Class hour on the topic “Values ​​of human life”

Class hour “Life Values”

And, thinking about a miracle,

Reach the sun with your hands

And give it to people.

Guys, what does the word “Happiness” mean to you?

Let's do a little task called "Circle of Joy."

Each child must say: My name is……. And for me happiness is……..

There is no person on earth who does not dream of happiness. Sometimes a dream becomes the goal of a lifetime and, having achieved it, a person feels happy. Then new dreams and new goals arise. Life is like a staircase leading to the future. Each step is our desires and dreams. How to build your own ladder to become happy?

A short story will be presented to your attention, after listening to which you will have to answer the following questions:

- What do you think this old woman’s goal was?

— How much has this old lady achieved in life?

— What do you think her life values ​​were?

In one of the countries, no matter which one, there lived an old woman. For many years she walked with a stick along the beach during the height of the summer season. Many people were perplexed and did not understand what she was looking for in the sand, raking it with a stick.

It was only years later that people found out that for many years she had been walking along the beach with only one purpose…….

What do you think this old lady's goal was? - She collected shards of broken glass so that adults and children would not get hurt.

Questions for students:

— How much has this old lady achieved in life?

— What do you think her life values ​​were?

(Suggested answers: love for children, decency, kindness,)

It is human nature to be kind. Kindness is the measure of humanity in a person. A truly kind person is always ready to console and help those who really feel bad and who need help. He is not indifferent to injustice, cruelty, and is sincere in his good deeds.

Warm-up “The Road of Good”

Each person has a sheet of paper on their desk; students use a marker to trace their palm and write their name on it in the center. And then the song “Dear Goodness” sounds,

While it is playing, the children pass around a piece of paper with their name, when the song is interrupted, the passing of the sheets stops and the students write words of wishes on their fingers, then the song continues and they pass the sheets around again. At the end of the song, the leaves return to their owners.

Cl. hand

Guys, every person’s life is presented in the form of their own ladder, along which we go up, into the future, into adulthood. Your right is to choose what your staircase will be, large or small, what steps it will consist of. You can consider each step to be something you strive for in your life. Let's call this ladder the “ladder of happiness.”

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