VPR. Russian language. 9th grade. Workshop. Violin E.N.

We are preparing for the OGE in social studies. TERMS.POLICY.

Authoritarianism is a political regime based on the autocracy of a single ruler or ruling group, which grossly violates the legal and moral norms of society.

Power is the ability and opportunity to exercise one’s will, exerting a decisive influence on people’s activities through any means.

Power. The object of power is the persons, groups or organizations in relation to whom power is exercised, to whom the command, order or instruction is addressed - classes, masses, groups, individuals.

Power. Subjects of power are participants in the political process: the state, parties, leaders and elite.

Power. Functions of power: leadership, management, organization, regulation, mobilization, domination

Power. Types of power:

  • e economic (control over economic resources: material assets, money, equipment, fertile lands, minerals)
  • social (the ability to influence the position of various segments of the population, the ability to increase or decrease the social status of individuals and groups)
  • cultural-informational power (power over people with the help of scientific knowledge, information)
  • political (three branches of government)

Types of power:

legitimate (power by law)

illegitimate (power not according to the law)

Elections are a way of forming bodies of state power and local self-government through voting.

The state is the main institution of the political system of society, a special organization of power and management, which has a special coercive apparatus and is capable of making its orders binding on the population of the entire country.

Citizen is a person who has the right of citizenship.

Civil society is the sphere of self-expression of free citizens and voluntarily formed organizations, protected by relevant laws from direct and arbitrary interference from government authorities; a set of non-state social relations and institutions expressing various private interests and needs of free citizens.

Citizenship is the affiliation of a person to a given state and is expressed in the totality of their – citizen and state – mutual rights and obligations.

Democracy is a political regime based on the recognition of the people as the source of power, proclaiming the equality of all before the law, guarantees of the rights and freedoms of citizens, etc.

Legislative power is a system of government bodies that have the right to make laws.

The electoral system is the procedure for electing representative institutions and elected officials.

Includes two interrelated components:

1) electoral law - a complex of legal norms on the procedure for elections; 2) electoral process – a set of actions in the election process.

Types of electoral systems:

  • Majoritarian – a type of electoral system in which the country's territory is divided into electoral districts. 1 deputy is elected from each district (single-member districts), sometimes 2 or more (multi-member districts); elect specific deputies.
  • proportional electoral system – the territory of the country is declared a single electoral district; voting for a party, the party receives the number of votes in parliament in proportion to the number of votes;
  • a mixed electoral system is used in our country during elections to the State Duma (half of the deputies are elected in single-mandate constituencies, that is, a majoritarian system), the other - in a single national electoral district (that is, a proportional system). Elections of the President of the Russian Federation are held in a single federal district , including the entire territory of the country)

The executive branch is a system of government bodies that ensures the implementation of laws and other regulations adopted by the legislative branch.

Sources of power - what allows you to apply and use power: law, traditions, force, authority, capital (wealth), knowledge.

  1. Conservatism is a political ideology.

Main features:

  • traditionalism;
  • stability and order;
  • the natural hierarchy of society is recognized;
  • strong government power;
  • the interests of the nation of the state are valued higher than the interests of the individual;
  • economic sphere: freedom of enterprise, private property, non-interference of the state.

Constitutional system is a way of organizing the life of the state, society and citizen, established and regulated by the constitution and other constitutional legal acts.

A confederation is a temporary entity, a union of independent states formed to achieve any specific goals (economic mutual assistance, the fight against global terrorism, etc.).

Liberalism is a political ideology.

Main features:

  • defending and fighting for freedom of human rights;
  • democratic ideas of the rule of law;
  • upholding the principles of separation of powers;
  • equal opportunity society;
  • equality of all before the law;
  • freedom of thought and speech;
  • market mechanism and competitive economy;
  • non-intervention of the state in the economy;
  • At the beginning of the 20th century, the ideas of neoliberalism appeared: they reconsidered the role of the state in the economy and allowed state intervention in the economy.

Local self-government is the independent activity of the population to resolve issues of local importance.

Multiparty system is the presence of two or more parties in the country.

Monarchy is a state in which all power is concentrated in the hands of the sole head of state - the monarch.

Parliamentarism is one of the forms of representative democracy, which provides citizens with equal opportunities in choosing government representatives.

Politics is an activity related to relations between political subjects (social groups, political parties and associations, political elites, etc.) regarding the acquisition, retention and use of political power in society

Political power is the ability of a subject to exercise his will, exerting a decisive influence on the political activities of people through any means in order to realize his own, primarily political, interests. Political power has the properties of obligatory and coercive force for all members of society, the right to legalize the use of force in relation to them.

The main features of political power:

  • supremacy (applies to the entire society)
  • publicity (acts on the basis of law on behalf of the entire society)
  • legality (only it has the legal right to use force within the country)
  • monocentricity (presence of a single center for making political decisions)
  • the right to use a wide variety of means: coercive, economic, social, cultural and informational.

A political movement is a public association pursuing political goals supported by its members. (Difference from parties: political movements are less formalized and can do without a government apparatus)

Political ideology is a system of ideas and views that expresses the interests and ideals of any political subject (liberal, conservative, socialist, communist, fascist).

Political leader - a political figure who is a leading political figure and influences large groups of people

principles, the rights and obligations of which are reflected in the charter.

A political party is a voluntary political organization that unites a group of like-minded people, representing the interests of a part of society and aiming to realize them by gaining state power or participating in its implementation; principles, rights and obligations are reflected in the charter.

Political pluralism is diversity (many parties, ideologies, opinions, etc.).

A political process is a chain of political events and states that change as a result of the interaction of specific political subjects.

Political regime is a set of ways and methods of exercising political power.

Types of political regimes : totalitarian, authoritarian, democratic

totalitarian (tight, complete control over all spheres of public life and every person, repression, strict censorship, prohibition of dissent)

authoritarian (some freedom in all spheres except political, somewhat soft regime compared to totalitarian).

democratic (democracy, parliamentarism, the right to opposition, political pluralism, openness, guarantee of rights, the rule of law, separation of powers, freedom of speech, thought, religion, etc.)

A political system is the totality of all political structures existing in society, the forms of interactions between them, in which political power is exercised.

5 main elements of a political system:

  • institutional subsystem (state, political parties, socio-political movements);
  • normative subsystem (political, legal norms, customs and traditions regulating political life);
  • functional subsystem (methods of exercising power); communicative subsystem (forms of interaction, connections, communication within the political system, as well as between the political system and society);
  • cultural - ideological subsystem (political ideology, political culture).

The political system includes: the state as the main institution of the political system, parties, party leaders, party ideology, party norms, party culture, public organizations, political regimes.

The political elite is a group of people with a privileged position, directly involved in making decisions related to the use of government power or influence on it.

A rule-of-law state is a state that is subject to the law in all its activities, operates within the boundaries defined by law, ensuring legal protection for its citizens.

Signs of the rule of law

  • law supremacy
  • maximum provision of human rights and freedoms and a well-established mechanism for protecting these rights
  • mutual responsibility of citizen and state
  • state sovereignty (independence of state power)
  • equality of all before the law
  • clear division of state power into legislative, executive and judicial
  • effective work of law enforcement agencies, etc.

Separation of powers is the principle of organizing and exercising government power, according to which power should not be concentrated in the hands of one person or one body, but should be dispersed between the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government.

3 branches of government:

  • legislative (in the Russian Federation, legislative power is exercised by the Parliament of the Russian Federation - the Federal Assembly, which consists of 2 chambers:

lower house - State Duma (450 deputies)

upper house - Federation Council (178 deputies)

  • executive power is exercised by the Government; Executive branch representatives are usually appointed rather than elected; The main task of the executive branch is to implement, i.e. implement decisions made by parliament.

judicial power - courts, an independent and independent branch of government; The task of the judiciary is to protect human rights and freedoms.

Types of vessels:

  • Constitutional courts (Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation; constitutional (or statutory) courts of the constituent entities of the Federation)
  • Courts of general jurisdiction (the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, supreme courts of the constituent entities of the Federation, as well as district (city) courts, magistrates' courts, military courts) Arbitration Court (the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, arbitration courts of districts, constituent entities of the Federation)

A republic is a state in which the source of power is the people, and the formation of government bodies is carried out through elections.

Power resources are a set of ways, means and techniques by which power is established and implemented.

Resources of power : law, traditions, persuasion, coercion, violence and fear.

Referendum is a form of adoption of laws or resolution of the most important state issues through universal suffrage (for example: adoption of a constitution, etc.)

  1. Socialism is a political ideology.

Main features:

  • society of universal equality;
  • absence of exploitation of man by man;
  • liquidation of private property;
  • organization of social production;
  • primacy to the collective social principle.

Sovereignty is the independence of a state in relation to other states in implementing its domestic and foreign policies.

The judiciary is a system of government bodies that exercise powers to administer justice.

Totalitarianism is a political regime based on the autocracy of a single ruler or ruling group, characterized by direct violence in the process of governing society, the lack of democratic freedoms and rights among the population.

A unitary state is a single state divided into administrative territorial units that do not have any political independence.

Fascism is a political ideology.

Main features:

  • racism;
  • rejection of the democratic system in favor of strong dictatorial power;
  • one state, one party, one leader;
  • cult of war;
  • violence, human hatred

Federation is a state consisting of state entities (subjects of the federation - states, lands, republics, regions, etc.) with relative political independence.

The form of government is the method of territorial organization of the state. According to the form of government, states are divided into unitary, federal and confederal.

Form of government - the organization of the highest authorities of the state and the procedure for their formation. Based on the form of government, states are divided into monarchy and republic.

Functions of the state - the main directions of the state’s activities:

internal (implementation of policies in all spheres of society):

  • political (ensuring conditions for the activities of other political institutions, order in society)
  • ensuring national security
  • economic (regulation of economic relations and structural changes in the economy, including nationalization, privatization)
  • social (programs for the development of education, healthcare, social security and cultural support)
  • ideological (education of members of society, formation of civic and patriotic values ​​through education and the media)


  • defending state and national interests in the international sphere
  • development of mutually beneficial cooperation
  • participation in solving global problems

The electorate is the circle of voters who vote for a political party in elections.

Material prepared by: Melnikova Vera Aleksandrovna.

Social Studies Essay Plan

To write a correct paper, you need to follow the given points:

  1. Make an introduction.
  2. Write the theoretical part.
  3. The first argument and its explanation.
  4. Second argument and its explanation.
  5. Conclusion.

There is no minimum number of words that must be written in an essay, so you can write a paper of any length.


In this paragraph (first paragraph) you need to formulate one of the ideas of the statement you have chosen and explain its meaning.


  • “Budgeting is the art of evenly distributing disappointments.” (M. Stans). – This is a quote from economics that talks about the state budget (idea), its meaning is that the mood of the population of the state depends on how and where the expenditure item of this budget is distributed (the meaning of the quote).

Thus, you need to work with any statement, defining its idea and revealing its meaning.

For introduction you can use the following cliches :

  1. In his statement/quote (author’s full name) he talks about...
  2. The meaning of her/his words is as follows: ...

These are universal sentences that will fit any statement.

BUT! The social science essay is changing, and, according to new criteria, you need to write about an idea , not a problem. also no need to write about relevance, because this is an outdated template that irritates most experts.

Theoretical part

At this point, you need to prove the first paragraph based on theoretical knowledge, that is, bring at least 3 concepts related to this idea, reveal their meaning, connect them with each other and with the chosen topic. Please note that you not only need to write definitions of concepts, but also explain them, speculate about their connection, their relationship to the idea.

Also, there is no need to write unnecessary concepts that have nothing to do with the chosen topic, that is, if you are writing about the state budget, then take the concept related to it - the state budget itself, its revenue and expenditure parts, the ways in which money is distributed, sources of income, etc.

There are no clichés for this part, but you can start the paragraph with the words: “To confirm this idea, let's turn to theory.”

First and second arguments

Many students have big problems with this part, because sometimes it can be difficult to give two examples from different sources. But you always need to be more cunning, because you can come up with the sources of arguments yourself.

For example, we have an idea about the role of taxes in the state. first argument concerns any developed country with high taxes. Let's say Sweden. And we can start it with the words:

  • “An example to confirm this idea is an article that I read in the source (name of a newspaper, magazine, TV channel, etc.)” Next, we describe the situation with taxes in Sweden and draw a mini-conclusion about high taxes and their impact on the level of development of the country.

As a second example, we can cite a backward country that has minimal taxes, but the standard of living is also very low, for example, Nicaragua or Zimbabwe. And we begin our second argument :

  • “In addition, from the school course (geography, history, social studies, life safety and others) I know about such a country with...”. Next, we describe the situation of a poor country and connect it with low taxes.

Please note that the arguments have a similar structure, but since we indicated different sources, it easily receives 2 points for this criterion.

The main thing is to indicate the exact name of the source, do not say that you just heard it, but write the specific name where exactly.


There is no criterion that relates to the conclusion, but this does not mean that the conclusion does not need to be written. You can end with arguments, but this will not make your essay seem complete and cohesive, so it’s worth writing a conclusion.

In this paragraph, you simply summarize everything written above using the following clichés :

  • “Thus, both examples given once again prove...”

Early Unified State Exam test in social studies 2020 from FIPI. Option 2

Solve the early version of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2020 from FIPI. Option 2

Task 1
Write down the word missing in the table.

Federal taxes and feesExcise duties, personal income tax, etc.
... taxesOrganizational property tax, transport tax



Task 2

In the row below, find a concept that generalizes/includes all the other concepts presented. Write down this word (combination of words).

Adaptation, mastery of social norms, development of experience, socialization, individualization.



Task 3

Below is a list of types of punishments. All of them, with the exception of two, according to the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, belong to the types of administrative penalties.

1) warning;

reprimand, 3) disqualification; 4) imprisonment; 5) deprivation of a special right granted to an individual; 6) compulsory work.
Find two types of punishments that “fall out” from the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.



Task 4

Choose the correct judgments about truth and its criteria and write down
the numbers
under which they are indicated.

  1. Only relative truth reveals essential features, connections, patterns, laws.
  2. Truth is any new knowledge obtained as a result of the process of cognition.
  3. Relative truth is reliable knowledge about the subject of knowledge, which can be clarified or supplemented over time.
  4. Truth is the correspondence of the received knowledge to reality.
  5. Absolute truth is complete, exhaustive knowledge about the object of knowledge.



Task 5

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types (types) of culture: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) seriality, replication B) clearly entertaining character C) commercial character D) creation of works by anonymous authors E) transmission of ancestral traditions1) mass culture 2) folk culture

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


Task 6

Zinaida is 35 years old. She is the mother of two children. Find in the list below her traits (qualities) that are social in nature. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  1. Zinaida's height is 158 cm.
  2. Zinaida, like her mother, has brown hair and blue eyes.
  3. Zinaida is kind and sympathetic.
  4. Zinaida, like all her relatives, has an absolute ear for music.
  5. Zinaida treats people around her favorably.
  6. Zinaida is a responsible worker.



Task 7

Choose the correct judgments about the labor market and unemployment and write down the numbers
which they are indicated.

  1. The state of the labor market in which part of the active population decides to stop working and no longer work is called cyclical unemployment.
  2. The emergence of frictional unemployment is always associated with an economic crisis and depression.
  3. As a result of high unemployment, the general standard of living of the population decreases.
  4. Unemployment is a socio-economic phenomenon, the essence of which is that part of the economically active population who wants to work cannot find work.
  5. The demand for labor in the relevant market is derivative: it depends on the demand for the product that the given worker produces.



Task 8

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types of competition (competitive markets): for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) A large number of firms produce a variety of products and have the ability to partially control their prices. B) In this market structure, a few large firms dominate. C) Barriers to entry into the market are difficult to overcome. D) Market participants cannot influence pricing. D) Many firms produce the same products and do not have the ability to control prices.
  1. oligopoly
  2. pure (perfect) competition
  3. monopolistic competition

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Task 9
Arkady Petrovich, a military pensioner, works in a private security company. He placed one part of his savings on a bank deposit, and spent the other on drawing up a property insurance contract. Arkady Petrovich also took out a loan and bought a plot of land. Which of the following refers to Arkady Petrovich’s income? Write down the numbers under which your income is indicated.

  1. wage
  2. interest on deposit
  3. pension
  4. personal income tax
  5. interest on loan
  6. insurance premiums



Task 10

The figure shows the change in demand for anti-virus computer programs in the corresponding market: the demand line
has moved to a new position -
(P - price;
O -

Which of the following factors could cause this change? Write down the numbers ,

under which they are indicated.

  1. reducing virus threats on the Internet
  2. increase in the number of antivirus software manufacturers
  3. reduction in wages for programmers - developers of antivirus programs
  4. providing tax benefits to IT companies
  5. provision of free antivirus programs bundled with operating systems



Task 11

Choose the correct judgments about social groups and their types and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  1. In a formal group, all interpersonal interactions are based on emotions.
  2. Belonging to various social groups determines a person’s position in society.
  3. Social groups are stable collections of people who have distinct characteristics unique to them (social status, common interests, value orientations).
  4. Demographic groups are distinguished primarily according to ethnosocial criteria.
  5. Groups and organizations influence human behavior.



Task 12

During sociological surveys of adult citizens of countries Z and Y, they were asked the question: “What exactly is the manifestation of environmental degradation in your locality and its surroundings?” (you could select more than one answer). The results obtained (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are presented in the form of a diagram.

Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn based on the diagram and write down the numbers,

under which they are indicated.

  1. In country Z, the share of those who noted a violation of the natural order in nature is greater than the share of those who noted a reduction in opportunities for outdoor recreation.
  2. Equal shares of respondents in country Y noted the disappearance of green areas and a reduction in opportunities for outdoor recreation.
  3. The share of those who noted the destruction of natural resources is greater in country Y than in country Z.
  4. The share of those who noted deterioration in people's health is lower in country Z than in country Y.
  5. The share of those who found it difficult to answer is greater in country Y than in country Z.



Task 13

Choose the correct judgments about the political system of society and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  1. Based on the nature of political regimes, majoritarian and proportional political systems of society are distinguished.
  2. One of the elements of the cultural subsystem of the political system of society is political psychology.
  3. Various interactions of subjects of political life form the basis of the communicative subsystem of the political system of society.
  4. The organizational subsystem of the political system includes political institutions and organizations that express and represent power interests of varying importance.
  5. The functions of the political system of society include identifying the interests of large social groups associated with power.



Task 14

Establish a correspondence between the powers and the subjects of state power of the Russian Federation exercising these powers: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) appoints the Chairman of the Central Bank of the RFB) B) adopts federal laws C) exercises executive power D) manages federal property E) resolves disputes about competence between subjects of state power of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  1. The State Duma
  2. Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
  3. Government of the Russian Federation

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


Task 15

Citizen A. was elected governor of region Z. He pays great attention to the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens and the development of civil society institutions.
In communication he is friendly and open to criticism. Which of the following characterizes the type of political leadership described in this situation? Write down the numbers
under which the correct characteristics are indicated.

  1. democratic
  2. traditional
  3. nationwide
  4. regional
  5. authoritarian
  6. legal (rationally legal)



Task 16

Select from the list given the provisions that characterize the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation.
Write down the numbers
under which they are indicated.

  1. Fee payers have the same rights as taxpayers.
  2. A citizen is liable for his obligations with all the property belonging to him, with the exception of property that cannot be foreclosed on in accordance with the law.
  3. The Russian Federation ensures the integrity and inviolability of its territory.
  4. In the Russian Federation, private, state, municipal and other forms of property are equally recognized and protected.
  5. A person is not subject to criminal liability for a crime if he voluntarily and finally refused to complete this crime.



Task 17

Choose the correct judgments about family law in the Russian Federation and write down
the numbers
under which they are indicated.

  1. Parents are required to provide maintenance for their minor children.
  2. The legal regime for the property of spouses is established only by a marriage contract.
  3. The marriage is suspended due to the civil registry office declaring one of the spouses dead.
  4. Marriage takes place at the civil registry office (registry office).
  5. Family law regulates issues of placement of children left without parental care.



Task 18

Establish a correspondence between organizational and legal forms and types of legal entities: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) joint-stock companies B) state unitary enterprises C) homeowners’ associations D) production cooperatives E) public funds1) non-profit 2) commercial

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


Task 19

Victor is 11 years old, Anatoly is 14 years old. Find in the list the common positions that characterize the legal status of both adolescents in the Russian Federation, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) independently go to court to protect his rights 2) be heard in court when his parents divorce on the issue of which parent he would like to remain with after the divorce 3) inherit property 4) make small household transactions 5) be a member of a cooperative 6 ) work in free time from study with the consent of one of the parents no more than four hours a day, subject to easy working conditions



Task 20

Read the text below, in which a number of words (phrases) are missing. Select from the list of words (phrases) that need to be inserted into the gaps.

“Civil society is a set of non-state relations and _________ (A), expressing the private interests of citizens in various fields.

In civil society, human rights are affirmed, various _________(B) are realized: in material well-being, family, education, creativity, communication, etc.

Here, in contrast to vertical connections, that is, _________(B), horizontal connections arise. These are socio-economic, socio-cultural, socio-political relations. Within the framework of civil society, various non-state social institutions arise and function. They are: a market economy based on diversity _________ (G), freedom of labor and entrepreneurial activity; family; school; public organizations; mass media. Civil society institutions also include interest groups and voluntary associations, socio-political movements and _________(D).

_________(E) provides conditions for the normal functioning of civil society.”

The words (phrases) in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once. Select one word (phrase) after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words (phrases) in the list than you will need to fill in the gaps.

List of terms:

1) state power 2) democratic 3) political parties 4) form of ownership 5) needs 6) institutions 7) federal state8) rule of law 9) parliament

The table below shows the letters representing the missing words (phrases). Write down in the table under each letter the number of the word (phrase) you have chosen.




Read the text and complete tasks 21–24.

It is in the field of private law that the freedom of an individual, autonomous person is revealed in its pure form and true meaning. These are not dosed “pieces of independence” for which an official gives permission. And this is not freedom, not a field of permissiveness, since before us is still an area of ​​law where the general legal order and the requirements of legality operate<...> Freedom in the field of private law is the complete and sovereign independence of an individual, expressed in his autonomous and protected status subject of law and in his possession of protected subjective rights.

At the same time, both of them (both the status of a subject of law and subjective rights) have the character of legal phenomena based on an absolute order, i.e. they open up space for one’s own, discretionary behavior and in this regard, in principle, exclude and do not allow anyone to interfere in this own “sphere of freedom.” <…>

The originality of private law is clearly manifested when it is compared with public law (the first is characterized by legal equality and coordination; the second is characterized by the “power-subordination” relationship, subordination). If we turn to a comparison of private law with the central category of public law - state power, then phenomena of a truly paradoxical order are revealed.

After all, private law provides individual citizens, their associations, and organizations acting as legal entities with the opportunity to be “their own master” in a certain range of relationships. <…> At the same time, it is assumed or directly declared that in relation to relations of this kind, state power, as it were, remains on the sidelines; it does not have the right to arbitrarily interfere in private law relations.

State power, by its nature “set up” to interfere in the relations surrounding it, is rejected (let’s say, more roughly, expelled) from the abode of the dominance of private wills and private interests.

At the same time, the actions of subjects as private individuals performed in this area are contracts, unilateral acts of the owner, etc. – acquire the “realest”, “full-blooded” legal meaning. The state, which was initially “expelled” from this circle of relations, is now obliged - isn’t it a paradox? – recognize private law relations, protect them by all legal means and implement them using the entire system of its coercive bodies and means.

(According to S.S. Alekseev)
Task 21
What definition of freedom in the field of private law is given in the text? What actions of the state, in the author’s opinion, allow contracts, unilateral acts of the owner, etc. acquire the “realest”, “full-blooded” legal meaning? (Name any two actions.) What does the author call the central category of public law?


The correct answer must contain the following elements: 1) the answer to the first question: the complete and sovereign independence of an individual, expressed in his autonomous and protected status as a subject of law and in his possession of protected subjective rights; 2) the answer to the second question, for example: – recognize private law relations; – protect them by all legal means; – implement with the help of the entire system of its compulsory bodies and means; (The answer to the second question is counted only if two or more actions from those indicated in the text are indicated.)

3) the answer to the third question: state power. Elements of the answer can be presented either in the form of quotations or in the form of a condensed reproduction of the main ideas of the relevant text fragments.

Task 22

Using social science knowledge, explain the meaning of the concept of “subjective rights”. How does the author explain the fact that both the status of a subject of law and subjective rights have the character of legal phenomena based on an absolute order? How does he characterize the difference between private and public law?


The correct answer must contain the following elements: 1) an explanation, for example: a measure of a person’s possible behavior in relation to the realization of his legitimate interests; (Another explanation may be given.) 2) the answer to the first question: they open up space for their own, discretionary behavior, and do not allow anyone to interfere in this own “sphere of freedom”; 3) the answer to the second question, for example: private law is characterized by legal equality and coordination; public law – relations “power - subordination”, subordination). ( The answer to the second question is counted only if the difference is indicated.)
The features of only public/private law given by the examinee without indicating the corresponding feature of private/public law are not counted for the assessment.
(Answers to questions can be presented both in the form of quotes and in the form of a condensed reproduction of the main ideas of the corresponding text fragments)

Task 23

Name any three subjective rights of citizens as subjects of private law relations and illustrate with examples the implementation of each of these rights. (In each case, first name the law, then give a corresponding example. Each example should be formulated in detail.)


The correct answer should name three subjective rights and illustrate the implementation of each of these rights with examples, for example: 1) the right to protect one’s honor, good name and business reputation (for example, a newspaper published an article containing unverified facts about the work of a well-known person in the city doctor; the doctor exercised the right to protect his business reputation and went to court); 2) the right of private property (for example, Peter purchased a plot of land from a gardening partnership, built a house, and rests there on weekends); 3) authorship (intellectual property) (for example, Mikhail Mikhailovich wrote a novel that was published in a publishing house; as the author of the work, in accordance with the contract, he receives remuneration and holds meetings with readers). Other examples may be given, other rights named and illustrated. Only examples formulated in detail are counted (individual words and phrases are not counted as examples)

Task 24

The author writes that private law provides people with the opportunity to be “their own master.” Using social science knowledge and facts of social life, name any three conditions under which a citizen will be able to realize this opportunity. Explain each one.


The correct answer must name and explain three conditions, for example: 1) awareness by a citizen of the goals of his activities (necessary for planning steps to realize his rights, the most effective use of available resources); 2) independence in decision-making (the ability to make and implement important decisions with one’s will, to bear responsibility for them, to follow one’s obligations); 3) the effectiveness of the judicial system (necessary for protecting the rights of citizens and promptly resolving legal disputes); 4) freedom of economic initiative (the implementation of many rights in the field of private law is associated with the participation of a citizen in economic life); 5) the highest level of legal awareness of society (minimizes the number of offenses). Other explanations may be given, other conditions specified and explained.

Task 25

Using social science knowledge:

1) reveal the meaning of the concept “political process”; 2) make two sentences:

  • one sentence containing information about any four forms of political participation of citizens;
  • one sentence revealing the essence of any of these forms.

(Sentences must be general and contain correct information about the relevant aspects of the concept.)

The correct answer must contain the following elements: 1) the meaning of the concept, for example: The activities of political subjects aimed at developing, adopting and implementing political decisions; (Another, similar definition or explanation of the meaning of the concept may be given.) 2) one sentence with information about any four forms of political participation of citizens, based on knowledge of the course, for example: Forms of political participation of citizens are elections, referendums, rallies, participation in political organizations, appeal to government authorities; (A proposal only counts if four or more forms are provided.)

(Another sentence can be drawn up containing information about four or more forms of political participation of citizens.) 3) one sentence that, based on knowledge of the course, reveals the essence of any of these forms, for example: A referendum involves direct voting by citizens of the country to decide the most important issues. Another sentence can be composed that reveals the essence of any of these forms

Task 26

Using three examples, show the limitations of such a factor of production as labor, and possible ways to overcome it. (In each case, first give an example, then indicate the corresponding method of overcoming. Each example should be formulated in detail.)


The following examples can be given: 1) In region Z, oil and gas are produced. Due to the low population density, work has to be organized on a rotational basis. 2) In country A, with a low birth rate, the share of the population of retirement and pre-retirement age is already about 40% of all residents. Under these conditions, large firms began to transfer their production to other countries or attract foreign workers. 3) In region S, the local population considers unskilled work to be unprestigious, so to perform it it is necessary to attract workers from other regions. Other examples may be given. Only examples formulated in detail are counted (individual words and phrases are not counted as examples)

Task 27

In State Z, the latest communication technologies and services are being developed, innovations are being introduced, a transition to digital technologies is taking place at all levels of production activity, and the role of science and education in the life of society is increasing. In State Z, from 2009 to 2020, there has been an increase in the popularity of distance learning programs; in schools, half of classes are conducted using Internet technologies. On average, the number of students with access to video lessons and other digital learning materials has increased 12 times.

In state Z, all citizens have equal civil and political rights and freedoms, as well as guarantees of their protection. Legislative power is exercised by parliament, and the popularly elected head of state forms the government and heads the executive branch.

What type of society is Z? What trend in the development of education is described, but not named in the problem statement? (Give a name for this trend.) What is Z's form of government? (Give the full name.) What fact from the problem conditions allows us to conclude that state Z is democratic?


The correct answer must contain the following elements: 1) the answer to the first question: to post-industrial/information type societies; 2) answer to the second question: informatization/computerization/digitalization; 3) the answer to the third question: presidential republic; (The answer “republic” does not count towards the correct answer to the third question.)

4) the answer to the fourth question, for example: in state Z, all citizens have equal civil and political rights and freedoms, as well as guarantees of their protection. The answer to the fourth question can be presented both in the form of a quotation and in the form of a condensed reproduction of the main idea of ​​the corresponding fragment of the problem statement. Answers to questions can be given in other, similar in meaning Formulations

Task 28

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that will allow you to essentially reveal the topic “Religion as a Social Institution.”
A complex plan must contain at least three points that directly address the topic in essence, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs. (The number of subparagraphs of each detailed paragraph must be at least three, except in cases where, from the point of view of social sciences, only two subparagraphs are possible.)

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic 1. The concept of religion as a social institution. 2. The structure of religion: a) religious consciousness; b) religious cult; c) religious organizations. 3. Functions of religion: a) ideological; b) educational; c) psychological, etc. 4. Types of religions: a) national religions; b) world religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam). (With this or similar wording in paragraph 4, two subparagraphs are sufficient, but “early forms of religion” can be indicated.) 5. Characteristic features of world religions: a) a large number of believers; b) egalitarianism; c) supranational level.

Task 29

Choose one of the statements below and write a mini-essay based on it.

Correctly formulate one or more main ideas of the topic raised by the author and reveal it (them) based on social science knowledge.

To reveal the main idea(s) you have formulated, provide reasoning and conclusions using social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical positions).

To illustrate the main idea(s), theoretical positions, reasoning and conclusions you have formulated, please provide at least two social facts/examples from various sources:

  • from the social life of modern society (real facts and models of social situations), including materials from the media, Internet resources of sociological services;
  • from personal social experience, including events from your life and the lives of your relatives/acquaintances, books read, movies watched/theater productions, etc.;
  • from history, including the history of literature and art, various sciences and technology.

Each given fact/example must be formulated in detail and confirm/be clearly connected with the designated main idea, theoretical position, reasoning or conclusion.
The content of the examples should not be of the same type (they should not duplicate each other). 29.1 Philosophy

“Progress only indicates the direction of movement, and it is indifferent to what awaits at the end of this path - good or evil.” (I. Huizinga)

29.2 Economics

“Entrepreneurs must be willing to set unrealistic goals and must be willing to fail.” (S. Honda)

29.3 Sociology, social psychology

“True patriotism as a private manifestation of love for humanity does not coexist with hostility towards individual nations.” (N.A. Dobrolyubov)

29.4 Political science

“The ruler must not only want and decide, but also systematically lead others to a consistent will or decision.” (I.A. Ilyin)

29.5 Jurisprudence

“Laws are the most beautiful invention of reason, but, while providing peace to peoples, they diminish their freedom.” (L. Vauvenargues)

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