Consultation for teachers of younger groups Formation of the fundamentals of Valeology in younger preschoolers

"Me and my health." Valeological games and exercises

According to the World Health Organization, “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or injury.”
A number of factors influence a child’s health:

  • heredity (share of influence is 20%)
  • environmental impact (share of influence - 20%)
  • medical care (share of influence - 10%)
  • lifestyle (share of influence - 50%).

These data force us to pay the most serious attention to the fourth group of factors. It consists of the child’s attitude to his health, his nutrition, adherence to the daily routine, physical activity, hardening, proper sleep, and mastery of hygiene skills. The games and exercises offered in this section will help children develop the right attitude towards their health.

Who do I look like? Goal: developing the ability to look at oneself from the outside, compare a person with other animal organisms, find similarities and differences, promote the development of imagination.

Material: photographs of parents, other close relatives of children, prizes.

Description: invite children to carefully look at the photographs and find similar features. The one who finds the most signs wins a prize.

Who was born

Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about how living beings are born.

Equipment: three large pictures depicting an egg, caviar, a bottle of milk and a pacifier; small pictures depicting people, animals, birds, amphibians, insects.

In front of the children are pictures with animals, insects, amphibians, and people turned upside down. Children choose any picture and tell how this creature was born. Then they combine a small picture with a large one - with the image of an egg, an egg, a bottle with a nipple (for mammals).


Goal: familiarization with the external structure of the human body, to develop the ability to see the good in other people.

Description: children stand in a circle, the leader is the gardener in the center. He utters the following words: “I was born a gardener, I was seriously angry, I was tired of all the flowers, except for Yulenka! “Then the “gardener” talks about Yulenka’s virtues. Then Yulenka becomes the leading gardener. She chooses one of the guys and tells why he (s) is good, thus explaining her choice.

Name it correctly

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about hygiene products, their purpose and correct use.

Material: subject pictures of various subjects, including images of hygiene products, chips.

Description: children choose from a variety of items those that help them take care of themselves. For example: “I wash my face” (what objects help you with this), “I take a shower,” etc. For the right choice - a trick.

Choose clothes according to the seasons

Goal: developing the ability to distinguish items of clothing depending on the time of year.

Material: items of clothing used in different seasons, 4 dolls.

Description: children are divided into teams, each of which “dresses” its doll for a certain time of year.

Who needs what to live?

Goal: consolidation of knowledge and ideas about the basic needs of living organisms for warmth, air, food, habitat.

Material: cards depicting living beings (human, dog, tree, flower, etc.; cards depicting food, habitat.

Description: invite children to choose a pair for each card, answering the questions - choose what the bird needs to live? What does a dog need so that it can live.

Who am I?

Goal: expanding the child’s knowledge about himself, his name, his surname, age.

Equipment: mirror; subject pictures depicting animals and birds.

Tell us what you know about yourself (name, age, height, hair color and length, eye color, date of birth, girl or boy).

Tell me who you are like: mom or dad.

Do you have signs that are present in any animal or bird?

Health traffic light

Goal: developing ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Material: circles of red, yellow, green colors, subject pictures.

Description: offer to “light” the health traffic light. The green circle is what helps a person lead a healthy lifestyle; yellow is something that needs to be treated with caution, red circle is something that is harmful to health.

Name the athlete

Goal: to develop a respectful attitude towards athletes, to develop the ability to distinguish and name sports.

Material: pictures of athletes.

Goal: to develop a respectful attitude towards athletes, to develop the ability to distinguish and name sports.

Description: Children play in pairs. One takes a picture of an athlete and shows the given sport with a movement, the other guesses. Then the players change places.

Where are the vitamins hidden?

Goal: to consolidate the understanding of vitamin groups, their importance and health benefits.

Material: baskets with letters indicating groups of vitamins (A, B, C); dummies of fruits and vegetables.

Description: suggest placing the dummies in baskets with the corresponding group of vitamins.

What first - what then (daily routine)

Goal: to reinforce the idea that following a proper daily routine is good for health.

Material: plot pictures depicting actions characteristic of a certain period of the day.

Description: invite players to arrange the pictures in the correct sequence and explain their choice.

Sun, air and water are our faithful friends

Goal: to form an idea about the means and types of hardening (water, air, solar), their importance for health.

Material: story pictures.

Description: children look at the pictures and determine what health benefits the sun, air and water bring. The one who names the most useful properties wins.

Why did the guys get sick?

Goal: to develop the ability to identify cause-and-effect relationships, cultivate a caring attitude towards one’s health, and develop coherent speech.

Material: plot pictures depicting correct and incorrect actions (leading to illness).

Description: children choose pictures depicting incorrect actions and explain their choice.

Name it correctly (medicines)

Goal: familiarize yourself with the names of medications that are used for treatment and which are part of the “home medicine cabinet.”

Material: pictures depicting medications included in the “home first aid kit”, “first aid kit”.

Description: children are invited to assemble a “home first aid kit”, naming medications, and explain their choice.

Choose medicinal plants

Goal: familiarize yourself with the names of medications that are used for treatment and which are part of the “home medicine cabinet.”

Material: subject pictures depicting plants, “Aibolit” doll.

Description: children choose medicinal plants from all the proposed pictures, and “Aibolit” explains what medicinal properties they have.

How should you take care of yourself?

Goal: developing skills to monitor compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Equipment: top, chips, cards with questions.

The presenter spins the top, which determines the card with the question. For the correct answer, the child receives a chip. The one with the most chips wins.


1. Name the items you need for washing (soap, towel).

2. Name the items you will need to take a shower (shampoo, soap, shower gel).

3. How often should you wash? (Every day).

4. How often should you brush your teeth? (In the morning and in the evening).

5. How often should you cut your nails? (At least once every 10 days).

6. How often should you wash your ears? (Every day).

7. How often should you change your underwear? (Every day).

Show me and I'll guess

Goal: to develop a respectful attitude towards athletes, to develop the ability to distinguish and name sports.

Description: one subgroup of children, using specific movements, shows (makes a guess) what kind of sport they are involved in. Another subgroup guesses who was depicted (skier, swimmer, hockey player, gymnast, etc.).

Good words

Goal: to create a desire to see the good in other people, the development of speech and imagination.

Description: children stand in circles, pass the ball around the circle, name one of the good qualities of their neighbor or call him by an affectionate name.

Making a menu

Goal: developing the idea that health depends on proper nutrition - food should not only be tasty, but also healthy.

Material: play dishes, dummies of fruits, vegetables, food.

Description: The presenter tells the players: “In front of you is a table set for lunch (dinner). Put in the first plate what you want to eat first, then fill the second plate, and the dessert bowl. Mark those players who filled their plates with more than just sweets, and who “created a menu” that is healthy.

To keep your skin healthy

Goal: developing skills to monitor compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Equipment: pictures marked with a red rim with incorrect actions of children.

Children look at the pictures and find what is wrong. For the correct answer, the child receives a chip. The one with the most chips wins.


The child licks abrasions and cuts.

Boy in dirty underwear.

The girl puts on someone else's shoes.

What do we know about things?

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the rules of safe behavior at home; develop attention and memory; foster a sense of cooperation.

Material: four playing cards depicting a cut, burn, hand bruise and fire; pictures depicting various household items.

Description: 4 children take part in the game, each of them takes a game card with the image of an “injury”. The teacher (child) is the leader. He picks up a picture of an object one by one. Participants must guess what injury could result from improper handling of this item, match it to their card and take the picture. When selecting, the child must explain why this or that object is dangerous and tell the rules for handling it.

Author: Olga Vladimirovna Mozdukova, teacher at MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 3”, Belovo, Kemerovo region, Russia.

The article is published in the author's edition.

Didactic games on valeology

didactic games on valeology

Perhaps, the problem of preserving the health of preschool children is one of the problematic ones if adults do not address it sufficiently. And instilling a caring attitude towards their health in children can be done using a method that children really like - this is a game. So, look at interesting educational games for preschoolers for use both in kindergarten and at home.

Didactic games for preschoolers.

1. Drawing up a model “How to protect yourself from a cold” and “How to behave during an illness”

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about disease prevention

Material: Large cards - 2 pcs. with the image of a sick child; a set of small cards with preventative measures and a set of cards with activities aimed at rapid recovery.

Progress of the game

In front of the child are 2 large cards depicting a sick and healthy child. The child’s task is to create a model of behavior during illness; select the desired set of cards and put them next to the card with the sick child. And also create a model of preventive actions against colds by similarly selecting the necessary ones from the available cards and putting them on a healthy child.

2. Story based on the mnemonic table “If you want to be healthy”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about various factors that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health.

Material: Mnemonic table “If you want to be healthy”

Progress of the game

On the table there is a mnemonic table “If you want to be healthy.” The teacher asks you to use a mnemonic table to tell you what you need to do to be healthy. The child’s task is to correctly talk about the factors that promote health, using the mnemonic table, without making mistakes.

3. Didactic game “To be healthy, I will...”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about leading a healthy lifestyle.

Material: Subject pictures depicting various positive situations (barefoot walking, sunbathing, sledding, dousing, etc.) and a set of pictures with negative situations.

Progress of the game

The teacher says: “To be healthy, you will...” The child’s task is to complete the first part of the teacher’s sentence and select the appropriate positive story picture.

4. State of the model “Factors that promote health”

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about factors that help improve health

Material: Large sheet with a picture of a person in the center. Colored pencils.

Progress of the game

In front of the child lies a large sheet with a picture of a person in the center. The child’s task is to draw around the person everything that helps improve human health (vitamins, sports, etc.)

5. “Helpful - harmful”

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the benefits and harms of certain products

Material: Large cards with the image of a cheerful man; a set of cards depicting foods that are healthy and harmful to human health.

Progress of the game

On the table there are 2 large cards with the faces of a cheerful and sad man. The child’s task is to choose cards with products that are good for human health and put them on the card with a cheerful little man, and put cards with products that are harmful to human health on the card with a sad little man.

6. Didactic game on valeology “We are tempering”

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about subjects that help us harden.

Material: Cards depicting items needed for hardening (inventory).

Progress of the game

Children take turns taking a card with a picture of an item needed for hardening. The child’s task is to tell about the purpose of the object and its benefits for hardening the body.

7. “Brew borscht”

Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​how to prepare soup, to consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

Material: Sets of pictures depicting the products needed for borscht.

Progress of the game

Children take turns choosing appropriate object pictures depicting products for preparing borscht.

8. “A lot is a little”

Goal: To teach children to think about what and in what quantities they can consume without harming their health. To develop the ability to classify foods: sour-sweet, bitter-salty, vegetables-fruits.

Material: Pictures depicting vegetables, fruits; card with questions:

Progress of the game

1.What happens if you eat a lot (picture)?

2.Eating a lot of apples is good...

Eating too many apples is bad...

Task: arrange vegetables and fruits, “tops and roots.”

9. Didactic game on valeology “Vitamin Summer”

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about vitamins and their content in foods.

Material: Large cards (3 pieces) and 32 small cards with images of vegetables and fruits.

Progress of the game

The teacher names vitamins on a large card, and children choose object pictures depicting foods that contain this vitamin and put them next to the corresponding vitamin.

10. Didactic game “Magic Pan”

Goal: Expand the understanding of the variety of dishes.

Material: Image of a pan and cards with images of ready-made dishes and the products from which they were prepared.

Progress of the game

Each child is given a card with a picture of the finished dish. The child’s task is to select an object picture with the necessary products for preparing a given dish. Those who complete the task put their pictures in the magic pan. Everyone checks the correct execution together.

11. Didactic game “Guess the sport”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about different sports.

Material: Cards depicting attributes for each sport.

Progress of the game: The presenter gives the children cards depicting various sports. The child’s task is to select cards with the appropriate attributes for a given sport.

12. Didactic game “Dress the Athlete”

Goal: To teach children the ability to select appropriate equipment and equipment for athletes

Material: Card with images of equipment and equipment of different athletes

Progress of the game

Children are given cards with pictures of athletes from various sports. The child’s task is to select pictures with the appropriate equipment and equipment for a given athlete.

Methodology for conducting valeology classes in the senior group

As in any type of educational activity in valeology lessons, the teacher combines the techniques of four methods.

Speech methods

The word plays a significant role in revealing the essence of the areas of valeological knowledge.


This technique fits especially well at the beginning of the main stage of the lesson, when the teacher needs to convey to children the essence of general categories and classes of objects.

For example, in my practice, during a lesson on the topic “Vitamins for the health of the body,” I explain the concept of “vitamin” to the children as follows: “In order for our body to be in shape, it requires the support of vitamins. These substances themselves are not produced in the human body; we get them from food. But if some vitamins are still lacking and a person feels unwell, then the doctor prescribes these beneficial substances in large quantities in the form of tablets.”

Traditionally, the explanation is supported by clarity


Accompanies the interaction between children and adults in any methods and techniques. Having a question-and-answer structure, the conversation helps children analyze and draw conclusions based on personal experience, that is, it develops a personality trait that is very important for older preschoolers: independence. In the older group, issues of valeological education are raised in educational and ethical conversations. For example, I structure an educational conversation within the framework of the topic “What helps a person to be healthy” like this:

  • I invite the children to remember proverbs and sayings about health;
  • list the health promotion measures that are practiced in families of children;
  • I lead the children to summarize what has been said and compile a list of “true friends of health” (fresh air, cleanliness, sports).

A file of conversations on topics of valeological content can be found in the article “Valeological conversations in preschool educational institutions.”

This is interesting. In classes in the senior group, as in the middle group, conversations are practiced with representatives of professions directly related to the preservation of human health (doctor, fireman, policeman, etc.).

Conversations between children and experts are an effective way to summarize acquired knowledge on a topic.

Rhyming lines

Traditionally, these techniques are used to motivate children, to set them up for work and, by updating basic knowledge, to introduce them to the topic of the lesson. In the senior group, during valeological lessons, poems can also be used to summarize the study of a thematic block. So, completing work on the topic “The Heart of the Family,” dedicated to fostering respect for family values ​​and relationships in the family, the children and I summarize the lesson with rhyming:

  • There is always a place for love in a family! It will never be crowded with her! Love unites people, gently embraces both young and old with its hands. Gives shelter to everyone on earth.

Riddles are convenient to use when referring to the experience of children before starting to consider a new topic. For example, before talking about the medicinal properties of plants, kids guess the names of herbs:

  • A thin stem near the path, At the end of it there are catkins, On the ground lie leaves - Small burdocks. He is like a good friend to us. He treats wounds of the legs and arms. (Plantain);
  • The sisters are standing in the field, their yellow eyes are looking at the sun, each sister has white eyelashes. (Chamomile).

Pictures can be clues for solving riddles

Fairy tales

This technique can be used in two versions: as a design for the structure of a lesson (for example, when kids “find themselves” in the fairy-tale city of “Dobrozdoroveno”, where, together with the “mayor” of the city, they find out the rules of life for the residents) or as a way to update or generalize the children’s knowledge. The second method is implemented through fairy tale therapy - the use of fairy tales to illuminate a specific aspect of the topic. For example, when considering the issues of a healthy, balanced diet for children, I offer the children a story about Vasya Zaboleikin (he is played by a large doll). “Once upon a time there was a boy Vasya Zaboleykin. Most of all he loved chocolate, lemonade and chips. He ate them all the time, and always left cereals, soups, fruits and vegetables untouched on the plate. And then one day, when Petya was bragging to his friends that he wouldn’t go to kindergarten tomorrow because his stomach hurt, and the guys, not listening to Petya, began to discuss the games that they would be able to play tomorrow at the “Health Day” holiday. Petya thought: if he gets sick, he will miss such fun, and he no longer wanted to be sick. But it would be nice to eat and take a walk. Only now the boy is dizzy, nauseous and weak. And the guys-friends told him: “If you eat tasty and healthy, then no weakness is scary.” Petya asked his mother to wash vegetables and fruits for him, ate them and ran off to play with the children with renewed vigor.”

Nothing attracts children's attention like fairy tales


The teacher reads literary works on the topic, formulating questions for discussion based on the plot. For example, after reading the fairy tale “Moidodyr” by K. Chukovsky, the questions could be:

  • "What happened to the boy?";
  • “Who explained to the hero why all the things ran away from him?”;
  • “Why do you think it’s bad to be dirty?”

This is interesting. With children of senior preschool age, the emphasis in discussion is on problematic issues that help develop children’s critical thinking, and also develop the ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

In the older group, reading by the children themselves is used fragmentarily as the children master the skill of reading. For example, kids can read out short information about the benefits/harms of certain products or rules of conduct in the forest, on the water, or at home in the absence of adults.

Reading can be used to familiarize children with the conditions of play

Audiovisual method

Visibility accompanies any type of activity of preschoolers. In the context of valeological studies, this method is presented:

  • pictures illustrating the lesson material (for example, vegetables and fruits containing vitamins important for health);
  • mock-ups (for example, street intersections) for practical testing of the learned rules;
  • demonstration, that is, a demonstration of actions by the teacher (usually in this case we are talking about the order of performing a creative task, movements in a game, manipulations when performing self-massage, etc.);
  • demonstration - presentation of material using a video, for example, the topic about the rules for using household appliances at home can be illustrated with a series of cartoons about the Fixies “Microwave”, which the guys watch and discuss, systematizing what can and cannot be done with a microwave;
  • observation - active perception of reality in a period of time to formulate a topic and subsequent generalization of the material.

Video: an example of using the display technique - the cartoon “Fixies. Microwave"

Table: card index of valeological observations in the senior group

Author - Vasylishin N.A., teacher of kindergarten, school-gymnasium No. 60, Lugansk.

Observation (coincides with the topic on valeology)GoalsThe essence
Traffic light monitoringSystematize knowledge of traffic lights.The teacher leads the children to the intersection, shows the traffic light and draws the kids’ attention to the fact that such a large number of cars and public transport do not interfere with each other. This is because they follow strict rules that are governed by three traffic lights. At the end of the observation, the teacher asks what the traffic light is for and how it works.
Observations of special transport (ambulance, police car, fire truck, postal vehicle, etc.)
  • consolidate the ability to identify the desired machine from a description;
  • expand children's understanding of the role of the driver in the operation of special transport.
The teacher takes the kids to the roadway and asks them to determine the purpose of the cars passing by. Then he asks riddles, the answers to which are the names of special vehicles:
  • A car speeds through a red light, “I’m taking a sick person for treatment!” And I will quickly deliver everyone who calls me to the doctors! (Ambulance);
  • He blinks his blue eye and immediately takes off in pursuit. (Police car);
  • Envelopes sleeping in bags are greetings traveling. (Mail car);
  • The house is on fire. Nightmare! She will tame the fire. (Fire engine).

The observation ends with a discussion of the purpose of special machines and the role of the driver in their work.

Monitoring changing weather conditionsLearn to choose clothes according to the weather outside.Children watch the weather outside the window, noting cloudiness, the presence or absence of precipitation (looking at it against the background of the walls of neighboring buildings), and wind (noting the vibrations of tree branches). Based on observations, children draw conclusions about clothes suitable for going outside.

Valeological newspapers

In classes on the “theory of health”, valeological newspapers are also actively involved in the work - wall newspapers that examine a narrow aspect of the topic. For example, on the topic “Outdoor games to improve health.” The difference between a wall newspaper and a drawing is not only in size—the former is usually created in A1 format—but also in the way the materials are used. Thus, a wall newspaper can be an additional source of information: children read and remember information. In addition, the drawings are completed immediately after the end of the lesson, and the wall newspaper requires many hours of preparation and is designed with the help of parents.

This is interesting. Since information blocks can be included in a wall newspaper, working with this visualization technique is possible if children can read.

Photo gallery: examples of valeological newspapers in the senior group

A fairy-tale character traveling from one information block to another can be introduced into the composition of a wall newspaper.

Usually a wall newspaper is published with the help of parents

A wall newspaper can be made from sets of pictures-symbols

Practical method

Any knowledge is better absorbed if it is of an applied nature. Typically, the practical method refers to such methods of mastering the material as:

  • drawings (for example, prohibiting signs for walking in the forest);
  • applications (creating collages with samples of useful products);
  • crafts (children can make models for work together with their parents).

These creative tasks are part of the stage of generalizing the lesson material: children draw (sculpt, create) images related to valeology (drawings of a family, healthy lifestyle products, etc.).


Another important practical method in valeology classes is self-massage.

At home, parents should also organize self-massage for their children.

Hand massage

  1. We find the skin between the thumb and index finger.
  2. Let's pinch it.

This is interesting. This kind of hand massage is very important: it helps to develop a skill useful for mastering writing.

Massage of the nose and ears

  1. Children, following the teacher, find a bump on the bridge of their nose, an area near the wings.
  2. Press these points with your fingers.
  3. Using pinching movements from bottom to top, massage the edges of the auricle.

This is interesting. Elements of self-massage are part of the physical education break in class.

Valeological experiments

Another practical technique actively used in valeology classes is experiments.

In valeology classes, kids learn to take care of themselves

Table: card index of experiments in valeology lessons for children of the senior group

Author - Vasylishin N.A., teacher of kindergarten, school-gymnasium No. 60, Lugansk.

The nature of experience (topic in valeology)GoalsThe essence
Skin sensitivity experienceLearn to compare temperature readings of water in different containers.The teacher invites the kids to determine the temperature of the water with their finger and arrange the containers from the coldest to the warmest.
Experience on the importance of smell in human lifeLearn to identify foods by smell.Blindfolded children identify food products by smell: orange, garlic, onion, banana, apple. Note: This activity should be used with caution in children with allergies.
Experience to establish the need for saliva to establish the taste characteristics of foodMake sure that the “dry” tongue does not feel the taste.Children dry their tongue with a napkin, try different foods (cheese, apple, banana) and make sure that without saliva it is impossible to feel the taste.
Experience to determine the ability of the stomach to process foodShow the process of processing substances by gastric juice.The teacher shows the kids a jar of water and asks them to imagine that this is our stomach. Children throw sugar and salt into a jar - the products are mixed and dissolved in water. They add a piece of bread - it becomes soggy. Then the adult puts a paper napkin on the plate and pours a little water - the liquid is absorbed. The teacher leads the kids to the conclusion that this is how the walls of our stomach dissolve and absorb what we eat.

Game method

The techniques of this group are presented:

  • educational games;
  • mobile;
  • theatrical games.

In valueology classes, the teacher, as a rule, uses the “2 out of 3” rule: two types of games out of three are included in the lesson notes.

Outdoor games, which are held in and outside of class, are dedicated to fostering respect for a healthy lifestyle.

Table: examples of value games for the older group

NameGoalsProgress of the game
Didactic games
“Who do I look like?”
  • develop the ability to see yourself from the outside;
  • learn to compare your external data with other people, find similarities and differences.
Children bring family photographs from home and look for common features with their parents and other relatives.
“Who was born how” (lotto)Systematize children's knowledge about how living beings are born.In front of the child are three pictures depicting an egg, an egg, a bottle with a pacifier, and a set of small pictures depicting insects, mammals, amphibians, etc., upside down. The baby takes the small picture and combines it with the big one, determining how this creature was born.
Outdoor games
"Name the sport"
  • develop the skill of imitation;
  • encourage initiative;
  • repeat the names of popular sports.
Kids play in pairs. One takes a picture and with movements and facial expressions shows the sport that is depicted on it. The second one guesses. Then the partners change.
"Don't mix it up"
  • repeat the names of body parts;
  • develop attentiveness and reaction speed.
Children stand in a circle. The teacher, standing in the center, names a part of the body, while touching another. The kids must touch the part that the teacher named.
Theatrical games
  • systematize the algorithm of action when calling the assistance service;
  • develop artistic abilities and the ability to improvise.
The kid calls an ambulance for an injured toy.
"Police"Children “come” to the toy when called. The toy “explains” how this happened. The game can be complicated by an “investigative experiment” or “interrogation” of witnesses.

Observations are supported by viewing posters on the topic

Consultation for teachers of younger groups Formation of the fundamentals of Valeology in younger preschoolers

Consultation for teachers of younger groups

Formation of the fundamentals of Valeology in younger preschoolers

Taking care of children's health is the most important job of a teacher. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, and self-confidence depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children.”

Sukhomlinsky V. A.

Health is one of the main values ​​in life. The full physical development and health of a child is the basis for personality formation. Health depends 50% on a person’s lifestyle and the environment in which he lives. Our children spend a lot of time in preschool educational institutions and, therefore, it is very important to protect and maintain the health of children at this stage of development.

There are many factors that ensure the preservation and strengthening of children’s health:

  1. adherence to daily routine;
  2. rational nutrition and diet;
  3. being outdoors;
  4. hardening;
  5. physical activity;
  6. compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and rules.
  7. psychological safety of children in preschool educational institutions.

At the stage of preschool age, when children’s life attitudes are not yet strong enough and the nervous system is particularly plastic, it is necessary to form motivation for health and focus their life interests on a healthy lifestyle.

“Valeology” reflects all aspects of a single direction of work with preschoolers to form views on a healthy lifestyle.

Did you know that VALEOLOGY is the science of developing healthy lifestyle habits!

The term “Valeology” comes from the Latin words “vale”, which means “to be healthy” and “logos” - “science”. Thus, valeology is the science of health. Valeology as a science arose not so long ago. The “father” of modern valeology is called the Russian scientist I. I. Brekhman, who in 1982 scientifically substantiated the need for healthcare for practically healthy people.

In relation to preschool education, valeology aims to teach children basic hygienic rules and norms, promote health and instill healthy lifestyle skills: active work, rational rest, hardening, physical education and self-development, rational and nutritious nutrition, personal hygiene, timely access to doctor.

What are the objectives of valeological education in preschool educational institutions?

A subject-spatial development environment must be created in the group.

Taking into account the visually effective and visually imaginative nature of preschoolers’ thinking, the material of educational activities should be built on methods of forming new knowledge and ways of children’s activities (visual, verbal and practical)


For this purpose, the following are used: educational activities, excursions, observations, didactic games, reading fiction, role-playing games, simple experiments. These forms of organization are included in the pedagogical process in the first or second half of the day, at different scheduled moments, individually, with a group or subgroup of children, lasting from 5 to 15 minutes.

Topics of educational activities are selected taking into account the age characteristics of children, their interests and should be implemented in a playful way: “Snub noses”

“Soap gloves”
“Mom bathes her daughter”
Various outdoor games, etc.

When introducing parts of the human body, you should try to get children to understand that people should take care of their bodies. Each activity should practically be reinforced in children’s daily life, routine moments, for example, when dressing to go outside, say: “Let’s tie our hats so that your ears will be warm.”

In the role-playing game, "Hospital"

, where they get acquainted with the work of a doctor, children perform appropriate play actions, pay attention to the sick person, name and use medical instruments in the game. And an excursion to the medical office of a preschool educational institution in order to observe the work of a nurse will consolidate the children’s knowledge.

In organized educational activities, children are given the opportunity to participate in experimental activities. For example:

Let's conduct an experiment:

—Close your eyes and tell me what object is in my hands?

-Can you? Why?

-Now close your eyes again. (I knock with a hammer)

Now what

Is the item in my hands?

-Why did you guess that it was a hammer, because you didn’t see it?

Conclusion: Which sense organ helped us?

Children really like finger games, using various finger games in work, children easily remember the names of fingers.

Children consolidate their acquired knowledge especially well during daily morning exercises, dynamic breaks, physical education sessions, and exercises after sleep.

Wellness activities help in solving many problems, such as:

  • preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children
  • develop a conscious attitude towards your health
  • introduce children to the structure of the human body
  • develop skills and observe personal hygiene rules
  • to form a harmonious personality.

Numerous studies show that 80% of the success in a child’s development depends on the coordinated work of the teacher and parents. Work with parents should be organized using a variety of methods and techniques for the purpose of deeper education in valeology education.

“A Healthy Child in a Healthy Family” can be held.

. Parents of students bring photographs of family sports activities with their children.

The group can have a “Health corner”

for parents. Conversations and consultations are held on the topic of children's health. It is necessary to maintain friendly relations with children and their parents, not to interfere with the exercise of independence, and to create conditions for joint active recreation.

All these techniques will allow us to gradually stabilize and introduce a healthy lifestyle. Parents and we now have one goal - to raise healthy children.


Personal hygiene

Personal hygiene includes caring for the body, hair, and oral cavity. A child’s personal hygiene also includes mandatory elements of hardening. The possibility of carrying out water procedures largely depends not only on the living conditions of the child’s family, but also on the culture of his parents. In cultural families, children not only know how to brush their teeth, take daily water procedures in the morning and evening, wash their hands before eating and after using the toilet, but they also know why they need to do this.

When children wash their hands before breakfast or lunch, they often dry their hands with one towel, which can serve as an incubator for germs. The best way is individual paper napkins or an individual towel.

Properly selected toothpaste is of great importance for a child’s health. It is advisable that the child has his own tube of paste, then it will not be difficult for parents to monitor the implementation of hygiene procedures.

The underwear should be clean and should not be too big or too tight. A child should learn to keep their outerwear clean in preschool age. A child’s untidiness is a sign of low family culture and poor educational work of the teacher with the family. Of course, children get dirty themselves and stain their clothes, but momentary dirt and greasy clothes are two different things.

– Children must clean their own shoes (competition for the shiny shoe, the cleanest sneaker).

– Children should have at home: a personal washcloth, toothbrush, toothpaste, and towel.

Game "Journey to the Land of Purity"

Game “Collect garbage” (for boys).

Two boys are participating. There is a trash can on the opposite side of the hall. Papers and bags are scattered around the hall. On command, participants collect garbage and put it in a basket. The one who collects the most garbage wins.

Game “Wash the dishes” (for girls).

Two girls are participating. Next to them on the table there are two basins (for washing dishes). At a signal, the girl picks up 1 cup and 1 saucer and imitates washing dishes. The girl who completed the task faster and more correctly wins.

Cooperative game "Ball in a circle"

Children form a circle and pass the ball around the circle to the music. The music stops, whoever has the ball in their hands answers the question: “How do I help my mother?”

Tuesday. Topic of the day: “First aid”

Goals of the day: introducing children to the elements of first aid; developing interest in creative solutions to situations related to the formation of safe behavior

Quiz "Situations"

1. The children were playing tag in the street. Petya ran away from everyone. Suddenly, Sasha tripped him and Petya fell. He suffered a severe bruise to his knee, elbow and numerous abrasions.

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