Tools and materials
To create a simple butterfly model you will need:
- fantasy;
- desire to create a miniature;
- multi-colored paper of any shades, pages from books, magazines, packaging material, office or metallized paper;
- scissors or stationery knife.
For complex designs, add additionally:
- glue;
- wire.
Also, select a hard object needed to smooth out the seams. Let it be a ruler, pen or book.
Options for making paper butterflies
The graceful insect is created in different ways. There are at least 5 known techniques for making an origami butterfly. These could be variations such as:
- simple origami figurine for beginners;
- classic folding technique;
- voluminous butterflies;
- modular;
- bookmarks.
It is recommended to start with simple models, gradually developing folding skills. Even children 3-4 years old can create a butterfly if they are shown the 2-fold technique.
Simple paper shapes for beginners
Simple blanks are often used to create more complex origami structures based on them. But a small child or a beginner can start learning with just such models.
You will need a sheet of colored paper. If you don’t have anything like this at hand, then take a white sheet and decorate it with felt-tip pens, bright pencils or paints.
The sheet must have a square shape, that is, all sides of the workpiece must be equal. Fold the sheet in half diagonally.
Carefully fix the fold using a ruler or just your fingers. The result is a triangle, rotate it so that the fold is closer to you.
Connect the left edge to the right. Make another fold 1.5 cm from the fold line, which will be parallel to the fold. Do this manipulation on the other side as well.
This will create a simple origami butterfly with your own hands; decorate it with additional applique: stripes or circles made of paper of a different color.
Origami bird
- colored paper,
- pencil (felt-tip pen).
Another simple origami craft for 1st grade students is an origami bird. This is a simple model of a bird that even the senior kindergarten group can put together.
For origami crafts, take paper of any color - a 20x20 cm square. Fold the square diagonally and unfold it. Turn the square and fold it diagonally again. Along the dotted line (stage 3 in the diagram), bend the triangle first to the right and then to the left. Unfold the paper (step 5) and fold it in half horizontally.
Again along the dotted line (step 6), bend the two wings of the bird upward. Bend the small triangle inward to form a beak (step 7-8). Glue or origami draw an eye on the bird.
The result was a wonderful model of a bird. You can call it a sparrow, a dove or a seagull.
Origami fox
An origami chanterelle model is suitable for first grade students. This simple paper craft can sit on your desk.
- orange paper measuring 20x20 cm,
- felt-tip pen.
Colored paper can be used colored on 1 or 2 sides. The chanterelle is folded according to the diagram. Draw eyes and a nose on the face with a felt-tip pen or pencil.
We have a video tutorial on assembling an origami cat using the same pattern:
Classic models
Classic origami butterflies are more difficult to make than the first option. Let's take the same square of paper, the side of which is 15-20 cm. Bend the sheet diagonally, then in half to make a rectangle. Fold it in half into a square.
Open the sheet and you will have guide lines to make wings for the butterfly. The fold lines that divided the square in half should go inward. Try to make a triangle. Its top points upward, and at this time you bend the lower ends towards the top. You have a square.
Turn the shape over with the top down and the back side facing you. Lift the bottom corner up and let the tip catch a little on the edge. Now all that remains is to connect the left wing to the right to form a clear fold. Your simple origami butterfly in the classic model is done.
Simple figurine for beginners
Of all the existing models, this is the simplest to make and includes only a couple of folds. Follow the detailed instructions on how to make an origami butterfly to avoid possible errors in execution:
- Lay the square sheet diagonally to form a triangle.
- Fold the workpiece in half again, then position it so that the opening edges of the figure are directed upward.
- The corners of future wings can be given either a rounded or a crimped shape using scissors.
- Now make a small diagonal cut in the lower third of the base of the triangle.
- Spread the butterfly's wings to the sides.
Volumetric origami figures
The ingenuity of people has brought it to the point that it is possible to make a voluminous butterfly, which can be conveniently used as a tie or decoration for a picture. Follow the instructions and you will quickly complete the task.
Origami airplane: master class on making beautiful models with your own hands (125 photos and videos)- Origami vase - manufacturing technique and step-by-step instructions for assembling a modular paper vase (100 photos)
Origami boat - types, manufacturing methods and features of use in decoration (110 photos)
This time we will bend 2 rectangles. Select 2 sheets of colored paper that contrast with each other in shade. For example, yellow and blue. They can be the same size or one of them can be smaller.
Next we do this:
- Fold the yellow rectangle in half, from left to right.
- Use scissors to cut off the sharp corners on the right side, top and bottom. This is a blank for butterfly wings.
- Let's unfold the paper.
- Let's start rolling the accordion. It is enough to make folds from 5 mm to 1 cm.
- Let's repeat the procedure with blue paper.
- We connect the 2 parts to each other using a stapler, wire, glue, or any adhesive.
Painting with a butterfly cut out of paper
The kirigami technique allows you to make very beautiful cards, paintings and simply patterns for decorating windows and rooms. It all depends on the skill and perseverance of the master. But it is not necessary to have extensive experience in this field of creativity. Just learn the basics and you can get to work. Butterflies turn out very beautiful using this technique. It's not difficult to make them. The main thing is to prepare all the materials and tools.
To make a butterfly using the kirigami technique you need to take:
- A4 paper – 1 sheet of yellow and 1 sheet of green;
- paper clips – 4 pcs.;
- printed butterfly template;
- small stationery knife;
- bright colored felt-tip pen;
- glue.
You immediately need to print the butterfly template on a printer on the entire A4 page. The diagram can be found here.
Next, you need to attach the butterfly template with paper clips to the yellow sheet. Using a felt-tip pen, carefully mark the areas to be cut out. In the photo they are indicated by numbers and red lines.
Carefully use a stationery knife to cut along the contour. After cutting out 5 zones, this is the result.
Gradually cut out the indicated lines, and the butterfly will acquire delicacy.
After all the elements in the middle of the template have been cut out, you can begin cutting out the butterfly outline itself. The result is a butterfly like this.
Glue the blank obliquely to the green leaf.
To make the work look like a painting, you can frame it with light green stripes. This is such a beautiful and original picture with a butterfly. It can be used as decoration.
Alternatively, you can cut out a butterfly from thick paper and fold it in half. In this form, it can be planted on a bouquet of flowers or in a vase.
How to make a FLYING BUTTERFLY from paper
Vintage origami butterfly
Do you want to make an exclusive vintage figurine? Then you will need step-by-step instructions for making an origami butterfly. For production you will need special paper. Now a newspaper sheet or a page from an old book will come in handy.
We make a square from a book page, as was shown in the diagram for making a classic butterfly. We add everything exactly the same way.
Let's tint the resulting butterfly using dark paint. The edges of the moth's wings will become more expressive after treatment with paint.
We will make antennae from thin wire and attach them to the base, where the body of the butterfly should be. The product is ready.
Origami bird - the best diagrams and recommendations on how to easily assemble beautiful origami with your own hands (90 photo ideas)- Origami flower - a review of the best patterns and models for a paper flower. 115 photos of the best flowers and features of how to assemble them yourself
Origami envelope - patterns for beginners and tips for choosing the best envelope models (100 photos and videos)
Butterfly for New Year's Eve
A new idea for craftsmen: a Christmas tree toy in the shape of a butterfly. This craft will help decorate your home during the bright winter holidays, and we will teach you how to do it correctly.
Let's prepare the following materials:
- Butterfly template (it is advisable to find an openwork ready-made sample).
- Cardboard, glue.
- Stationery knife;
- Openwork fabrics (guipure, cotton or any other type).
- Large paper clips.
Step-by-step instruction:
- We cut out butterfly blanks from cardboard according to the template. We use the same sample to process openwork fabric.
- At the top edge of the cardboard base we pierce a hole with an awl or a thick needle.
- We glue our patterned layout onto the cardboard figure. We decorate it with additional sparkles or ribbons.
- We pass an unbent paper clip through the hole and hang our butterfly on the Christmas tree.
There are many more ideas on creating crafts from butterflies. You can use any or suggest your own idea. As you can see, making our winged beauty did not present much difficulty. So, choose a scheme to suit your taste and go ahead!
Modular paper butterflies
Modular figures are no longer just an origami butterfly for beginners, but a work of art. Such work can be shown at exhibitions, or brought to schools and kindergartens as a family craft. It will not be possible to make such a product quickly, but if you show diligence and patience, everything will come out easily.
Master how basic modules are made and connected, and then you will make not only butterflies, but also swans. Use different colors of paper for the modules, add beads, rhinestones, and decorate the butterfly as you wish.
Types of models
Origami masters approach the creation of their products with special trepidation. So, some models have movable wings; they can even be launched into the air like an ordinary paper airplane.
There are several varieties of this figure:Classic moth. This version can be seen on homemade postcards and packaging. The patterns describing this origami butterfly are perfect for beginners.
Read here - DIY modular origami - step-by-step instructions on how to make a beautiful modular craft at home (110 photos + master class)
Complex volumetric model. Can be used for large-scale decorations, for example, in interior design. Requires deeper knowledge and skills than the first option.
Modular varieties very often look like real works of art. They are the most painstaking to make, but the result from making such paper butterflies exceeds all expectations.
Bookmarks and postcards in the form of a butterfly
Don't forget that a simple paper product can become part of a whole picture. If you glue a small origami butterfly to a thin strip of cardboard, you will get a great bookmark.
Take a sheet of A4 size, fold it in half, glue a few small butterflies on the side and you will get a card for your loved one.
Write a few nice words and give it to your mother, grandmother, or close friend. You can decorate everything that catches your eye with butterflies: a present, a wall in the room, and curtains. Let your imagination be unlimited.