Theater quiz for older preschool children

Quiz dedicated to the year of the Theater


“The audience applauds, murmurs, whistles, He is both a fan and a judge. An actor on stage is a prince and a pauper, Where is someone else’s life, where is your own? Everything in this marvelous backstage miraculously intertwined: What was distant became close, What was dreamed about came true.

... And again Cleopatra is beautiful, Once again Berendey gives a fairy tale - The magic of the theater is immortal, And bravo, bravo, actor!

The lines of the poetess G. Bestuzheva well convey the mysterious, enigmatic and wonderful atmosphere of the theater and our emotions that arise when we mention this type of art. Theater is a mirror reflection of life, it is life itself with its different life cycles. Theater is the history of the country, the history of filling the spiritual shell of the development of world culture... This is the birth of thought and its stage embodiment, it is the character of a person, his development, formation... Having visited the theater, you seem to rise to a new, higher energy level and some that time you are on it, assessing yourself, the world around you, yourself in the world. And then you go to the theater again, immersed in this bizarre world of characters and destinies, plots and twists.

2019 has been declared the Year of Theater in our country. “Theatre!.. Which of all the arts has such powerful means of striking the soul with impressions and playing with it autocratically,” wrote V.G. back in the 19th century. Belinsky. Over the centuries of its existence, the theater has experienced many interesting moments, historical events, oddities, ups and downs. The quiz we offer will help you learn some facts about the history of its development and introduce you to the details of the specifics of its existence.

The quiz consists of 3 parts. All of them involve turning to different sources for materials for answers. That's why the dates for the quiz are from April 20 to May 20, 2019 . Both the correctness of answers, their completeness, and a creative approach to presenting the material will be assessed, which will allow participants to receive additional points (up to 5 points plus). The correct answer to the questions of part 1 will allow you to get 2 points for each .

Part 2 allows you to plunge into the terminology of theatrical art. Here, each correct answer is worth 1 point.

Part 3 involves combining knowledge of theatrical life and the foreign language you are studying. You select questions in accordance with the foreign language you know, answer them and receive 3 points for each correct answer and formulating it in the chosen language.

So you can earn 66 points.

Questions for which you get 2 points for correct answers.

  1. What does the word "theater" mean?
  2. In which country was the high art of theater born, on the basis of which the European theater arose?
  3. What were the names of the first professional artists in Rus'?
  4. When did the first Tsar's theater appear in Russia?
  5. When was the first ballet staged on the Russian stage?
  6. Which royal person wrote works for the theater?
  7. Which currently operating theater is the oldest in Russia?
  8. Who formed the first troupe of the Bolshoi Theater in Russia?
  9. When did the Drama Theater in Ivanovo begin its activities?
  10. Which famous Russian fabulist began his literary career as a playwright?
  11. Which French king was nicknamed the "Sun King" for his performance as the Sun in ballet?
  12. At the Vienna Konzerthaus, free cough tablets are distributed to all visitors. For what purpose?
  13. What word characterizes the main way of preparing any performance? Does it mean “repeat” in Latin?
  14. What Russian verb (past tense, singular) sounds like the name of the Italian opera house in Milan?
  15. How does La Bayadère differ from La Bayadère?
  16. Are the words “encore” and “bravo” synonymous?
  17. Who is the author of the following lines (each part is assessed)

17.a “The whole world is a theater. There are women, men, all actors. They have their own exits and departures, and each plays more than one role.”

17 b. “The theater is already full; the boxes shine; The stalls and the chairs are all in full swing; In paradise they splash impatiently, And, rising, the curtain makes a noise.”

17.c “The hum has died down. I went on stage. Leaning against the door frame, I catch in a distant echo what will happen in my lifetime.”

17.g “I’m in a puppet theater. Before me, Like shadows from swaying branches, Filled with double charm, Crowds of puppets change. Their every glance is calculated and truthful, Their every step is plausibly accurate.”

17.e “All of us, saints and thieves, From the altar and prison We are all funny actors In the theater of the Lord God.”

17.e “The theater is both a spectacle and a school for the people, To awaken the hearts of people - that is its nature! He does not allow us to turn onto the unrighteous path; He leads us to the light, opening the right path for us.” (44 points)

Questions for which you will receive 1 point for each correct answer.

  1. An announcement that all tickets have been sold is called
  2. An actor's first performance in a theater or play is...
  3. The team that makes up the creative staff of the theater is called
  4. The list of plays staged by the theater for a certain period is
  5. The departure of a theater group with a performance to another city - ...
  6. What is the name of an amateur comic-humorous performance?
  7. What closes the stage from the audience?
  8. What is the name of a colorful advertisement about performances and concerts?
  9. The person who tells the actor the words from his speech is...
  10. What is the name of the first performance of the play in the theater?
  11. What is the speech of one person called?
  12. A modern musical performance is...
  13. What is the name of the scene in which the actor does not utter a single word, but explains everything using gestures? (13 points)

Questions for which you can get 3 points for correct answers:

  1. Who were the most famous translators of W. Shakespeare's plays into Russian?
  2. Where is the Globe theater located?
  3. What play is staged in one of London's theater for many years and is always popular and loved by spectators? (9 points )
  1. In welcher Stadt ist das Doppelstandbild des berühmtesten Dichterpaars vor dem Deutschen Nationaltheater errichtet?
  2. Mit dem Namen wessen bekannten deutschen Dramatikers und Lyrikers ist die Geschichte des Berliner Ensembles (Theater am Schiffbauerdamm) verbunden?
  3. Wie heißt das berühmteste Musikwerk von Felix Mendelssohn, das bei der Aufführung Shakespears Komödie „Ein Sommernachtstraum“ zum ersten Mal (1843) auf der deutschen Bühne zu Gehör gebracht wurde? (9 points)
  1. Pouvez-vous nommerles plus célèbres théâtres français?
  2. Nommez le festival théâtrale le plus renommé en France.
  3. Comment a été qualifié le théâtre moderne après les guerres en Europe avec un regard très critique sur l'absurdité du monde, présenté par Albert Camus, puis Eugène Ionesco, Samuel Beckett? (9 points)

So, we are waiting for full creative answers from you. Open books, leaf through reference books, look into encyclopedias, surf the Internet, in a word, immerse yourself in the magical and enchanting world of theater!

Take heart, gentlemen students!

We are waiting for files with answers from you until 23.59 05.19.19 at the address (please designate the file with your last name and in the document itself indicate the name of your teacher, course and group number, as well as class and teacher details (for schoolchildren participants).

For information, please contact the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Linguistics, Ksenia Aleksandrovna Vryganova or Svetlana Grigorievna Shishkina.

Screening test for primary school with answers on the topics: “Music” and “Theater”

Verification test with answers on the topics: “Music” and “Theater”
Purpose: to consolidate and clarify children’s knowledge about the art of music and theater. 1. Art created with sounds? — music 2. Musical performance, the content of which is conveyed through plastic movements? — ballet 3. A theatrical performance in which the actors do not speak, but sing? - opera 4.Musician conducting an orchestra? — conductor 5. A performance in which singing alternates with speech and dancing? — operetta 6. A group of musicians simultaneously playing various musical instruments? — orchestra 7. A piece of music for a choir, vocal ensemble or vocalist? — song 8. What is the name of the profession of the person who plays the role in the play? — actor 9. What is the break between actions in a play called? - intermission 10. What is the name of the theater where the roles are played by puppets, led by puppeteer actors? — puppet theater 11. What is the name of the theater for children? — theater for young spectators 12. What word combines the above: polka, waltz, mazurka? - dance 13.Who helps an actor change his appearance to play a role? — make-up artist 14. What is the most expensive remuneration for an actor? - applause 15. A literary work performed by actors on stage? - drama 16.What is the name of the announcement about the play? — poster 17. What is the name of the place in the theater where the actor works? — scene 18. Name the puppet character, whose full name is Peter Ivanovich Uksusov. — Parsley 19. A person who directs the course of the performance, all of whose instructions the actors must follow impeccably. - director 20. A person who “prompts” the words of the play to the artist if he suddenly forgot them. - prompter 21. Profession of a person who draws or makes decorations. - decorative artist 22. Profession of a person who controls music, noise and other sounds that we hear during a performance. — sound engineer 23. Once upon a time this name meant “Mary on a string.” - puppet 24. Author of plays of any genre? -playwright 25. What is the name of the type of drama filled with comic pathos? - comedy 26. A type of stage art where the main means of creating an artistic image is the plastic expressiveness of the human body, gesture and facial expressions. - pantomime 27. A creative worker who invents and choreographs dances? — choreographer 28. An exclamation expressing approval, admiration. - bravo 29. Name one of the most famous puppet theaters in Russia. — State Academic Central Puppet Theater named after S.V. Obraztsov. 30.Name a theatrical element of stage equipment or performance design. - a curtain

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3. A genre of theatrical art in which the plot leads the characters to a catastrophic outcome.

4. An element that allows the actor to most clearly reveal the image of the character.

5. A type of theatrical puppet that is moved using ropes.

6. Explain the meaning of the keyword _______________________________________________________



7. What is on the face of an actor in traditional Japanese noh theater: makeup or a mask? __________________

8. List the types of theater: _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Establish a correspondence between the type of musical theater and the means of expression

Musical music, vocals

Opera music, dance

Ballet music, vocals, speech, dance

10. “The traditional repertoire of this theatrical performance of the East includes more than a thousand plots of instructive, philosophical, military, historical and comic content.” What theatrical performance are we talking about? __________________________________________________________________________________________


3. An element that allows you to most clearly reveal the location of the plot on stage.

4. Performer of roles in theatrical productions.

5. The country is the birthplace of theatrical art.

6. Explain the meaning of the keyword _____________________________________________________



7. What is on the face of an actor in the traditional Japanese kabuki theater: makeup or a mask? _________________

8. List the types of theater: _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Establish a correspondence between the type of musical theater and the means of expression

Ballet music, vocals

Operetta music, dance

Opera music, vocals, speech

10. “This type of Eastern theatrical performance combines music, vocal performances, pantomimes, dance and acrobatics.” What theatrical performance are we talking about? __________________________________________________________________________________________

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