they say, to “think about yourself” and your attitude towards your work. A person can only be raised by a person, and a good person can only be raised by a good person. You have to be like that, not seem like that. I try to be responsible, I try to complete the planned work on time.

My students have repeatedly become winners of various school, municipal, and republican competitions.

Mulaeva Karina is the winner of the republican intellectual marathon of elementary school graduates in the Kabardian language. Nalchik 2008

Bogotova Alina Mukhamedovna is a prize-winner in the republican event “Vernisage of the Master of Boom”. Nalchik 2009

Sozaev Tamirlan, Dyshekov Tamerlan, Kilov Amir, Kumykova Sataney are winners of the regional round of the republican festival “Creativity. Development. Success!" Chegem 2020

Kumykova Sataney, Dyshekov Tamerlan, Borsov Asker were awarded diplomas for high results in the All-Russian game competition in natural science “Man and Nature” on April 15, 2014.

Kadykoeva Juliana, Kisheva Alina, Aloev Asker are school-level prize-winners in the international mathematical competition-game “Kangaroo”. 2016

6.Result of changes As a result of implementing the main directions of the “I Create Myself” program, by the end of primary school education, primary schoolchildren should have developed: - scientific consciousness,

which is expressed in the individual’s readiness to determine the boundaries of his competence, obtain and classify knowledge, and correctly apply it in life practice;
— environmental consciousness,
which is expressed in the awareness of the unity of man and nature and the inability to commit actions harmful to nature, since this will also affect human life;
- humanistic consciousness,
which is expressed in the individual’s understanding of the value of the culture of each person, each culture, in a careful attitude towards the living and plant world, inanimate nature;

  • spiritual consciousness,

    which is expressed in the ability to manage your feelings and emotions, to love the people around you, all living things on earth, and most importantly, learn to respect and love

  • philosophical thinking,

    which is expressed in the child’s awareness of his place and role in life, the ability to analyze the actions of others and himself, adjust his behavior, and find himself in new difficult living conditions.

7. Publications about the presented innovative pedagogical experience Work experience presented: - publication in the newspaper “Voice of Chegem” 20116. “Personal development is the meaning and goal of modern education.”
III. Pedagogical essay
..It all starts with love:

And insight, and work, The eyes of flowers, the eyes of a child - It all starts with love - With love! I know that for sure.

R. Rozhdestvensky

The best way to make children good is to make them happy. Oscar Wilde

How we would like to meet as many good, and most importantly happy children in our lives as possible. And who else but us can make them like this. Sometimes only we, teachers, can give them the happiness of learning. Therefore, every day I open the school door with slight excitement and go up to my class, where children’s eyes and smiles await me. As usual, children enter the classroom with words of greeting, endless questions, simple requests, boundless trust, and sincere joy. Peering into the children’s faces, I listen carefully to everyone, answer all the questions, and I really want to say out loud: “My dear children! You are the most amazing people in the world. Your kindness, openness, and friendliness are incomparable. There is no adult suspicion in you yet; you believe in goodness, in justice, in happiness. But where is happiness? Can I, your teacher, show the way to him? Are there anyone who can? How to protect you from everything bad, dirty that else exists in our lives? How to harden? How to help? Here it is, a spark of trust. It can be easily extinguished by a careless touch, a harsh word, or an indifferent gesture.” As a teacher, I understand that when taking on the important and sacred task of raising and teaching children, it is necessary, as they say, to “think about yourself” and your attitude towards your work. A person can only be raised by a person, and a good person can only be raised by a good person. You have to be like that, not seem like that. Therefore, I have identified a number of rules for myself:

  1. You can only teach well what you yourself know well. Therefore, it is the teacher’s duty, first of all, to thoroughly study the subject of teaching. To teach a little well, you need to know a lot.
  2. He who becomes a teacher must study his character; must learn to restrain oneself, prepare to endure failure without falling into despondency, maintaining good spirits and faith in one’s work, must learn to control oneself, curb one’s irritability.
  3. In order to captivate others, you need to be passionate yourself, to work with love and desire.
  4. In relationships with students, both pampered promiscuity and excessive severity are equally harmful.
  5. If all students are involved in the task, then life reigns in the class, freshness and cheerfulness emanate from the students.

When I look at these bright faces, at these glowing eyes, full of life, curiosity, participation, I understand that for this it is worth giving my strength, striving with them to new heights, in order to eventually see their happy eyes, full of joy. And, indeed, finding your calling, establishing yourself in it is a source of happiness, so tomorrow I will once again have a great desire to teach children and learn myself, to create and encourage creativity. After all, I, the teacher, the creator of the human soul, I am the plowman, I am the sower. I am responsible for them, my students.

IY.Expert opinion
Estimated scale and distribution of changes Kisheva Zareita Anatolyevna, born in 1962, has a secondary specialized education. In 1981 she graduated from the Nalchik Pedagogical School with a degree in primary school teacher. 29 years of teaching experience. In 2020, she took short-term advanced training courses at IPKiPROKBSU “Updating the content of primary education in the context of implementing the priority direction of education development.” In 2020, she took courses at the State Educational Institution of Further Professional Education “Kabardino-Balkarian Republican Center for Distance Learning” at the training site of the Chegem region on “Information technologies in the activities of subject teachers.” Zareita Anatolyevna is fluent in the methods of primary education. Currently, she works under the “School of Russia” program. This teacher pays great attention to differentiated teaching, strives for every lesson to be interesting, educational and developmental, constantly searches for effective forms of teaching and educating students, pays serious attention to the development of memory, active mental activity, speech of students. Zareita Anatolyevna creatively approaches the selection of educational material that corresponds to the real capabilities of each student. Uses non-traditional lesson forms and the latest information technologies. Combining paired forms of work, research and problem-search methods of teaching, Kisheva solves the problems of forming independence and developing motivation for learning in younger schoolchildren. Strives to give them deep, lasting knowledge. An important stage of her work is psychological and pedagogical diagnostics. It allows you to identify the “strengths” and “weaknesses” of a student’s development, track each person’s progress and adjust the teacher’s work. She constantly improves the level of self-education, studies methodological and psychological literature, attends classes with her colleagues, and gives open lessons herself. She is working on the topic “Individual approach to raising and educating a child.” She presented her work experience at the teachers’ meeting on January 6, 2010, protocol No. 3.

This teacher organizes the educational process in the classroom at a high level. She developed an educational program for the “I create myself” class based on the educational program of the school.

Her students repeatedly take prizes, both at school and in municipal and republican competitions.

Academic years

Class studied academic performance Quality of knowledge
2014-2015 2 25 100% 64%
2015-2016 3 21 100% 67%
2016-2017 4 21 100% 66%

Kisheva Z.A. takes an active part in the social life of the school staff.

For successful work in training and educating students, Anatolyevna Zareite Kisheva was awarded the badge “Excellence in Public Education”

Last name, first name, patronymic of the expert, his contact numbers, email address, postal address Head of educational work Victoria Isufovna Naurzokova.

Appendix 1 Main directions of work of the class teacher

From the concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010, it follows that education as a top priority in education should become an organic component of pedagogical activity, integrated into the overall process of training and development. The most important tasks of education are the formation in schoolchildren of civic responsibility, spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, tolerance, and the ability for successful socialization. Based on the basic ideas of the school’s educational program, I developed an educational program for the “I create myself”

for younger schoolchildren.
The main direction of the program is to give the student an orientation towards self-education, self-improvement, self-development. Based on this, I defined the goal of the educational program of the class as the formation of a person capable of developing and educating himself.
tasks were also highlighted


  • Let the child feel his place in life, the significance of every organism, every person, the value of life of all living things, and on the basis of this help him understand his place in nature, in the cultural, economic and labor sphere.
  • Teach children to manage their emotions, excite the mind, create a positive mood, and find the correct behavioral forms in various situations.
  • Teach to enjoy every day you live, small successes, your new knowledge, the successes of your comrades, other people, to love everyone around you and, most importantly, yourself.

The activities organized in the classroom are multifaceted. This also includes work inside the classroom: creating an aesthetic environment in the classroom, being on duty in the classroom, self-service. To develop the class team and the initial foundations of self-government, creative groups have been organized in the class, which have the names “Athletes” (physics teacher and his assistants), “Entertainers” (cultural sector), “Controllers” (leaders), “Ecologists” (flower growers). The names of the groups reflect their main activities.

Being focused on independent activity, each child gets the opportunity to realize himself in a specific activity, which contributes to his creative and social growth. To track how self-government develops in the classroom, we systematically diagnose the self-government indicator. To develop the abilities of children who show special, outstanding abilities and achievements in a particular field of activity, I planned work based on the school program “Intelligence of the Future,” which provides for optimal conditions for the development of their personality. Goal of the work:

Creating conditions conducive to the optimal development of students' talents. In order to achieve positive results, I widely use various forms and techniques of individual learning in lessons (group forms, creative tasks, various forms of involving students in independent activities, discussions, etc.) I organize extracurricular activities, involving all students in classes of interest (electives, clubs, competitions, olympiads, research activities):

  • When conducting conversations during class hours, I set myself the task of developing the emotional sphere of students. To survive in the modern world, full of contradictions, I teach children to communicate with a wide variety of categories of people, to be able to work in a team, and to interest others. I develop openness in children and the ability to express their attitude towards others, show them how to live without violence, help them cope with their fears and stress, help them master the art of achieving internal harmony and balance, and develop a sense of humor. As a result, a favorable psychological climate and interpersonal relationships have been formed in the classroom. Children are tolerant of others.
  • The percentage of children attending additional educational institutions in the region is steadily increasing, as systematic work is organized in the classroom to involve children in sports sections and clubs, a music and art school, and a theater studio at the rural House of Culture.

Research topics:

  • “And the feat of the people to live for centuries” about the veteran of the Great Patriotic War Kishev Grigory Temirzhanovich - Kishev Kantemir, 2nd grade 2017
  • “Indoor plants of our class” - Alina Kisheva, 3rd grade 2016

Topics of educational projects:

  • School yard landscaping project (educational project in the course “The World Around Us”), 2nd grade.
  • New Year's classroom decoration (educational project in the Technology course), 2nd grade.
  • Project for creating an individual folder of personal achievements “Portfolio of a 3rd grade student.”
  • "What is garbage?" (educational project in the course “The World around us”), 3rd grade.

An important role in the implementation of the main ideas of the program is played by resolving issues related to the development and preservation of the health of students. This problem in Russia has become not only medical, but also pedagogical, as it complicates the learning process, reduces the quality of knowledge, slows down the mental and physical development of children, and causes deviations in their social behavior. That is why the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of children is given great attention in our school and classroom, where, by organizing the educational process, we form a culture of health in children and promote a healthy lifestyle.

To prevent and improve the health of children, I work together with the medical staff of the educational institution, teachers and parents. Every month I organize lectures and conversations for students and parents with doctors from the children's clinic, the school doctor, and various extracurricular activities: With all the favorable living conditions created for children at school, I, as a class teacher, include a health-saving component in the lesson content, integrate interdisciplinary interaction, and widely use gaming practices, research methods of work aimed at effective assimilation of material and the formation of a conscious attitude towards the need to lead a healthy lifestyle. In the classroom, a system of preventive work with students and families has been built. a unique and unrepeatable personality, but which needs constant development and improvement. Who else but us can help a child see in this world traces of the human soul and the means to form a respectful and caring attitude towards others, and most importantly towards himself.

Appendix 2

Interaction between the class teacher and parents as the key to successful education and upbringing of rural schoolchildren.

“A person is born as a one and only star, but he lives in a world of the same stars. The power of a star is in the light, the power of a man is in his knowledge! A person creates his own constellation if he lives according to the laws of goodness, love, beauty, if he knows how to make the right choice. There are different stars in the human constellation, but the brightest star is family! The light of these stars depends on how a person takes care of his constellation.”

Today, one of the main tasks of the school is the creation of an open social and pedagogical system based on the interaction of teaching, student and parent teams as equal partners. The effectiveness of the educational process at school, among other things, depends on close contact with the student’s family. It is in the family that the foundation of goodness, decency, and responsibility is laid, and in school these qualities are developed. Helping a family raise and educate children and at the same time increasing its responsibility for upbringing is possible as a result of systematic, consistently organized work. It is very important to make parents complicit in the pedagogical process from the first year of children’s education at school. By definition family

is considered as the initial link of members of a society where people live together and bear moral responsibility for each other. In rural areas, this definition does not apply to every family. Many live with each other, but do not bear moral responsibility. The family education system is undergoing significant changes, and it must be noted that the destruction of the family aggravates the problems of family education for a number of reasons:

  1. Having one child or having few children. Growing up in such conditions, children do not receive enough practical skills in raising and caring for their younger sisters and brothers.
  2. Incomplete families. Many psychologists, sociologists, and teachers have proven that family circumstances and the conditions in which children were born and raised leave an imprint on their entire lives and even predetermine their fate.
  3. The traditions of folk pedagogy have been completely lost, which assumes that a child must be raised while he is small, and “lies across the bench, and not along it.”
  4. Parents become fascinated by watching television programs of a political or plot-based nature (in the form of various series), but there is no time left for communicating with children, i.e., for their upbringing.
  5. Many parents do not sufficiently master pedagogical methods of raising children, which is why the upbringing process does not bring positive results. And the consequence of this is rude behavior of adolescents towards each other and adults, an increase in child crime, and alcoholism.
  6. Deterioration of the social situation of families. At the most active age (30-40 years), parents mostly have secondary vocational education. By social category, these are workers and employees, many of them do not work for various reasons (housewives, unemployed).
  7. Declining educational level of parents. Not all parents can help their children learn and develop cognitive interests. A “hunger” is created around the child for intellectual communication, which is often filled by the influence of negative factors.

Considering these reasons and many others, the school is interested in helping various categories of families master the content and organization of education in the family.

Teacher-mentor information card,

Participant in the regional competition of pedagogical excellence “Pedagogical Duet”


Place for a photo

(Full Name)


1. General information
Date of birth (day, month, year)
Place of Birth
Address of personal Internet resource where you can get acquainted with the participant and the materials he publishes
Website address of the educational organization on the Internet
2. Work
Place of work (full name of the educational organization in accordance with its charter)
Position held (name in accordance with the entry in the work book)
Total work experience (full years at the time of filling out the application form)
Total teaching experience (full years at the time of filling out the application form)
Date of establishment of the qualification category (if any), which category
Honorary titles and awards (names and dates of receipt in accordance with entries in the work book)
Track record (places and terms of work over the last 10 years)
3. Education
Name and year of graduation of the vocational education organization
Specialty, diploma qualification
Additional professional education over the last three years (names of additional professional programs, places and terms of their development)
Knowledge of foreign languages ​​(indicate level of proficiency)
Academic degree
Title of dissertation work(s)
Major publications (including books)
4. Social activities
Participation in public organizations (name, area of ​​activity and date of entry)
Participation in the activities of the governing council of an educational organization
Participation in the development and implementation of municipal, regional, federal, international programs and projects

(indicating participation status)

5. Family
Marital status (last name, first name, patronymic and profession of the spouse)
Children (names and ages)
6. Leisure
Sports hobbies
Stage talents
7. Contacts
Work address with zip code
Home address with zip code
Work phone with area code
Home phone with area code
Mobile phone with area code
Fax with area code
Work email
Personal email

*Information card fields in italics

are optional.

Appendix No. 5

to the Regulations

Information card of a young specialist,

Participant in the regional competition of pedagogical excellence “Pedagogical Duet”


Place for a photo

(Full Name)


1. General information
Date of birth (day, month, year)
Place of Birth
Address of personal Internet resource where you can get acquainted with the participant and the materials he publishes
Website address of the educational organization on the Internet
2. Work
Place of work (full name of the educational organization in accordance with its charter)
Position held (name in accordance with the entry in the work book)
Total work experience (full years at the time of filling out the application form)
Total teaching experience (full years at the time of filling out the application form)
Date of establishment of the qualification category (if any), which category
Honorary titles and awards (names and dates of receipt in accordance with entries in the work book)
Track record (places and terms of work over the last 10 years)
3. Education
Name and year of graduation of the vocational education organization
Specialty, diploma qualification
Additional professional education over the last three years (names of additional professional programs, places and terms of their development)
Knowledge of foreign languages ​​(indicate level of proficiency)
Academic degree
Title of dissertation work(s)
Major publications (including books)
4. Social activities
Participation in public organizations (name, area of ​​activity and date of entry)
Participation in the activities of the governing council of an educational organization
Participation in the development and implementation of municipal, regional, federal, international programs and projects

(indicating participation status)

5. Family
Marital status (last name, first name, patronymic and profession of the spouse)
Children (names and ages)
6. Leisure
Sports hobbies
Stage talents
7. Contacts
Work address with zip code
Home address with zip code
Work phone with area code
Home phone with area code
Mobile phone with area code
Fax with area code
Work email
Personal email

*Information card fields in italics are

are optional.

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