Social studies work program for grade 7, Kravchenko

Social studies work program 7th grade

Work program for social studies in 7th grade for 2009-2010.
Explanatory note The work program was compiled in accordance with the program developed in full accordance with the mandatory minimum content of the course “Social studies” edited by A.I. Kravchenko and E.A. Pevtsova. Purpose of training: to develop interest and positive motivation of schoolchildren in studying humanities subjects, as well as to contribute to the realization of students’ capabilities and interests. to teach students that they are part of the world around them, that they have personal qualities, that they are part of society. In the process of studying, the following tasks will be solved: • To introduce students to the concept of “teenager”, “adolescence”. “collective”, “personality”. • Feel like a part of society and its future • Teaches you to identify distinctive character traits. • Use your character strengths in your activities. • Use your character strengths in your activities. • Understand that they are not alone, that there are people around them who also want to be treated with respect. • Provide knowledge about healthy relationships between people. • Develop patriotic feelings In the work program, in accordance with the requirements of the program, the following types of control are planned: tests, control and independent work. Goal: increasing the general cultural level of students. The program lasts 34 hours.

EDUCATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL COMPLEX: Program: Programs of general education institutions: History, social studies, grades 5-11. M.: Education 2007. Textbook: Kravchenko A.I., Pevtsova E.A. Social studies: Textbook for 7th grade - M.: LLC "TID "Russian Word - RS", 2008. Methodological equipment: Social studies. 7th grade: lesson plans based on the textbook by A.I. Kravchenko, E.A. Pevtsova / author. N.S. Kochetov. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.

To implement the program in full, reserve hours (2 hours) are provided for the first half of the year.

Contents of the work program

Chapter I TEENAGER PERSONALITY Topic 1. Transitional age Age in: 1) chronological terms; 2) physically and psychologically; 3) socially. Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adolescence (youth). Physiological and psychological changes in adolescence. Features of adolescence. Characteristics of older adolescence (period from 13 to 15 years). Adolescence is the period of life between childhood and adulthood. Basic concepts of the topic: age; age periodization; adolescence; teenagers; youth.

Topic 2. Tasks and difficulties of adolescence Tasks of adolescence. The most important features of adolescence: the teenager partially belongs to the group of children, and partially belongs to the group of adults. Developmental tasks for a teenager: acceptance of one’s appearance and the ability to effectively control one’s body; forming new and more mature relationships with peers of both sexes; accepting a male or female role; achieving emotional independence from parents and other adults; preparation for work; preparation for marriage and family life; the emergence of a desire to bear responsibility for oneself and society; acquiring a system of values ​​and ethical principles. Problems of adolescence. Basic concepts of the topic: emotional independence, value system Topic 3. Being an adult The period of growing up. Difficulties in entering the adult world. Choosing images of the adult self in adolescence. The role of the chosen ideal in the maturation of adolescents. The contradictions of adolescence. Peculiarities of raising teenagers. The main concept of the topic: adult. Topic 4. Physical changes in adolescents Rapid and uneven growth and development of the body. Sharp acceleration of growth. Puberty. Factors of physical changes in adolescents. Nutrition problems of adolescents. Issues of external attractiveness. The role of external attractiveness in the formation of interpersonal relationships. The danger of dissatisfaction with oneself as a factor that forms an inferiority complex. Self-esteem. Uneven development of adolescents. Basic concepts of the topic: self-esteem; inferiority complex. Topic 5. Psychological portrait of a personality: temperament and character The concept of “personality”. The main properties of a psychological portrait of a person: temperament; character; capabilities; intelligence; feelings; emotions. Personality types by temperament: sanguine; choleric; phlegmatic person; melancholic. Person's character. Moral and volitional qualities of the individual as the core of character. Basic concepts of the topic: personality; temperament; character. Topic 6. Psychological portrait of a personality: intelligence, emotions and feelings Human abilities. General and special abilities. Intelligence as the ability for cognition and logical thinking. Human feelings: feelings themselves; affects; emotions; mood; stressful conditions. Emotions are the lowest, feelings are the highest type of mental reactions. Basic concepts of the topic: human abilities; intelligence; mood; stress; emotions.

Topic 7. Self-esteem of a teenager Self-esteem as the basis for regulating personal behavior. The dangers of high and low self-esteem. Factors influencing the self-esteem of adolescents. The relationship between self-esteem and school performance. The role of self-education in the development of personality. Some methods of self-education: self-order; self-hypnosis; self-encouragement. Basic concepts of the topic: self-esteem; self-education.

Topic 8. Outstanding personality Ideas about outstanding personalities among thinkers of the past (N. Machiavelli, T. Carneil, F. Nietzsche). The role of natural inclinations for the formation of an outstanding personality. Becoming an outstanding personality despite one's nature. Gifted children. Mental talent is a biologically innate quality. The possibility of development and decline of mental talent. The role of willpower, hard work and motivation to achieve a goal in the development of mental talent. Social environment (family upbringing, school education, social influence) in the development of mental talent. The role of encouraging giftedness in its development. Basic concepts of the topic: outstanding personality; giftedness; gifted children.

Topic 9. Leader and his qualities Leader. Different points of view on the qualities that a leader should have. Six essential elements of leadership according to S. Northcote Parkenson: imagination; knowledge; talent; determination; rigidity; attraction. The art of communication as an essential trait of a leader. The ability to speak clearly yourself and the ability to listen when others speak is the basis of the art of communication. Basic concepts of the topic: leader; the art of communication. Chapter II TEENAGER IN THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT Topic 10. Social environment of a teenager The concept of “social environment”. The role of the social environment in providing conditions for the development of the individual, satisfying his cultural needs, and contacts with other people. The immediate and distant environment of adolescents. The intermediate position of the school between the two worlds of teenagers - near and far. The degree of trust of adolescents in various social circles. The family as a small group that enjoys the greatest confidence among adolescents. The influence of the reactions of surrounding people on the behavior of teenagers. Direct and indirect dependence on the reaction of others. The main concept of the topic: social environment.

Topic 11. Teenager in a group Society is a collection of different groups. Groups: large and small; permanent and temporary. Small groups or personal contact groups. Simultaneous entry of a person into several groups. Laws of the group. Human life according to the laws of the group. Group pressure. Conformity as a special form of behavior in response to group pressure. Orientation towards “significant others”. The importance of a person’s level of self-esteem on the degree of influence of group pressure. Basic concepts of the topic: group; conformism; "significant others"

Topic 12. Interpersonal relationships Interpersonal relationships - relationships in a small group. The role of psychological qualities and moral standards in interpersonal relationships. The most important law of interpersonal relationships: how others treat you is largely determined by how you treat yourself. Mutual understanding in interpersonal relationships. Basic concepts of the topic: interpersonal relationships; mutual understanding.

Topic 13. “We” and “them” “We” and “they” as a designation for two types of relationships: “we” are those with whom I feel sympathy, with whom I constantly communicate, and whom I trust; “they”—whom I don’t know, with whom I’m not sociable and quarrelsome. “We” and “they” are two different poles, two opposites, existing in unity, opposing each other, but also complementing each other. The danger of turning into hostility, and then into conflict or clash, separation from others. “Ours” and “strangers”. "Others" and "others". Differences between “us” and “outsiders”. Basic concepts of the topic: “we”; "They"; "their"; "strangers"; “others”; "others".

Topic 14. The world of familiar and unfamiliar people Familiar and unfamiliar people. Interaction with familiar and unfamiliar people. The influence of living in the company of acquaintances or strangers on a person’s character, his lifestyle, habits and speech. Relationships with close acquaintances and friends are like personal relationships. Relationships with strangers are like business (formal) relationships. "I" and "others". "Aliens" and "outsiders". Protecting “their own”. Basic concepts of the topic: familiar; strangers; "I"; “others”; "strangers"; "strangers".

Topic 15. Social portrait of youth Youth is a large social group. Age limits of youth (from 14 to 30 years). The most important events that occur during youth: completion of general education; choosing a profession and obtaining vocational education; start of work; marriage; birth of children. Younger (up to 18 years old), middle (from 18 to 24 years old) and senior (from 25 to 30 years old) groups of youth. Problems of youth in modern society: social, economic, moral. Values ​​of modern youth. The influence of a sharp contrast in material security on the values ​​of modern Russian youth. Active entry of Russian youth into the new economy and political life. The growing influence of Russian youth as a socio-political force. Self-awareness of the younger generation as the main factor in the sustainable development of Russia and, to a certain extent, the driving force behind fundamental changes in society. The main concept of the topic: youth.


Topic 16. Legal boundaries of adolescence The presence of rights and responsibilities is a legal characteristic of a person. Dividing teenagers into two categories of people: minors (children from 6 to 14 years old) and minors (from 14 to 18 years old). Characteristics of the legal status of minors from the standpoint of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Implementation of the legitimate interests of minors (in whole or in part) by their parents, guardians, trustees. Correlation of rights and responsibilities. Responsibility. Basic concepts of the topic: rights; responsibilities; responsibility.

Topic 17. Teenager as a citizen Passport as a legal document certifying a person’s identity. Citizenship. Ways of acquisition and replacement. Citizen. Civil (personal) rights and freedoms. Political rights of citizens. Holding meetings, rallies and demonstrations as a manifestation of the political rights of citizens. Legislative conditions for their implementation. Participation of citizens in government. Responsibilities of citizens of the Russian Federation. Basic concepts of the topic: passport; citizenship; citizen; civil (personal) rights and freedoms; political rights of citizens; responsibilities of citizens.

Topic 18. A teenager and his rights. Civil (personal) rights of the child. The right to live. The right to privacy. Socio-economic and cultural rights of the child. The right to work and free choice of profession. Protection from economic exploitation. The right to rest. Protection of childhood and motherhood. The right to health protection and medical care. Cultural rights are rights designed to ensure accessibility to education, freedom of creativity and teaching, participation in cultural life and use of cultural institutions. The main concept of the topic: children's rights.

Topic 19. The dangerous path of a criminal life Crimes. Criminal liability for committing a crime. Age of criminal responsibility for minors. Types of punishment for minors. Factors taken into account when sentencing minors. Compulsory measures of educational influence. Organized crime. Increasing severity of punishment for crimes committed by an organized group. Administrative violations and administrative penalties. Rules of conduct for a minor when detained by police officers. Basic concepts of the topic: crimes; criminal liability; administrative violations. Chapter IV LIFE OF A TEENAGER

Topic 20. Adolescent in a risk society. The growth of risk factors in modern society. There are special dangers of being in a risk situation during growing up. The influence of external obstacles, limitation of one’s own activity, one’s own helplessness and the inability to express one’s feelings and aspirations as the basis for the growth of risk in adolescents. The difference between the position of a teenager in society and the position of an adult. Sources of risk in the lives of modern adolescents. Increase in background noise; city ​​roads; negative consequences of television viewing; alcoholism and drug addiction. Basic concepts of the topic: health; alcoholism; addiction.

Topic 21. The problem of loneliness Loneliness. Problems that arise in a person who feels lonely. Causes of loneliness in youth. Loneliness is a complex phenomenon that is perceived differently by different people. The positive side of loneliness is the satisfaction of the desire for solitude. Loneliness and associated depression. The essence of teenage depression. Ways to solve problems of teenage depression. Basic concepts of the topic: loneliness; teenage depression.

Topic 22. Teenage culture Diversity of teenage societies. Formal and informal teenage groups. Teenage culture. Features of teenage culture. Expression of adolescent culture through values, attitudes and behaviors, through things that are used in everyday life. Youth clothes. Different functions of clothing for adolescents and adults. Youth music. Rollerism as a special way of life and a special subculture. Basic concepts of the topic: formal groups; informal groups; teenage culture.

Topic 23. Lifestyle Structure of lifestyle. Reflection of lifestyle in manners, traditions, lifestyle, customs, tastes. Reflection in the lifestyle of cultural elements that are not only typical for a given social group, but also distinguish it from other groups. Lifestyle is a reflection of both characteristic and distinctive features of behavior. The way of life of different peoples and categories of the population (ancient Romans, Bushmen, Russian merchants, English lifestyle, American way of life). The main concept of the topic: lifestyle.

Topic 24. Leisure and recreation Leisure and recreation are an integral part of people’s everyday lifestyle. The main features of leisure: duration, place and method of conduct, structure. Leisure and recreation in different historical eras. The influence of the economic level of development of society and the traditions existing in it on the forms of modern leisure among different peoples. Leisure as a change of activities. Cultural leisure; its focus on knowledge, spiritual and aesthetic development of man. The role of libraries and museums in the development of human society and culture, in the organization of leisure in the past and today. History of the creation of libraries. Libraries as scientific, informational, cultural and educational institutions. Mass (public) and specialized (scientific and technical) libraries. Work simultaneously in mass and specialized modes of the largest libraries. Personal (home) libraries. Museums as scientific, research, educational institutions. History of the emergence and development of museums. Types of modern museums: scientific and educational, research, educational. Various museum profiles. Modern Russians have free time. A characteristic feature of Russian leisure is the transition from active to passive leisure. Basic concepts of the topic: leisure; rest; free time; cultural leisure; library; museum. Topic 25. Sports The emergence and history of sports. Sports entertainment in the lifestyle of various population groups. The origins of modern sports. Modern sport. Professional and amateur sports. Technical and military sports. The problem of introducing modern teenagers to sports as a way to preserve and develop their health. Basic concepts of the topic: sports; professional sports; amateur sport.

Section V THE TEENAGER AND HIS LIVING ENVIRONMENT (4 hours) Topic 26-27. City and village The city is a special habitat. The emergence of the first cities. Evolution of the city. Eastern city. Roman forum. Medieval city. Modern cities. Cities: small, medium, large and millionaire cities. Characteristics of modern Russian cities. City and urbanization. Quality of city life: cost of food; living conditions; quality of housing; connection; education; healthcare; public safety; external noise level; traffic; cleanliness of air and water. The emergence of megacities. Pros and cons of city life. Village. Characteristics of the village. Origin of the word "village". The difference between the lives of city dwellers and villagers. Consolidation of villages. The emergence of urban villages. The influence of fundamental changes in modern cities and villages on the lifestyle of adolescents. Basic concepts of the topic: city; urbanization; metropolis; village; the quality of life; suburban areas; satellite city.

Topic 28-29. My home, my home Three territories of human habitation: public, home, personal. Home is a human habitat, the intertwining of human relationships and connections. Factors determining the choice of housing. The evolution of housing in the history of mankind. Modern home. The requirements for a modern home are a house in which conditions have been created for the harmonious development of a person. Features of the requirements for modern housing in different countries and among different categories of the population. Relationships with neighbors. Relationship levels of approximate acquaintance; superficial acquaintance; contact dating; deep acquaintance. The influence of a city dweller’s area of ​​residence on his quality of life. Basic concepts of the topic: house; home; habitat; neighbours.

Requirements for the level of student preparation

As a result of studying the social studies course, students should know: • Basic concepts and terms; • Psychological portrait of personality in adolescence; • About the nature of the relationship between a teenager and other social groups; • Your rights and obligations; be able to: • apply acquired knowledge to solve problems of a cognitive and practical nature; • receive social information from a variety of sources; • navigate the textbook using the table of contents, work with the text, find answers to questions. have an idea: • about the specifics of personality development in adolescence.

List of literature and teaching aids

1. Programs of general education institutions: History, social studies, grades 5-11.
M.: Education 2007. 2. Kravchenko A.I., Pevtsova E.A. Social studies: Textbook for 7th grade - M.: LLC "TID "Russian Word - RS", 2008. 3. Social studies. 7th grade: lesson plans based on the textbook by A.I. Kravchenko, E.A. Pevtsova / author. N.S. Kochetov. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. 4. Morozova SV. Prevention of juvenile delinquency: educational resources // Teaching history and social studies at school. 2003. No. 8. P. 36-40. Handbook for social studies teachers / Comp. T.I. Tyulyaeva. M., 2003. 5. Petrova L.A. From a workbook on social studies // Teaching history and social studies at school. 2002. No. 2. P. 38-41. 6.Repin E.N., Repina N.A. Money in its true meaning: A manual for teachers and students. M., 1999. 7. Collection of teaching materials for teachers of history and social studies. 2002/03 academic year / Ed. SI. Kozlen-ko. M., 2002. 8. Collection of teaching materials for teachers of history and social studies. 2003/04 academic year / Ed. SI. Kozlenke M., 2003. 9. Handbook of a teacher of social disciplines/Auth.-comp. HER. Vyazemsky, T.I. Tyulyaeva. M., 1998. 10. Sukholet I.N. Issues of spiritual culture in school social studies: A manual for teachers. M., 2003. 11. Trofimova O.V. Non-traditional forms of lessons and socialization of students // Teaching history and social studies at school. 2003. No. 1. P. 16-23. Markovich D.Zh. Social ecology. M., 1996. Meshcheryakov B., Meshcheryakova I. Introduction to human science. M., 1994. For the full text of the material Work program for social studies, grade 7, see the downloadable file
. The page contains a fragment.

Author: Tkacheva Anna Aleksandrovna → Tkacheva 11/11/2009 6 91050 5995 Comment

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