GCD for application in the preparatory group “Panel of dried leaves”
September is just around the corner, and soon craft competitions will begin in schools and kindergartens.
Cat observation. Observation of a cat on a walk in the middle-senior group Observation of a cat in biology
Short-term project of the second junior group “Observation of a living object - a cat” Larisa Sozonova Short-term
Consultation for parents. “How to introduce children to moral and patriotic education?”
Consultation for parents. “How to introduce children to moral and patriotic education?” 1.Teach your child to take care of
Parent meeting “Homework and features of its implementation”
child rights
Methodological development. Conversation “Your rights and responsibilities”
From the moment of its birth, a newborn baby acquires several social roles. He's at home
geometric shapes pictures
summary of a mathematics lesson “Geometric shapes and geometric figures”
Historical background Geometry, like other sciences, arose from the needs of practice. The word "geometry" itself
analysis of an English lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard sample
Self-analysis of an English lesson in 5th grade on the topic “Pets”
Features of self-assessment Self-analysis of a lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard in English has a clear algorithm, which the teacher
Card file on problem situations for older and preparatory children
Problem situations in the organization of the educational process in preschool educational institutions Bibliographic description: Problem situations in the organization
Abstract and presentation on the world around us on the topic “Life of the Ancient Slavs” (4th grade)
Life of the ancient Slavs Hello guys! Today in class we will open the first page with you
Presentation for a project for primary school on the topic “History of Clocks”
The history of the origin of the watch of the MBOU - “Gymnasium No. 65 named after Nikas Safronov.” Project topic: Clock
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