Work program for extracurricular activities for 1st grade “Learning to create a project”

Text requirements: font, volume, margins and numbering


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As a rule, schoolchildren are not subject to such strict requirements as students, but still, many teachers prefer to adhere to the basic design rules. After all, every student must have basic concepts, since in the future they will have to write a lot of different works in higher educational institutions. Before submitting a report to school, let’s consider the basic requirements.

So, teachers try to adhere to GOST 7.32-2001, since it remains the most popular today. According to GOST, you must adhere to the following requirements:

  • Times New Roman font;
  • font size is at least 12 point, but many teachers require size 14;
  • line spacing – 1.5 mm;
  • numbering is continuous at the bottom of the page in the center and starts from the first page, but there is no number on the title page and on the table of contents page;
  • margins: left – 3 cm, right – 1 cm, and bottom and top 2 cm.

It is best to print the report on a computer, then it looks more neat. Sometimes teachers make their own demands and therefore, before writing, you need to clarify with the teacher all the important points regarding the design of the work.

Typically, schoolchildren are given a small amount of work, depending on the age of the child. Most often, a report needs to be written from 5 to 15 pages in A4 format.

Structure of a student’s report

The structure of the report is standard and the requirements for it are the same for each teacher.

The structure of the report consists of:

  • title page;
  • content;
  • introduction;
  • main part;
  • conclusions;
  • list of used literature;
  • applications (for schoolchildren in rare cases).

All of the above parts except appendices must be included in the report. The format depends on the requirements of the teachers, since some ask to make a report with GOST standards - 7.32-2001 and 7.9-95, while others ask in the form of an essay at their discretion.

How to design a title page

Before filling out the report, it is necessary to correctly format the title page, where the name and number of the school, the word “Report”, the topic of the work, student and teacher information are written.

At the very top center is the name and number of the school. In the middle of the A4 sheet the word “Report” is written, and on the next line the subject and topic of the work are indicated. Then we retreat a few lines, and on the right we write: “Completed by:”, and below the full name of the performer. On the next line “Checked by the teacher:” and the teacher’s full name is indicated.

Look at the example, which shows how to correctly format the title page of a report or abstract at school:

Title page of the abstract (sample)

How to format content

This section identifies all parts of the report. This includes:

  • introduction;
  • titles of chapters and paragraphs;
  • conclusion;
  • list of used literature;
  • applications (if relevant).

The content should look something like this:

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Contents of the abstract (sample)

As you can see, all the parts are described in the sample, and opposite the topic there is a page number, which indicates on which page this or that section can be found. Keep in mind that numbers are added only after the report has already been written, because the table of contents must correspond to reality.

How to format headings

Headings are not capitalized. The first letter is capital, and subsequent letters are lowercase. Headings are written in the center of the page at the very top, and there is never a period after them.

Sometimes teachers require that headings be bolded, underlined, or colored. All requirements must be clarified with the teacher in advance.

What to write in the introduction, body and conclusion

The introduction begins with defining the goal. For example, you can write like this: “In my work I want to show that...”.

After the goal, the object and subject of research are considered. For example, “The object of my work is a person, and the subject is the tool that people use.”

Then you need to define the task: “I set myself the task of considering how people work on the collective farm, what they get from it and what tools they use...”.

The introduction must indicate why this topic is relevant, whether there are any prospects, etc. You also need to write what exactly you studied on your own. For example, how many books were read, what idea was highlighted, what graphs or tables were used, etc.

After the introduction, the main part is written with chapters where the formulation of the problem is described in more detail.

After the main part, a conclusion is written, which describes almost the same thing as in the introduction, only in the past tense. For example, “I showed, I drew, I drew conclusions...”. The conclusion is also allocated no more than 2 pages.

Design of sections

Each section starts on a new page. Sometimes sections can contain not only chapters, but also paragraphs. It all depends on the complexity of the topic.

First, an introduction is written, which should contain a description of one, maximum two pages. After the introduction, the name of the first section is written on a new sheet, then the second, etc. Approximately 10-12 pages are allocated for all sections.

After describing the main part, you need to write conclusions and conclusions on the topic of the report. The conclusion also begins on a new page.

reports for parent meetings article (grade 1) on the topic

Parents' meeting dated September 8, 2010. Teacher's report.

We all, both parents and teachers, are excitedly and impatiently awaiting the day when our child goes to first grade and becomes a schoolchild. This is an important event in his life, but it is no less significant for us. The characteristics of a child’s adaptation to school largely depend on our behavior, and we have the power to make this process as painless as possible for him. Entering school is a turning point in the life of every child. The start of school radically changes his entire lifestyle. The carelessness, carelessness, and immersion in play characteristic of preschoolers are replaced by a life filled with many demands: now the child must go to school every day, work systematically and hard, follow a daily routine, obey various norms and rules of school life, fulfill the teacher’s requirements, and study topics in class. , as determined by the school curriculum, diligently complete homework, achieve good results in academic work, etc.

But what happens in reality? No magical changes happen to the child. And on the second, and third, and tenth of September he remains the same yesterday’s preschooler. The child tries his best to meet our requirements, but he does not always succeed. And to the stress of the first days of school is added the fear of not following parental instructions.

It is important that we understand: it is impossible to become a schoolchild in one moment. Time must pass before our baby becomes a real schoolchild. Adapting a child to school takes more than one day or more than one week; it is a long and complex process. At first, the child is, as it were, on the border of school and preschool age, and he will not cross this border immediately. A little first-grader combines a schoolchild and a preschooler. The child needs to understand in what situations he should be a schoolchild (for example, in class, while preparing homework), and when he has the right to behave like a preschooler. The detailed requirements are realistic and absolutely achievable for the child. We must impose reasonable restrictions on him when it comes to his studies (it is clear that school and homework still require school-like behavior and a more serious attitude), and be tolerant of manifestations of “preschoolism.”

Many of today's first-graders are highly skilled in academic pursuits even before they arrive at school. Intensive preparation for school, attendance at preschool lyceums, gymnasiums, etc. often leads to the fact that entering school loses the element of novelty for the child and prevents him from experiencing the significance of this event.

In supporting a first-grader’s “internal student position,” parents play an invaluable role. Their serious attitude to the child’s school life, attention to his successes and failures, patience, mandatory encouragement of efforts and efforts, emotional support help the first-grader feel the significance of his activities, help increase the child’s self-esteem and self-confidence.

We need to remember that the child has the right to preschool forms of behavior. This means that you should not judge his interest in games and toys. This is an absolutely natural activity for yesterday’s preschooler. We often view reading and writing as “serious”, “necessary” activities, while playing seems like a waste of time. We involuntarily pass on this idea to our children, for example, when we are happy when we see a book in his hands, and do not react in any way to the toy. In this way, we show the child that being a schoolchild is good, while being a preschooler is bad. Now let’s imagine what it’s like in this situation for a child who understands: it’s bad to play, but he wants to, but he’s good at studying, but he no longer has the strength to study. We ourselves create a conflict situation for the child, which is not easy for him to resolve. The child either denies himself the right to play, or is tormented by remorse, or goes into confrontation (“I will anyway!”).

This situation can be avoided by recognizing the game as a natural activity for a first-grader. If we actively encourage his academic success, it is important to support his gaming initiative. This means that we not only say: “What a great guy, he picked up a book and is reading!”, but also “How great you can play!” You could even let him take a small toy with him to school.

Many children are characterized by a slight increase in interest in the game. This is a natural phenomenon that helps, among other things, relieve tension. Playful activity will gradually fade away with age, but if you try to eradicate it, it will not bring any benefit to the child.

It is very important to rely on the child’s desire to learn. As a rule, most children enter first grade eager to become schoolchildren. It is important to support this desire in every possible way. If a parent is sincerely interested in the child’s school life, asks him about school, and shares his school experience, this will certainly strengthen the child’s educational motivation. And here a very difficult question arises: how to treat a child’s school successes and failures, how to praise or scold him?

Numerous “can”, “cannot”, “must”, “should”, “right”, “wrong” fall like an avalanche on the first grader. These rules are related both to the organization of school life itself and to the inclusion of the child in educational activities that are new to him.

Norms and rules sometimes run counter to the child’s immediate desires and aspirations. You need to adapt to these norms. Most first grade students cope with this task quite successfully. One can agree with the opinion of a number of psychologists that a healthy, inquisitive child who believes in himself and knows how to build relationships with other people is included in school life without serious problems.

Studying at school is a completely new activity for a child. In order for a child to develop a positive attitude towards school, it is important that he understands that he is capable of studying and can cope with academic tasks. At first, the child needs a feeling of his own success. It significantly eases the difficulties of adaptation and helps increase learning motivation. That is why encouragement is especially important for him at first. But praising a first-grader is not just calling him good or smart. There are several subtleties here. Encouragement must be specific: we praise not the child himself, but some feature of his behavior, the result of his activity. When we tell a child: “You wrote the letters very neatly today!”, or: “I really like the tail of this number!”, the child receives information about what needs to be done to be a good schoolchild, and understands that this is possible for him . If we say: “Good girl, great!”, then it is not very clear why the child is being praised, and it is difficult for him to navigate what behavior is approved.

It also happens that sometimes you don’t know what to praise your child for. In this case, you need to find something that he still does well, even if it’s just one hook from the copybook. And in the event that a child fails at something, turn to this to help the child believe in himself. At school, the child first encounters external evaluation of his actions. For him, his first assessments are associated with both positive and negative experiences. If we want knowledge, and not grades, to remain the main thing for a child, we must first decide on ourselves. A child’s attitude towards grades largely depends on our attitude towards them. If, when talking about school, we first of all ask about grades and react strongly to both good and bad ones, for a child grades will become a major part of school life.

Let's think about what questions we ask our students. When we ask, “How are things at school? What did you get?”, we thereby show that we are primarily interested in grades. But the questions “What did you learn new today? Which guys did you play with today? What lessons were the most interesting for you?” make the child understand that the main thing in school is learning and communication. For many children, a grade is an assessment not of his work, but of himself: “If I get good grades, then I am good.” This position is dangerous, because in the future it can lead to the formation of dependence on the opinions of others, on external assessment. Therefore, the grades that a child receives should in no way influence our opinion of him or our feelings towards him. It is important that the child understands: sometimes something doesn’t work out for him, but he himself does not become bad. Sometimes you need to tell your child that it is not he himself who is being evaluated, but only the results of his activities. So, when doing homework, you can ask: “What do you think you did especially well? What’s not so good?”

If a child is painfully worried about grades, you can help him by using the word “but,” that is, try to find some kind of dignity in his work. It’s good if this is not just consolation from an adult, but a joint discussion of the task with the child. For example, it might look like this: “You solved the problem incorrectly. What did you succeed in? Yes, but you got some very nice numbers.”

Of course, school life is not only about joyful moments. Sometimes a child is sad, offended, angry at school, teachers, classmates. It is important to give him the opportunity to express negative feelings. If we say, “Don’t be upset, why are you angry? How can you say that?" — we thereby increase stress and move away from the child. The first grader needs our understanding. If we listen carefully and acknowledge that school may indeed be uninteresting or difficult, we will help the child free himself from oppressive thoughts and feelings. Telling the child: “I see you are upset. You were offended. He probably didn’t even want to go to school,” we provide him with the necessary emotional support. Starting school for a child is, first of all, a lot of stress. Even if the child attended a preschool lyceum or went to kindergarten, the school regime is new to him. The need to follow new rules of behavior, concentrate during the lesson, and do homework - all this creates significant stress on the child’s nervous system. Often a first-grader becomes restless, irritable, impulsive, or lethargic, sleepy, inactive, and tearful. Such a change in the child’s behavior is most likely a sign of overtiredness. Sometimes the child himself says that he is tired. How can you avoid overwork?

First of all, it is necessary to create a gentle regime for the child. If he is used to sleeping during the day, it is better to maintain daytime sleep or at least provide him with the opportunity for a short afternoon rest. It is better to limit activities that have a stimulating effect on the child: visiting the theater and circus, inviting guests and making visits. It is also advisable to limit watching TV and time spent on the computer.

If your child is very tired, you can put him to bed early. Relaxing baths with salts or herbs (motherwort, sage) have a good effect. It is important for the child to be outside. It is advisable to walk with him at least a little every day. If your child does not sleep during the day, you can go for a walk after school in the middle of the day.

At school, the child's physical activity is limited. Therefore, it is very important to give your child the opportunity to move in the afternoon. Running, outdoor games, swimming, and general physical training help relieve stress.

Finally, it is very important to limit the time you spend preparing your lessons. Doing homework for many hours not only does not contribute to the mastery of the material, but also leads to overwork. The time allotted for preparing lessons should not exceed one hour. It is better if the child studies for half an hour, followed by physical education. The task may not be completed perfectly. But let's think about what is more important to us: the health of the child or one perfectly written line?

Being the parents of a first grader is really not easy. It happens that we lack patience and endurance when we work with a child. Sometimes we forget how difficult it is to learn a completely new activity.

Memo to parents of first-graders.

Create a daily routine with your first grader and ensure that it is followed.

Discuss with your child the rules and regulations he encountered at school. Explain their necessity and feasibility.

Support your child's desire to become a school student. Your sincere interest in his school affairs and concerns, a serious attitude towards his first achievements and possible difficulties will help the first grader confirm the significance of his new position and activities.

Do not overlook the difficulties that your child may have at the initial stage of mastering learning skills. If a first-grader, for example, has speech therapy problems, try to cope with them in the first year of study.

Support your first grader in his desire to succeed. In every job, be sure to find something to praise him for. Remember that praise and emotional support can significantly increase a person's intellectual achievements.

If you are concerned about something in your child’s behavior or his academic affairs, do not hesitate to seek advice and advice from a teacher or school psychologist.

When you enter school, a person more authoritative than you appears in your child’s life. This is a teacher. Respect the first-grader’s opinion about his teacher. Teaching is not easy and responsible work. Entering school significantly changes a child’s life, but it should not deprive it of diversity, joy, and play. A first grader should have enough time for play activities.

How to design tables

As a rule, digital material is presented in the form of a table. Thus, the work becomes more accurate and it is convenient to compare indicators. Therefore, teachers often require students to construct tables.

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Often teachers require tables to be drawn up in accordance with GOST 2.105-95.

The title of the table should reflect its content clearly, concisely and understandably. The table name is indicated at the top left of the table. First, write the word “Table” and put the chapter number and table number. For example, your table is drawn up in the first chapter, and the second table, then you need to write it like this: “Table 1.2”. Then a dash is added and the name of the table is written. For example: “Table 1.2 - Name of quantities and their designation.”

Table design (sample)

In the report on the text, it is necessary to refer to each table where the number of digital material is indicated. It is advisable to place the table immediately below the text, where a link to it is given. However, it all depends on the size. If the table is large and does not fit immediately below the text, then it is allowed to be placed on the next page.

Row and column headings should begin with a capital letter, but subheadings should begin with a lowercase letter.

However, there are complex tables where there are several sentences in the subheadings. In this case, the new word after the period is written with a capital letter.

The word “Table” only needs to be specified once. If it is necessary to move the table to the next page, then “Continuation of the table” is written, but there is no need to write the name.

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How to Design Drawings and Diagrams

The report may contain not only a table, but also pictures or diagrams. They are needed for better visibility. The number of illustrations is not limited, as long as they reveal and explain the text being presented.

In accordance with GOST 2.105-95, drawings (diagrams) can be located both in the text and at the end of the presentation.

Any drawing is numbered exclusively in Arabic numerals. The principle is exactly the same as in the tables. The first number is the chapter (section) number, and the second is the serial number of the illustration. For example, the first chapter, and the third drawing. Then “Figure 1.3” is written.

The diagram (illustration), its number and title (if any) are signed in the center under the picture. Do not forget that students create the drawings themselves and therefore links to them are not needed. For clarity, we present you with a sample with a picture.

Design of drawings (sample)

Lesson notes for extracurricular activities, 1st grade. Learning to create a project

Summary of extracurricular activities in the course “Learning to create a project” for students of the 1st year of study on the topic “Purpose of the project”
Author: Olga Nikolaevna Chernyshova, primary school teacher at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Krasnoobskaya Secondary School No. 1 with in-depth study of individual subjects” of the Novosibirsk region. The lesson is intended for students attending the creative association of extracurricular activities “Learning to create a project” for the first year. This is the tenth lesson in this course. This lesson is logically connected to the topics of previous lessons, in which students learned such concepts as topic, problem, hypothesis. The lesson is developed on the basis of a system-activity approach. Using a variety of forms, methods and techniques of teaching that increase the level of activity of students. Topic: Purpose of the project” Purpose of the lesson: to form ideas about the purpose of the project as an aspiration, something that needs to be accomplished, solved. Objectives: 1) introduce the concept of the goal of the project, create conditions for students to learn to formulate goals, consolidate the ability to formulate hypotheses and problems, 2) develop imagination and creative thinking; 3) develop the ability to evaluate life situations, the ability to cooperate in the classroom. UDL, formed in the lesson: - Personal:
the ability to self-assessment based on the criterion of success in educational activities, empathy as understanding the feelings of other people and empathy for them.
Regulatory UUD:
the ability to determine and formulate a goal in a lesson with the help of a teacher;;
evaluate the correctness of the action at the level of adequate assessment; plan your action in accordance with the task; make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made; express your guess. — Communicative UUD:
the ability to express one’s thoughts orally;
listen and understand the speech of others; ability to build constructive cooperation. — Cognitive UUD:
the ability to navigate one’s knowledge system: to distinguish new things from what is already known with the help of a teacher;
gain new knowledge: find answers to questions using a notebook, your life experience and information received in class; ability to use sign-symbolic means. Equipment: 1) Sizova R.I., Selimova R.F.
Learning to create a project: Workbook for 1st grade / R.I. Sizova, R.F. Selimova. – M.: Publishing house ROST, 2013. – 64 p. 2) presentation, computer, projector. 3) tables for group work. Move

Motivation for activity Teacher:
We will start the lesson with a warm-up, We straighten our backs, We stretched together in unison, And we smiled at each other, And now we are not laughing, Wish yourself success!
Now let's start playing. Stand next to each other and play! And don't be lazy! Game "Darts" Children stand one after another and take turns making a throw. Teacher:
- Let's determine the winner: who hit the target.
The guys clap for the winner and take their places. 2. Updating knowledge - What did you do when you played? - What goal did you set for yourself? (To hit the target, the center of the circle) - Did everyone succeed in this? (No, why? What do you need to do to become dexterous and accurate? (The one who is dexterous hits; training is needed to become more dexterous and accurate.) - Do you think it is difficult to achieve this goal? (It’s not difficult to achieve a goal if you practice.) - Think about what you would like to achieve in your studies? (Express their learning goals) - This is your learning goal. Is it difficult to achieve? (No, if you make an effort) - What do you think is the topic of our lesson? (Project goal) 3. Goal setting - What should we learn in class? (We must learn to set the goal of the project.) 4. Discovery of new knowledge Frontal work
- What is the goal?
How do you understand? (A goal is something that needs to be achieved.) - Remember the story about the siskin. Retell it as you remember it. (Varya had a siskin. The siskin lived in a cage and never sang. Varya came to the siskin: - It’s time for you, siskin, to sing. - Let me go free, in freedom I will sing all day long). — What do you think Varya’s goal was to solve the siskin problem? (Release the siskin into the wild.) Work in a notebook with a drawing and text (p. 20)

Look for the Think and Say sign - Tell Jenny what she needs to do? — What goal should a girl set? (The girl needs to set a goal to find a shoe) - Guys, should you cry and grieve if something doesn’t work out? Let's turn to the advice of the wise dolphin. (No, if a problem arises, you need to set a goal and then think about how to solve it.) Physical exercise 5. Work in groups to form an idea of ​​the goal of the project. The task under the sign “Task of increased difficulty” (p. 21)

- What is shown? — What problem can these items be used to solve? (Eraser, sharpener. For example, an eraser can be used if you made a mistake, and a sharpener if your pencil is broken. Correct a mistake, erase a crooked line, sharpen a pencil.) - What goal do you set for yourself? — Is it possible to use a sharpener and a pencil for other purposes? Think about it. (For example, an eraser can be used as a ruler, a sharpener as a toy car.) - What is the goal of the project? (What needs to be done while working on the project topic and problem.) - Let's remember the symbols that help us work on the project topic.

— What do you think the new symbol will mean? (Project goal) Work in the group “Learning to set goals” - You will receive a sign with the topic and symbols of project concepts. After consulting in the group, you must formulate a problem, a hypothesis, a goal. The guys work in a group, formulate a problem, hypotheses and goals, based on conventions. 6. Summary of the lesson. Reflection - Remember what we learned? — Have we achieved this goal? Guys, you are great! Well done. And the wise dolphin also thanks you for your work. And gives you a medal. You need to color it green if you think you have achieved the goal of the lesson, yellow if you have difficulties, red if it is very difficult for you to set goals. — The lesson is over. Thanks for the work.

Download Summary of extracurricular activities for the course “Learning to create a project” for students of the 1st year of study on the topic “Purpose of the project”

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How to provide links to sources

As a rule, a report is an original text, which should not contain plagiarism. Therefore, when writing a paper, it is necessary to refer to the sources where this or that information came from.

There are three main types of links:

  • intratextual;
  • behind-the-text;
  • interlinear.

In-text links are located within the report immediately after a quote or other fragment. To do this, the author's data, the title of the literature, the publisher and the page are placed in square brackets. It is not necessary to indicate the author and other data in the links. It is enough to write the serial number of the source used and the page number where this information is written. For example:

Formatting links to sources (sample)

Beyond-text links are links to sources that are located at the end of the work. As a rule, students use out-of-text links, but this design option is not required for schoolchildren.

And the last, footnotes are footnotes that point to the literature used at the very bottom of the page. The teacher may require such registration, but very rarely.

When a quotation is written in the text, the serial number of the source, which is located in the footnote, must be placed above the sentence. See how the link looks like in the example:

Formatting footnotes to sources (sample)

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in creating links. The main thing is that while writing the work, make notes for yourself where the information was taken from and then you can easily cope with links to the sources used.

Design of used literature

The sources that the student used when writing the report should be indicated on the last page. The list of references is arranged in alphabetical order. First, the author's surname and initials are indicated, and then the name of the textbook, publisher and year of publication.

Schoolchildren often use the Internet to write reports, and this is not surprising. However, references to sources are written after the list of references. The example shows how to correctly format the used sources:

How to design applications

Appendices are rarely used in a school report, but sometimes you can’t do without them. It contains pictures, graphs, diagrams and tables that correspond to the topic of the work.

Please pay attention to important nuances when designing applications:

  • each graph, table or figure must be made on a separate sheet;
  • Each application must have a name, which is written centered at the very top of the page;
  • application sheets are not numbered;
  • The design can be not only portrait page orientation, but also landscape.
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