"Teacher's Day". Scenario of extracurricular activities for schoolchildren


Students and their parents congratulate teachers on their professional holiday, wish them health and success in their hard work, and present bouquets of flowers and gifts. Schools host festive assemblies and performances by creative groups with song and dance numbers. Exhibitions of students' works are held, and wall newspapers are posted. Some schools organize Self-Government Day, when students lead lessons.

In cultural institutions, the management of the Ministry of Education congratulates teachers, rewards the best employees and winners of the “Teacher of the Year” competition with certificates, medals, and valuable gifts. Teachers with more than 15 years of experience who have made a significant contribution to the education of children receive the title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation.” The top officials of the state give speeches of gratitude, mention the role of this profession in the development of society, and note the achievements and difficulties of the education system.

On Teacher's Day, colleagues organize feasts. The educational process is reduced or completely devoted to special events.

Extracurricular activity on Teacher's Day at school

Extracurricular event for Teacher’s Day at school “Dedicated with all my heart to my teacher”
Explanatory note. This development of an extracurricular activity was compiled for an extracurricular event dedicated to Teacher's Day. It is aimed at developing a sense of respect for the teacher. It is pleasant to note that a large number of students from grades 2 to 11 took part in the concert (about 65 people (there are 80 of us in the school), this is practically the majority of all students at the school). The holiday turned out to be spectacular and bright, very musical. The students demonstrated their creativity and stage presence. All areas of educational work make it possible to implement a personality-oriented approach to education while at the same time mass educational activities and stimulate the creative abilities of students in all aspects of educational work. The purpose of the event: to develop a feeling of gratitude towards the teacher. Objectives: - to develop social qualities of the individual (kindness, responsibility, decency);
— to foster an active life position, determination, and a sense of collectivism; — create conditions for cooperation between children and teachers; - develop the ability to bring joy to people; — develop children’s creative abilities, speech; — develop organizational and leadership abilities of students; — develop skills in interpersonal communication; - develop stage presence skills; - Encourage children to be active. In the morning, at the entrance, the teachers were greeted by students of the “Mercy” volunteer squad and given them flowers. At this time, there was a sound of congratulations to the teacher from the children and his favorite song. (Look at the application). The course of the holiday
Teacher. - Dear Guys! Today we have a special event. Today we have all gathered together to congratulate our dear, respected teachers on their professional holiday - Teacher's Day! Let's invite teachers to our festive hall! (Children standing applauding) The video film “This will never happen again” is playing. Presenter 1. - Good afternoon, dear teachers! With great trepidation and excitement, we will be glad to spend these unforgettable moments with you on the eve of a bright, noble holiday - Teacher's Day! Presenter 2. – The work of a teacher is hard and difficult, but there is one day a year when, throwing away all worries, anxieties and problems, meeting with children and colleagues in a cozy environment, he should be happy - this is Teacher’s Day. Presenter 1. -You really want to find suitable and worthy words, but this is not so easy. After all, Teacher's Day is a day of childhood and youth, it is a day of love and hope, it is a day of experience and mastery. Against the background of the music “Mama”, 5th grade students Daria Pestretsova, Kirill Strugov, Victoria Kutuzova read: Daria. The leaves fall in a crimson rain, A round dance of bright colors plays, And on one of the fine autumn days. Joy shines on your face. You are a teacher, you give knowledge to others, Your lesson is also an art. You weave it from tables and pictures, Various formulas and oral images Every day you discover the secrets of the worlds The essence of the exact sciences and melodic sciences Well, the best of all all kinds of gifts is the Young genius with o! So let all worries go away from you, let your abode be bright. With genuine love, everywhere and always, pronounce the word “teacher” Victoria Don’t you dare forget teachers, They worry about us and remember, And in the silence of thoughtful rooms, they wait for our returns and news. They miss these infrequent meetings, And no matter how many years have passed, Teacher happiness is made up of our student victories. And sometimes we are so indifferent to them: On New Year’s Eve we don’t send them congratulations, And in the bustle or simply out of laziness, we don’t write, don’t come in, don’t call. They are waiting for us. They watch us and rejoice every time for those who will again somewhere pass the test of courage, honesty, success. Don't you dare forget your teachers, Let life be worthy of their efforts. Russia is famous for its teachers, its students bring glory to it. Don't you dare forget your teachers! A. Dementyev Kirill. . The work of a teacher is honorable and difficult, the calling, the heart is calling for the road. But you give a wealth of knowledge again, And with it - hope, goodness and love! Holy patience And sincere laughter, Persistence, joy And faith in success. You live with dignity, Giving us strength, Always tense, Which means it’s not in vain! The presenters appear to the music of “School Years” Nikoda Arina and Sergei Zhichin.

(On the front wall, through the projector, there is an automatic change of slides - teachers at work) Presenter 1. - So, we are starting a holiday program dedicated to the professional holiday Teacher's Day called - “Dedicated to my teacher with all my heart!”... The presenters leave, music starts playing and Natalya Khudyakova appears on stage.

Monologue “The Night Before the New School Year” This conversation was overheard by an old cockroach living under the baseboard in the school corridor. Miracles always begin at midnight. Unexpectedly, at exactly 12 o'clock on the eve of September 1, the furniture and things in the school began to speak. And it all started like this. - Hooray! - shouted the young, loud-voiced bell. Starting tomorrow, I will finally start working! I'm tired of being idle! He was silent all summer, he even forgot his own voice. “You’re an empty-headed idiot,” the front door creaked. Few people touch you, but everyone pushes and kicks me, I have no peace! - And we often get it! – the office doors supported her. They draw on us, push us with their feet, then with their hands. And as soon as they start scrubbing with powder, they just rip off the skin. - And that’s true. Our backs are also familiar with this. What the students won’t write! – the desks creaked. Okay, more books and briefcases, otherwise they’ll settle down on their own. And during breaks they can go for a run. You can't even dream about clean shoes. “They rocked us so much that we could barely hold on, and they also beat us with nails and knocked on chairs.” “I’m actually happy with my life,” said the rag from the board. They wash me and dry me. Now I've learned to fly. Cosmonautics Day is my native holiday. And for me, a holiday is a night,” the hitherto silent school board entered the conversation. At this time I take a break from mistakes and wisdom of all kinds. You, chalk, get some rest too. Soon there will be no trace of you left. - Let's go to sleep! – the chandeliers proclaimed importantly. And then off to work in the morning! - Exactly! – confirmed the school clock in the hallway. It's not far until dawn, it's time for everyone to sleep! There were a few hours left before the start of the new school year... Presenter 2. - They say that with the first cry of a child, the divine fire ignites in his soul. And the power of this fire then determines his entire life. I propose now to greet primary school teachers - Silina Olga Viktorovna, Patrahalina Inna Nikolaevna, veterans of pedagogical work: Kuzubova Valentina Ivanovna, Tarasova Tamara Andreevna, Danchenko Lyudmila Georgievna, Chereshneva Nadezhda Grigorievna - they are not only the mothers of their children, but also “second mothers” for several hundred children in our village. Over the years of work, they counted thousands of sticks, repeated the alphabet and multiplication tables hundreds of times, because the beginning of a student’s formation fell precisely to their lot. And now it is to these wonderful people that we give the honorable right to light the first candle - the Childhood Candle (teachers light the candle). sounds for you (to the tune of the song “What They Teach at School”) - performed by 4th grade students.

Read different letters, numbers, write with sticks, draw, sculpt and build without help. Day after day, in the heat and snowstorm, our children are taught. Their second mothers are our teachers. How to draw a square, Calculate sine, tangent, Solve an equation with a variable? Pythagorean pants Equal in all directions - a mathematician will certainly show you. Writers will tell you about Gerasim and Mumu, both about peace and about war, without hesitation. And Oblomov’s sofa, And Natasha’s first ball, will suddenly appear in front of you, as in the picture. Newton easily discovered the law of attraction. The theoretical physicist told us about it. But you also need to be able to sit under an apple tree, otherwise you will forget everything in the world. Presenter 1. Listen to us, Motherland! Listen Earth! Our greeting! Hello! Hello! Hello, dear teachers! Presenter 2. How many holidays there are in the year! Christmas New Year Day of Knowledge Mother's Day City Day But there is one holiday, modest and very important - Teacher's Day. In general, there are many professions on Earth and they are all very important. Presenter 1. But the mistakes of the professions of teachers and doctors have a very detrimental effect on people. A doctor’s mistake can end a person’s life. A teacher’s mistake is not immediately noticeable, but can also lead to tragedy. Therefore, let’s love and respect our teachers so that they do not make any mistakes. After all, it is fortunate that we have such teachers. (pointing to teachers) And you have such students (pointing to themselves) All over Russia, in all cities, Teacher's Day is celebrated And not in vain, because each of you was once a student, was once little. But our world consists of adults and children. Presenter 2. There are 80 of us at school, I wonder what each teacher would say about this. I think a mathematician would give us 80 problems and examples to solve, a Russian language teacher would compose a text of 80 sentences, a biology teacher would name 80 species of animals and plants, an art teacher would draw 80 landscapes and still lifes, an art teacher would make 80 applications and crafts. physicists would show 80 experiments. A history teacher would name 80 most interesting events. Each teacher would say his important and weighty word on our large and at the same time small Earth. Presenter 1. Tell me, what time of year is the best? I personally like summer and spring. Presenter 2. And that’s it? What a small choice. And I love winter: you can play in the snow, skiing, sledding, skating. And also, like A.S. Pushkin, I love autumn more, especially the golden one: everything is dressed in lush fiery outfits. In autumn it often rains and is cold, but it is in autumn that we congratulate teachers on the holiday. Yes, it is teachers who instill in us faith, hope and love, if you believe, then the fairy tale comes to life. Presenter 1. And now it’s time to light the second candle - the candle of Youth. Let's welcome the class teachers of grades 8, 9, 11 - Lyudmila Vladimirovna Ivanova, Tatyana Vasilievna Kakoshkina. It is they who, with the fire of their souls, will light up more and more stars in our graduates. Lyudmila Vladimirovna is the class teacher of modern children - children in grades 8 and 9; several dozen children have flown out from under her care into big life. She is fluent in a dozen techniques for solving various situations. Tatyana Vasilievna is seen with a large backpack of knowledge about nature behind her shoulders, she has read a biology textbook more than a dozen times, and is ready to release wonderful girls of the 11th grade into a big life. I ask you, our dear “cool mothers,” which of you will light the second candle - the candle of Youth (light).

A song is performed for you based on the song “For those at sea” performed by 6th grade students

1. We remember how it all began Everything was for the first time and again And the first teacher, and the 5th, 10th And each gave us love. Everyone has given us love All those to whom we sing a song All those whom we remember and devotedly love All those to whom we take an oath. Chorus: We love everyone, everyone, everyone who is at school All those with whom we live together All those who are lucky We have the same goal - in joy and sorrow - He who does not chicken out will graduate from school He will find his happiness 2. In vain they scared us at school, any student will tell you that you should hardly be afraid of school You shouldn’t be afraid to teach We found friends at school And everyone is happy for each other The teacher will always help us along the way To get past unnecessary obstacles Chorus: Presenter 2. This is how life works, that adults pin all their hopes on children. It is the hope of our school that has become our former graduates, today our teachers, who have linked their fate with their native Maloshelkovnikovskaya Secondary School. These are Lyudmila Ilyinichna Polukhina, Tamara Vladimirovna Goncharova, Irina Ilyinichna Kasimova, Nikolai Ivanovich Zhukov, Svetlana Grigorievna Ivleva, Olga Silina, Inna Nikolaevna Patrahalina Let's welcome them and give them the right to light the third candle - the Candle of Hope. Let the light from the candle of Hope illuminate your students. We are proud of our graduates who have chosen the profession of Teacher, and continue the work of their teachers - to love children and live in their cares. Please, a representative of your category is given the right to light a candle of Hope! (they light up) The song “Sponges in a bow!” plays for your attention. performed by 2nd grade students……. Presenter 1. - And now, we give the floor to your students for the next holiday greeting. 7th grade (The melody “Top, top, the kid is stomping” sounds, boys in shorts come out, girls with big bows, big backpacks on their backs). 1 – On the very first day of our arrival at school, we immediately found out where exactly 3 key points were located in the school. 2 – Toilet, dining room, teacher’s room 3 – Let’s take a closer look at these terms. 4 – The teachers’ room is the nerve center of the school, where teachers stand during breaks. 5 – The toilet is a place of safe psychological relief during the lesson. 6 – The dining room is a place where you can be in class if you go to the toilet for a minute. 7 – What is a class, a lesson, a break, a teacher - finally? 1 – And we found this out. The class is a camp of classmates, a cheerful, friendly family. 2 – Lesson – time period between breaks. 3 - Recess - time to do homework 4 - Teacher - a person who always knows what date it is and what time it is. 5 – The teacher taught us to read, write, and count. 6 – Subtract your shortcomings. Add to them a bunch of advantages 7 – Share joys and failures with classmates All: And every day increase and increase our knowledge! They sing a song to the tune of Gena the Crocodile's song. 1. For you, classmate Our teacher is used to coming to class as if it were a holiday Our teacher will tell you everything in an accessible way, show everything clearly And put a mark in your diary Chorus: We will know all the answers to the questions by heart And we will study with passion the whole lesson 2. There is a lot at school various wonderful teachers Experts in very complex sciences And of course, like mother Our only very first teacher and friend! Chorus: Our teacher is the very first, The best and dearest, The smartest, the most generous. Dearest! The teacher comes out: Teacher. - Be equal! Attention! Well, well, sing Petrov! And I was already going to give you a bad grade in physical education. I haven’t passed a single standard in athletics! Petrov. - What are you talking about? I don’t need less than an A in physical education! Teacher. - Well, at least hand over something! Petrov.- I’ll pass everything in one lesson! Here! (takes out a pile of papers from his backpack) Teacher. - What is this? Petrov. - Cribs! I wrote all night! (looks through the stack) Here: how to run the 100 meters, how to achieve heights, how to long jump, I teach everything in front of witnesses! (hands the teacher a stack of cheat sheets) Passed? Teacher - Passed. Petrov.- So let's give it a five! Teacher. - Hold it! (hands Petrov a stack of papers) Petrov. - Oh, what is this? (reads) - How to get an A in physical education. Teacher. - Cheat sheet. I wrote for you all night! Petrov.- reads: Exercise - 2 hours, cross-country - 2 hours, running - 2 hours, football - 2 hours... Well, no hope! Presenter 1. - I really want the fourth candle - the Candle of Fidelity - to be lit by our subject teachers - Borisova Tatyana Ivanovna, Naboka Nadezhda Alekseevna, Zheltobryukhova Evgenia Pavlovna - once upon a time, more than 30 years ago, they opened the door to the school. And the very next day they led their students for knowledge along the path of the Russian language and literature, only they have a friendly relationship with iambic and trochee, skillfully highlight the basis of the statement and know almost all the words of the Russian language. Barycheva Natalya Ivanovna is a talented teacher, a wonderful and intelligent person, it seems that neither years nor worries affect her appearance. She and the boys traveled around the world to gain knowledge of foreign languages. And, besides, now she is trying to master the language of modern youth, in which her pupils - 5th grade children - communicate. Kondratkova Galina Mikhailovna began her teaching career as a teacher of chemistry and geography, and devoted herself entirely to this noble cause. Over the years of work, she has carried out 1000 experiments, and now she is on a well-deserved rest. Lukin Nikolai Egorovich is a man who dedicated his life to children and school. He is a friend and assistant to our guys, he has golden hands. Many corners of the school were decorated with his hands. We ask you, our good ones, our wise mentors, which of you will perform this sacrament of lighting the fourth candle - the candle of Fidelity. Presenter 1. We would like to let the director of our school, Aksana Viktorovna Kashlakova, light the last fifth candle - the candle of Love. Without her love for the profession, without her faith in her work, in her team of teachers, the school would not have the results and achievements that we have today. Strictness and exactingness are combined with kindness and responsiveness in the character of Aksana Viktorovna. With her personal example, her selfless work, she leads the school along the right path. Aksana Viktorovna! Please light a candle of Love!

Senior girls perform a song based on “Fortune Tellers” (grades 9-11)

1. Fashion changes every year, The world is driven by scientific progress Only at school in any weather The educational process remains unchanged Will call us into the world of miracles and discoveries Every day a crystal bell rings us Like a pattern of silver threads The teacher begins the lesson. Chorus: Well, what can I say, well, what can I say? That’s how children are designed. They want to know, they want to know. To find out about everything in the world. (repeat chorus 2 times) 2. The teacher will tell you a fairy tale And sing a funny song He will wipe away your tears and show you a picture And he will hear you and understand Even though we often got two bad marks But when we grew up We always remembered with a kind word The best teachers Chorus: 3. Time destroys granite rocks And the cities are covered with sand Only the school, like the beginning of the world, In our hearts forever! Someday we will say goodbye to school and wave to our friends. And for feat and work we bow to our dear teachers! Chorus: Well, what can I say, what can I say? That’s how people are structured. They want to know - 2 times That the school is and will be! (Bow, leave) Presenter 2. - So all the candles are lit. With a spark of your spiritual fire - you are the keepers of loyalty to the teaching profession, you lit them. So let the warmth of this flame accompany us all throughout our lives, saving us from bitterness and troubles. Teacher: While the Earth is still spinning, While the light is still bright, Lord, give everyone what they don’t have: Give a head to the wise, Give a horse to the coward, Give money to the happy... And don’t forget about me. While the Earth is still spinning - Lord, your power! - Give to those striving for power. To dominate to your heart's content Give a break to the generous, At least before the end of the day Give everyone repentance... And don't forget about me. I know: you can do everything, I believe in your wisdom, As a killed soldier believes, That he lives in paradise, As every ear believes, In your quiet speeches As we ourselves believe, Without knowing what we are doing! My God, my green-eyed one! While the Earth is still spinning, And this is strange to her. While she still has enough time and fire. Give everyone a little... And don’t forget about me. — I congratulate my colleagues on their professional holiday – Teacher’s Day. It is thanks to these people that the Earth lives and spins, and our school lives and works. God bless you! Presenter 1. - Yes, life has decreed that we all live in the same school house, some teach, and some study, some teach, and some study! Presenter 2 .- And today, on such a big and solemn holiday, there is not a single person who would not remember their favorite teachers, mentors, and educators. After all, each of us chooses an ideal for ourselves, which we try to be like, and this ideal is our favorite teacher! Presentation about teachers. “We wish you happiness.” - performed by 8th grade students) (All concert participants go to the teachers and give bouquets of flowers). We wish you happiness! For teachers In a world where inflation is rising, Where there are no salaries for years, Where you want to get away from work as quickly as possible; In order for us to become adults, In order to get stars from the sky for us, You taught us to think so many days. Chorus: We wish you happiness, Happiness in this big world. Like the sun in the morning, Let it come into the house. We wish you happiness! And it should be like this. When you are happy yourself, share your happiness with others! Sparing no effort, labor or sleep, you gave us so much warmth, illuminating the road to life with the flame of a fire. We thank you with all our hearts, And now we want to congratulate you, We want to wish you all happiness and goodness! Chorus:

Inflated balloons fly into the hall.

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Teacher's Day at school. Scenario Competition program dedicated to Teacher's Day. Scenario Scenario for the district holiday “Teacher’s Day” KTD at school. Scenario for grades 5 - 7

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Teacher's Day was first established by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on September 29, 1965. It was celebrated on the first Sunday in October. Since 1994, Russia has been celebrating the holiday on October 5, in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B. Yeltsin dated October 3, 1994 No. 1961.

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About the profession

Teachers educate and educate students, shape and change their personalities. They owe much to the successes and failures of their wards in their later lives.

To become a teacher, you must complete higher or secondary specialized pedagogical education. To do this, you need to master knowledge that is associated not only with specialized subjects, but also with educational activities.

The graduate must be diversified, strive for self-improvement, have empathy (the ability to feel in the place of another person), reflection (awareness of one’s own thoughts and actions). The fundamental personal qualities of a teacher are goodwill, willingness to help and selflessness in work.

A teacher is a creative profession. It requires the ability to find unique approaches to each student, regardless of his characteristics, to achieve understanding of the material and logical thinking.

Funny humorous scenes for Teacher's Day for primary school students - ideas and videos

School humor is anecdotes, gags, riddles, jokes, jokes and a truly inexhaustible source of fun and good mood. Therefore, you can add funny humorous scenes on a school theme to the Teacher’s Day script. As a rule, such productions are based on stories from the everyday school life of students and teachers, slightly embellished and “seasoned” with notes of light humor. Thus, primary school students can prepare a funny skit for their favorite teacher on Teacher’s Day, the main characters of which are a strict teacher and a “lazy” student. As a plot, you can choose any, the most common case - “I forgot my diary at home,” “I was late for class,” “I put a button on my friend’s chair.” Such funny scenes on Teacher's Day are always relevant and evoke a lot of positive emotions in the audience. Of course, students need to properly rehearse their routine, learn their lines, and most importantly, feel like real actors, albeit on a school “scale.” Inspiration and creative ideas to you!

A funny skit for Teacher's Day for primary school - about a physical education teacher and Vovochkin's dad

Anecdotes about Vovochka and his parents have long become “classics” of modern humor. After all, teachers and parents of students are often two “opposing” camps, between which funny situations arise every now and then. So a similar scene for Teacher’s Day with the participation of these funny characters will undoubtedly appeal to both students and parents, and the “heroes” of the occasion.

So, at the beginning of the story, Vovochkin’s dad comes to the school principal - on crutches and with his head bandaged. In response to the director’s surprised look, a demand follows: the school physical education teacher must pay monetary compensation for the injury received, since the hospital refused to issue a bulletin. As an “argument,” Vovochkin’s dad cites his own appearance, obtained as a result of performing exercises given by the physical teacher for the children. At this time, Vovochka’s dad stood behind the closed door and tried to repeat the teacher’s assignment. “Children, raise your right leg!” – and dad raised his right leg. Then came the command to raise his left leg, which Vovochkin’s parent tried to lift, while holding the window sill with his hands - his right leg was already raised! Having lost his “fulcrum,” Vovochka’s dad falls and hits his head on the floor. It turns out his feet are stuck in the battery! So trust the teacher after such classes - more children will get hurt! Needless to say, it’s a very “topical” and interesting topic for a humorous skit for Teacher’s Day.

Funny humorous skit for Teacher's Day for primary school - “Check”, video

This funny school skit for Teacher's Day does not require any special decorations or costumes. In the story, the teacher presents the class with a “surprise” – a test. It is clear that students use all their ingenuity and resourcefulness to avoid an unexpected “test”. So, the boys begin to distract the teacher’s attention with various funny antics and ask questions on “abstract” topics. However, the teacher does not even think of following the lead of the cunning students.

Such a simple, but touching and funny scene for Teacher's Day will bring a kind smile to the audience, give a good mood and add a relaxed atmosphere of humor to the holiday atmosphere. And many “recognize” themselves and their classmates in the participants in the skit!

A funny humorous skit on Teacher's Day for primary classes - “Battle of the Teachers”, video

The main character in this funny scene is a student, whom three teachers, under the “guidance” of the presenter, are alternately trying to force to give up the diary. So, which teacher manages to take the diary from a careless student in one minute will be the winner of the “battle.” After the leader announces the beginning, a primary school teacher is invited to the “field”. However, the “resourceful” student begins to come up with excuses on the fly: “The diary got lost,” “Grandma took the diary,” and others. The teacher never manages to take possession of the diary, and she leaves the “battlefield.” The next participant tries to “bribe” the cunning student with sweets - however, without success. And only the third teacher-participant manages to take away the treasured diary by “threatening” to call the parents of the little sly one. At the sight of the teacher taking out a mobile phone, the determination of the main “hero” evaporates, and the diary is handed over to the winner. The moral of the scene is that in some cases teachers simply cannot do without the support of parents.

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