Summary of extracurricular activities for 4th grade students. Training “Journey to the Future”

Extracurricular activities to develop a culture of communication among junior schoolchildren, grades 1-2

A system of extracurricular activities for the development of a culture of communication among junior schoolchildren “The Art of Communication”
Author: Evgenia Sergeevna Vdovina, primary school teacher at Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 13, Volzhsky, Volgograd Region. This material is intended for primary school teachers. The system of extracurricular activities can be tested in grades 1-2, where students show a weak level of development of a communication culture. It is advisable to conduct classes within the framework of the “Art of Communication” club once a week after school hours. Duration of each lesson: 25-40 minutes, depending on the age of the children. The system of extracurricular activities using gaming technologies is aimed at increasing the level of development of the culture of communication among junior schoolchildren in the following areas: - the ability to politely enter into and leave contact; - ability to conduct a dialogue and participate in free conversation; - the ability to express praise and give compliments; - ability to provide support to people in need; - ability to listen and hear others; - the ability to be attentive to oneself and others; - the ability to understand the feelings and moods of others; - Ability to collaborate with others and work in a team. Goal: creating conditions for students to master etiquette norms of communication (how is it necessary? how is it accepted?), rules and techniques of effective communication (what is better? how is it more effective?). Objectives: - to form the communicative literacy of students, which consists in their knowledge of the functions of communication, the role of communication in the life of an individual, a team and society, understanding the causes of conflicts that arise in the communication of people, knowledge of their own communicative characteristics and the main directions for optimizing their communicative activities; — teach students to comprehend their own and others’ communicative practices, develop their attention to their own speech and the speech of their interlocutor, the ability to analyze their own communicative behavior and the communicative command of the interlocutor; — to develop in students the skill of responsible communicative behavior, the ability to adjust their communication depending on the situation and the participants in the act of communication; — equip students with knowledge of the norms of etiquette and communication accepted in a cultural society, as well as the norms of speech culture; — teach students the basic rules and techniques of effective communicative behavior in various situations. Plan - summary of an extracurricular lesson Topic: “Let's get acquainted!” Goals: 1. Teach children how to politely meet new people. 2. Teach children to talk about themselves. 3. Develop verbal communication skills. Equipment: card with the topic of the lesson, cards with the rules of acquaintance, reflection tree, paper red and green apples. Progress of the lesson 1. Organizational moment, setting the topic of the lesson. - Hello guys! In order to get ready for work, I will give you my smile and convey my good mood, and you will smile at me and each other, give your classmates a good mood. “I’m glad to see your faces, your eyes.” And I think that today’s lesson will bring us all the joy of communicating with each other. Good luck to you! — Today we will conduct the first extracurricular activity within the framework of the “Art of Communication” club. Our lesson today is called “Let’s get acquainted!” (The topic of the lesson is revealed on the board) - Guys, have you ever met? (Yes) - Tell us when and with whom you met. — What did you talk about with your new acquaintance? — How did you feel when meeting a new person? —Have you ever felt awkward when meeting someone? — Have there been situations when you didn’t know what to ask a new acquaintance or how to get to know him better? — Today in class you will learn how to politely meet new people, talk about yourself, and conduct a dialogue with a new acquaintance. 2. Work on the topic of the lesson. a) Conversation.
— As you know, the first impression you make on a new acquaintance often determines the fate of further communication.
Therefore, dating rules have existed among all peoples at all times. And many of the ancient traditions of dating have found their place in modern etiquette. However, the dating ritual in ancient times was too complicated a procedure. Today the rules of dating are much simpler. — What should you do first of all when meeting? (Introduce yourself) - That's right. Any acquaintance begins with an introduction. You should give your name, and if the situation requires it, your middle name or last name. — What do people most often exchange when they meet? (Handshake or bow). - Do you think you will make a good impression on a new acquaintance if you are gloomy and unfriendly? (No) - How should you act when meeting someone? (At ease, smile and try to look into the face of the person to whom you are introducing yourself or who is introducing yourself to you) - Have you ever introduced people to each other? (Yes) - What did you say? — In situations where you need to introduce people, you need to bring the acquaintances to each other and say their names. According to the rules of etiquette, you should not force guests to introduce themselves to each other. — What polite words are said after a performance? (Very nice, glad to meet you, nice to meet you) - Next, according to etiquette, people introduced to each other need to exchange at least a few sentences. Show interest in the personality of the person you just met. Listen to him and invite him to talk. You should also tell a little about yourself if the other person asks. When talking, call your new acquaintance by name more often, this will help you win him over. — These were the basic rules of dating. Let's briefly list them again. 1) Introduce yourself by name and shake hands or bow. 2) Use polite words: very nice, nice to meet you, nice to meet you. 3) Exchange a few sentences with the new sign. 4) Be interested in the personality of the interlocutor, listen carefully. 5) Talk about yourself if the interlocutor asks. 6) Smile, look into the eyes of your interlocutor, call him by name more often. (Cards with rules on the board) b) Game “Fictional Dating”.
- So, you remember the basic rules of dating.
But these rules apply only in familiar, everyday conditions. What if you have an incredible meeting ahead of you and you need to overcome the language barrier? How to behave then? — Let's play the game “Fictional Dating.” You need to stage the acquaintance of: • astronauts with aliens; • hunters with Bigfoot; • the new owner of the castle with ghosts living in it; • a sailor thrown ashore after a shipwreck with a tribe of cannibals. — What did this game teach you? (Enjoy your interlocutor, make a good impression) c) Game “Interview”.
— When meeting people, it is very important to be able to talk eloquently about yourself.
This creates a good impression of yourself. To practice this skill, let's play the game "Interview". Children choose a leader, and then, imagining that they are adults, take turns standing on a chair and answering the questions that the leader will ask them. The presenter asks the child to introduce himself by name and patronymic, talk about where and with whom he works, whether he has children, what hobbies he has, etc. Comment: at the first stages of the game, children often find it difficult to select questions. In this case, the teacher takes on the role of leader, offering the children a sample dialogue. Questions can concern anything, but you must remember that the conversation must be “adult”. — What skills did you acquire during this game? (Talk about yourself, make a good impression) 3. Summary of the lesson, reflection. — So, what was the topic of the lesson? — Why is it very important to follow the rules of dating? — What dating rules do you remember? — What did the games “Fictional Dating” and “Interview” teach you? — What impressions do you have after our lesson? - Look at the blackboard. This is a reflection tree. If you think you have mastered dating, stick a green apple on the tree. If you think you need more practice meeting new people, stick on a red apple. Take the apples from the first desk. - What a beautiful tree we have! - Thank you for your classes, you all did great! Plan - summary of an extracurricular lesson Topic: “Meeting with a friend.” Objectives: 1. Teach children to maintain a conversation when meeting with friends. 2. Form a friendly attitude towards people. 3. Teach children to get out of contact using friendly words and intonations. Equipment: card with the topic of the lesson, ball. Progress of the lesson 1. Organizational moment, setting the topic of the lesson. — Invented by someone simply and wisely When meeting, greet: “Good morning!” Good morning to the sun and birds! Good morning to trusting people! And everyone becomes kind and trusting. Good morning lasts until evening. — Guys, what is the main idea of ​​this poem? (When meeting, you need to say hello, wish good morning, afternoon, etc., this puts both interlocutors in a good mood for the whole day) - Today we will conduct another lesson as part of the “Art of Communication” club. The topic of the lesson: “Meeting with a friend.” (The topic of the lesson opens on the board) - In this lesson you will learn to use polite words when meeting with acquaintances, maintain a conversation and properly politely leave contact. 2. Work on the topic of the lesson. a) Conversation.
- Remember, when you accidentally meet a friend, relative or acquaintance, how do you behave?
What are you talking to him about? — Do you think there are rules of etiquette when meeting an acquaintance? (Yes) - What is the first thing you should do if you see someone you know? (Say hello) - What words of greeting do you know? (Hello, hello, good afternoon, good morning, good evening) - Along with greetings, it is recommended to address the interlocutor by name. For example: Hello, Ira! Hello, Lyudmila Ivanovna! — What greeting gestures do people make when meeting? (They shake hands or bow) - How should you behave if you saw an acquaintance from afar? (If you notice an acquaintance in the distance and if you are noticed, you should greet the acquaintance with a nod of the head, a wave of the hand, a smile, a bow. You should not shout at the top of your voice.) - If you see an acquaintance approaching you, you do not need to shout “Hello!” from afar. You must wait until the distance is reduced to a few steps. — Imagine that you enter a room where there are many people. Will you greet everyone individually or everyone in general? (With everyone in general, you should say “Hello!” to everyone present) - When meeting a friend or acquaintance, the ability to maintain a conversation is very important. What can you ask your interlocutor? b) Game “What to ask?”
— To develop the ability to maintain a conversation, we will play the game “What to ask?”
Please sit in a circle. The teacher has a relay race (ball). The baton passes from hand to hand. The players’ task is to formulate a question that can be asked to an acquaintance when meeting after greeting, and to answer it. One child asks a question, the other answers (“How are you living?” - “Good.” “How are things going?” - “Normal.” “What’s new?” - “Everything is the same,” etc.). You cannot repeat the question twice. — What did this game teach you? (Keep the conversation going when meeting) c) Game “Convey the mood.”
- What do you think, in what mood should you communicate with an acquaintance?
What emotions should he convey? — It is very important to communicate in a good mood, smile, be sincerely interested in your interlocutor, convey positive emotions to him, so that he will happily remember your meeting later. To learn this, you need to play the game “Pass the Mood.” The players form a circle and close their eyes. The teacher “wakes up” his neighbor and shows him some mood (the first circle is cheerful, the second circle is sad). The children, having conveyed the mood of the teacher in a circle, discuss what he wished for. Then anyone can become the host. If he experiences difficulties, an adult helps him. Children's actions are not evaluated or discussed. One thing is important: all players must carefully observe their partners and reproduce the mood. — Which mood is easier to convey? (Fun, good) - What emotions did this game evoke in you? d) Game “See you soon.”
- Imagine that you have already exchanged a couple of sentences with a friend, and it’s time for you to go.
What should you do in this situation? (Leave contact, say goodbye politely) - What words are used when leaving contact? (Bye, see you soon, glad to see you, goodbye, all the best, happy, etc.) - Let's play the game “Farewell.” Children sit in a circle and, passing the baton to each other, name the words that are said when saying goodbye (goodbye, see you later, all the best, see you later, good journey, good night, see you soon, happily, etc.). The teacher draws attention to the fact that when saying goodbye, you need to look your partner in the eyes. — What skill did you acquire during this game? (Leave contact, say goodbye politely) 3. Outcome of the lesson, reflection. — What was the topic of our lesson? — What rules should you follow when meeting an acquaintance? - How should you not behave? — What did you learn in this lesson? — What mood do you have after the games? — Raise your hands if you think you've learned all the rules. — Raise your hands those who think that they still need to learn the rules and practice on their own. - Thank you for the lesson, you’re great! Plan - summary of an extracurricular lesson Topic: “Shall we talk?” Objectives: 1. Develop conversation support skills. 2. Develop attention to your own speech and the speech of your interlocutor. 3. To develop in children the ability to adjust their communication depending on the situation and the participants in the act of communication. Equipment: card with the topic of the lesson, ball, emoticon pictures. Progress of the lesson 1. Organizational moment, setting the topic of the lesson. - Hello guys! I am glad to see you so beautiful, kind, and in a good mood! We will do this lesson together. May it bring you joy and many new interesting experiences. Let's make each other happy! - Look at the blackboard. These are Russian proverbs. Any reason for conversation is good. The ringing of a bell is not a prayer, a cry is not a conversation. The field is red with millet, and the conversation is with the mind. It's good to talk when you have something to say. -What are these proverbs about? (About the conversation) - I didn’t pick up the proverbs by chance. What do you think is the topic of our lesson? — Our lesson is called “Shall we talk?” Lesson topic on the board. - Guess what you can learn in a lesson with this title? — You will learn to conduct a conversation (or dialogue) depending on the situation and the participants in the conversation. 2. Work on the topic of the lesson. a) Conversation.
— Human communication is subject to certain rules, often unwritten.
Conversation used to be an art, but now many people forget about the basic rules of conversation. Let's talk about some of them. - Let's start from the very beginning. If you are the first to start a conversation, choose the topic carefully: it should be interesting to everyone (or at least most) present. — What topics are appropriate to talk about with a friend? With a stranger? With an adult? With a teacher? — What topics are inappropriate to talk about with a friend? With a stranger? With an adult? With a teacher? — Should the choice of conversation topic be based on the mood of the interlocutor? (Yes) - Give examples. - Listen to the very important rules of conversation. 1. When asked a question, do not answer in monosyllables (say, simply “yes” or “no”). These responses often discourage people from having a conversation because they show a lack of interest on your part (even if it's actually embarrassment or fatigue). Even if you have no answer other than “yes” or “no,” try to expand your answer a little so that it doesn’t sound so abrupt. 2. Conducting a conversation correctly requires the ability not only to speak, but also to listen. Several people take part in the conversation, which means that everyone should have the opportunity to speak. b) Game “Question and answer”.
— To consolidate these rules in practice, let’s play the “Question and Answer” game to learn how to conduct a conversation in a certain situation.
Situations: • conversation with a friend who got a bad grade at school today; • conversation with a person who met you yesterday; • conversation with mom after the parent meeting; • conversation with the teacher after his praise; • conversation with a relative at a holiday. Children stand in a circle. One of them has a ball in his hands. After saying the question, the player throws the ball to his partner. The partner, having caught the ball, answers the question and throws it to the other player, while asking his own question depending on the situation, etc. (“What are you in a mood?” — “Joyful.” “Where were you on Sunday?” — “Went to visit dad.” “What game do you like?” — ​​“Traps,” etc.). — What did this game teach you? (Conduct a conversation depending on the situation and the participants in the conversation) - Did you like the game? c) Game “Who do you want to become?”
The teacher and children play.
The teacher begins the game with the words: “Let's talk. I would like to become... (wizard, wolf, small). How do you think why?". The child makes an assumption and a conversation ensues. In the end, you can ask what the child would like to become, but you cannot judge his desire and you cannot insist on an answer if he does not want to admit for some reason. Comment: This game is useful for closed and shy, since in a playful way it teaches the child not to be afraid of communication, puts in a situation the need to come into contact. At the initial stages, children can refuse to ask questions or enter into a game. Then the teacher should take the initiative. - What impressions did you have after this game? 3. The outcome of the lesson, reflection. - What was the topic of our lesson? - What rules should be observed when conducting a conversation? - What depends on the choice of the topic? - What have you learned in this lesson? - What mood do you have after the games? - Each of you has 2 emoticons on the desk: sad and cheerful. If you think that you have learned the rules for conducting conversations, learned to maintain a conversation, then attach a cheerful emoticon on the board. If you think that the lesson has not brought good for you, attach a sad smiley. - Look how many funny emoticons we have on the board! I wish you to be always in a good mood, and never be sad. - Thank you for the lesson! The plan is a summary of the extracurricular lesson Topic: "Praise me." Goals: 1. To teach children to express their positive emotions about the work of other children. 2. Develop the ability to make compliments. 3. To educate goodwill and empathy. Equipment: a card with the theme of the lesson, chips, ball drawn on the Whatman's flower. The course of the lesson 1. Organizational moment, setting the topic of the lesson. - Hello guys! There are magic boxes on your tables, in them you will see the smartest, smartest, most resourceful children. Open these boxes slowly. Who are these children? (General photography of students) Let's smile at each other and say loudly and confidently: "We are the best children in the world!" With such an elevated mood, we will start our lesson. - When I said that you are the smartest and smartest, what did I do for you? (Praised, made a compliment) - Guess what the theme of our lesson will be? (“Praise me”) The theme of the lesson on the board. - Today, at the next lesson of the Club “The Art of Communication”, you will learn how to do and accept compliments. 2. Work on the topic of the lesson. a) conversation.
- Remember who was the last time you compliment?
What exactly did you praise for? What feelings did you experience? - Compliments undoubtedly cause positive emotions. When we are praised, we have self -esteem. - And who and for what the last time you praised? - Praise the interlocutor is an ancient art. In the east, it is still impossible to imagine communication between partners, colleagues, relatives and simply familiar without beautiful phrases and compliments. The history of many peoples tells us that the ability to speak compliments to ladies, gentlemen, kings often decided the fate of not only a few people, but also entire countries. - What do you think for what purpose people make compliments? - The purpose of the compliment can be anything: the desire to cause sympathy, strengthen the reputation, influence the situation and even manipulation. Often compliments are made so that the interlocutor continues to do anything in the right direction. For example, if the student has become more diligent in doing homework, it should be praised so that he continues in the same spirit. It is important that the compliment is made at the right time and deservedly. - Compliments can be done regarding the appearance of a person. For example: Ira, you look good today. Also, compliments can touch the mind. For example: Lesha, you are so smart! I would never have thought of that. You can compliment about the personality qualities of a person. For example: Katya, you are very kind and responsive. Or about the achievements: Anna Vitalievna, you did a great job. - What do you think with what mood you need to make compliments? (With good, enthusiastic, speak sincerely) b) the game “Praise me”.
- We will train to do and accept compliments.
Now we will play the game "Praise me." Children are invited to draw a drawing on a free topic according to the plan. After the children draw drawings, they are divided into pairs and change drawings. Now they need to carefully examine the drawing of their pair, find in it what they especially like and tell about it. The meaning of this task is to tell about the figure so that the one who painted it was pleasant. Each couple performs in turn, the rest of the children listen to each other's stories. Each child has in his hands on the chip, and it can be given only to one narrator, one who liked the most (that is, the best, according to the child, managed to praise the author of the drawing.). Then the winner is selected after calculating the chips. - Why ... gathered most of all the chips? - What reception did he use to make a person pleasant? - What did this game teach you? - How to take compliments? (Speak “thank you”, you can make a reciprocal compliment) c) the game “Compliments”.
- We will train again.
Let's play the game. To do this, you need to get into a circle. The teacher, giving the ball to one of the children, tells him a compliment. The child must say “thank you” and transfer the ball to the neighbor, while pronouncing affectionate words to him. The one who accepted the ball says “thank you” and passes it to the next child. Children, speaking compliments and words of gratitude, pass the ball first in one, then in the other direction. - What other words of gratitude did you use in the game? - What skills have you acquired? 3. The outcome of the lesson, reflection. - What was the topic of our lesson? - How to make compliments correctly? - What have you learned in this lesson? - On the board is a poster, it shows a flower. Go and sign on the petals what emotions you experienced in this lesson, what did you succeed, what skills you have acquired. Inscriptions are read out loud. - Thank you for the lesson, you are well done! The plan is a summary of the extracurricular lesson Topic: "The hostess left the bunny." Objectives: 1. To teach children to show sympathy. 2. To educate emotional responsiveness. Equipment: card with the theme of the lesson, blindfolds, mood cards. The course of the lesson 1. Organizational moment, setting the topic of the lesson. - Good afternoon, dear guys! Today we will conduct another lesson within the framework of the Club “The Art of Communication”. - How is your mood? Ready for the lesson? - A guest came to us today. Be very sensitive with him, he is upset. The game character of Bunny appears (one of the students), who cries and tells how bad he was, because the hostess left him. - Guys, our lesson is called "the mistress left the bunny." And you will learn to show sympathy and support in this lesson. The topic of the lesson on the board. 2. Work on the topic of the lesson. a) conversation.
- How can I help a hare?
(Regret him, cheer up, support) - unfortunately, sad events happen in life. When troubles take place with one of the acquaintances or someone is in grief, I want to express sympathy, help a person not break, support him in difficult times. But not everyone knows and knows what words to choose to express their feelings, whether it will be appropriate, etc. - How to express sympathy? (Sincerely, from the heart, in short phrases) - if your acquaintance has trouble, express their readiness to help him. Ask how you can help him and do everything possible. Switch the person’s attention to positive ties with the event. In the conversation, emphasize the bright moments of the past. Speaking of the future, try to support a person’s confidence in your own abilities. Fix the moments when a person calms down. More often focus on them. Try to persuade him to go somewhere together. This will help to distract from unpleasant thoughts. b) the game "Platee to the Bunny".
“You heard some recommendations from me to express sympathy.”
Let's play a game. Sit in a circle. In the center of the circle, leave a place for a hare. - In turn, you need to say one sentence to support the bunny. Remember the recommendations. - What do you think, who was best managed to encourage the bunny? - Why? What techniques did he use (a)? - Formulate once again the recommendations on the expression of sympathy. c) the game "Old Men".
- Moral support is required to provide all people who need it.
Now we will play another game "Grandmother". Children are divided into two teams - grandparents and grandchildren (granddaughters). The “old people” are blindfolded - they are very old, so they do not see or hear anything and they must certainly be taken to the doctor. You will have to go across the street with a strong movement. Grandmothers and grandparents should be carried out by their grandchildren (granddaughters), having tried so that they should not be knocked down by the car. Several children become "cars", running along the "street" back and forth. The task of grandchildren is not only to translate the “old men” across the road, but also to show the doctor (one of the children plays the role), and buy a medicine in a pharmacy, and then bring home. - Would the old men do without assistants? (No) - What did this game teach you? (Support a person in a difficult situation, help) 3. The outcome of the lesson, reflection. - What was the topic of our lesson? - Why is it important to support a person in a difficult situation? - How to express sympathy? - What have you learned in this lesson? - What did you like in this lesson? - Where and when can you come in handy with knowledge and skills? - On the board you see cards with words. These words convey your condition after the lesson. Put a box on only one card that most accurately describes your condition. An irritability of nervousness joy anger indifference to boredom, confidence enthusiasm insecurity enjoyment - thanks for the lesson, seeing an imminent meeting! Plan-the abstract of the extracurricular lesson Topic: "We-command." Objectives: 1. Teach the ability to negotiate. 2. To promote the development of cooperation. 3. To educate the desire to respect someone else's work, space. Equipment: card with the theme of classes, colored felt -tip pens, a Whatman's course of the lesson 1. Organizational moment, setting the topic of the lesson. - Hello guys! Today we will conduct the last lesson within the framework of the Club “The Art of Communication”. Remember what you have learned in the classroom of this club? -Today's lesson is called "we-team." What do you think you can learn in classes with this name? (Work in a team, negotiate, cooperate) The topic of the lesson on the board. 2. Work on the topic of the lesson. a) the game "Draw together."
- Now we will draw on one sheet of paper at the same time.
Come up with what you want to draw and choose a place for yourself. For drawing, I will give each of you only one felt -tip pen, but I think that, of course, you will want to make your drawings colorful. To do this, you will need to exchange with each other felt -tip pens. Drawing is carried out on a large carpet so that children can take a convenient position. The teacher observes the process and offers in the event of conflict situations compromise options for their solutions. - Look, what a beautiful drawing you have! What have you just learned? (Negotiate, cooperate in the team) b) game "Living picture".
- Now let's play the game “Living Picture”.
The driver of the game is selected. The rest so that the driver does not hear, agree that they will all show together. Children create a plot scene and freeze. They can change the pose only after the driver guesses the name of the “picture”. Comment: Despite the fact that the main goal of the game is to create a “live picture”, the emphasis in it is on the development of the ability to negotiate and find a common language. This game will be especially useful for children who have difficulties in communication (conflict, aggressive, shy, closed). It is better for the teacher to take the position of the observer. Its intervention is required only in the event of a quarrel of children. - In your opinion, did you act in this game with a cohesion enough? - What skills have you acquired in the process of this game? (Skill of work in the team, cooperation) c) the game "on the ice".
- Let's play another game.
It is called "on the ice." Participants are divided into teams of 5 - 7 people (it is desirable that all teams are the same size and boys and girls are evenly distributed between them). Each of the teams issues a large newspaper sheet that they spread on the floor. The teacher reads the instructions: “Imagine that you are on the broken ice floe drifting in the middle of the raging sea. Ice is your newspaper. You all need to sit on it and hold out for a few minutes to wait for the rescuers. It is impossible to touch the floor outside the newspaper - whoever does this is considered “drowned”. When the participants are located on their “ice floes” and hold out in this position for 15 - 20 seconds, he teaches that the storm broke off a piece from each of the ice floes, and tears off the parts of each newspaper, offering the participants to accommodate what remains. This is repeated 2 - 3 times. If one person is drowning in the team. She receives warnings, if two or more - she leaves the game ("Your ice cream rolled over"). The victorious is the team that will last longer than others. - What conclusion can we draw about the meaning of this game? (It is impossible to win individually, this can only be done together. But you can lose individually (“fall from the ice”), putting the whole team at risk) - what emotions did you experience? - What allowed the winning team to cope with the tasks of the game? 3. The outcome of the lesson, reflection. -So, we can conclude that if people do something together and at the same time respect each other and know how to negotiate-they will succeed. - What have you learned in this lesson? - What did you like in this lesson? - Where and when can you come in handy with knowledge and skills? - Did you like the classes of our club “The Art of Communication” as a whole? - Thank you for these classes, I was very pleased to work with you.

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Lesson 1. The secret of my name.
to develop respect for one’s name, oneself, and others.
Contents of the lesson : Conversation.
Look outside and see what bright colors nature gives us.
The same colorful world in which we live. And in order for us to live well in it, we need to know and understand a lot. Do you know what tolerance is, such an unusual and interesting word? Do you want to know? This word is as colorful and multifaceted as a rainbow in the sky. Our first lesson is dedicated to each of you. We will talk about your name and try to learn something new and interesting about each other. Where does the world begin? Yes, it starts with ourselves: let's tell him about ourselves. Exercise “My name”.
Children take turns reporting about themselves according to plan.
The adult begins the first: “My name is..., I am... years old, my favorite toy..., I have a brother (sister), we have a cat (dog) at home, etc.” After each child speaks, the presenter says what his name means, and clarifies what his full name sounds like. Exercise "Glomerulus".
“Now let’s find out about those who are next to us.”
The leader has a ball in his hands, the thread is twisted around his finger. He asks one of the participants a question (What do you love? What are you afraid of? Who are you friends with? etc.) and throws him a ball. He catches it, wraps the thread around his finger and answers the question. Then he asks the next participant a question and throws him a ball. At the end, the ball is returned to the leader. Everyone sees the threads connecting the children with each other and determines what the thread figure looks like. Now the whole group is one. These are the threads of friendship. — Are you interested in learning about yourself from others? Exercise “Tell me about me.”
Each child takes turns standing in a circle, the rest describe external signs and tell something good.
— We learned a lot of good and different things about each other. Let's remind the world what our name is. We love our name and now we will write it on the sheets. Drawing your name.
Children write their name in red paint on an album sheet.
If the child finds it difficult, the leader writes his name on a piece of paper and the child copies. If you have the same name, you can write the letter of the surname or another sign. The sheets are hung on the board. The presenter draws the children’s attention to the fact that these are the names of the children of the entire class. “Let's admire our names. Every person has something interesting. — Who learned something new about themselves? About your friends? "Our lesson is coming to an end. Let's hold hands and smile at each other." Every person has a name given to him at birth. That's what it should be called. And all together we are one whole “We”. Lesson 2. ME and WE. Goal:
to give an idea of ​​the existence of individual characteristics of peers, the ability to communicate, despite different desires;
cultivate the need for friendships. Contents
of the lesson
: Greeting ritual.
“Let's hold hands and smile at each other.
This is how we will start every lesson.” Conversation.
“Glad to see you again.
Have you noticed what has changed around you? Yes, this suggests that we have learned a little about tolerance. Today we will learn something else again. “Are you excited to get together? What can we be called? (Guys, group.) Despite the fact that we can be called in one word, we are all different, like leaves on trees, like fish in water.” Exercise “We are different.”
The teacher asks questions so that they are addressed to each participant in the circle: - Who is our tallest?
-Who has the lightest hair? - Who is the most hardworking? -Who can read? etc. - Who likes to draw? Exercise “Different eyes”.
“One of the signs of a person is eye color.
They are blue, gray, greenish, brown. (Children try to determine eye color.)
Eyes are different not only in color.
An attentive person can notice good, evil, joyful or tired eyes. (Children use their facial expressions to show different facial expressions. If there are pictograms, the presenter can use them).
—Which eyes were more pleasant to look at?
Which eyes were easier to show? What kind of eyes do you have now?” Exercise “Tender name”.
If you call a person by name, his eyes will always be kind.
In the last lesson we talked about your names and writing them. Let's now give everyone a sweet name. {You can name several variations of one name.)
— What are people called who have the same names?
The presenter asks the “namesakes” to find each other.
For those children who do not have any, the presenter says that they have rare names. Exercise “Locomotive”
(creating a positive emotional background, community).
The beep sounds and the children are invited to play. Children take hold of each other and move around the room, overcoming obstacles. On command, the “train” must stop or start. At the end of the game, the train can “rest” - all “cars” squat. — Did you like the game? — How did you feel during the game? - Why was everyone happy? — Show joy on your face Communication with friends brings joy, gives you a good mood, and gives you the opportunity to get to know each other better. Together is better than alone. Lesson 3. Me and my family. Goal:
to form a positive attitude towards family members, cultivate a caring attitude towards them, a sense of trust and cohesion and security.
Contents of the lesson : Greeting ritual.
Conversation. I want to read you a poem, Yellow is the warmest color, I’ll draw it: This is mom, this is me, This is my whole family.
Why is there such warmth in the family? The yellow sun gives it! Look at this photo. Who is pictured here? Yes, this is you and me, our friendly group. If we love ourselves, our name, and know how to play together without offending others, then we become tolerant. Is tolerance necessary at home? Today you brought family photos of you, mom, dad, grandma, sisters or brothers. Tell us about them. Exercise “Home Photo Album”.
Children show brought photographs of family members and family photographs.
The presenter asks to tell their story. (Each child talks about one of the photographs brought.)
Each person has his own family.
It can be small: a mother and son, for example. It can be very big. Surely your mom, dad, and relatives love you and take care of you. {You can listen to the children's statements.)
How can you please them?
Game "Hen and Chicks".
"Chickens" sit on chairs.
The driver is “cat”. The teacher is a “chicken mother.” The whole chicken family joins hands, walks in a circle and says the following words: A crested hen has come out, with yellow chicks with her. The chicken clucks: ko-ko Don't go far. (Gradually everyone approaches the cat, sitting separately on a chair.)
On a bench by the path, the cat is lying down and dozing.
The cat opens its eyes and catches up with the chickens. The chickens are scattering. Mom flaps her wings, protects her children, chases away the cat. The game is repeated three or four times. Any mother will always protect her child. You always feel safe in your mother's presence. — What do your mothers and fathers do to make your home comfortable and calm? (The presenter ends the children’s statements by saying that the parents are putting them to bed and wishing them good night.) Exercise “Family portrait”.
The presenter offers to draw your family at the moment of some pleasant event.
The drawings are posted and everyone briefly comments on their drawing. Today we started the lesson by looking at photographs and talking about how wonderful it is if a person has a family. You need to value your family and try to be useful. There is a family album in every home. Like in a mirror we are reflected in it. Even if we are not always beautiful, But these photos are true. The album is kept in our house and the pictures are stored in the album. There are many of them - both old and new, in our family... The story “I should” and “I don’t want to”
Now I want to read one story to you and then we will discuss it.
In the evening my mother had a headache. At night, Masha woke up and saw: her mother was sitting at the table and squeezing her head with both hands at her temples - she was in so much pain. Masha said sleepily: “Dear mommy, I feel sorry for you.” And she fell asleep again. In the morning, mom, as always, got up early. Misha and Masha lay and watched their mother comb her hair in front of the mirror. And then the kettle rattled in the kitchen, and grandma came in and said: “Well, lazybones!” Get up for work. Alive! Masha frowned and said: “We don’t have any work, we’re small.” Misha said: “You’re the little one, and I’m the big one.” I have a job: to plan a stool. The cat tore her off with his claws. You can, of course, cut it tomorrow... Masha said: “I need to sew a dress for the doll.” Your stool is nonsense. “Stop talking,” said the grandmother and pulled the blankets off the children. - Mother will leave now. Mom was sitting at the table, pale—pale. She didn’t even finish the cup or the bun, but only said: “My dear comrades!” If you knew how much your mother doesn’t want to leave the house today. “If you don’t want to, don’t go out,” said Misha. “Of course, don’t go out if you don’t want to,” said Masha. Mom looked at the guys in surprise and didn’t even seem to understand what they were saying. - But what should I do, my children, if necessary? - she said, kissed both guys, got dressed and left. The guys sat down on the sofa, wrinkled their foreheads and thought. Do they often think like that? “Go and plan the stool,” said Masha. Misha shook his head and said: “I don’t feel like it.” - Necessary! - Masha said sternly. “Granny hurt her finger on it yesterday.” Masha was left alone on the sofa. Should I sew a dress for Matryoshka or not? Do not want. And it is necessary. Matryoshka shouldn’t walk around naked. It turns out that these are not simple words “need” and “want”. It is great happiness if a person has a family.
You need to cherish
it, appreciate good relationships, try

to be attentive and helpful yourself Ending ritual.
The children stand in a circle and each one silently wishes each member of his family health and well-being.
Performed with eyes closed. Lesson 4. Unity with nature Goal:
to teach to love nature, to understand that everything in the world is interconnected, to give an idea of ​​the peculiarities of human communication with nature, to teach self-regulation through relaxation.
Contents of the lesson Beginning ritual. Conversation .
You and I are becoming more attentive, kinder, more polite, which means we are becoming more tolerant.
—Who can we be tolerant with? With people, with yourself, with family members. — Do you think we should be tolerant with nature? Guys, look around! How many living creatures surround us: grass, trees, flowers - this is the plant world. Insects, fish, birds, animals - the animal world. Nature is home for each of us. He will greet us, reassure us, give us health and strength. Spring caresses us with a green blade of grass, and the pine tree tickles us with its prickly needles. A stream in a shady forest will wash us with water, And may the huge globe of the earth be green! —What do we have in common with nature? “Can we say that you and I are part of nature?” Exercise “We are like a tree.”
The presenter invites the children to think about how they are like a tree. Has it always been big, where did it come from, what trees do in the morning, afternoon, evening, how the tree feeds, asks them to hold their nose once.
- Why did you unclench your nose? The tree also breathes, and the leaves help it with this. —- What do you do when you fall and get hurt? —What a tree experiences when its branches are broken and its bark is cut to extract sap. Trees, like people, get sick. - Can you guess how trees feel? - You see how much we have in common with plants. Relaxation
(carried out while sitting in a circle).
- Let's imagine ourselves as a tree, let everyone choose their favorite tree... Close your eyes... Imagine yourself as this tree. .. It is young, strong, healthy... strong, healthy... it stands firmly... it is not afraid of wind, rain... It only becomes stronger, grows, fills with strength... Open your eyes and see how many “trees” surround you. Together we are not afraid of storms and bad weather.” Exercise “Birth of a tree.”
- Let's turn into small seeds.
(Children crouch and cover their heads with their hands.)
Now sprouts began to emerge from the seed.
(Children gradually raise one hand, then the other.)
The branches reach towards the sun
(Children get up.)
The tree grows, grows...
(They stand on their tiptoes.)
A breeze came and moved the leaves (fingers).
A strong wind blew, the branches swayed... But then the wind died down, the gentle sun came out and our little trees calmed down (Children lower their hands, close their eyes and listen to music.)
The plant goes a long way to grow and delight us.
We must preserve such beauty and not harm nature, take care of it.” How can we save nature? (Do not break branches, do not pick flowers, as they will die immediately, do not throw garbage, etc.) We are surrounded not only by the world of plants. Today representatives of the animal world came to visit us, pets: a cat and a dog. Let's give the cat a suitable name." Children take turns speaking, and the most popular name is chosen. Then the cat's special traits are named. Exercise “Why is the kitten sad?”
Once upon a time there was a little kitten and still just a child.
Well, this dear Kotya was always sad. Why? Nobody knew, Kotya didn’t say it. Passing the toy around, the presenter asks everyone to say why the kitten is sad, what he is afraid of, what he lacks (lonely, hungry, homeless, etc.) Then they discuss how to help him. The presenter brings in a toy dog, tells what miracles they are capable of: serving on the border, flying into space, carrying children out of fire and water, helping the blind live and move. Exercise “Dog and guide”.
— Do you want to feel for yourself how dogs help people?
The children are divided into pairs, stand one after another, the hands of the “blind” standing behind him (he is blindfolded) are on the shoulders of the first one, the “guide”. The guide's task is to walk around the room in such a way as to avoid all obstacles and take care of his partner. Then the children change roles. — Many guys would like to have a puppy at home. But often they think that he is for playing, and do not imagine how much work and time it takes to raise a dog: cleaning several times a day, preparing food, keeping an eye on him everywhere, walking him when he wants to sleep or play, driving for vaccinations, clean clothes and furniture, because animals produce a lot of fluff and hair, and do much more to keep your pets alive and healthy. Drawing.
At the end of the lesson, children are asked to draw their favorite tree, flower, dog or cat of their choice.
Upon completion of work, the drawings are hung in the room. The presenter draws the children's attention to the fact that the room has become richer, having been replenished with children's works. A tolerant person treats nature with care, because we are part of nature. Ending ritual. Lesson 5. Learning to communicate. Goal:
to develop a culture of communication, the ability to build relationships with peers and adults.
Contents of the lesson : Greeting ritual.
Introduction. - You've probably seen a rainbow more than once.
What does the air smell like when it rains? Nature gives us amazing smells and colors. We have become tolerant of nature and know how to take care of it. Game "Blind Man's Bluff".
The presenter offers to play a game.
Let's choose a “cat” and blindfold him. The cat's paws are soft, he carefully touches the back of the one he has caught up with. After the words: Cat, cat Pineapple, You catch us for three years, You catch us for three years, Without opening your eyes! (all children run away in different directions).
The game is repeated 3-4 times.
The adult pays attention to the “cats” following the rules: be careful, not make a single “scratch.” The presenter and teacher organize a role-playing game “Bus”, “Shop”, and other games are possible in which the rules of behavior of passengers, conductor, driver, seller are practiced, and vocabulary is activated. You can switch the game to another mode. Exercise “Good-bad”.
-Let's check how you know the rules of behavior in transport.
Let's play a game. I'll read the rules. If you agree with him, say loudly: “Yes!”, and if there is no such rule, then everyone should be silent.” — You need to buy a ticket if you are a schoolboy. — All adults buy a ticket or present travel documents. — You can chew seeds in transport. - You need to quickly take an empty seat - You need to hand over the fare by tapping on the shoulder of the person standing next to you. —— In transport, you must hold on so as not to fall. — If it turns out that you and someone are at different ends of the bus, you can talk to each other loudly so that it doesn’t get boring. - You can eat ice cream on the trolleybus, otherwise it will melt. —If one of the elderly people comes in, you need to give up your seat. — When leaving, you need to say to everyone: “Goodbye.” To be tolerant means to be able to behave correctly, wherever he is. A tolerant person is polite and attentive to people. End of class. Lesson 6. Playing together Goal:
developing the ability to participate in joint activities, strengthening friendly relationships between girls and boys.
Contents of the lesson
Children sit on chairs in a circle.
Welcome ritual.
Everyone greets each other with kind words.
The presenter notes that today everyone is beautiful, cheerful, friendly... You are all children, guys.
And we can also say that you are girls and boys. Girls, clap your hands. Boys, stomp your feet!” Girls and boys dress differently, play with different toys, and like different games.” Exercise “Who wears what.”
Children dress up doll figures of a boy and a girl.
Then it is proposed to select suitable items for them. Discussion.
__What activities can be organized with these items?
—- What to do if both a girl and a boy need a car in the game? — How to help a friend if he doesn’t play and is sad? So that no one is sad, let's play the game “put it on and dance.” The game “Put it and dance
children walk in a circle, and one girl is
the center and performs movements in accordance with the text that the children say in the circle.
Katya walked along the path, Katya found slippers, Katya tried on the slippers, she put it a little - she licked. (Jumps on one leg, as if lame)
Katya began to choose who to give slippers.
The rings of the slippers are good - put on, put on and dance. The girl chooses a boy, and the boy is a girl. They dance, the rest clap their hands. Game continues. The game "Sleeping Beauty".
Each person has something good.
You need to be able to notice it. If you do not see others, and you will not see anything good. Now one will portray a sleeping princess or prince. Everyone should come in turn, say good words. Only kind words can awaken sleeping. The one whose words will like the princess most of all become a sleeping beauty. (The game is repeated 2-3 times.) Life would be uninteresting without such princes and princesses: boys and girls.
You need to respect each other, be able to concede. Each has something for which it can be loved. Reading the poem S. Ya. Marshak.
What are the boys made of? From snails, shells, from green frogs - the boys are made of this! What are the girls made of? From sweets and cakes, from the sweets of all kinds of sorts - this is made of this girl! Presenter:
The poet noted that girls and boys are made from different “tests”.
Was we fun together? It’s always good for those who can be friends. The lesson ends with the hearing of the song “Together to step together” occupation 7. Earth is our common house. Purpose:
to foster interest and respect for people, their activities, culture, everyday life.
To form ideas about the life of people on Earth. To educate feelings of citizenship, patriotism, tolerant attitude to the inhabitants of the Earth. The content of the lesson is the host:
A lot of people live on Earth.
They are different and similar to each other. All people have a similar structure of the body, everyone knows how to speak, walk on two legs. But people differ from each other. You will not confuse your parents, grandparents with anyone. But people also differ in skin color. There are blacks - they live in hot Africa, there are yellow -skinned - they live in China, Japan, Korea, there are white -skinned ones, like you and I. Such people live in Europe, in America, in Russia. People differ in hair color, a cut of the eyes. All people know how to speak, but each person has his own voice. People sing and dance differently, even eat unequally and, of course, wear different clothes. It is good that people are so different - so more interesting, so you can learn a lot about each other. In order to live in peace and friendship, people agreed on how to behave, so that everyone was fine. They came up with the rules of conduct, drew up laws that everyone should obey. They recorded these rules in a special document - human rights. There is even a declaration of child rights that refers to the rights and obligations of children. There are also rules that suggest how to behave at the table, visiting, on the street, in transport, how to be polite. There are a lot of such rules, but they need to know and follow them so as not to offend those with whom you communicate in order to be pleasant to other people. Many rules of conduct were invented in the old days, and still people follow them. For example, it is customary to welcome guests cordially among all peoples. Russian and Chuvash peoples are distinguished by their hospitality. What else do we know about our village? Conversation about the village of Komsomolskoye.
- The ground is similar to a ball, so the globe depicting it, round.
Here is the country in which we live, it is called Russia. (Children are considering the image of the country on the globe, then on the maps.)
- Who knows the main city of our country?
True - this is Moscow. Muscovites live in it. We live in the Republic of Chuvashia. Cheboksary - the capital of Chuvashia means there - Coboksarians live there. And we live in the Komsomol district and the center of our area is the village of Komsomolskoye. What republics do you still know that are also included in Russia? (Tataria, Udmurtia, Mordovia) What is the name of the people living in Chuvashia? (Chuvashi.) What language do they speak? (Chuvash, Russian.) Yes, and on the other and on the other, not only the Chuvash, but also other nations live in Chuvashia. All of them are friends and speak among themselves in Russian. Our, though small, republic has its own flag and coat of arms. Examination of the flag and coat of arms.
-Each country, every republic has the main music -Gimn.
Let's listen to our anthem. They always listen to the anthem. ” Listening to the anthem.
- Each person loves his homeland, is proud of it and wants it to become even better.
And today we learned that anyone can become tolerant if he ... (children continue the proposal).
Yes, he will respect himself, his name;
His family is careful about nature: plants and animals, behaves correctly, plays together with girls and boys, respects everyone who is nearby, loves their homeland. The ritual of farewell to a class abstract for grades 3-4 Lesson 1. Traveling to the country of friendship Purpose:
to clarify the concept of “friendship”, to form a positive attitude towards peers, cohesion, an understanding of the variety of the world of people and nature.
a toy plane, a letter with a text, a trip map, a toy or item that children will take on a trip.
Introductory conversation.
“I suggest you go on a long journey through countries that are not on a geographical map, but are on our map.
Look, here's a travel route, these are countries: friendship, polite words, guests, telephony, theater, wheels, peace, rights in which we must visit, get acquainted with the rules and laws of these countries, learn the most important thing, and only then we can get to In a country called tolerance. We will take this trip with us .. (calls the toy.)
As we approach the ultimate goal of our unusual journey, you will guess what kind of country it is tolerance.
Today we will go on a journey on our merry aircraft to the country ... And in which country, now we will find out. ” Solving the rebus.
(Answer: Friendship.) To get to this country, we need to take places on the plane.
Exercise "plane". Presenter:
Now we will fly and we need to start the engine.
Motor! Children:
There is a motor!
Fasten the belts!
Eat the belts!
We will count the last seconds before the start. Children consider 10.9,7,6,5,4,3,3,2,1 (after account 1) everyone loudly depicts the take-off: a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a -A-ah-ah ... the host:
We are landing ... We landed in the forest.
The leaves are rustling under our feet. - Are there the same leaves? (The leaves of different trees are different, from one tree they are also different, both in structure and in color.) In nature there is nothing repeated - in the world of plants and in the world of animals. Each owner of a cat and dogs easily recognizes “their own”. Man is part of nature and there are no two identical people in the entire universe. And we, like the leaves, patterns on the window, are created by nature. We can say that we all have one mother - nature, and we are her children, and in this we are all equal. You study in the same school, in the same class. I will tell you what happened in the same class. Exercise "Finish the story."
Once upon a time there was a girl.
I don't remember her name. Only such a story happened to her. The girls played together in the yard and quarreled. One of them even went to another school. Girls and boys began to offer her friendship. One is suitable - the girl says: “I won’t play with you, you are skinny as a bicycle!” She said to another: “You have a neck, like a giraffe!”, A girl with blue eyes and blond hair said that she was blond. She called Larisa a “rat”, Oleg - “bespectacled”, and then more. Vovka appeared in the class - carrot, Olka - Polka, etc. - What happened next? (Children continue the story and explain why such an end.) Everyone was unpleasant when the girl gave nicknames. Everyone has a name given to him at birth. Exercise "My name ".
Everyone calls his name, can explain what it means, what his names are called, what he will be called, when he will be an adult, ending with the words: “I would like to call me in the class ..."
(The presenter writes.) At the end.)
At the end Exercises children agree on how they will call each other
(without nickname, how the owner of the name wants, a benevolent tone.)
- Who wants to study in a friendly class?
What does it mean to be friends? (To help, to help out, asking for nothing in return; share, play, yield, etc.? In the song it sings: “A friend will always help, will not ask too much.” If friendship is real, it lasts many years, sometimes all her life). - I dream that our class is friendly, all together graduated from school. And all these years you would be as one big family. - What fairy tale do you remember where it would end badly without friendship? (“Friendship of animals”, “Turnip”, etc.) Reading a fairy tale (at the choice of a host).
- So the time of stay in the country called "Friendship" has come.
Would you like to stay in this beautiful country, where everyone respects each other, understands, helps, remember the birthday, call each other only by name, talk politely?. We must know that the ability to be friends needs to be learned, friendship needs to be earned. Let's write down the laws of the country in which we have visited in notebooks. Let the plane take more people to this country. Lesson 2. Traveling to the country of magical words Purpose:
to develop attention to others, the ability to politely draw, the ability to understand the emotional state of another person, the desire to do pleasant.
Ritual of greeting.
It's nice to conduct a class in a friendly class.
Let's smile at each other and wish you to mentally health, kindness and happiness. Let's imagine that today is a wonderful sunny day, the bright sun looks at our windows, everyone has a good mood! Let's say: "Hello!" You see how good it is when our greeting sounds. Conversation.
- Guys, who knows the song of Shainsky’s composer about a smile:
(One verse of the song sounds.)
Let's go together. ”
This song helps us to share a smile, and therefore, to show our good attitude, location to each other. And from this the mood becomes better, right? So we got into the country of magical words. And what do we call a person who never forgets that another should always be attentively, cordially, kindly? - True, polite, educated. Today we will have a conversation about magical words. To do this, we play the game "Politely - Restless." Exercise "Polite
If polite - dry twice, impolite - do not clap.
To say hello at the meeting, call the nickname the classmate to push, do not apologize for being late to enter the dining room not to get up, addressing the teacher to ask permission to enter the class when being late for the lesson, not give way to the elders on the bus. We must be polite, attentive to each other. It costs us nothing. There is such a well -known expression: "It costs us nothing as cheap and is not appreciated as expensive as politeness." We already need help, we received a distress signal. The little mix, expelled from the country, sent us a letter in which she asks for help. That's what she writes: “Dear guys! We have trouble! In the country, terrible maliblies seized power. She walked into the wall all kind words, funny songs, laughter and joy. She made greed, envy, gossip, nicknames with her approximately, and the main assistant - fear and rude words. Now we have gloomy even in the afternoon, everyone fights and offend each other, gossip and calling. Everyone is afraid of her. Help us! You probably know the magic words that will help you be friendly, polite, funny, take care of each other. Remember them, please, then you will help to defeat the terrible malice. ” The melody sounds. The host announces that we are in touch (you can use a cell phone). Children recall all the words of greetings, farewells, approval and say them. -Well, now, now I'm sure that Zlobule will have to leave the country of magical words. Let's help the mixer become fun and cheerful again. We will find affectionate words to reassure it. (Children call the words of comfort and support.)
So guys, today we are traveling around the country of magical words.
What greetings people do not use the whole earth! Firework! Ciao! Salaam Alaikum! Hau Du U Yu Du! ... One African tribe invented greetings for all occasions: obstetric - to the worker, Akuar to the tired, Akurin - to the traveler, the scales - to the stranger. There are special greetings for a sitting, standing, happy, unhappy, etc. Imagine what the little Africans have to have it while they learn all this. But you can’t confuse. This is considered non -bossed. The movements, gestures that people of different countries exchanged at the time of greeting are even more diverse. The gesture is the movement of the body, head or hands. Some bowed into the belt, others fell to their knees and hit the ground with his forehead, and others brought their hand to the forehead and heart. Noble ladies squatted in deep curtsy. The valiant musketeers, gracefully bowed, waved their magnificent hats. The knights lifted the took away heavy helmets. The slaves of Ancient Rome exposed the oversized heads. The word cannot be listed. How do we welcome each other? Yes, people of different countries are noted differently the simplest and most frequent event in their lives-a meeting with another person. And yet there is a common one here. To evade greeting or not to respond to it at all times and among all peoples was considered the height of insurance and disrespect for others.
Indeed, in a bow, in short words of greeting a very large and important content is made: “I see you a person.
You are pleasant to me. Know that I respect you and want you to treat me well. I wish you all the best: health, peace, fun, happiness. ” This is what a simple, ordinary "hello" means. The poet Vladimir Soloukhin wrote a poem about this amazing word. Listen to him, please. Hello! Having bowed, we will say to each other. Although they were completely unfamiliar. Hello! What is special in what we said to each other? Just hello, haven't you said anything else? Why did the sun increase in the world? Why did the world increase in the world? Why did life become more joyful for a drop? “You see, you greeted, and life has become more joyful on a“ bit of joyful ”. True, a lot also depends on how you greeted. For example, one boy in a hurry greeted the teacher, saying to him "the either fight, or spray." Reading and playing a fairy tale.
- Now listen, I will read you a fairy tale.
And this fairy tale was written by the Italian storyteller J. Rodari. “Pink word“ Hello ”. One boy lost all good words, he remained only bad. Then his mother took him to the doctor (the doctor had huge diets). He said: - Open your mouth, stick your tongue, look at the tip of your nose, I inflate your cheeks. And then he ordered the boy to go and look for a good word. At first, the boy found such a word (shows the distance of twenty centimeters), it was the word “u-u-uf”. That is, the bad word. Then this (5-10 centimeters)-"Leave me alone!" It’s also bad. Finally, he discovered the pink word “hello”, put it in his pocket, carried it home and learned to speak kind words, became a good boy. Children, after listening to a fairy tale, receive the roles of a mother, doctor, boy and begin to act in accordance with the plot of the story. Exercise "On the street."
Ask with the help of polite words how to go to the museum, cinema, pool, etc.
Exercise "Gift".
A friend leaves for a long journey.
You want to give him a gift. It is necessary to give it with the help of facial expressions and gestures, and a friend must guess. It is advisable to give a gift to each participant. Summarizing.
- In which country did we visit the last lesson?
And today we were in the "country of magic words." People who have visited other countries always leave the main thing in their memory. Having visited the country of magical words, we must also remember: to call each other by name, use polite words, make a pleasant thing for friends.

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