Municipal Olympiad in Russian for 4th grade students
The Russian language is quite difficult to learn, but it is also very flexible and multifaceted in its
All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in mathematics (school stage) 2019-2020 academic year, 4th grade
Features of competitions for 4th grade Olympics for 4th grade in 2020 vary significantly
Finger games and finger gymnastics for children of the first junior group
In the lower grades, special attention is paid to the development of children's fine motor skills, imagination, and thinking. Gymnastics
Solving compound problems. lesson plan in mathematics (grade 3) on the topic
Math cards for grade 3 “COMPOSITIONAL PROBLEMS” MBOU “Verkhnemedveditsk secondary school” Kursk
Thematic card index “Physical Minutes” for the middle group
“Collection of physical exercises for elementary school” —————————————————— Alphabetical physical exercises for AaAntelope every day It’s no longer possible to stretch
Parents' meeting "Education - at school, upbringing - in the family", Federal State Educational Standard
Lesson-presentation on the world around us “What is economics?” 2nd grade “School of Russia”
1) Remember and tell us how people work in your city (village). In my city
unpronounceable consonants at the root of words
Rule for checking the spelling of words with unpronounceable consonants
Today the weather is stormy, and I'm so unhappy. The rain is absolutely terrible. I wish I could do it again soon
Card index of outdoor games for children of senior preschool age
The essence of the concepts: we understand the terminology In many methodological sources, the concepts of sports game and sports
Father Frost
Beautiful names for New Year's events. CSDB event plan for the winter holidays
SKETCH “NEW YEAR’S TRADITIONS” The teacher will be happy to help you prepare and have a fun New Year’s school concert