Thematic educational activity “Journey to the Land of Literature” with children of the senior, preparatory subgroups.
Why read fairy tales in the preparatory group before bed? Many parents often wonder why
Presentation “Fitball gymnastics in preschool educational institutions” presentation on the topic
“Golden rules” of fitball gymnastics: Each child should select the ball according to their height, so that when landing
Guide for breathing exercises
Author's methodological development “Didactic aids for speech therapy classes”
Looking at the author's speech therapy manuals, you realize that you can make many games for your children yourself.
DIY crafts on the theme of space
How to make a rocket from scrap materials for children? Paper and cardboard rocket templates
Beautiful and simple Mushroom applique. Templates can be obtained for free. Details in my post here.
Lesson summary “My favorite food” in English for grade 3
My Favorite Food – My favorite food My favorite food is homemade. I like
Didactic material on the topic “Appeal”, Russian language, grade 5
Summary of a literacy lesson on the topic Sound and letter Y
Interesting material WHAT A LETTER LOOKS LIKE A bird flies over the gate, But it doesn’t look like a gate
Characteristics and classification of children's musical instruments.
Creation and work of a music corner in kindergarten: role, meaning, goals and objectives Musical
Methodological recommendations for the design of speech corners in older age groups of preschool institutions
The purpose of the speech development corner in a preschool educational institution Without fully developed speech, it is difficult for children to adapt to
Card index of didactic games based on fairy tales
Didactic game tell a fairy tale. Card index of didactic games based on fairy tales
Card index of games based on fairy tales Game progress: A fairy tale is chosen for adults (this can be a fairy tale that
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