Work program on extracurricular activities “Know-It-All” for grade 2 work program (grade 2) on the topic

Modified program for 2nd grade “Know-It-All”

state budgetary educational institution of the Samara region secondary school named after A.A. Kargin in the village of Krasnooktyabrsky

Bolshechernigovsky municipal district, Samara region

The program was considered at a meeting of the Moscow Region of primary school teachers, protocol No. ___ dated “___” ____ 20__ Chairman of the Moscow Region ____________ Agreed by “___” _____ 20____ Deputy. Director for HR _____________ I approve “___” ______20____ Director __________

Modified program


General intellectual direction

Age of children – 8-9 years Program implementation period – 1 year Compiled by – Filatova E.A.

Krasnooktyabrsky village


Explanatory note.

The work program of the course on extracurricular activities “Know-It-All” for grade 2 was developed in accordance with the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education, established by the Federal State Educational Standard. Contains all the necessary sections, including calendar and thematic planning.

The Know-It-All course is developmental in nature. The main goal is to develop the cognitive abilities of students based on a system of developmental activities.

The leading objective of the course should be considered the formation of general educational competencies: informational, communicative, social, as well as the inclusion of students in the active cognitive process.

Personal and meta-subject results of mastering the course of extracurricular activities “Know-It-All”:

As a result of studying this program, at the end of the first year, students will have the opportunity to form

personal results:

  • determine and express, under the guidance of a teacher, the simplest rules of behavior in cooperation common to all people (ethical standards);
  • in situations of communication and cooperation proposed by the teacher, with the support of other group members and the teacher, make a choice about what to do, based on ethical standards;
  • show cognitive interest;

meta-subject results:

regulatory UUD:

  • determine and formulate the purpose of the activity with the help of a teacher;
  • pronounce the sequence of actions;
  • learn to express your assumption (version);
  • learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher;
  • learn to distinguish a correctly completed task from an incorrect one;
  • learn, together with the teacher and other students, to give an emotional assessment of the activities of comrades;

cognitive UUD:

  • navigate your knowledge system: distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher;
  • learn to acquire new knowledge: find answers to questions using your life experience, information received from the teacher, and using educational literature;
  • learn to master measuring instruments;

communicative UUD:

  • learn to express your thoughts;
  • learn to explain your disagreement and try to come to an agreement;
  • master the skills of cooperation in a group in jointly solving an educational problem;

subject results

are the formation of the following skills:

  • define whole and part;
  • establish general characteristics, generalize, draw simple conclusions;
  • determine the sequence of actions;
  • find true and false statements;
  • endow objects with new properties, transfer properties from one object to another;
  • describe the characteristics of objects and recognize objects by their characteristics;
  • highlight the essential features of objects;
  • compare objects and phenomena with each other;
  • classify phenomena, objects;
  • judge opposing phenomena;
  • give definitions to certain concepts;
  • identify functional relationships between concepts;
  • identify patterns and draw analogies.

Contents of the
extracurricular activity course “Know-It-All”
Revealed and unsolved mysteries of our planet: an overview of the main topics.
Guessing riddles and puzzles. Children's suggestions for the Know-It-All course, what they would like to know about. Geographical discoveries in ancient times. Game "Firmament". An excursion into the history of geographical discoveries. The movement of the sun in the sky. Game "We and the Sun". Outdoor games. Teach children to play various games without harming nature. An idea of ​​the shape of the Earth in ancient times. Creative work “The Globe”. Making a model of the Earth from colored plasticine. Globe is a model of the Earth. Continents and oceans on the globe. Practical work with the globe. Correspondence tour of the continents and oceans Find and show the territory of Russia, its state border on the map. The rotation of the Earth around its axis. Correspondence excursion to the observatory. The movement of the sun above the horizon. Find out how the sun moves above the horizon. Watching an educational film. Day, definition of parts of the day for different activities. Project activities. Creating a daily routine. Puzzles. Year and seasons. Quiz “I know.” Knowledge of riddles and poems about the seasons. Conducting a quiz to test children's knowledge. Quiz "Names of the months in Rus'." Children guess what month we are talking about and try to give their own definition. The history of the origin of the names of the days of the week. Composing the names of the days of the week from the letters of the split alphabet. The cycle of substances in nature. Have an idea of ​​the cycle of substances in nature. Watching an educational film. Living and inanimate nature. Game "Come on, collect it." They observe natural objects and record their observations in the nature calendar. Combining toy animals according to thematic criteria. Power circuits. Children study the “food chain”, show changes in nature through observation. Excursion “Inhabitants of the Soil”. Excursion into nature. Observation of soil inhabitants. Continuing children's exploration of games that do not harm nature; study of signs, norms and rules of behavior in nature. Riddles about the states of water. Competition "Water-Water". Making up riddles. Observation of water in nature. Drawing competition “Water Wealth”. Introduce children to the concept of “water”, show the role of water in nature, the need to treat it with care. Nature of a rain cloud. Show an exhibition of children's drawings dedicated to water and how people use water. Nature of snow cloud. Drawing competition “Magic snowflakes”. Consider the clouds in winter. Learning to draw snowflakes, exhibition design. How to study the underwater world. Have an idea of ​​the underwater world. Watching an educational film. Whales, dolphins, sharks. Game "Dominoes". Combining items thematically. Children's drawings on the topic of the lesson. The story of the discovery of the giant squid. Drawing competition “Ocean Inhabitants”. Have an idea of ​​the giant squid. Drawing competition of ocean inhabitants. Sea flowers (anemones), stars, urchins and other living “miracles”. Introduction to marine plants. Children's drawings on the topic of the lesson. Life in the dark depths of the ocean. Have an idea of ​​life in the dark depths of the underwater world. Watching an educational film. Home of indoor plants. Variety of flowering plants. Game "My Flower". Experimental research work: the need of indoor plants for water, light, heat. Using vision and logic, continue the proposed row in the game. A fairy tale about a touch-me-not flower. Game "I am the hero of a fairy tale." Answers to questions about the heroes of fairy tales. Practical task: portray the heroes of the fairy tale you listened to. Fetal formation. Quiz “Variety of fruits”. Have an idea of ​​the fruit and its diversity. Watching an educational film. The diversity and abundance of insects. role in nature and human life. Invite children to look around, listen, touch, smell, and take a closer look at insects; listen to the sounds: the chirping of birds, the hum of cars near the school, i.e. feel the beauty of nature, talking about your feelings. Beetles. The Titan Lumberjack is the largest beetle. Have an idea about beetles. Making sketches. Butterflies. The Agrippa moth is the largest butterfly. Game "Forest Glade". Have an idea about butterflies. Making sketches. Insect protection. Creative work: drawing up and sketching environmental and prohibition signs. Exhibition and discussion of signs. Insect life: bees, grasshoppers, butterflies, dragonflies. Have an idea about the life of insects. “The Incredible Beetle” drawing competition. Quiz game "What's extra." Name an object based on its characteristics. Using vision and logic, continue the proposed series. UFO mysteries: evidence, doubts, assumptions. What is an unidentified flying object? History, opinions, evidence. UFO mysteries: evidence, doubts, assumptions. Compile a book of complaints received from plants, animals, birds living in the Volga region. Protection and security. Walk-travel. Forms of classes:
Classes are designed for collective, group and individual work.
They are structured in such a way that one type of activity is replaced by another. This makes children's work dynamic, rich and less tiring. Main types of educational activities:
Methods and techniques for organizing the activities of second-graders in the classroom are focused on strengthening independent practical and mental activity, developing control and self-control skills, as well as the cognitive activity of children.
The tasks are not evaluative, but educational and developmental in nature. Therefore, the main attention in RPS classes is paid to such qualities of the child, the development and improvement of which is very important for the formation of a full-fledged independent thinker. Basic methods of organizing teaching and educational activities in this course: -
partially research, search-research, explanatory-illustrative, reproductive.
They correspond to such techniques
as explanation, illustration, demonstration of videos, presentations. - conversation, story, message are effective in this block, because The educational material is informational in nature. To enhance cognitive activity, the listed methods must be combined with such methods as demonstration and illustration. The content of this special course contributes to the formation of practical skills to navigate the world around us, to know the nature of one’s native land and to treat it with care. The structure of lessons may include several parts interrelated in topics, but different in type of activity, for example, a teacher’s story, a game, analysis of illustrations, literary works, conversation. The main activity of students is search and research. Much attention is paid to practical work. - verbal, visual, problematic, creative. The content of this special course block contributes to the formation of practical skills to navigate the world around us, know the nature of the country and treat it with care. The main activity of students is search and research. Much attention is paid to practical work. - reproductive, explanatory and illustrative. To enhance cognitive activity, the listed methods must be combined with demonstration, practical, and creative ones. The content of this block of the special course contributes to the formation of the “I-concept”, determining one’s place in society, promotes the development of communicative functions, fosters patriotism, and lays the foundations for career guidance. Partial search becomes the main activity of students. The main task of the teacher is to, using educational methods, teach children to acquire and consolidate the knowledge acquired in extracurricular activities on this topic.

Educational and thematic plan

subject Total theory practice
1 Unsolved and unsolved mysteries of our planet: an overview of the main topics. 1 0,5 0,5
2 Geographical discoveries in ancient times. Game "Firmament". 1 0,5 0,5
3 The movement of the sun in the sky. Game "We and the Sun" 1 0,5 0,5
4 An idea of ​​the shape of the Earth in ancient times. Creative work “The Globe”. 1 0,5 0,5
5 Globe is a model of the Earth. Continents and oceans on the globe. 1 0,5 0,5
6 The rotation of the Earth around its axis. 1 0,5 0,5
7 The movement of the sun above the horizon. 1 0,5 0,5
8 Day, definition of parts of the day for different activities. 1 0,5 0,5
9 Puzzles. Year and seasons. Quiz “I know.” 1 0,5 0,5
10 Quiz "Names of the months in Rus'." 1 0,5 0,5
11 The history of the origin of the names of the days of the week. 1 0,5 0,5
12 The cycle of substances in nature. 1 0,5 0,5
13 Living and inanimate nature. Game "Come on, collect it." 1 0,5 0,5
14 Power circuits. 1 0,5 0,5
15 Excursion “Inhabitants of the Soil”. 1 0,5 0,5
16 Riddles about the states of water. Competition "Water-Water". 1 0,5 0,5
17 Observation of water in nature. Drawing competition “Water Wealth”. 1 0,5 0,5
18 Nature of a rain cloud. 1 0,5 0,5
19 Nature of snow cloud. Drawing competition “Magic snowflakes”. 1 0,5 0,5
20 How to study the underwater world. 1 0,5 0,5
21Whales, dolphins, sharks. Game "Dominoes". 1 0,5 0,5
22 The story of the discovery of the giant squid. Drawing competition “Ocean Inhabitants”. 1 0,5 0,5
23 Sea flowers (anemones), stars, urchins and other living “miracles”. 1 0,5 0,5
24 Life in the dark depths of the ocean. 1 0,5 0,5
25Home of indoor plants. Variety of flowering plants. Game "My Flower". 1 0,5 0,5
26 A fairy tale about a touch-me-not flower. Game "I am the hero of a fairy tale." 1 0,5 0,5
27 Fetal formation. Quiz “Variety of fruits”. 1 0,5 0,5
28 The diversity and abundance of insects. role in nature and human life. 1 0,5 0,5
29 Beetles. The Titan Lumberjack is the largest beetle. 1 0,5 0,5
30Butterflies. The Agrippa moth is the largest butterfly. Game "Forest Glade" 1 0,5 0,5
31 Insect protection. 1 0,5 0,5
32Insect life: bees, grasshoppers, butterflies, dragonflies. 1 0,5 0,5
33 Quiz game "What's extra" 1 0,5 0,5
34UFO mysteries: evidence, doubts, assumptions. What have we learned and what have we learned over the year? Let's protect nature. 1 0,5 0,5

Levels of the expected educational result of the course of extracurricular activities “Know-It-All”

Level 1 - (the student’s acquisition of social knowledge, understanding of social reality and everyday life):

acquisition by schoolchildren of knowledge about the ethics and aesthetics of everyday human life;
about the norms of behavior and communication accepted in society; about the basics of a healthy lifestyle; about the history of your family and the Fatherland; about Russian folk games; about the rules of constructive group work: about the basics of developing social projects and organizing collective creative activities; about ways to independently search, find and process information; about the rules for conducting research. Level 2 - (formation of a student’s positive attitude towards the basic values ​​of our society and to social reality as a whole):
development of the student’s value relations towards his native Fatherland, native nature and culture, work, knowledge, his own health and inner world.
Level 3 - (the student acquires experience of independent social action):
the student can gain experience in research activities; public speaking experience; experience of self-service, self-organization and organization of joint activities with other children. Achieving all three levels of extracurricular activity results will indicate the effectiveness of the work on implementing the extracurricular activity model.

Calendar - thematic planning

subject Total timing
1 Unsolved and unsolved mysteries of our planet: an overview of the main topics. 1 1st week of September
2 Geographical discoveries in ancient times. Game "Firmament". 1 2nd week of September
3 The movement of the sun in the sky. Game "We and the Sun" 1 3rd week of September
4 An idea of ​​the shape of the Earth in ancient times. Creative work “The Globe”. 1 4th week of September
5 Globe is a model of the Earth. Continents and oceans on the globe. 1 1st week of October
6 The rotation of the Earth around its axis. 1 2nd week of October
7 The movement of the sun above the horizon. 1 3rd week of October
8 Day, definition of parts of the day for different activities. 1 4th week of October
9 Puzzles. Year and seasons. Quiz “I know.” 1 1st week of November
10 Quiz "Names of the months in Rus'." 1 3rd week of November
11 The history of the origin of the names of the days of the week. 1 4th week of November
12 The cycle of substances in nature. 1 1st week of December
13 Living and inanimate nature. Game "Come on, collect it." 1 2nd week of December
14 Power circuits. 1 3rd week of December
15 Excursion “Inhabitants of the Soil”. 1 2nd week of January
16 Riddles about the states of water. Competition "Water-Water". 1 3rd week of January
17 Observation of water in nature. Drawing competition “Water Wealth”. 1 4th week of January
18 Nature of a rain cloud. 1 1st week of February
19 Nature of snow cloud. Drawing competition “Magic snowflakes”. 1 2nd week of February
20 How to study the underwater world. 1 3rd week of February
21 Whales, dolphins, sharks. Game "Dominoes". 1 4th week of February
22 The story of the discovery of the giant squid. Drawing competition “Ocean Inhabitants”. 1 1st week of March
23 Sea flowers (anemones), stars, urchins and other living “miracles”. 1 2nd week of March
24 Life in the dark depths of the ocean. 1 3rd week of March
25 Home of indoor plants. Variety of flowering plants. Game "My Flower". 1 4th week of March
26 A fairy tale about a touch-me-not flower. Game "I am the hero of a fairy tale." 1 1st week of April
27 Fetal formation. Quiz “Variety of fruits”. 1 2nd week of April
28 The diversity and abundance of insects. role in nature and human life. 1 3rd week of April
29 Beetles. The Titan Lumberjack is the largest beetle. 1 4th week of April
30Butterflies. The Agrippa moth is the largest butterfly. Game "Forest Glade" 1 week of May
31 Insect protection. 1 1st week of May
32 Insect life: bees, grasshoppers, butterflies, dragonflies. 1 2nd week of May
33 Quiz game "What's extra" 1 3rd week of May
34UFO mysteries: evidence, doubts, assumptions. What have we learned and what have we learned over the year? Let's protect nature. 1 4th week of May

Material support:

  1. Grigoriev, D.V. Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren / D.V. Grigoriev, P.V. Stepanov. – M., 2010.
  2. Grigoriev, D.V., Programs for extracurricular activities. Cognitive activity. Problem-based communication / D.V. Grigoriev, P.V. Stepanov - M., 2011.
  3. Ivanova O. V. Research activities of junior schoolchildren.// Primary school plus Before and After. – 2007. – No. 7
  4. B.F. Sergeev Encyclopedia of living nature for primary schoolchildren. – Publishing house: OLMA Media Group, 2013.
  5. CD-ROM. Want to know everything! Encyclopedia for primary schoolchildren. – Vector, 2011
  6. Educational films for students.
  7. Planet Earth. Children's encyclopedia. – Rosman, 2012
  8. CD-ROM. Big children's encyclopedia. Planet Earth. – IDDK, 2012
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