Lesson-quiz on computer science for 5th grade students “Smart guys and smart girls” lesson plan on computer science and ICT (grade 5) on the topic

Quiz on computer science “Both as a joke and seriously”

Extracurricular event in computer science

“Both jokingly and seriously”



– Good afternoon, dear participants, spectators and fans. In the modern world, computer science is the youngest and fastest growing science, the knowledge of which is simply necessary for every person. Today we will both jokingly and seriously try to touch different facets of this interesting science. Two national teams are participating in our game, let's welcome them. Presentation of team captains and jury members. So here we go.

1 competition. "Further, further..."

In 100 seconds, each team must answer as many questions correctly as possible. If the team finds it difficult to answer, the captain asks to move on to the next question by saying “Next.” A correct answer earns the team 1 point. The jury counts the number of correct answers and sets the time limit.

Questions for team 1:

  1. An icon on the screen that you can click to open a program, document, or folder. ( Label


  2. Writing the number 15 in the hexadecimal number system. ( F


  3. Not having a physical embodiment, but created on a computer monitor screen. ( Virtual


  4. A figurative representation of the organization diagram of files and directories (folders) on disk. ( Tree


  5. A company providing Internet services. ( Provider


  6. Font size. ( Point size, point


  7. A repeatedly repeated part of an algorithm (program). ( Cycle)
  8. The man is a fan of computer games. ( Gamer)
  9. What is the antipode for the word “client”. ( Server


  10. How many bytes are in 40 bits?(5


  11. Minimum unit of measurement of information. ( bit


  12. From which mathematician did the word ALGORITHM come from? ( Al Khwarizmi


  13. (Joke question) What medium is shaped like a pizza? ( Flexible, hard, compact discs


  14. What is the name of an object that is a substitute for the original? ( model)
  15. Flexible magnetic disk. ( floppy disk)
  16. (Joke question) What programming language do chemists call a book about copper ions? ( C++.)
  17. When the “mouse” manipulator appeared, the name for it in the Russian language was used for some time after the name of a character in a famous Russian fairy tale. Name this character. ( Kolobok


  18. Hardware and software that enable the integration of text, graphics, animation, and sound on a computer. ( Multimedia


  19. A condition in which the computer is turned on and does not respond to user actions ( Freeze)
  20. Inventor of an information coding system that uses two symbols: a dot and a dash. ( Morse


Questions for team 2:

  1. Lists all folders (directories) in which the file is attached. ( Path


  2. Writing the number 8 in the octal number system. ( 10


  3. Print head element of a dot matrix printer (Needle


  4. Text that contains links to text in other documents. ( Hypertext


  5. The smallest element of the image on a monitor screen. ( Pixel


  6. The main computer of a multi-peer local network. ( Server


  7. Beginner user. ( Teapot, loser


  8. The “alternative” procedure, how else can it be called? ( Branching, choice


  9. Give the “antipode” to the word “constant.” ( Variable


  10. How many bits are there in 3 bytes?(24)
  11. Minimal information object. (F ah


  12. The name of the first woman programmer. (Ada Lovelace


  13. (Joke question) Who is buzzing in the disk drive? ( Gadfly - diskgadfly


  14. A sequence of actions aimed at achieving a specific goal. ( Algorithm


  15. What do papyrus, birch bark writing, a book and a floppy disk have in common? ( Data storage).
  16. (Joke question) What is the name of the conductor of the orchestra of computer devices? ( Operating system.)
  17. A computing device used by the ancient Greeks and Romans, similar to an abacus. ( Abacus


  18. Special rules that determine the principle of constructing words and sentences in a programming language. ( Syntax)
  19. What are the names of programs designed to view Internet pages? (browsers)
  20. A symbol used to indicate the spacing of cells in spreadsheets. ( :


Announcement of jury results

2 competition “Both – what is it?”

Each team in turn needs to determine which concepts the given comments correspond to. For example, both carpet and treadmill, and on a magnetic disk in a computer ( track).

  1. Both the note and the programming language ( SI)
  2. And family, and military, and file (archive)
  3. Both a category in sports and a position in recording a number (discharge


  4. And in the trapezoid, and at the monument, and at the number system (base


  5. And postal, and lower or upper, and at the array element (index


  6. Both a city in England and a colloquial name for a hard drive (Winchester


  7. Both medical and in a computer program (procedure


  8. And an artificial channel filled with water, and a communication line (channel


  9. Both fishing and computer (net


  10. Both the movement of the leg when walking and the amount of change in the cycle parameter (step


3rd competition “Become a robot”


One of you will be an artist, but an unusual one, and a robotic manipulator. And the rest of the team will take turns controlling the robot. You will see an image on the screen. Your task is to use commands to the robot to reproduce the image on an improvised monitor screen (a sheet of A3 paper attached to a wall or stand). Explicit commands such as “Draw a tree” or “Draw ears” are not allowed. You cannot name the objects shown in the picture. Allowed commands: “Put a dot in the upper left corner”, “Draw a circle”, “Connect the dots with a segment”, etc. The maximum number of points for this competition is 10.

Announcement of jury results

4th competition “Computer Through the Looking Glass”

In phrases related to computers and computer science, words are replaced with opposite ones in meaning, purpose, size, etc. The team needs to identify the initial phrases as quickly as possible. The team captain raises his hand if the team is ready to give an answer. For each correct answer 1 point.

For example, Silent microphone ( speaker


  1. Flex board (HDD


  2. Visible folder (hidden file


  3. Long-term sclerosis (RAM


  4. Natural stupidity (artificial intelligence


  5. Collective accounts (Personal Computer


  6. Leaf file (root directory


  7. Father's block (motherboard


  8. Cat blanket (mousepad


  9. Manual vaccine (computer virus


  10. Low ban (a high resolution


Announcement of jury results

5th competition "Anagrams"


Before you are anagrams, in 3 minutes rearrange the letters in them so that you get words related to computer science or computers. For each word guessed 1 point.

  1. Gallo (algol)
  2. Salcap (pascal)
  3. Krasen (scanner)
  4. Castor (string)
  5. Talodka (debugging)
  6. Temka (tag)
  7. Biscay (basic)
  8. Terpolt (plotter)
  9. Tranfor (fortran)
  10. Figurine (graphics)
  11. Needle (logic)
  12. Corset (sector)
  13. Fural (formula)
  14. Volusia (condition)
  15. Urvisk (italics)
  16. Taxied (floppy disk)

While the teams are preparing - a game with spectators « Everyone is looking for terms


The person who answers correctly adds 1 point to the team they support.

In these sentences, consecutive letters of several words form terms related to computer science and computers. Find them.

For example, This process is

nitologists call migration. The word PROCESSOR is hidden in this sentence.

  1. Then they
    and rejoiced like children.
  2. His fez fell off his head more than once.
  3. The Dnieper River is interesting because it has several power plants.
  4. At the request of the apartment owner, we moved the closet from its place.
  5. He inherited this antique chest of drawers.
  6. He once worked in the ideological department.
  7. In the presence of the boss, Potap was as shy as a child.
  8. It turned out that the Count and Casanova are the same person.

6th competition “Catchphrases”

For each of the above concepts, so-called “catchphrases” are given, of which only one corresponds in meaning to this concept. Find this catchphrase. For example, for the concept

The programmer found the reason for the incorrect result of the program

  1. Seek and you will find;
  2. And the casket simply opened;
  3. Storm in a teacup.

Trojan horse virus

  1. Every deed is good;
  2. Greek gift;
  3. Two-faced Janus.

[email protected] :\PROVIDER.RU

  1. To the village for grandfather;
  2. To distant lands:
  3. Seek and you will find.

Security breach

  1. Ariadne's thread;
  2. Achilles' heel;
  3. A hut on chicken legs.

Recovering a previously deleted file

  1. Raising Lazarus;
  2. If you put it further away, you will take it closer;
  3. Every deed is good.

Announcement of jury results

7th competition “Ditties”

Each team sings ditties dedicated to computer science, dressed in Russian folk costumes. The main evaluation criteria are artistry, enthusiasm and prowess. The maximum number of points for this competition is 10.


I fell in love with the programmer - I thought he was very smart, He treats both sore throats and colds with Aidstest.


My darling doesn’t kiss me, He doesn’t sit close to me - I’m supposedly a pure mathematician, And you’re a programmer.


. From my sister Olya I have “password protected” all the secrets. Let him now try to open the door to my X-files!


I don’t meet people in the yard - I follow the advice, I get all the suitors Only on the Internet.


The disk has spoiled, well, here is an ax, a chisel, a knife. No, give them Disk Doctor, Oh, these young people!


We have an unusual hunger: a hunger for information. How can we satisfy it? IN-FOR-MA-TI-ZA-ZIEY!

While the teams are preparing for the performance, we offer the audience a creative task: the beginning of the ditty is given, come up with its ending yourself. This way you can help your team with extra points.

Announcement of jury results

Summing up the game.

– So, dear spectators and guests, our game has come to an end. I thank our teams for the exciting game. We look forward to the jury summing up the results. The results are announced.


  1. Zlatopolsky D.M.

    Collection of assignments for extracurricular work in computer science / D.M. Zlatopolsky. – M.: Chistye Prudy, 2006. – 32 p. – (Library “First of September”, series “Informatics”. Issue 1(7))

  2. Zlatopolsky D.M.

    Assignments for competitions, quizzes, KVN and educational crosswords in computer science / D.M. Zlatopolsky. – M.: Chistye Prudy, 2007. – 32 p. – (Library “First of September”, series “Informatics”. Issue 1(13))

Extracurricular event in computer science. Quiz for 6th grade “Do you know computer science.”

Extracurricular event in computer science.

Quiz "Do you know computer science." (6th grade)


In a playful way, test your knowledge and mastery of terminology on the topics: “History of the development of computer technology”, “Information. Actions on information. Units of measurement of information”, “Basic elements of a computer”, “Technology for processing graphic information”.

Develop attentiveness, resourcefulness, a sense of responsibility and mutual assistance.

Increase interest in the subject.


  1. Educational —

    development of cognitive interest, logical thinking, education of responsibility for the common cause.

  2. Educational —

    repetition of basic concepts and definitions.

  3. Developmental —

    development of attentiveness, memory, thinking, creative abilities.


Cards with tasks, computers, assessment sheets, diplomas of winners and participants.


The class is divided into two teams and a game is played between them. Each team comes up with a name before the game. The jury is the teachers who came to the game.

The game consists of six tasks. A certain amount of time is allocated for each of them. The team that gives the answer first and correctly wins the competition. One point is given for a correct answer. Those tasks that were not completed are dealt with collectively.


  1. The best “artist” is selected from each team

    . Throughout the game, the “artists” make a drawing in the Paint graphic editor (the drawing for the competition is chosen at the request of the teacher conducting the game).

The task is worth 10 points, all other tasks are worth 1 point.

  1. The names are written on the cards

    computing instruments: fingers, abacus, adding machine, computer.
    You need to arrange them in order of appearance. Numbers are written on the back of the cards; if the task is completed correctly, then the year of creation of the first ENIAK computer is obtained; (1945, creators J. Mauchly, J. Eckert). ( 3 minutes are allotted for the task)
    Annex 1

  2. Solve the crossword puzzle

    (5 minutes are allotted for the task). Appendix 2

The crossword puzzle is given on cards along with questions.



  1. A device with which a person enters information into a computer. (Keyboard).
  2. A set of conventions for writing predefined characters. (Code)


  3. A device with which people counted from the 17th century to the 20th century inclusive. (Adding machine)


  4. A device that allows you to output information from a computer's memory onto paper. (A printer)


  5. Memory device. (Memory)


  6. A list from which you can select a command. This line contains the words: file, edit, view, etc. (Menu)
  7. The device to which the information is displayed. (Monitor)


  8. A simple computing device that has been used for centuries. (Abacus)


  9. The main device, the “brain” of the computer, which controls all the devices of the computer. (CPU)


If everything is guessed correctly, the result will be the word computer.

  1. Methods of receiving and transmitting information.
  • Explain the concept in words without naming it (bucket, cup, samovar, chair).
  • Using gestures and facial expressions, without uttering a sound, explain the phrase (an elephant is bathing, a monkey is eating a banana)

The most artistic and resourceful students from the teams are called to explain. Any team can give the answer.

  1. Coding (7 minutes are given for the task) . Appendix 3

Teams are given cards with questions. The answer is given on the cards, but it must be found in rectangles and squares, where the letters of the words are rearranged in a “snake” pattern. Under each figure there is a letter written; if you answer the questions in order and correctly, you will end up with the word well done.


  1. Universal device for information processing (computer)


  2. Information input device (keyboard)


  3. How else can you call news, knowledge, messages? (information)


  4. Unit of information (kilobyte)


  5. Device for entering information into a computer from a sheet of paper (scanner)


  6. The way the program communicates with the user (“appearance” of the program) (interface)


  7. Action on information (broadcast)


Figure 2

YI. Anti-anagram. (7 minutes are allotted for the task).

(Anagram: “monitor”, you can form the words mouth, world, etc., but you cannot form the word “rotor”, because the letter “r” appears twice).

From the words on the card, make up words related to information science and computers. Letters in words can be repeated, and all are present in the word.

  1. Gadfly, disk (disk drive).
  2. Baby, si (diskette)


  3. Myth, note, caviar (Informatics)


  4. Spruce, squeak (pixel)


  5. Litter, process (CPU)


  6. stake, horses (columns)


  7. Gram, threshold (program)


  8. Run, may, there (megabyte)



the jury counts points and evaluates the “artists’” works. The team with the most points wins. The winning team receives straight A's in computer science, and both teams are awarded diplomas.

Intellectual quiz game “Finest Hour” in computer science in grades 6 - 8

Intellectual quiz game on computer science in grades 6 - 8
In a playful way, test knowledge and mastery of terminology on the topics: “Information.
Types of information”, “Computer hardware”, “Storage, transmission of information”. “Actions with information. Units of information measurement.” Increase interest in the subject. Tasks:

  1. Educational -
    development of cognitive interest, logical thinking, instilling responsibility for a common cause.
  2. Educational -
    repetition of basic concepts and definitions.
  3. Developmental -
    development of attentiveness, memory, resourcefulness.

Materials and equipment
for playing the game: 1. Tables or fans with numbers from 0 to 7 for players.
2. Presentation - video board. 3. Paper and pencils. 4. Consolation prizes for eliminated participants. 5. Prize for spectators. 6. Super prize for the winner. 7. Computer, projector, interactive whiteboard. Rules:
6 people participate in the game, everyone else is spectators.
Each participant must have signs or fans with numbers from 0 to 7. The game begins with the introduction of the participants. The game consists of 5 rounds, each of which can contain from 7 to 10 questions (on 2 slides). A certain amount of time (1 minute) is allotted for each question. The one who gets the maximum number of points and stars wins the competition. One point is given for a correct answer. Those tasks that were not completed are dealt with collectively, with the involvement of fans. Introductory word from the teacher:
Today we gathered for the intellectual quiz game
“Finest Hour”.
All questions that will be asked are in one way or another related to computer science, information processes, and computer hardware.
I present to you 6
participants - players: _______________________

Let's welcome them! All participants in the game are in front of you, it’s time to get acquainted with its rules. Rules of the game

The quiz questions will be displayed on the video board in the form of small pictures.
For each correct answer the player receives 1 point
And the smartest and brightest cadets will receive stars
for quick and correct answers.
Answers are given by raising up plates with numbers - answer numbers (respectively, from 1 to 7
A sign with the number “0” means that there is no correct answer among the listed options. The participant who answers the question correctly takes a step forward one cell, and another bonus star is added to him (in the event that not all participants answered correctly at the same time). Asterisks are considered additional indicators in cases of equal scores between players. The participant who gave the most correct answers advances to the next round. After each round, and there are four of them
, we will lose the player who scored the fewest points. (the exception is the first round - it is a warm-up). The fifth round is the final. You are given 5 seconds to think about each question. If several pairs have the same number of points, their stars will be taken into account. In the super game, that is, in the final, two pairs who have reached the final will fight.

The points will be counted by 3 members of the respected jury: teacher________________, student________________, teacher________________.

So, we begin the first round, which consists of 9 separate tasks (on 2 slides).

1st round warm-up:

After him, no one is eliminated yet. But it matters for the next rounds, because... Stars accumulated for correct and quick answers will be taken into account.

Slide No. 1 presents various items (a selection of computer slang expressions): 1. meter

4. hectare

6. firewood

Answer the following questions: 1. What concept in computer jargon means a unit of measurement of the amount of information?
(Answers: 1 - megabyte, 4 - gigabyte) 2.
In computer slang, this is the name of a computer program with which the operating system gains access to the hardware of a certain device connected to a PC.
(Answer: 6 drivers) 3.
What do experienced users call the central processor?
(Answer: 2- stone)
4. What is another name for an email address?
(Answer: 3-soap) 5.
An incompetent person, an inexperienced computer user, can receive such a nickname.
(Answer: 7 - teapot)
The next slide No. 2 of the first round presents some examples of PC hardware: 1. Computer mouse

2. Joystick

3. Monitor

4. Acoustic speakers

5. Scanner

6. Printer

7. Keyboard

Answer the following 4 questions:
What are input devices?
(Answers: 1 - mouse, 2 - joystick, 5 - scanner, 7 - keyboard) 2.
Users affectionately (or friendly) call it Klava.
(Answer: 7 - keyboard) 3.
What can be classified as information output devices?
(Answers: 3-monitor, 4-columns, 6-printer) 4.
What is the name of the device for visually displaying information?
( Answer: 3-monitor)
Round 2

also includes 9 questions.
On slide No. 3, you are presented with different types of information according to the form of presentation: 1. Melody from a gramophone
Train number
Disney cartoon
Rooster crowing
Landscape “Lake Ingol”
Disc with music f “Well, wait a minute!”
To solve this, you are offered the following 4 questions:
Which of the illustrations corresponds to the text information?
(Answer: 0 - no correct answer) 2.
Is there an example of audio information on the slide?
(Answer: 1 - gramophone, 5 - rooster crow) 3.
What can be classified as video information?
(Answers: 4 - Disney film, 7 - disc with “Well, wait a minute”) 4.
What illustrations display graphic information?
(Answer: 3 - Khokhloma, 6 - landscape)
On slide No. 4 you see various sports:
1. Rhythmic gymnastics 2. Hockey 3. Basketball 4. Cross-country skiing 5. Archery 6. Fencing 7. Volleyball
Answer 5 questions:

  1. What sport do you think Robin Hood would excel at? (Answer: 5- Archery)
  2. What sport is not available for men? (Answer: 1 - rhythmic gymnastics)
  3. What sport did the musketeers practice? (Answer: 6- fencing)
  4. What sport is the feature film “Center from Under Heaven” about? (Answer: 3 -Basketball)
  5. Is there 2 types of this sports game? (Answer: 2 - Hockey)

Round 3:
On slide No. 5, we present to your attention some hardware devices and storage devices: 1.
Removable disk ( Flash memory) 2. CD disk 3. Processor 4. Hard drive 5. Headphones 6. Floppy drive 7. Floppy disk
And the following questions:
1 This
magnetic disk is called a floppy disk and is most often used to transfer information from one computer to another.
( Answer: 7 - floppy disk) 2.
A device designed for computing, processing information and controlling the operation of a computer
( Answer: 3 - processor) 3.
This disk, called a hard disk, is used for long-term storage of information.
(Answer: 4- hard drive) 4.
Modern storage devices are memory chips used for storing and transferring information.
(Answer: 1 - flash cards) 5.
What is the name of the device for controlling a computer during a game
(Answer: 0 - no answer - joystick)
On slide No. 6 you see representatives of the animal world: 1.
Donkey 2. Turkey 3. Rat 4. Goat 5. Worm 6. Dog 7. Penguin
Answer the following questions: 1. This animal is a trademark of one of the operating systems.
(Answer: 7- penguin - Linux )
2. And this living creature is part of the user's email address.
/ (Answer: 6-dog)
3. One of the computer devices has this name in computer slang.
(Answer: 3-rat)
4. Very often Internet users call one of the browsers this way.
(Answer: 1-donkey)
Last 4th round

Before you are different types of boats:
1. Pirogue 2. Catamaran 3. Galley 4. Kayak 5. Gondola 6. Canoe 7. Kayak
Answer 5 questions: 1. What kind of boats are used on the canals of the Italian city of Venice?
(Answer: 5- Gondola)
2. Which boats have a bone frame covered with leather?
(Answer: 4- Kayak)
3. This boat is hollowed out from an entire tree trunk.
(Answer: 1-Piroga)
4. This boat is moved by dozens of strong rowers.
(Answer: 3-Galley)
5. This boat folds up and fits in a tourist’s backpack.
( Answer: 7-Kayak)
The next slide asks you to find the wrong answers. If there is an error in the listed concepts, you need to raise a sign with the number corresponding to the incorrect answer. 1) So, here are text editors : M. O. _ Word , OpenOffice.
Writer, WordPad
Answer: (
wrong answer) 2) Operating systems in front of you:
MS - DOS (1981), Macintosh, Mac OS
2- Macintosh. Final
In the final, 2 players compete against each other. You are given a long word, from which you need to make as many short ones as possible. However, if the participant runs out of words, he can give a bonus “star”, which is counted as a word. The one who composes the most short words wins. The finalists compete in the ability to compose as many words as possible from the proposed word “INFORMATICS”. The participant with the fewest points starts the game; a star can be counted for an additional word. Everyone who does not make it to the finals receives consolation prizes. Possible variants of words made up of the word “Informatics”: 1. Myth 2. Form 3. Romance 4. Tick 5. World 6. Shooting Range 7. Or 8. Aorta 9. Firm 10. Mat 11. Nymph 12. Mouth 13. Cat 14. Thor 15. whale 16. poppy 17. three 18. aroma 19. norm 20. brand 21. mosquito 22. headlight 23. fort 24. fart 25. cinema 26. tank 27. uterus 28. photo 29. rock 30. hiccup 31. volume Finest hour

The winner has his finest hour. He makes a speech. He is awarded the main prize. In his honor, welcoming music is played or a fireworks display recorded on video is shown.

List of applications:

  1. Appendix No. 1 Numbers and stars
  2. Appendix No. 2 Table for the jury
  3. Presentation of the game "Finest Hour"
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