Card index of games on healthy lifestyle card index (middle group) on the topic

Card index of healthy lifestyle games



Compiled by: Lukova Nadezhda Leonidovna

Healthy children are a great happiness!

The process of maintaining health and strengthening a child’s immunity in preschool age is a decisive stage in the formation of a healthy personality. It is at this time that the formation of organs takes place, on which, in fact, the future life of the little person depends. Therefore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle in kindergarten plays a vital role in the development of the child.

Recent research results have clearly shown a trend towards deterioration in physical and

Forming a love for a healthy lifestyle, useful habits, maintaining and strengthening health are the main tasks of the institution where the child spends the maximum amount of time - in kindergarten.

The health improvement of kindergarten students should be carried out not only by teachers, educators, and psychologists. This is a large chain where parents must join and work in tandem with teachers.

Select pictures
“Personal hygiene”

clarify children’s ideas about personal hygiene, develop healthy lifestyle skills


pictures of various items, pictures of personal hygiene items.

Progress of the game:

The teacher asks you to select only pictures depicting objects that help take care of the body (face, teeth, hair)

"Hygiene rules"

Using a counting rhyme, the driver is selected and leaves the group. The teacher and the children agree on who will portray what and what. Then the driver is invited, the children take turns demonstrating hygiene skills using gestures and facial expressions. The presenter must guess what the children are showing: washing, brushing teeth, wiping, combing their hair, bathing.

Tanya caught a cold
“Personal hygiene”

contribute to the formation of the skill of using a handkerchief, reinforce the knowledge that when sneezing and coughing you need to cover your mouth with a handkerchief, and if someone is nearby, turn away.



Progress of the game:

The teacher asks: why do people need a handkerchief?

And then he offers the children various situations, which they play out together with the kids:

— What should you do if you want to sneeze? Etc.

Hygiene rules


to consolidate cultural and hygienic skills (washing, dressing, brushing teeth, combing one's hair, bathing), to develop the ability to show these movements using facial expressions and gestures, and to guess by showing them.

Progress of the game:

The teacher asks the children to use facial expressions and gestures to show how they wash themselves (get dressed, brush their teeth, etc.), following the sequence of performing these skills. Or the teacher shows with the help of facial expressions and gestures what he is doing, and the children guess.

Let's give the dolls different hairstyles
“Personal hygiene”

consolidate hair care skills, clarify the names of the items necessary for this, and formulate the concept of “neat appearance.”


dolls, combs, hairpins.

Progress of the game:

The teacher invites the children to comb the dolls' hair.

Let's wash the doll
“Personal hygiene”

consolidate knowledge about personal hygiene items for washing and washing, the sequence of actions, promote the formation of the habit of neatness.


various items and personal hygiene items for washing and washing, dolls.

Progress of the game:

2 people play. First, they are asked to choose from a variety of items those that “help” wash (wash) the doll. And then they wash it. The winner is the one who correctly selects personal hygiene items and correctly consistently washes (washes) the doll.

Game with a microphone
“Human Body”
Develop speech, cultivate the ability to listen to each other.



Progress of the game:

The teacher begins the sentence, and the child continues it, speaking into the microphone.

I am the head, I can... think, but I can’t speak.

I am a leg, I can... walk, but I can’t draw.

I am a hand, I can... draw, but I don’t know how to listen... etc.

You are my piece
“Human Body”

systematize children's ideas about body parts, develop speech, attention, memory


Progress of the game:

The teacher throws the ball to each child, asking a question.

I am a face, you are a part of me. Who are you? (eyes, eyebrow, nose, etc.)

I am the head, you are my part. Who are you? (hair, ears...)

I am the body, you are my part. Who are you? (back, stomach...)

Who am i?
"Human Body"

to train children in the ability to correctly name parts of the human body, the ability to distinguish between girls and boys.


pictures of a boy and a girl, overlay cards.

Progress of the game:

The teacher names any part of the body, the child finds it among the cards and puts it on the picture. Or the teacher shows a card, the child names the drawn part of the body and places it on the picture.

What do you know?


talk about the structure, work, characteristics of the human body, rules for caring for it, first aid in various situations, develop attention and memory.


ball, incentive prizes.

Children sit on chairs in front of the teacher, the teacher - the driver throws the ball to the child and asks: “What do you know... (for example, about the heart)?” The child who caught the ball answers. The rest of the children listen attentively, those who wish to complete the answer, those who drop the ball lose the right to answer. Children should not interrupt each other, complement only after the answer is completed. At the end of the game, the most active player receives an incentive prize.

“How to grow up healthy?”

Purpose of the game:

Practice the correct use of generalizing words; Cultivate quick wits and quick reactions.

Four children are playing. Each has a set of 7 pictures depicting children performing various actions aimed at strengthening and maintaining health:

a) taking care of your body,

b) doing physical exercises,

c) eating healthy food,

d) playing outside,

d) sleep

f) games at home, including games played together with adults,

g) helping adults (cleaning the apartment, harvesting, working in nature).

The presenter shows a picture, the guys must select from the set of pictures available to each of them those that depict children performing similar actions. For example: a boy combs his hair, a girl washes her hands, a boy brushes his teeth, a girl takes a bath.

Remember the movement
“Human Body”

exercise the ability to realize, remember and reproduce the movements shown, develop visual-motor memory and attention.

Progress of the game:

The teacher or child demonstrates the movements. Children must remember and reproduce them.

Message from the monkey
“Human Body”

continue to form an understanding of your body; consolidate knowledge that objects can be recognized by appearance, smell, taste, touch; practice identifying fruits by taste and smell.


parcel with vegetables, fruits.

Progress of the game:

4 people play. The teacher says that a package has arrived from the monkey; it may contain either a vegetable or a fruit. Invites children to find out what kind of vegetable or fruit is in the package. One child is asked to put his hand into the parcel and determine its contents by touch. Another is asked to try a piece and identify it by taste, a third is asked to identify it by smell, and for a fourth, the teacher describes this vegetable (fruit). The one who guesses correctly wins.

“Human Body”
by sound Objective:

form ideas about a person’s assistant (ears), develop skills in exploring objects using the appropriate sense organ.


musical instruments.

Progress of the game:

The teacher behind the screen makes sounds on various musical instruments, the children guess them

— What helped you hear different sounds?

Dunno came to us


teach children to keep their body clean and their clothes neat; teach to see the implausibility of the proposed situation, its absurdity.


Dunno doll, chips, briefcase with incentive prizes.

Children listen carefully to Dunno's story, and as the story progresses, they notice fables and mark them with chips. At the end of the story, the teacher asks the children to count how many fables each of them noticed, then the children explain the mistakes they noticed in Dunno’s story. Children must work independently and not interfere with their friends; inconsistency of the child is punishable by a penalty point. A child who notices all the fables, is active in the game and does not receive a single penalty point is awarded an incentive prize.

Wonderful bag
“Healthy Products”

clarify the names of fruits and vegetables, develop the ability to identify them by touch, name and describe them.


bag, dummies of vegetables, fruits.

Progress of the game:

The teacher shows the group a “wonderful bag” with dummies of vegetables and fruits and invites the children to find out what is in the “wonderful bag”. The child puts his hand into the “wonderful bag” and identifies it by touch, then takes it out and describes it according to the diagram. The teacher gives a sample description of vegetables and fruits.

— I have a tomato, it’s red, round, smooth. And you?

If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher asks leading questions: what form? What colour? What does it feel like?

Children put all the vegetables and fruits on a tray.

Guess the taste of
“Healthy Products”

clarify the names of fruits and vegetables, develop the ability to taste, name and describe them.


plate with chopped vegetables and fruits.

Progress of the game:

The teacher brings in a plate with chopped vegetables and fruits, invites the children to try a piece of some vegetable or fruit and asks questions: “What is it?”, “What does it taste like?”, “Sour, like what?”, “Sweet, like what?” »

Useful and harmful products


systematize children’s ideas about harmful and healthy products, exercise their ability to differentiate them, and develop the need to take care of their health


pictures depicting various products, two hoops.

Progress of the game:

In order to be healthy, you need to eat right. Now we will find out if you know which foods are healthy.

The teacher offers the children pictures using two hoops. In one hoop, children select healthy foods and explain their choice, in the second – foods that are harmful to health.

"Healthy food store"

Develop healthy eating skills.
Develop the ability to choose the right foods for a healthy diet. Expand your vocabulary through the use of generalizing words, develop attention and memory, and the ability to relate specific concepts. The game set includes: a sign “Healthy Food Store” and a set of cards with images of food products (at the teacher’s choice).

Game description : The game is preceded by a conversation about proper nutrition.

1. Game task “Healthy and harmful products.”

The children are shown a large picture depicting a sign for a “Healthy Food Store.” The teacher pre-arranges in random order on three store shelves (a typesetting canvas is used as store shelves) five inverted cards with images of food products from three groups: “cereals”, “vegetables”, “dairy products”, and also adds five cards with images of harmful products. Next, the teacher explains to the children that this store should sell only food products that are healthy for the human body, but the store’s suppliers do not always follow this rule. He offers to remove products harmful to the human body from store shelves and explain his choice. Children take turns turning over the cards, looking at them, naming the product and making a choice, commenting on their actions: “This is a carrot. Carrots are a vegetable and contain a lot of vitamins. Carrots are a healthy product and can be sold in this store,” “These are chips, they are very harmful to the human body. I'm taking them off the shelf."

When all the cards are turned over and only healthy products remain on the shelves, the game ends, the teacher thanks the children for helping the store. In the future, the teacher can use other food groups for the game.

2. Game task “Unite into groups”

The teacher invites children to combine products into groups, place them on separate shelves and comment on their actions. For example: “Carrots, tomatoes, pumpkins are vegetables. I’ll put them side by side on the same shelf,” “Milk, kefir and yogurt are dairy products, so I’ll put them together too.” If children have difficulties, the teacher himself names the food groups - “vegetables,” “dairy products,” “cereals.”

3. Game task “Continue the row”

The teacher suggests looking at individual groups of products on the shelves - “cereals”, “dairy products”, “vegetables” - and supplementing these groups with new products. You can supplement the groups either by “making an order to suppliers” or “taking missing products from the warehouse”. The teacher chooses an option based on the level of preparedness of the children.

Option 1: “Order to suppliers.”

The game task does not use cards. Children take turns naming products not represented in the group (continue the row). For example: “There are few vegetables in the store. There are only carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, so we want to order cabbage and beans.”

Option 2: “Bring products from the warehouse.”

The teacher lays out cards with images of products and explains that this is a “food warehouse.” Children look at them, name them and relate them to the already presented groups of products on the shelves: “This is cottage cheese, it is made from milk. I’ll put it on the dairy shelf.”

4. Game task “What has changed?”

When all the cards are placed on the shelves, the teacher removes (“buys”) all the products, leaving only the shelf with vegetables. He invites children to carefully look at the products on this shelf and remember their sequence. Then the children close their eyes, and the teacher at this time changes the sequence of pictures or makes a replacement. Children open their eyes and answer the teacher’s question: “What has changed? "For example: “The carrots disappeared, and the tomatoes and cabbage swapped places"

5. Game task “What has changed?”

Cook Povareshkin has a guest - Rabbit from the fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh. The teacher invites the children to choose products for the fairy-tale hero. The children reason: “The rabbit sees poorly, he wears glasses. This means that foods that strengthen vision will be useful to him, such as carrots, peas, tomatoes, onions, herbs, pumpkin, apricot, blueberries, and cottage cheese.”

Then the teacher offers to create a menu for the Rabbit, that is, name the dishes that can be prepared using the products presented in the group. For example:

*You can bake cheesecake from cottage cheese, or make jam from blueberries.

*Make pea soup.

*Make a salad from tomatoes, onions and herbs.

*Make a compote from the apricots, and simply grate the carrots and serve raw.

*Add pumpkin to the porridge.

* The teacher asks the children how else they can help their eyes, and offers to show the Rabbit eye exercises.

Healthy and unhealthy food


consolidate children's understanding of which foods are healthy and which are harmful to the body.


Green and red cards; subject pictures depicting food products (cake, lemonade, smoked sausage, cakes, candies, brown bread, porridge, milk, jam, juice, vegetables, fruits); incentive badges (apple, carrot, pear cut out of colored cardboard).

Children are given pictures depicting various foods. Place pictures of healthy food under the green picture, and pictures of unhealthy food under the red picture. Children must be careful; in case of an error, corrections are not allowed. The correct solution to a game problem is rewarded with a badge.

Food lotto


to form in children an idea of ​​the benefits of certain products and why a person needs them.


three large cards with pockets (vitamins, proteins, fats); small cards with images of certain products (32 pcs.), large lotto-type cards.

Children place small cards in the pockets of large cards. * Vitamins: carrots, onions, watermelon, currants, raspberries, rose hips, cucumber, apple.

*Proteins: milk, kefir, eggs, mushrooms, nuts, meat, cereals, fish.

*Fats: sour cream, sausage, sausages, sunflower seeds, vegetable and butter, chocolates, lard.

Players choose their big cards. The presenter shows small cards one at a time, and the players take the ones they need and put them on their card. The winner is the one who fills in all the boxes on his card first (lotto type).




If someone gets sick
“Doctors are our helpers”

: consolidate the knowledge that in case of a serious injury it is necessary to call an ambulance doctor by calling the number “03”, practice calling a doctor



Progress of the game:

If we ourselves cannot cope with the situation, then we call a doctor or an ambulance.

Children are encouraged to call a doctor at home. First, dial the phone number and call it in order:

last name, first name - address - age - complaints.



strengthen children's knowledge and practical skills in first aid.


pictures depicting medical supplies (thermometer, bandage, brilliant green).

The teacher plays out with the children the situation when a person cuts his arm, leg, breaks his knee, elbow, when his throat hurts, a speck gets into his eye, and his nose bleeds. For each situation, work out the sequence of actions.

What grows where?
“Dangers around us”

consolidate knowledge about where medicinal plants grow



Progress of the game:

The teacher throws the ball to each child, asking the question:

—Where does plantain grow? (The child answers and throws the ball back)

—Where does chamomile grow? etc.

Identify the plant by its smell
“Danger around us”
Goal :

exercise children in identifying mint leaves, flowers, chamomile, and bird cherry by the smell.


mint leaves, flowers, chamomile, bird cherry.

Progress of the game:

The teacher invites the children to smell mint leaves (chamomile flowers, bird cherry flowers)

  • What helped you smell this?

Where can you smell this smell?

Mushroom picking
“Dangers around us”

consolidate knowledge of edible and inedible mushrooms, the ability to distinguish them by appearance in pictures and dummies.


pictures or models of edible and inedible mushrooms.

Progress of the game:

place pictures or dummies in different places. Children are invited to collect edible mushrooms in a basket.

Didactic outdoor games for preschoolers Healthy Lifestyle Lifestyle

Didactic outdoor games to consolidate preschool children’s knowledge of healthy lifestyle and lifestyle

SEE ALSO Lesson summary on the topic of introducing children to a healthy lifestyle Memo on developing healthy lifestyle habits Didactic games on valeology Lapbook “Book of Health”


Objectives To teach children to determine the degree of dangerous behavior in everyday life and to make the right decisions. Progress of the game The playing area is divided into two zones: yellow and red (dangerous-safe). Children walk scattered around the playground. At a signal, the children stop, the instructor names everyday situations, the children move to the danger zone according to their ideas, and if necessary, the situations are discussed.

  • I play ball on the roadway
  • I cross the road in the wrong place
  • I play in the sandbox on the playground
  • I use someone else's comb
  • I use someone else's handkerchief
  • I left the site with a stranger
  • I cross the road at a pedestrian crossing, etc.

Talking body

Objectives Consolidate children's knowledge about body parts, develop coordination of movements.
Progress of the game Children stand in a semicircle. The instructor calls the kids one by one and gives them a task, for example:

  • say yes with your head
  • say with your foot that you are unhappy
  • say with your hand "come here"
  • say “thank you” with your body
  • say “I don’t know” with your shoulders, etc.

All children repeat the movement shown, guess what the body is saying

Kinds of sports

Objectives To develop the ability to act together, to consolidate knowledge about sports. Progress of the game Children are divided into two teams, a competition is held

  • jumping from hoop to hoop
  • crawling on your stomach, pulling yourself up with your arms
  • crawling under an arch
  • run to the cube, take a card (one team has cards with winter sports, the other with summer sports), run back to the team

The team that wins the competition starts the game: using the pictures, the children conspire and pantomime show the sport, the opponents guess. Then it’s the second team’s turn.


Task Develop memory, attention, develop communication skills Progress of the game Children are given a topic in advance, for example, “Daily routine.” Children line up in a line. The instructor with a large ball gets up first, begins the story and passes the ball to the next child, “In the morning I woke up early...”, the child continues, for example, “I washed my face,” passes the ball to the next, etc. Themes for the game: “We need to cook soup”, “We are going for a walk”

About hygiene rules

Objectives : Develop healthy habits and reinforce hygiene rules. Progress of the game Children stand in a circle, one child in the center, depicting an arrow, spins around himself, the children say “Stop!”, at whom the hand pointed - the arrow answers the instructor’s question with a pantomime, all the children repeat the movements after him

  • what do you do when you wake up in the morning
  • how do you wash your face
  • how do you brush your teeth
  • how do you comb your hair
  • how do you do gymnastics
  • what do you do before eating, etc.

A variant of the game with older preschoolers: children show what they are doing without leading questions, children guess and show how they do it.

Like in the mirror

Task: To teach to coordinate movements. Progress of the game Children line up in two lines opposite each other, forming pairs. First, one of the pair shows the movement, and the second tries to mirror it, then the second shows his movement.

Line up

Task To teach joint actions using non-verbal means of communication. Progress of the game The game is played to the music. Children walk scattered around the hall, the music stops, the instructor gives different commands:

  • line up according to height
  • line up first boys, then girls
  • line up first girls, then boys
  • build through one boy - girl
  • build first with dark hair then with light hair
  • build first with long hair, then with short
  • line up along the length of shorts, etc.

True or false

Objectives: Consolidate knowledge on the topic of health, develop coordination. Progress of the game The presenter - the instructor in the role of a doctor - asks questions, and the guys react to them with conventional gestures, for example, if it’s true, then they jump, if it’s not true, they stomp their feet. Questions:

  • It's true that adults don't get sick
  • Is it true that you should wash your hands before eating?
  • Is it true that you can walk without a hat in winter?
  • Is it true that by sneezing on your neighbor you can infect him
  • It is true that those who do not ventilate the room become healthier, etc.


Objectives Consolidating knowledge on the topic of a healthy lifestyle, developing speed and dexterity Progress of the game Children stand in a circle. The leader chosen by the counting rhyme “draws” on the back of the person standing next to one of the household items: a comb, a toothbrush, a towel, a washcloth, a cup, a fork..., the player must guess the item and show the action with this item, all children guess the item and name it if the player managed to correctly show what was drawn, he becomes an artist, if not, the stick is placed between the players, the children run in a circle in different directions, trying to be the first to take the stick. Whoever manages to take the stick first continues the game.

Didactic games healthy lifestyle (middle group)

Didactic games on developing a healthy lifestyle

No. 1 Topic: “Child and health”

Who needs what?

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the items necessary for work as a doctor, cook, or salesperson.

Material: a circle divided into sectors, in each of them there are pictures depicting objects necessary for the work of a doctor, cook, seller, in the middle of the circle there are arrows, they depict a doctor, cook, seller.

Progress of the game: the teacher invites the child to find an item necessary for the work of a doctor (cook, salesman).

No. 2 Topic: “Child and health”

Put the pictures in order

Goal: to systematize children’s ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle, to develop speech, attention, and memory.

Material: pictures depicting moments of the daily routine

Progress of the game: the teacher says that the wizard Confusion has mixed up the pictures of the daily routine, and suggests putting the pictures in order.

The teacher summarizes the children's statements.

Every morning, to be healthy, we start with exercise.

In order to grow strong, dexterous and brave, we do exercises every morning.

The teacher invites everyone to remember their favorite exercise, show it to everyone and do it together.

No. 3 Topic: “Child and health”

Let's dress the doll for a walk

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about clothing, to develop children’s ability to dress a doll according to the season of the year, the weather, to systematize children’s ideas about health, to develop children’s attention, memory, and logical thinking.

Material: paper doll with different clothes

Progress of the game: the teacher says that the doll is going for a walk, but does not know what to wear, it is winter and it is very cold outside (various situations).

Children “dress” the doll and explain their choice.

No. 4 Topic: “Child and health”

What is good, what is bad

Goal: to introduce children to the rules of personal hygiene and a correct, careful attitude towards their health; develop children's speech, attention, and memory.

Material: fields divided into squares, in the center of the field there is a negative and positive picture, pictures with different situations.

Progress of the game:

Option 1: Children are given fields; a negative or positive picture is depicted in the center of the field. Children are invited to play lotto, showing and accompanying their actions with explanations - “what is good and what is bad”

2nd option. Showing pictures can be accompanied by children's motor activity. For example, children react to positive pictures by jumping, and when shown a negative picture they sit on the floor.

No. 6 Topic: “Healthy Products”

Wonderful pouch

Goal: to clarify the names of fruits and vegetables, to develop the ability to identify them by touch, name and describe them.

Material: bag, dummies of vegetables, fruits

Progress of the game: the teacher shows the group a “wonderful bag” with dummies of vegetables and fruits and invites the children to find out what is in the “wonderful bag”. The child puts his hand into the “wonderful bag” and identifies it by touch, then takes it out and describes it according to the diagram. The teacher gives a sample description of vegetables and fruits.

— I have a tomato, it’s red, round, smooth. And you?

If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher asks leading questions: what form? What colour? What does it feel like?

Children put all the vegetables and fruits on a tray.

No. 5 Topic: “Child and health”

ABC of health

Goal: to systematize children’s ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle, to develop speech, attention, and memory.

Material: illustrations

Progress of the game: play from 1 to... people. The teacher names the rule, and the child finds a card - an illustration of this rule. Or the teacher shows a card, the child says what needs to be done in this situation.

No. 7 Topic: “Healthy Products”

Guess the taste

Goal: to clarify the names of fruits and vegetables, to develop the ability to identify them by taste, name and describe them.

Material: a plate with chopped vegetables, fruits Game progress: the teacher brings in a plate with chopped vegetables, fruits, invites the children to try a piece of some vegetable, fruit and asks questions: “What is it?”, “What does it taste like?”, “Sour, How are you?”, “Sweet, how are you?”

No. 8 Topic: “Healthy Products”

Find out and name vegetables

Goal: to consolidate the names of fruits and vegetables, to develop the ability to recognize them according to the teacher’s description

Progress of the game: the teacher describes a vegetable (fruit), and the children must name this vegetable (fruit).

No. 9 Topic: “Healthy Products”

Useful and harmful products

Goal: to systematize children’s ideas about harmful and healthy products, exercise their ability to differentiate them, and develop the need to take care of their health

Material: pictures of various products, two hoops

How to play: To be healthy, you need to eat right. Now we will find out if you know which foods are healthy.

The teacher offers the children pictures using two hoops. In one hoop, children select healthy foods and explain their choice, in the second – foods that are harmful to health.

No. 10 Topic: “Healthy Products”

Find out the taste

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits, the ability to identify them by taste.

Material: a plate with chopped vegetables, fruits Progress of the game: the teacher brings in a plate with chopped vegetables and fruits, invites the children to try a piece of some vegetable or fruit and asks questions: “What is this?”, “What does it taste like?”

No. 11 Topic: “Healthy Products”

Name it correctly

Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about vegetables and fruits, their qualities (color, shape, taste, smell), consolidate the ability to recognize them from a picture and give a brief


Material: pictures of vegetables, fruits

Progress of the game: the teacher asks the child to choose a picture with a vegetable or fruit and describe it.

— I have a tomato, it’s red, round, sweet. And you?

If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher asks guiding questions.

questions: what shape? What

colors? What does it taste like? What is the smell?

No. 12 Topic: “Personal hygiene”

Let's wash the doll

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about personal hygiene items for washing and washing, the sequence of actions, to promote the formation of the habit of neatness.

Material: various items and personal hygiene items for washing and washing, dolls.

Game progress: 2 people play. First, they are asked to choose from a variety of items those that “help” wash (wash) the doll. And then they wash it. The winner is the one who correctly selects personal hygiene items and correctly consistently washes (washes) the doll.

No. 13 Topic: “Personal hygiene”

Tanya caught a cold

Goal: to promote the development of the skill of using a handkerchief, to reinforce the knowledge that when sneezing and coughing you need to cover your mouth with a handkerchief, and if someone is nearby, turn away

Material: handkerchief

Progress of the game: the teacher asks: why do people need a handkerchief?

And then he offers the children various situations, which they play out together with the kids:

— What should you do if you want to sneeze? Etc.

No. 14 Topic: “Personal hygiene”

Choose pictures

Goal: to clarify children’s ideas about personal hygiene items, to develop healthy lifestyle skills

Material: pictures of various items, pictures of personal hygiene items

Progress of the game: the teacher asks you to select only pictures depicting objects that help take care of the body (face, teeth, hair)

No. 15 Topic: “Personal hygiene”

Hygiene rules

Goal: to consolidate cultural and hygienic skills (washing, dressing, brushing teeth, combing hair, bathing), to develop the ability to show these movements using facial expressions and gestures and to guess by showing them.

Progress of the game: The teacher asks the children, using facial expressions and gestures, to show how they wash themselves (dress, brush their teeth, etc.), observing the sequence of performing these skills. Or the teacher shows with the help of facial expressions and gestures what he is doing, and the children guess

No. 16 Topic: “Personal hygiene”

Let's give the dolls different hairstyles

Goal: to consolidate hair care skills, clarify the names of the items necessary for this, and formulate the concept of “neat appearance”

Material: dolls, combs, hairpins.

Progress of the game: the teacher invites the children to comb the dolls' hair.

No. 17 Topic: “Human body”

Guess by smell

Goal: to form ideas about a person’s assistant (nose), to develop skills in exploring objects using the corresponding sense organ

Material: jars with different smells (vanilla, orange, soap...) Progress of the game: the teacher invites the children to smell jars with different smells and asks:

- What helped you smell this smell?

– Where can you smell such a smell?

No. 18 Topic: “Human body”

Playing with a microphone

Goal: to systematize children’s ideas about body parts, develop speech, cultivate the ability to listen to each other

Material: microphone

Progress of the game: the teacher begins a sentence, and the child continues it, speaking into the microphone.

I am the head, I can... think, but I can’t speak.

I am a leg, I can... walk, but I can’t draw.

I am a hand, I can... draw, but I don’t know how to listen... etc.

No. 19 Topic: “Human body”

You are a part of me

Goal: to systematize children’s ideas about body parts, develop speech, attention, and memory.

Material: ball

Progress of the game: the teacher throws the ball to each child, asking a question.

I am a face, you are a part of me. Who are you? (eyes, eyebrow, nose, etc.)

I am the head, you are my part. Who are you? (hair, ears...)

I am the body, you are my part. Who are you? (back, stomach...)

No. 20 Topic: “Human body”

Who am i?

Goal: to train children in the ability to correctly name parts of the human body, the ability to distinguish between girls and boys.

Material: pictures of a boy and a girl, overlay cards.

Progress of the game: the teacher names any part of the body, the child finds it among the cards and puts it on the picture. Or the teacher shows a card, the child names the drawn part of the body and places it on the picture.

No. 21 Topic: “Human body”

Remember the move

Goal: to exercise the ability to realize, remember and reproduce the movements shown, to develop visual-motor memory and attention.

Progress of the game: the teacher or child shows the movements. Children must remember and reproduce them.

No. 22 Topic: “Human body”

Message from the monkey

Goal: continue to form an understanding of your body; consolidate knowledge that objects can be recognized by appearance, smell, taste, touch; practice identifying fruits by taste and smell.

Material: parcel with vegetables, fruits

Game progress: 4 people play. The teacher says that a package has arrived from the monkey; it may contain either a vegetable or a fruit. Invites children to find out what kind of vegetable or fruit is in the package. One child is asked to put his hand into the parcel and determine its contents by touch. Another is asked to try a piece and identify it by taste, a third is asked to identify it by smell, and for a fourth, the teacher describes this vegetable (fruit). The one who guesses correctly wins.


No. 23 Topic: “Human body”

No. 24 Topic: “Child on the city streets”

What does the traffic light say?

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the meaning of traffic light colors and rules of behavior on the street.

Material: colored cardboard circles (red, yellow and green), traffic light model.

Progress of the game: the teacher distributes red, yellow and green mugs to the children. The traffic lights are sequentially “switched”, and the children show the corresponding circles and explain what each signal means. The winner is the one who correctly shows all the circles and talks about the purpose of the colors.

Guess by sound

Goal: to form ideas about a person’s assistant (ears), to develop skills in exploring objects using the appropriate sense organ

Material: musical instruments Progress of the game: the teacher behind the screen makes sounds on various musical instruments, the children guess them

— What helped you hear different sounds?

No. 25 Topic: “Doctors are our assistants”

If someone gets sick

Goal: to consolidate the knowledge that in case of a serious injury it is necessary to call an ambulance doctor by calling “103”, practice calling a doctor

Material: phone

Progress of the game: If we ourselves cannot cope with the situation, then we call a doctor or an ambulance.

Children are encouraged to call a doctor at home. First, dial the phone number and call it in order:

last name, first name -> address -> age -> complaints

No. 26 Topic: “Dangerous objects”

Sources of danger

Goal: consolidate knowledge about objects that may be objects of danger, develop the ability to select pictures of objects according to the described situation, cultivate a sense of camaraderie

Rule: do not push, do not take objects from each other.

Material: layout or game corner with household items, prizes (chips or pictures)

Progress of the game: the teacher turns away, and during this time the children must take from the model or in the play corner those objects that, in their opinion, may be dangerous. Then everyone explains their choice. Answers are rewarded with prizes.

No. 27 Topic: “Dangerous objects”

The game is serious business

Goal: to train children in choosing safe objects for games based on pictures, to consolidate knowledge of what objects can be played with.

Material: pictures depicting various objects (dangerous and non-dangerous), two hoops

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to arrange the pictures into two hoops. In one hoop, children select pictures depicting objects that can be played with, in the second, pictures depicting objects that cannot be played with, and explain their choice.

No. 28 Topic: “Dangerous objects”

A hundred troubles

Goal: to consolidate ideas about dangerous situations in everyday life, about the correct actions in specific situations; develop attention; develop a sympathetic attitude towards the victim

Material: pictures of children in dangerous situations

Game progress: several pictures lie face down on the table. The child chooses any one, examines it and tells: what is depicted on it, why this happened to the child, what he did wrong, what should the child do now.

No. 29 Topic: “Dangerous objects”

We are rescuers

Goal: to consolidate ideas about dangerous situations in everyday life, about the correct actions in specific situations; develop attention; cultivate a sympathetic attitude towards the victim.

Material: pictures depicting children in specific dangerous situations, a set of cards depicting the actions that need to be performed in a given situation.

Progress of the game: the teacher places a picture depicting a dangerous situation on the table, the child examines it and, from all the cards depicting actions, selects the two correct ones and lays them out sequentially.

No. 30 Topic: “Dangerous objects”

What do we know about things

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the rules of safe behavior at home; develop attention and memory; foster a sense of cooperation

Material: cards depicting a cut, burn, hand bruise and fire, pictures depicting various household items.

Progress of the game: from 2 to 4 children take part in the game, each of them takes a picture with the image of an “injury”. The teacher takes turns holding up a picture of an object. Participants must guess what injury could result from improper handling of this item, match it to their card and take the picture. When selecting, the child must explain why this or that object is dangerous and tell the rules for communicating with them.

No. 31 Topic: “Dangers around us”

On a walk

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about correct behavior and communication with animals, to correlate what is shown in the pictures with correct and incorrect

actions when meeting animals

Material: illustrations, 2 hoops

Game progress: several pictures lie face down on the table. The child chooses any one, examines it and tells what is depicted on it, and whether the child is doing it right or wrong.

Or put pictures in one hoop depicting the correct actions when meeting animals, and in the other - incorrect actions

No. 32 Topic: “Dangerous objects”

One way or another

Goal: to develop children’s ability to distinguish life-threatening situations from non-threatening ones; develop attention; cultivate a desire to comply with safety rules.

Material: 2 cards – with a red and a green circle,

pictures depicting dangerous and safe actions of children;

Rules: under the red card (circle) put pictures depicting situations that are dangerous to the child’s life, under the green card - non-dangerous (allowed).

Options: individually with a teacher;

several children take turns explaining their choice.

No. 33 Topic: “Dangers around us”

What grows where

Goal: consolidate knowledge about where medicinal plants grow

Material: ball

Progress of the game: the teacher throws the ball to each child, asking the question:

—Where does plantain grow? (The child answers and throws the ball back)

—Where does chamomile grow? etc.

No. 34 Topic: “Dangers around us”

Identify a plant by smell

Purpose: to exercise children in identifying mint leaves, flowers, chamomile, and bird cherry by the smell.

Material: mint leaves, flowers, chamomile, bird cherry.

Progress of the game: the teacher invites the children to smell mint leaves (chamomile flowers, bird cherry flowers)

What helped you smell this?

Where can you smell this smell?

No. 35 Topic: “Dangers around us”

If the baby is injured

Goal: to introduce children to basic first aid techniques, because this can often save their health and life.

Material: cards with the most common household injuries, cards with methods of assistance

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to choose cards for providing first aid for a cut wound and lay them out sequentially (rinse the wound, apply a sterile bandage, call a doctor)

No. 36 Topic: “Dangers around us”

For mushrooms

Goal: to consolidate knowledge of edible and inedible mushrooms, the ability to distinguish them by appearance in pictures and dummies.

Material: pictures or dummies of edible and inedible mushrooms

How to play: Place pictures or dummies in different places. Children are invited to collect edible mushrooms in a basket.

Games on the topic: Healthy lifestyle for the younger group of preschool educational institutions

Card index of Didactic games on developing the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for children of the younger group in kindergarten
Description of the material: This material will be useful to educators and parents of children of the younger group.
It is intended to form initial knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. Didactic games and exercises
Game “Vegetables and Fruits”. Objectives: To systematize children’s ideas about the distinctive features of vegetables; Foster a caring attitude towards plants; Develop fine motor skills, memory, speech. Material: Vegetable dummies (cabbage, carrots, cucumber, garlic, potatoes, pepper, corn, tomato), baskets, fruit dummies (apple, pear, orange, tangerine, banana). Progress of the game: Educator: Guys, let's look at what's in the basket. The teacher takes out a basket with dummies of vegetables and fruits and invites them to examine them. Educator: Look, these are vegetables and fruits. Let's put the vegetables and fruits in different baskets. In the vegetable garden, in the vegetable garden we had fun walking. In the vegetable garden, in the vegetable garden we dug up beds. The seeds were planted in the garden bed, they were lowered into the hole, and then the bed was watered with warm water. You grow carrots, peppers and garlic quickly! We will weed the garden bed. Let's pour some water! The teacher reads poems about vegetables and fruits. We sat down at the table, put on our aprons, and we will eat fruit - delicious food. Oh yes pear! What a wonder! And blush and beautiful. The pear begs: “Eat me, Vanyusha, dear apple, ours, in bulk. It will grow in our garden, I will go for it in the fall. Ripe, juicy orange - The first vitamin in fruit. How good he is And how he looks like the sun. Look, watermelon, what a funny little fellow! Solemn and smooth on top, but sweet on the inside. Educator: Well done guys. Complicating the game: Invite children to look at vegetables and fruits and sort them by color. Game “What Grows in the Garden” Purpose: To learn to distinguish vegetables by taste and appearance. Game rule. Take out vegetables and determine their taste by looking at their appearance and touch. Progress of the game: The teacher brings a hedgehog to the group and says: “The hedgehog grew a crop of vegetables in his garden. Hedgehog is a good cook. He decided to make soup. He cut the vegetables, put them in a pan, and then he got a phone call and he was distracted. When the hedgehog returned, he could not remember what vegetables he was cutting on the board. Help the hedgehog identify the vegetables for the soup." The teacher gives the children to try chopped vegetables: carrots, cabbage, turnips. Vegetables can be placed in a deep cup so that children can take the vegetable without seeing it, touch it, and taste it. Game “Gegetable Shop” Purpose: Expand ideas about shape and size, develop skills in comparing objects. Game task: Be good sellers, select the right vegetables for buyers. Game rule: Do not make mistakes when sorting goods, do not anger the hedgehog director. Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to a new vegetable store. There are a lot of goods on the counter: beets, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes. Offers children to work as sellers in a store. The director of the hedgehog store invites the sellers and gives them the task: to arrange the goods in baskets so that customers can quickly buy them: select round-shaped vegetables into the baskets. If the children are wrong, the hedgehog snorts angrily. Game option. You can invite children to deliver vegetables from the vegetable depot by car to kindergartens and shops (select only red vegetables; pack larger and smaller vegetables). Game “Let's treat the doll to tea” Goals: to repeat the names of tea utensils, the order of setting the table for tea drinking, to give an idea of ​​the rules of safe behavior at the table. Equipment: doll furniture, teaware, doll. Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to treat the doll with tea, clarifies what kind of dishes are needed, asks to put the saucer, reminds that the cup must be placed with the handle turned to the right, and the spoon should also be placed on the saucer to the right of the cup. He asks questions about what you can drink tea with, offers to put some treats on the table, then invite the doll to the table, treat her to tea, remind her that the tea is hot and she needs to be careful not to get burned. Draws attention to the fact that you should always behave calmly at the table. Game “Putting the Doll to Sleep” Objectives: to consolidate the names of bedding and their accessories; clarify the sequence of undressing and hanging clothes; reinforce the idea that sleep is good for health. Equipment: doll bed with bedding, chair, doll, pajamas or nightgown for her. Progress of the game: The teacher says that it is time to put the doll to bed, asks to make a bed for her, clarifies the procedure for undressing and hanging clothes on chairs, and invites the children to do this. After going to bed, he reminds that children definitely need to sleep during the day and go to bed on time in the evening, as this is all good for their health, and if children sleep well, they grow up faster. To make the doll fall asleep faster, he offers to sing a lullaby for it. Game “What lies where?” Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about the need to maintain order in a group, to clarify knowledge about the arrangement of objects in a group, to consolidate the idea that keeping things in order helps to maintain health. Equipment: subject pictures depicting toys, dishes, clothes, shoes, books, photographs of group furniture, play centers for various types of children's activities. Progress of the game: The teacher examines with the children photographs of group furniture and centers for various types of activities, clarifies their purpose. He lays out photographs on the tables, distributes object pictures to the children and offers to put things in order - to put objects in their places. Exercise “Let's tell Styopka how to behave in kindergarten” Goals: clarify the idea of ​​the rules of safe behavior in a group Equipment: toy Styopka, photographs of group rooms or corresponding pictures. Progress of the game: The teacher brings in a toy, examines it with the children, asks them to remember the content of the cartoon, sequentially shows photographs or pictures, then offers to tell Styopka how to behave in a particular room, while emphasizing safety rules. Exercise “Dressing the doll for a walk” Objectives: to consolidate the names of winter clothes, to clarify the dressing order. Equipment: several dolls, winter clothes and shoes for them. Progress of the game: The teacher offers to dress the dolls for a walk, clarifies what items of clothing are needed, invites the children to take turns putting an item of clothing on the dolls in one or another sequence in which the children dress themselves, encourages them to comment on their actions. Exercise “Let's show Mishka how to dress so as not to catch a cold” Objectives: to consolidate the names of winter clothes and the order of dressing, to form an idea of ​​​​the need to take care of one’s health. Equipment: Teddy Bear toy, clothes for him. Progress of the game: The teacher shows Mishka, incorrectly dressed for a walk (coat is not buttoned, there is no scarf or mittens, etc.), clarifies whether Mishka dressed correctly for a walk, why not, and offers to tell and show Mishka how to dress. At the teacher’s suggestion, children put on clothes, show and tell why they need a scarf, mittens, etc. Game “Recognize and name vegetables” Objectives: consolidate knowledge of the names of vegetables, learn to recognize them from the teacher’s description, continue to form an idea of ​​the health benefits of vegetables . Equipment: pictures or models of vegetables. Progress of the game. The teacher looks at the pictures and clarifies the names of the vegetables. Then, having removed the visual material, he gives a description of the vegetables one by one according to the following scheme: size, color, shape, smell, taste. When playing the game again, poetic riddles can be used instead of descriptions. Game “Where to Put the Bunny’s Harvest” Goals: to consolidate the general concepts of “vegetables” and “fruits”, to practice the ability to distinguish and name them. Equipment: toy bunny, pictures or dummies of vegetables and fruits, vase, basket. Progress of the game. The teacher says that the Bunny needs to lay out the harvest, but he forgot where to put it, and offers to help him. With the children, he examines the crops that the Bunny has grown, clarifies the names, and suggests putting fruits in a vase and vegetables in a basket. Game “Guess the Taste” Goals: to consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits, the ability to identify them by taste, to consolidate the idea of ​​​​the health benefits of fruits. Equipment: vegetables, fruits that can be eaten raw, pieces of these vegetables and fruits. Progress of the game. After examining the vegetables and fruits, the teacher clarifies which of them to eat raw, suggests remembering the taste of vegetables and fruits and other features (cabbage, carrots are crunchy in the teeth, oranges and onions have a specific smell, an apple is juicy, etc.), reminds them of health benefits. Then he invites you to close your eyes, open your mouth, and one by one puts each person a piece of fruit or vegetable so that the children can identify them according to their taste. Game “Name it Correctly” Goal: to clarify knowledge about vegetables, their qualities (color, shape, taste, smell), consolidate the ability to recognize them from a picture and give a brief description. Equipment: pictures of vegetables and fruits. Progress of the game. The teacher looks at the pictures and clarifies the names of the vegetables. Then, having removed the visual material, he gives a description of the vegetables one by one according to the following scheme: size, color, shape, smell, taste. When playing the game again, poetic riddles can be used instead of descriptions. Game “We have order” Goal: to develop the knowledge that for convenience and safety all objects need to be put back in place, to reinforce the idea of ​​​​the rules of safe behavior in everyday life, to cultivate a desire to maintain cleanliness and order in the house. Equipment: pictures depicting items of clothing, shoes, dishes, sewing accessories, work tools, pictures depicting a kitchen cabinet, wardrobe, work drawer. Progress of the game: The teacher reminds the children how important it is to put things back in place so that they are easy to find, and it is especially important to properly store dangerous objects - put objects in their places - and offers to arrange object pictures with images of their destinations. Game “Find the Picture” Goal: consolidate knowledge of the names of clothes, improve the ability to differentiate clothes by season. Equipment: pictures of clothes. Progress of the game: The teacher reminds that children wear different clothes in different seasons, offers to choose winter clothes that girls and boys like to wear, clothes that both girls and boys love. Similarly, he gives assignments about summer, spring, and autumn clothing. Game “Tanya woke up” Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge that when coughing and sneezing it is necessary to cover your mouth, practice using a handkerchief. Equipment: doll, handkerchief, individual handkerchiefs. Progress of the game: The teacher brings the doll Tanya, says that she was walking in windy weather, loosely wrapped her scarf around her neck and caught a cold. She imitates that the doll coughs and sneezes without covering her mouth, reprimands her that this is not possible, invites the children to remind and show Tanya what to do when coughing and sneezing. Then the teacher says that the doll needs to wipe its nose, and invites the children to teach Tanya this: take out their handkerchiefs and show how to do it correctly: bring the handkerchief to the nose, pinch one nostril, release the other, then vice versa and fold the handkerchief and put it away pocket. Game “Bathing a doll” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of toiletries and washing procedures, clarify knowledge about the need to maintain cleanliness of the body, and promote the formation of the habit of neatness. Equipment: doll, bathtub, washing items, towel, pajamas, bed. Progress of the game: The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that it is time to put the doll to bed, but before going to bed you need to wash it, and invites some children to bring the necessary items, remembers with the children their names and purpose. Then he clarifies what kind of water should be poured into the bath, offers to place the doll in a bath of water, clarifies where to start washing, and offers one of the children to do this. He also suggests washing the rest of the body, drying the doll, putting pajamas on it, putting it to bed, and singing a lullaby. Exercise “How we recognize an object” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the role of the senses. Equipment: objects different in shape, touch, smell, pieces of fruits and vegetables. Progress of the game. The teacher reminds the children that each of them has assistants who help them recognize objects, and they do it in different ways. Then he suggests: -find certain objects with your eyes closed, touch the objects and identify them by touch (fur, cold, wet), -with your eyes closed, try and identify vegetables and fruits, -smell and name the object. Each time the teacher clarifies what helped determine its taste and smell. Game “Who can do what” Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the parts of the body and their role for a person, to develop attention, the ability to quickly and correctly answer questions. Equipment: ball. Progress of the game. Children stand in a circle, the teacher throws the ball to each one in turn, asking questions. The child answers the question and returns the ball to the teacher: What can your hands do? What can clouds do? What can your legs do? What can horns do? What can your eyes do? Who knows how to listen to fairy tales? What can your fingers do? What can bunnies do? What can your mouth do? Who will go for a walk with me? Exercise “Remember the movement” Purpose: to improve the understanding of the role of body parts and the need to exercise them. Equipment: pictures of children performing various exercises. Progress of the game. The teacher reminds that when performing different movements, different parts of the body are exercised, shows pictures depicting exercises for the arms, legs, and torso. He clarifies what exactly is being practiced when performing these movements, then shows pictures one by one, offers to remember the movement and perform it.

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