Extracurricular activity: Constitution Day. material on the topic

Constitution Day event for primary classes. Presentation script

Scenario of a competitive educational program for schoolchildren 9-13 years old “I am a citizen and a person”, dedicated to Constitution Day
Objectives: developing an understanding of the importance of observing the laws of the state; development of civic education for students; formation of an active civic position and legal consciousness; acquisition of legal culture skills; development of civic initiative and civic responsibility, development of the ability to work in a group, listen to the opinions of others and express one’s thoughts. Presenter: My native country is wide, There are many forests, fields and rivers in it. I don’t know another country like this, where people can breathe so freely. Good afternoon dear friends! It is no coincidence that I began our today’s event with precisely these lines. After all, our country is our Russia, Mother Rus', Motherland, native land, native side and father’s house, this is all our wealth! We love her for the beauty of the fields, for the endless rivers, the quiet surf, and we want our Russia to always remain the most powerful, strong and great power, so that you and I are behind it like behind a stone wall. Do you guys agree? And to achieve this, certain rules are needed. As you know, each state, both large and small, lives by its own laws, its citizens have certain rights and responsibilities that regulate their lives. But today we will remember what these laws are, why they are needed and what they include. You know that today is a very important and significant day, but who can say what kind of day it is? (Russian Constitution Day). That's right, guys. This holiday is close to every citizen of the country who is not indifferent to the fate of the Motherland, who wants all generations of Russians to feel pride in their great power. Slide 2. What is a constitution? The guys from the children's association “Fidgets” will tell us about this. A poem from the children's association "Fidgets". I was born in the wrong country, Where a person is second class. Thank you, homeland, to you I, a person, and that’s proud! I am proud of the Russian Constitution, Its law and rights. I work for the good of the Motherland, Not under the whip and executioners. Freedom of choice is given. Go study, go work! Here everyone is always surrounded by Protection, warmth, and care. Our low bow to our great-grandfathers and fathers, Who fought for our happiness, So that our children and great-grandchildren now stand so firmly on their land! Presenter: Slide 3. The Constitution is the fundamental law of the state, which has the highest legal force. All laws and legal acts adopted in our country must be guided by it, and in no case contradict it. The constitution enshrines the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of man and citizen. It consolidates the foundations of the state, forms of government, state-territorial structure, system of government bodies, and state symbols of the country. Each country traditionally has its own anthem, flag and coat of arms. They are needed as the embodiment of its history and a reflection of the present, as an expression of the patriotism of its citizens, as its visual and musical image. That is why the attitude towards the coat of arms, flag and anthem is also the attitude towards the state itself. Let's listen to what each country symbol means. Slide 4. (poem “Fidgets”) The coat of arms of Russia - a double-headed eagle, appeared more than 500 years ago. It represents an Image of a golden double-headed eagle. The double-headed eagle is a symbol of the eternity of Russia, the necessary protection from enemies from the west and east. Three crowns above it symbolize the blood brotherhood of three Slavic peoples: Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. The scepter and the orb in the talons of an eagle are an expression of the invincibility of our Fatherland. The coat of arms is the emblem of the state; it is depicted on stamps, passports, and banknotes. Slide 5. What is a flag? ( poem “Fidgets”
) And the flag of Russia is a tricolor, a cloth in three colors.
In it, our Country is glorified with a bright red stripe. It’s a custom in Russia that people love red for a long time. It’s not for nothing that we have named Red Square, and the hut, and also the red maiden, After all, red is beauty. And the color of blood, and the color of life, And the color of loyalty to the Fatherland. Let's continue our excursion into the old days, Then we'll find out why the flag has more colors, What two more colors mean. Blue is the color of Ukraine, White is the color of Belarus. Their peoples united to live in harmony. The flag has a birthday in mid-August. Symbols of the native country Remember, please! Presenter: We begin and end each of our holidays, each gathering with a solemn song. What is it called? (Children's answers). Slide 6. The anthem is a solemn state song that is performed when raising the national flag and when presenting awards to the winners. The verses of the Anthem were written by S. Mikhalkov to the music of A.V. Alexandrova. Our country greets and sees off every new day with the melody of the Anthem. The anthem is listened to and performed standing. And as a sign of respect and pride for our country, I suggest you listen to the anthem of the Russian Federation while standing. The Anthem of the Russian Federation is played. Host: In order for people in our country to live freely and happily, so that there is always order and justice, we must follow the rules that are binding on everyone, live according to the basic law of our state, i.e. according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. And today we will hold a competitive game program “I am a citizen and a person”, during which we will learn as much as possible about our country and, of course, we will try to understand the main components of the Constitution. For the program, we have 5 teams in the hall: the children's association team ____, the children's association team ____, the children's association team ____, the children's association team ____, the children's association team ____. We welcome our participants with applause. And we move on to the presentation of our esteemed jury... Everyone is ready to start work, and I explain the ground rules. Each team has its own sound signal, let's listen to it! (recall of each command). It will serve as a button for you to be the first to answer a question. Whoever answers correctly and completely is given the right to choose the next question. Slide 7. Here are 6 categories. Each category has 5 questions with different point values. 100 points is the easiest, 500 is the most difficult. One team can choose a category, but any team that is the first to make a sound signal can answer. Are the rules clear? Then we start with command No. __. Symbols of Russia 100- What bird is depicted on the Russian coat of arms? (double-headed eagle) 200- What does this date tell you: August 22? (national flag day) 300- What do the 3 crowns on the coat of arms of the Russian Federation mean? (brotherhood of 3 peoples: Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, in the 20th century - the sovereignty of Russia and its subjects. Another meaning is the unity of the legislative, executive and judicial powers) 400- What is the name of the science of coats of arms? (heraldry) 500- The author of the first anthem is V.A. Zhukovsky Great people of Russia. 100- The first cosmonaut to be in space (Gagarin) 200- Name the authors of the text and music of the Russian anthem. (Alexander Vasilievich Alexandrov, Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov). 300- Under which Russian president was the Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted? (Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin) 400- On the coat of arms of Russia, an eagle holds on its chest a shield with the image of a horseman. In 1727, this horseman officially received a name. So who is depicted on the shield? (Saint George the Victorious). 500 – Under what ruler did the Russian tricolor flag become a symbol of the state? (Under Peter I) “Abracadabra of numbers” 100 - How many times can the President be elected? (2 times) 200 - For how many years is the President of the Russian Federation elected? (6) Since 2012, according to Art. 81 of the basic law of the country, the President of the Russian Federation is elected for a term of 6 years.) 300 - How many articles are in the Constitution of the Russian Federation? (137) 400 - At what age can you become president? (from 35 years old) 500 - How many deputies are elected to the State Duma? (450) Dates 100. Russia Day - (June 12) 200. When was the last Constitution adopted? (December 12, 1993) 300. World Children's Day (November 20) 400. In what year was the first Constitution adopted? (in 1918) 500. What was the name of the Constitution of 1936? (“Stalin’s Constitution”) “Language of Law” 100. A person’s responsibility to answer for actions taken or their consequences is (responsibility) 200. Solemn introduction to the text of the Constitution - (Preamble) 300. I read you the definitions, and you must name the term, which characterizes these concepts. 1 term: - Russian peasants believed that this was the name of Napoleon Bonaparte’s wife, - one of the meanings is construction; - in biology - individual physiological and anatomical characteristics; -in Latin - establishment; -in politics - the fundamental law of the state; Answer: (constitution) 400. - originated in Ancient Greece; -in Latin - common cause; - this is a form of government where the highest power belongs to representative bodies elected by the population for a certain term; -can be parliamentary and presidential; It can also be popular, Soviet, democratic, etc. Answer: (republic) 500. In the USA it is called the Congress, in Sweden - the Riksdag, in Germany - the Reichstag, in Poland - the Sejm. According to the Constitution, what is this called in our country? (Federal Assembly) “My rights, my duties” 100. Basic human rights and freedoms belong to everyone from .... (birth) 200. Fairy tale - Name a fairy tale in which a good bird ceded its property to two persons who wanted to divide it into parts, but unable to do so. As a result, the wealth was accidentally destroyed by a petty gray person. (“Ryaba Hen”) 300. Definition: necessary and proper human behavior, prescribed by laws and moral norms, is... (duty) 400. Listen to the poem “Chamomile”. In the meadow by the path that runs straight to our house, there grew a flower on a long stem - white with a yellow eye. I wanted to pick a flower, I raised my palm to it, and a bee flew off the flower and buzzed, buzzed: “Don’t touch it!” Question: What right are we talking about? (right to life) 500. Situation - 9-year-old Anton is constantly beaten by high school students. He is afraid to complain because the older guys threaten him with even more physical harm. He is silent and patient. Have Anton's rights been violated? What should he do? Answer: the right to protection from all forms of violence, abuse and safe living conditions has been violated. Host: This concludes our program. And while the jury is summing up the results, I invite you to watch a video about our great and beautiful country, “My Russia.” Please pay attention to the screen. Slide 8. hyperlink Video “My Russia” song about Russia Presenter: Well done, guys! Great job. Now let's move on to the most pleasant moments - AWARDING the teams! Rewarding. Host: Guys, thank you all for your work. We congratulate the winners. I would like to finally say: YOU are the future of our country. It is up to you to build a new Russia, increase its glory and protect its wealth! Appreciate each other, your loved ones, respect not only yourself, but also the people around you. Slide. Happy holiday to you, happy Constitution Day of the Russian Federation! Slide 9.

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