Canteen duty lesson plan (senior group) on the topic
Organization of a duty corner in a kindergarten Duty is one of the effective forms of work organization
Technological lesson map technology on the topic of designing a product box (grade 3)
With two drawers If there is a need to organize a place to store small items on your desktop,
Summary of a lesson in the senior group on the topic “Pets”
Lesson in the senior group of a preschool educational institution. Animals in winter Summary of a lesson on environmental education for older children
Presentation “Summer Olympic Sports” presentation for a physical education lesson (preparatory group) on the topic
History of the Olympic Games In Hellas (Ancient Greece), the Olympic Games were one of the most revered
System of work on health conservation in the municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten 7 “Firefly” of the Alekseevsky municipal district. - presentation
Goals and objectives of health-saving technologies in the senior group of preschool educational institutions Practical implementation of the concept of educational, health,
Poems by Lermontov 6th grade. Lesson objectives: 1) Educational: - Learn expressive reading of poems, oral drawing. — Show the originality of Lermontov. - presentation
Presentation on literary reading grade 4 on the topic “Biography of M.Yu. Lermontov” Born on the night of
How to prepare a quest for Victory Day for children of different ages: a selection of ideas and scenarios
When planning a children's party, the easiest option is to turn to people who are professional
Parent meeting in 5th grade "" "Difficulties of adaptation of fifth-graders at school" - presentation
Parent meeting “Difficulties of adaptation of fifth graders” Parent meeting in the 5th grade Difficulties of the adaptation period Purpose:
Parent meeting in 1st grade. Adaptation to school
MBOU "Nizhnezhuravskaya secondary school" Form of holding: round table. Objectives: -to acquaint parents with possible adaptation problems
Summary of the open lesson “Who are volunteers?”
Thematic role-playing game “Volunteers” Participant of the exhibition and competition: Molodtsova Ekaterina Sergeevna, teacher of the MA Preschool Educational Institution of the Center for Regional Development
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