The importance of physical education in the senior group of preschool educational institutions
Short breaks in the form of light physical activity are arranged between different types of activities for kindergarten students, as well as during work that involves intellectual concentration, for example, classes on speech development, the environment, mathematics, fine arts, etc. The duration of a physical education minute is usually 1 ,5–3 minutes. As a rule, it includes a set of 3-4 exercises, repeated several times and aimed at activating breathing and blood circulation.
This is interesting. In some sources, physical education minutes are called physical education breaks, but these are somewhat different concepts. Thus, the pause time is somewhat longer than minutes and includes from 5 to 8 exercises.
The need for breaks is also evidenced by the fact that sometimes during classes the child begins to fidget in his chair, trying to change his position. This behavior is evidence of mental fatigue, and therefore decreased attention. If the type of activity is not changed, then the child’s back slouches, shoulders droop, blood circulation slows down, and as a result, posture disorders appear.
If preschoolers are tired, they start to get distracted
The goals of active breaks in the senior group are:
- increasing or stabilizing the performance of pupils during classes;
- providing short-term rest, especially for the organs of vision and hearing, which undergo heavy loads;
- creating conditions for relaxing the muscles of the back, torso, and hands.
This is interesting. According to research by psychologists, pediatricians and teachers, for a child to fully develop, a change in activity should occur every 20 minutes.
The objectives of physical education sessions with children 5–6 years old include:
- improved posture;
- increased metabolism;
- development of attention and memory;
- training the ability to concentrate;
- receiving sensory impressions;
- restoration of the emotional background.
Physical education sessions are an excellent means of preventing fatigue in older preschoolers.
To achieve the set goals and objectives, the following techniques are used:
- rhymes, nursery rhymes illustrating warm-up movements;
- visualization (pictures, posters) showing the order of actions;
- a combination of different types of physical activity (tasks to work on the muscles of the arms, legs, torso, to stimulate the circulatory system, etc.).
For physical education, it is appropriate to combine:
- 3–5 exercises for the muscles of the arms, legs, shoulder girdle, torso;
- gymnastics for hands and fingers (gestures, working with special massage balls, nuts, etc.);
- walking, jumping.
Physical education combines movements of the arms, fingers, torso, etc.
“We need physical education minutes, they are important for children!” Consultation on health-saving technologies
Bibliographic description:
Kazakova, G. N. “We need physical education minutes, they are important for children!” Consultation on health-saving technologies / G. N. Kazakova, O. N. Zinovieva. — Text: direct // Questions of preschool pedagogy. — 2020. — No. 3 (9). - pp. 75-77. — URL: (date of access: 10.10.2020).
Health, as we know, is 50% determined by lifestyle, and the lifestyle model is formed in childhood. Therefore, it is so important to form the habit of a healthy lifestyle in preschool age.
The role of movements for the development of the psyche is extremely great. Physical exercise increases overall tone and activates the body's defenses. Scientists have established a direct relationship between the level of motor activity of children and their vocabulary, speech development, and thinking. [1, p. 23]
The older the child, the more movements he must make for normal further development.
In recent years, parents' demands for preparing their children for school have increased. In this regard, the educational load on children has increased. Unfortunately, the child’s body is not always ready to accept the loads that fall on it without any changes in health.
According to physiologists, educational activities require a lot of nervous tension from children. [3, p. 154]
During direct educational activities, preschoolers of any age experience significant stress on their organs of vision, hearing, muscles of the hands and the entire body, which are often in a static position for a long time.
As a rule, some time after the start of classes, children begin to show increased distractibility, poor concentration, and poor memorization, which indicates a decrease in mental performance and, as a consequence, mental fatigue.
The slightest signs of behavior in children, such as those listed, are an obvious signal to the teacher that the children urgently need physical education!
Physical education minutes are a necessary component of any direct educational activity in a preschool educational institution.
Fun physical education minutes can be used in working with preschoolers from a very early age. [4, p. 23]
They have a positive effect on brain activity, activate the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improve blood supply to internal organs and the performance of the nervous system. Physical education is fun, interesting and useful.
The forms of physical education are of the following types:
‒ General developmental exercises - selected according to the same criteria as for morning exercises. 3-4 exercises are used for different muscle groups; you can finish the physical training session by jumping, running in place or walking;
‒ In the form of an outdoor game - games of average mobility are selected that do not require a lot of space, with simple rules that are well known to children;
‒ In the form of a didactic game with movements - fits well into classes on familiarization with nature and mathematics;
‒ In the form of dance movements - used between the structural parts of the lesson with sound recording. Melodies with a moderate rhythm are most suitable. Quiet, sometimes smooth;
- In the form of performing movements to the text of the poem;
‒ In the form of any motor action and task:
- guessing riddles not with words, but with movements;
- the use of various imitation movements: athletes (skier, speed skater, boxer, gymnast), individual labor actions (cutting wood, starting the engine, driving a car).
Requirements for conducting physical education minutes:
‒ Conducted at the initial stage of fatigue, 8–15 minutes of class, depending on age, type of activity, complexity of the material;
‒ Exercises should be simple in structure, interesting and familiar to children;
‒ Exercises should be convenient to perform in a limited area;
- Exercises should include movements that affect large muscle groups, improving the functional activity of all organs and systems;
‒ A physical training complex usually consists of 2–4 exercises: for the arms and shoulder girdle, for the torso and legs.
Physical education minutes can be thematic, that is, they can be a set of physical exercises united by a single plot reflecting the movement of transport, animals, insects, etc., and can also be a sequence of 4-5 simple general developmental exercises performed over 3 min. (each movement is repeated 5-6 times). Thematic physical education sessions, which include a play component, contribute not only to the motor, but also to the emotional relaxation of the child.
Physical education minutes are most effective when they are related to the tasks and content of the lesson. [5, p. 54]
Thus, in classes on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts with the help of physical education, you can solve such problems as: consolidating counting, knowledge about geometric shapes, and spatial orientation skills. For example, children are asked to: clap as many times as ... (Natasha) hits the ball on the floor; sit down one unit more than the number named or seen; to consolidate ordinal or quantitative counting, develop a counting movement: 1 - arms to the sides, 2 - arms up, 3 - arms forward, 4 - sit down, and so on until five, six, seven; Poetic text is also often used.
In speech development classes, you can use physical education minutes in sound pronunciation exercises. For example:
Cha-cha-cha, the stove is very hot. -Three claps in front of you.
Chi-chi-chi, the stove is baking kalachi. - Three claps, arms to the sides.
Chu-chu-chu, there will be a roll for everyone. -Three claps on the knees, hands forward.
Cho-cho-cho, be careful: it's hot! -Three claps, hands behind your back.
For physical education minutes, you can use exercises for finger gymnastics and games, because it is known how much the development of fine hand movements affects the functioning of the speech zones of the cerebral cortex.
It is advisable to start a physical training session with exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle, then do exercises for the muscles of the torso and legs.
Types of physical education minutes:
‒ Exercises to relieve general local fatigue;
‒ Exercises for the hands;
‒ Exercises to prevent flat feet;
‒ Exercises that correct posture.
Exercises to relieve general and local fatigue:
Most often in practice, physical education minutes are used with poetic texts, for example:
- We worked and were tired, and now we stand up together,
Hands patted, feet stomped.
Let's spin around a little and start working again.
Exercises for hands:
“Washing our hands” (children repeat the familiar movements made when washing their hands).
“Grandma put on glasses” (in turn, each finger on the hands comes into contact with the pads of the thumbs).
“Trees” (children depict trees by raising their hands up. First the leaves droop, we lower our fingers. Then the twigs-hands, branches-forearms, the trees fell asleep - we lower our hands).
Posture correcting exercises:
Incorrect posture during exercise contributes to the progression of musculoskeletal disorders. Preventing postural defects is easier than treating them.
“Fir trees, fir trees, fir trees” (standing on your toes, arms up; arms to the sides, feet pressed to the floor; sit down, arms forward). Watch your back, keep your back straight.
“Stork” (back straight, children alternately smoothly and slowly raise their right and left legs, hands on their belts, back straight).
“Balance” (performed both sitting and standing. Children sit up straight, straighten their shoulders, put a notebook on their head. Trying to keep the object on their head, count to 10).
Exercises to prevent flat feet:
“Ballerina” (sitting on chairs, rest your toes on the floor and take small steps, like a ballerina on pointe shoes).
"Heron". Walk on toes, back straight.
"Teddy Bear." (walking on the outside of the foot. And then on the inside. Hands on the belt).
A set of health-saving measures will help to establish a close connection between the activity of muscles, the state of internal organs and the mental state of the child, and therefore realize the truth: “Everything is healthy for a healthy person!”
- Abramov E. N. Physical education minutes in the educational process / Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers of the Kurgan Region. - Kurgan, 2007. - 53 p.
- Alyamovskaya V. G. “Prevention of psycho-emotional stress by means of physical education Moscow - 2000.
- Vvoznaya V.I., Konovalova I.T. Organization of educational and health work in preschool educational institutions M., Sfera shopping center, 2006.
- Runova M. A. “Motor activity of a child in kindergarten” Moscow, Mosaic - Synthesis - 2000.
- Sivtsova A. M. The use of health-saving pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions / A. M. Sivtsova //Methodist. - 2007. - No. 2.
Key terms
(automatically generated)
: exercise, hand, physical education, movement, child, hand, direct educational activity, shoulder girdle, prevention of flat feet, speech development.
Types and forms of physical education in the senior group of kindergarten
Short breaks to activate motor skills can be grouped into several types.
Physical education minutes in the middle of classes
Their goal is to switch the attention of pupils from one type of activity to another. This not only improves the quality of material absorption, but also reduces the pressure on the child’s body. This type of break includes:
- stretching and straightening the spine;
- run;
- walking in place;
- squats;
- jumps;
- bending to the sides and swinging your arms.
Such tasks are performed accompanied by nursery rhymes, the heroes of which are mice, hamsters, bunnies, bears, etc. For example:
- The bear crawled out of the den and looked around at the threshold. (Perform turns left and right) To quickly gain strength, the bear twisted its head. (Rotate their head) Leaned back and forth, Here he is walking through the forest. (Bends forward and back) I approach the horizontal bar, take the crossbar, strain my muscles together, I wish to be slim and strong! To become strong and agile, start training!
- Khomka, Khomka, Hamster, (Circular movements on the stomach) Striped flank. (Straight movements on the sides) The hamster gets up early, (Stretches) He washes his neck, (Imitates washing his neck) He rubs his cheeks. (Rubs his cheeks with his fists) Khomka removes the hut (Imitate sweeping) And goes out to exercise: (Walk in place) One, two, three, four, five (Arms forward, up, forward, to the sides, down) Khomka wants to become strong. (They show how strong Khoma is).
- It's cold for the bunny to sit, I need to warm my little paws. Paws up, paws down, pull yourself up on your toes, put your paws on the side, hop-hop-hop on your toes. And then squat down, so that your paws don’t freeze. The bunny is good at jumping, he jumped ten times. (Children imitate all the movements described in the poem).
Preschoolers perceive story-based physical education lessons better
Physical exercises for fingers and hands
Such physical training sessions are carried out to relax muscles after prolonged work with pencils and pens. They are often used in writing or drawing classes. The set of exercises includes tasks on:
- flexion/extension of the hands;
- moving your wrists in a circle;
- tension and relaxation of the fists.
This type of warm-up includes, for example, the “Scarlet Flowers” warm-up:
- Our red flowers open their petals. (Unclench their fingers) The breeze breathes a little, The petals sway. (They move their fingers) Our red flowers close their petals. (Fingers clenched into fists) They shake their heads, Quietly fall asleep. (They shake their fists).
Gymnastics for fingers activates the work of speech centers
Exercise minutes for morning exercises
They are used to stimulate the interest of preschoolers in performing familiar exercises, but in an unusual poetic or playful form. Essentially, this is the same set as for the first type of physical education lessons, held in the second half of classes, but only in form. The content is related to the topic of charging. Examples of exercises of this type:
- Pinocchio stretched, (Raises his arms upward from the sides, stretches, rising on his tiptoes) Once - bent over, Two - bent over, (Bends the body forward) Spreads his arms to the side, (Arms spread to the sides) The key, apparently, was not found. (Turns right and left) To get the key, we need to stand on our toes. (Hands on the belt, raised on tiptoes).
- The wind quietly shakes the maple, tilts to the right, to the left: Once - tilt and twice - tilt, The maple leaves rustled. (Feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head, body tilted to the right and left).
- The steam locomotive “Tu-tu” hummed (They put their hands on the shoulders of the child standing in front) And the carriages drove away. Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu (“Locomotives” travel in a circle) I’ll rock them far. The locomotive shouts: “Doo-doo-doo, I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming.” And the wheels are knocking, And the wheels are saying: “Well, well, well!” (Walking in place, moving forward, with bent arms making movements back and forth).
Thematic physical education minutes are included in the set of exercises for exercises
Forms of taking breaks
The content of physical education minutes should be presented in a suitable form so that the children are interested in doing physical exercises. This:
- Tasks for general development. Include 3-4 exercises for all muscle groups, ending with jogging at a moderate pace in place or fast walking.
- Outdoor games. It is better to choose games of average mobility, without the requirement of large free areas and compliance with objectively simple rules.
- Didactic game. Suitable for use in speech development classes.
- Dance steps. Conducted in the middle of the lesson to music with a moderate rhythm.
- Movements accompanying the plot of the poem (riddles, nursery rhymes or counting rhymes). Texts must be selected with clear rhyme and clear content that resonates with the topic of the lesson.
Most finger games are based on the text of a nursery rhyme or poem.
- Illustrative movements, for example, guessing riddles not verbally, but by simulating motor activity: a speed skater (characteristically moves his legs), a boxer (swings his fists), etc.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- I. p. - o. With. 1-2 - stand on your toes, arms up, bringing your hands together. 3 - lower yourself onto your feet, arch your arms forward and back with your torso slightly tilted forward, “drop” your arms. 4 - i. n. Repeat 4-6 times. TM.
- I. p. - o. With. 1 - right one step to the side, arms to the sides, palms up. 2 - hands into a fist, forcefully bend your arms to your shoulders. 3 - place your right hand, straighten your arms. 4 - lower your arms freely. Same with the left. Repeat 3-4 times. TS.
- I. p. - o. With. 1 - right leg to the side on the toe with a tilt to the right, arms across the sides up, clap the palms above the head. 2 - i. p., with hands clapping on hips. Same to the left. Repeat 3-4 times. TS.
- I.p.-o. With. 1-3 - spring squat, hands on knees, gradually increasing the depth of the squat. 4 - i. n. Repeat 8-10 times. Go to walking in place - 15-20 s.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- I. p. - o. With. 1—raising your shoulders up, arms to the sides. 2 - “drop” your hands, bend slightly. 3 - arms up in arcs to the sides, stand on your toes, stretch. 4 - i. n. Repeat 4-6 times. TM.
- I. p. - o. With. 1 - right one step to the side, hands to shoulders. 2-3 - two circular movements with arms bent back. 4 - i. p., relax your hands. Same with the left. Repeat 2-3 times back and forth. TS.
- I. p. - o. With. 1 - swing your left leg to the side, arms to the sides. 2 - lunge to the left with a tilt to the right. 3-4 - springy tilt to the right - and. n. Same with the right. Repeat 3-4 times. TS.
I. p. - o. With. Running in place—15-20 sec. Go to walking in place -15-20 sec.
I. p. - o. With. 1 - right one step to the side, hands to shoulders. 2 - bend forward, bending over, arms to the sides. 3 - straighten up and turn right. 4 - i. n. Same with the left. Repeat 3-4 times. TS.
I. p. - o. s, hands on the belt. 1 - bend your right leg forward. 2 - straightening the leg forward, swing back. 3 - repeat the same as on the count “1”. 4 - i. n. Same with the left. Repeat 3-4 times. TS.
I. p. - o. With. 1 - left hand back on the toe, right hand to the side, left hand up. 2 - put your left foot down, your right hand up, your left hand forward. 3 - change the position of your hands. 4 - i. p., relax your arms, shake your hands. Repeat 3-4 times. Gradually speed up the pace to fast.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- I. p. - o. With. 1 - with an arc inward, the right arm is relaxed upward. 2 - left up. 3 - stand on your toes and stretch. 4—i. p., relax your hands. Repeat 3-4 times. TM.
- I. p. - o. With. 1-2 - bending your arms in front of your chest, two jerks with your bent arms back. 3 - jerk back with straight arms. 4 - “drop” your hands in a relaxed manner. Repeat 4-6 times. TS.
- I. p. - o. s, arms to the sides. 1 - left to the side on the toe, right hand up, left behind the back. 2-3 - two springy tilts to the left. 4—i. n. Same to the right. Repeat 3-4 times. TS.
- I. p. - o. With. Running in place - 20-30 s. Switch to walking in place at a slower pace - 15-20 sec. TS.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- I. p. - stand with legs apart. 1—lean forward. 2 - straighten up, arms to the sides. 3 - with a turn to the left, clap your palms above your head. 4 - i. n. The same with a right turn. Repeat 3-4 times. TS.
- - I. p. - o. With. 6-8 swings forward and back with a relaxed left leg with a “smear” of the toe on the floor. Hands randomly to the sides to maintain balance. Same with the right one.
- I. p. - o. With. 1 - left back on the toe, hands behind the head. 2 - put your foot down, arms up. 3—left foot forward on the toe, arms to the sides. 4 - i. n. Same with the right. Repeat 3-4 times. Speed up the pace to fast.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- 1 I. p. -o. With. 1-2 - right back on the toe, arms up and to the sides, head back. 3 - place your right hand, hands to your shoulders. 4 - i. n. Same with the left. Repeat 2-3 times. TM.
- I. p. - o. With. 1 - hands behind your head. 2 - stand on your toes, bend over, pull your elbows back. 3 - lower yourself onto your feet, bring your elbows together. 4 - arms relaxed down with a slight tilt forward. Repeat 4-6 times. TS.
- I. p. - o. s, hands on the belt. 1 - right leg to the side on the heel, left hand behind the head, turn the head to the right. 2-3 - two springy tilts to the right. 4 - i. n. The same to the left. Repeat 3-4 times. TS.
- I. p. - o. With. 1—squat, arms to the sides. 2-3 - spring squat, hands behind the head. 4 - i. p. Repeat 8 times. Go to walking in place - 15-20 s.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- I. p. - o. s, hands on the belt. 1 - right one step to the side, right hand forward. 2 - circle with the right hand down and back with the body turning to the right. 3 - lean forward, right hand to left toe. 4 - i. n. Same with the left. Repeat 3-4 times. TS.
- I. p. - o. With. 1 - right leg back on the toe, arms to the sides. 2 - swing the right hand forward, hands behind the back. 3 - the same as counting “1”. 4 - i. n. Same with the left. Repeat 3-4 times. TS.
- I. p. - o. With. 1 - right leg to the side on the toe, hands to the shoulders. 2 - place your right hand, right hand up, left hand down. 3 - left to the side on the toe, hands to the shoulders. 4 -i. n. Same with the left. Repeat 3-4 times. Gradually speed up the pace to fast.
- I. p. - stand with legs apart, arms up, hands intertwined. 1-2 - transferring the weight of the body to the right leg, slightly tilting to the left. Do the same to the right, transferring the weight of the body to the left leg. Repeat 8-10 times. TM. Then hands down, relax.
- I. p. - o. s, holding the right support. 1 - half squat on the right, bend the left forward and inward, left arm up. 2 - straightening your legs, swing your left back, left arm to the side. 3 - left swing forward. 4 - i. n. Repeat 4-6 times. TS. The same thing, standing on the left.
- I. p. - o. s, hands on the belt. 1 - transfer the weight of the body to the right leg, relax the left. 2 - the same on the left leg. Repeat 8-10 times. TS.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- I. p. - o. With. 1—right forward on the toe, arms up. 2 - transfer the weight of the body to the right leg. 3 - arms down, relax your left leg and arms. 4 - i. n. Same with the left. Repeat 3-4 times. TM.
- I. p. - o. s, right on the support, left on the belt. 1 - swing the left leg forward and inward. 2 - left swing to the side. Repeat 6-8 times. Same with the right one. TS.
- I. p. - stand with legs apart, hands on the belt. 1-4 - circular movement of the pelvis to the right. Same to the left. Repeat 4-6 times. TS.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- I. p. - o. With. 1 - right hand one step to the side with a turn to the right, left hand forward, right hand to the side, bend slightly, look over your left shoulder. 2 -i. n. The same in the other direction. Repeat 3-4 times. TS.
- I. p. - o. s, arms up, palms forward. 1 - left one step forward, half squat, circle with arms to the left. 2 -i. p. The same with a right step. Repeat 3-4 times. TS.
- I. p. - o. With. 1 - bend your right leg forward, left arm forward, right arm to the side. 2-3 - pause. 4 -i. n. The same, changing position. Repeat 3-4 times. TM.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- I. p. - o. With. 1—left step forward, half squat, arms to the sides with a slight tilt to the right. 2 - pushing off with the left, and. etc., cross your arms loosely in front of your chest. The same in the other direction. Repeat 3-4 times. TS.
- I. p. - o. With. 1 - right back, right hand up, left hand forward. 2 - i. p., hands behind your back. 3 - bending down. 4—i. n. Same with the left. Repeat 3-4 times. TS.
- I. p. - o. With. 1 - lunge forward with the left, arms forward and downwards. 2 - stand on your left toe, bend your right back, arms to the left. 3 - the same as counting “1”. 4 - i. n. Perform together. The same with the right. Repeat 3-4 times. TS.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- I. p. - o. With. 1—right leg, tapping to the side on the toe with a tilt to the right, right hand on the belt, left hand behind the head, turn the head to the right. 2-3 - springy tilt to the right with heel tapping on the floor. 4 - i. n. The same to the left. Repeat 3-4 times. TS.
- I. p. - o. s, hands up. 1 - half squat with a turn to the left, arms to the sides. 2 - straighten up, arms up with clap above your head. The same in the other direction. Repeat 3-4 times. TS.
- I. p. - o. s, hands on the belt. 1 - left foot forward on the toe, left hand forward. 2 - left leg to the side, left arm to the side. 3 - left leg back on the toe, hand on the belt. 4 - i. n. Perform together. The same in the other direction. Repeat 4-6 times. TS.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- 1. I. p. - o. With. 1 - with a right step to the side, with a turn to the right, rising on your toes, swinging your left leg back, arms up and out. 2 - i. n. The same in the other direction. Repeat 3-4 times. TM.
- I. p. - legs apart. 1 - arms to the sides. 2 - hands behind your head. 3 - bending the left, tilt to the left. 4 - i. p. Same right. Repeat 3-4 times. TS.
- I. p. - at the support, holding with the left hand, the right one on the belt. 1 - swing your left leg to the side. 2 - bend the left one in front of the right one. 3 - the same as counting “1”. 4 - bend the left behind the right. Repeat 4-6 times. Same with the right one. TS.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- I. p. - sitting, arms relaxed, 1-4 - four circular movements with shoulders forward. Same thing back. Repeat 2-3 times. Lower your arms and relax your shoulders. TM.
- I. p. - sitting, arms relaxed. 1 - arms to the sides, hands clenched into fists. 2 - unclench your hands, spread your fingers. 3 - hands up, shake hands.
- 4 - “drop” your arms, relax your shoulders. Repeat 4-6 times. TS.
- 3. Self-massage of the shoulder joints and shoulder girdles. I. p. - sitting, left hand relaxed on the thigh. With your right hand, perform: (from the spine) stroking in a straight line and in a circle; rubbing in a circle; kneading with fingertips; stroking. 50-60 s. The same thing, changing the position of the hands. Then shake your relaxed hands.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- I. p. - sitting, hands on the belt. 1-2 - shoulders forward. 3-4 - shoulders and head back, shoulder blades together. Repeat 4-6 times. Then hands on your hips, relax. TM.
- I. p. - sitting. 1-4 - raising your arms up, at the same time making circular movements with your relaxed hands forward. 1-4 - lowering your arms, making circular movements with your hands back. Repeat 3-4 times. TM. Then relax your shoulder girdle.
- Self-massage of the shoulder and elbow joint. I. p. - sitting, relax your left shoulder, leaning slightly to the left. With your right hand, perform (from elbow to shoulder): stroking and kneading the outer and inner surfaces of the shoulder; then stroking and rubbing the elbow joint. 50-60 s. The same thing, changing the position of the hands.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- I. p.—sitting. 1—arms to the sides, forearms down, hands in fists. 2 - arms to the sides. 3 - “drop” your forearms. 4 - “drop” your arms, relax your shoulders. Repeat 4-6 times. TM.
- I. p. - sitting. 1 - raise your left shoulder, turn your head to the right. 2 - i. n. The same, changing position. Repeat 3-4 times. TS.
- I. p. - sitting, hands on hips. 1 - arms to the sides. 2 - hands into fists, bend over. 3 - hands to shoulders, elbows forward, head on chest. 4 - “drop” your hands on your hips, relax. Repeat 4-6 times. TM.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- I. p. - sitting on the front edge of the seat, support at the back. 1-2 - straighten your arms and legs and bend over tensely. 3-4 - and. p.s., relax. Repeat 4-6 times. TM.
- I. p. - sitting, arms relaxed below. 1-2 - arms to the sides, two jerks with arms back. 3-4 - two jerks with your hands forward and inward, then right, then left from above. Repeat 4-6 times. TS.
- Self-massage of the forearm and wrist joint. I. p. - sitting, right hand on hip, palm up. Left perform (from the periphery to the center): stroking, squeezing with the edge of the palm, kneading with the fingertips; stroking. The same, turning your hand palm down. In the same position, the wrist joint is rubbed in a forceps manner (with the thumb and forefinger, the edge of the palm). 50-60 s. The same on the left hand.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- I. p. - sitting. 1—arms forward, connect hands. 2 - bend your arms in front of your chest, without separating your palms, turn your hands with your fingers towards your chest. 3 - without straightening your arms, turn your hands forward with your fingers. 4 - “drop” your hands, relax. Repeat 4-6 times. TS.
- I. p. - sitting, hands on the seat. 1 - support with your hands, raise your pelvis above the seat. 2 - i. etc., relax your shoulders. Repeat 4-6 times. TS. Shake your relaxed hands.
- I. p. - sitting, hands on hips. 1-4 - arms to the sides, circular movements of the arms forward. Same thing back. Repeat 2-3 times. TS. Lower your arms and relax.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- I. p. - sitting, hands on hips, 1 - hands forward. 2 - straining your muscles, turn your palms outward. 3 - “drop” the brushes. 4 - i. p., relax your hands. Repeat 3-4 times. TM
- 2. I. p. - sitting, arms bent, palms together, right fingers up, left fingers down. 1-3 - spring, press on your fingers. 4 - hands down, shake with relaxed hands. The same thing, changing position. Repeat 3-4 times. TS.
- 3. I. p. - sitting, arms bent, forearms vertically upward. 1-5 - alternate clicks with tense fingers. The same in reverse order. Repeat 2-3 times. TS. Lower your arms, shake your hands.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- I. p. - sitting, bend your arms in front of your chest, put your palms together. 1—pressing, turn the hands with your fingers towards the chest. 2 - turn your hands forward with your fingers. Repeat 4-6 times. TM. Then relax your arms down and shake your hands.
- I. p. - bend your arms in front of your chest, clasp your fingers. 1-2 - “stretch” your arms without separating your fingers. 3 - hands down. 4 - shake with brushes. Repeat 4-6 times. TS. Relax your hands.
- Self-massage of hands. I. p. - right hand on the thigh, palm down. Perform (from the periphery to the center) stroking; squeezing with grasping techniques; rubbing the interosseous muscles with the thumbs and heel of the palm. On the palmar surface: stroking, squeezing with grasping techniques; rubbing with the comb of a fist. Stroking and rubbing with the thumb are used on each finger. 1-1.5 min. The same on the left.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- I. p. - sitting, arms bent with forearms forward. 1—spread your fingers tensely. 2 - bend your fingers as if for scratching. 3 - relax your fingers. 4 - “drop” the brushes. Repeat 4-6 times. TS. Then lower your arms and shake your hands.
- I. p. - sitting, join hands in front of the chest, spread fingers of the right and left hands touch each other. 6-8 springy pressures on the fingers, trying to gently connect the palms. Then arms down and shake your hands. Repeat 2-3 times. TS.
- I. p. - sitting, arms bent with forearms up. 1-4 - alternately connect your fingers. The same in reverse order. Repeat 2-3 times. TS. Then lower your arms and swing relaxed.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- I. p. - sitting, arms bent in front of the chest, fingers intertwined. 1-2—palms forward, hands springing forward. 3 - arms up, fingers apart, bend over. 4 - arms down, shoulders relaxed. Repeat 4-6 times. TM.
- I. p. - sitting, arms forward. Wave-like movements of the brushes. 1-4 - consistently bend the hands at all joints towards yourself. 1-4 - consistently extend the hands in all joints. Repeat 3-4 times. Then shake the brushes. TS.
- I. p. - sitting, arms to the sides. 1 - raise your hands. 2 - “drop” the brushes. 3-4 - the same. 5-6 - circular movements with the hands forward. 7-8 - the same back. Repeat 3-4 times. Then lower your arms, relax your shoulders and hands. TS.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- I. p. - sitting, hands up. 1-4 - circular movements with relaxed hands, lowering your arms to the sides. 1-4 - the same with the reverse movement of the hands up. Repeat 3-4 times. TM.
- I. p. - sitting, hands down. 1 - with an inward movement, turn the hands outward. 2 - clench your hands into a fist. 3-4 - with an inward movement, turn your hands outward, unclenching your fists. Repeat 3-4 times. Then shake your brushes in a relaxed manner. TS.
- 3. Self-massage of the forearm and wrist joint, right hand on the thigh, palm down. Perform stroking towards the center, squeezing with the edge of the palm, kneading with the pads of 4 fingers, stroking. The same is repeated in the palm up position. In this position, the wrist joint is rubbed in a forceps manner (with the thumb and forefinger) and with the edge of the palm. 50-60 s. Then perform circular movements with your brushes. The same on the left.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- I. p. - sitting, arms forward, palms down. 1—raise your hands with your fingers up. 2 - clench your fists. 3 - straighten your fingers. 4 - “drop” the brushes. Repeat 3-4 times. TS. Then arms up and shake with relaxed hands.
- I. p. - standing, with support on the seat of a chair or table, t-4 - roll from the base of the palms to the tips of the fingers (softly). Repeat 4-6 times. Then shake with relaxed hands. TM.
- I. p. - sitting, bend your arms in front of your chest, hands connected, fingers apart. Alternately separate and connect fingers of the same name in a self-defined sequence. Repeat 3-4 times. TS.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- Close eyes. Rest for 10-15 seconds. Open. Repeat 2-3 times. TM.
- Movement of the eyeballs to the right-up, left-up, right-down, left-down. Repeat 3-4 times. TM. Then close your eyes and rest for 10-15 seconds.
- Self-massage. Close your eyes and make light circular movements with the pads of two fingers, stroking the brow ridges and the lower part of the eye sockets from the nose outward. 20-30 s. Then sit quietly with your eyes closed for 10-15 seconds.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- Close eyes. Rest - 10-15 s. Open. Repeat 2-3 times. TM.
- Open your eyes, look far away. Close your eyes for 5-6 seconds. Open your eyes, look closely (at the tip of your nose). Close your eyes for 5-6 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times. TM.
- Self-massage. Close eyes. Lightly press the pads of your index fingers onto your eyeballs. Hold for 4-5 s. Then quickly release. Repeat 5-6 times. TM.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- Close eyes. Rest for 10-15 seconds. Open eyes. Repeat 2-3 times.
- Circular movements of the eyeballs with closed eyes to the right and left. Repeat 2-3 times. TS.
- Close and open your eyes, tightly closing your eyelids. Repeat 5-6 times. Then sit with your eyes closed, relaxing your eyelids, for 10-15 s. TM.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- I. p. - sitting, hands on the belt. 1-2—shoulders forward, elbows together. 3-4 - shoulders, elbows back, bend over, bringing your shoulder blades together. Maintain the tension for 6-12 s. Return to i. p, Rest - 10 s. Repeat 2-3 times. TS.
- I. p. - sitting, hands on the belt. With your right hand from behind your head, grab your left ear and turn your torso to the left. Maintain the tension for 6-12 s. Accept and. p., rest for 10 s. The same in the other direction. Repeat 2 times. TS.
- 3. I. p. - sitting. Tilt your head back, strongly straining your neck muscles. Maintain the tension for 6-12 s. Rest 10 s. Repeat 2-3 times. TM.
- 4. I. p. - sitting, hands on the belt. Tighten your back muscles, lower your arms, straighten your palms, pull your shoulders back, bend over. Hold the tension for 6-12 s. Return to i. n. Rest 10 s. Repeat 3-4 times. TM.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
- I. p. - sitting, hands on the table, palms down. Press your fingers onto the table surface, holding the tension for 6-10 s. Then quickly relax your hands. Rest 10 s. Repeat 3-4 times. TS.
- I. p. - sitting, hands on the belt. Quickly tighten your gluteal muscles and the muscles of the front of your thighs. Relax your muscles. Repeat 5-6 times. TB.
- I. p. - sitting on the edge of a chair, hands on your belt, feet on your toes. Perform circular movements with your heels in and out without lifting your toes off the floor. Repeat 8-10 times. TB. Then relax your leg muscles.
- I. p. - sitting, hands on the belt. Alternately place your feet on your heels and toes, rolling forward and backward on the seat. Repeat 8-10 times. TB. Then relax your leg muscles and shake your legs one at a time.
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
Gymnastics to improve hearing
- Working to improve your vision also has a positive effect on your hearing. And, in turn, working to improve hearing has a beneficial effect on the visual organs.
- Bend the top of the ear down. We unbend, bend, as if rolling out and rolling up the ear. The ears should become warm.
- Find the dimple near the tragus. They pressed on the dimples of both ears at once - released, pressed, released.
- They pressed their fingers on the lobes, massaged them, and released them.
- We massage the entire ear in a circular motion, one way, the other. You need to massage both ears at the same time.
- We made a twig from the ring and index fingers, stuck our ears there and - up and down, up and down - so that the front and back sides of your ears were thoroughly massaged.
- We begin to pull our ears - first downwards 20 times, and then we take hold of the middle and pull upwards also 20 times.
- Grab your earlobe again and massage it thoroughly.
- Pull your ears to the side - again 20 times.
- Now we bend them forward and then in the opposite direction (20 times).
Sets of exercises for physical education minutes and physical education breaks
Thank you for your attention!
Physical education teacher at State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow Region
"Stupinsky Technical School named after. A.T. Tumanova" Manishina Elena Nikolaevna
Methodology for conducting physical education sessions in the senior group
As a rule, signs of fatigue in students of older groups appear at 12–15 minutes of class. Physical education sessions are held within this time frame.
This is interesting. Very young participants in the educational process in kindergarten begin to get tired at 7-9 minutes of class, and children in the middle group - at 10-12 minutes.
In order for each methodological component to fulfill its role, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:
- Before completing the task, you need to discuss with the guys what is being discussed in the physical education lesson, and perform all the movements at a slow pace.
- The essence of the task should be simple and understandable to children.
- You need to perform all the movements (including singing along) in parallel with the students, while showing enthusiasm for the process.
First, the teacher shows all the physical education movements in slow motion, and the children repeat
- The text of the physical education lesson should sound expressive, first anticipating the actions, and then illustrating them.
- Preschoolers should be praised for completing all stages of preparation, even if they make mistakes due to inexperience.
- The content of breaks varies depending on the topic of the lesson in which physical education is performed.
- If the guys are passionate about something, then there is no need to distract them, otherwise it will not be easy for them to return to the working rhythm. It is better to give the opportunity to finish what you started and then take a break.
Table: card index of thematic physical education minutes (compiled based on open access materials)
Lesson topic | Name of the physical education session | Description |
Autumn | "Autumn" | A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine, (Waving your arms above your head) The wind is howling in the field, the rain is drizzling. (Waves your arms in front of you) The waters rustled like a fast stream, (They stomp their feet in place) The birds flew away to warmer lands. (Depict birds flying away). |
“The birdhouse is empty” | The birdhouse is empty, the birds have flown away, (Waving their arms like wings) The leaves on the trees don’t sit well either. (They crouch) All day today everyone has been flying and flying... (They get up, walk in a circle, wave their arms) Apparently, they also want to fly to Africa. (Run in a circle). | |
Cloth | "Dressy shoes" | Dressy shoes, (Right foot forward, on the toe) Dress shoes, (Left foot forward, on the toe) Lacquered, with a strap, (Right foot forward, on the heel) And a sole with a heel. (Left foot forward, on the heel) Masha’s shoes are just right, you can go out dancing. (Hands on the belt, “dancing”). |
"The girls are embroidering" | The girls are embroidering (“Embroidering”) while sitting on the grass. (Squat) The girls embroider with silk on canvas. (“Embroider”) - This is a beak! And these are spurs! - This is a comb! (Show beak, spurs, comb) Conversations have died down, (Finger is put to lips) Stitch follows stitch. (They run after each other). | |
"Boots" | Here they are, the boots. (Stand in a circle) This one is on the left leg. (Put their left leg forward) That one is on the right leg. (Put their right leg forward) If it starts to rain, (Jump on the spot) Let’s put on our overshoes. (They put on shoes) I know how to put on shoes, (They stomp their feet) If I just want, (Hands in front of my chest) I’ll teach my little brother how to put on shoes. (Show the “little brother”) Here they are, boots, (Lean forward) This one is from the right leg, (Put the right foot on the heel) This one is from the left leg. (Put the right foot on the heel). | |
Safety | "On the Carousel" | Barely, barely, barely The carousel spun, (Hands on the belt, body tilts left and right) And then around, around, Everyone runs, runs, runs, (Running in place) Hush, hush, don’t rush! (Jumping in place) Stop the carousel, (Walking in place) One, two, one, two! (Clap their hands) The game is over! |
"I once got lost" | I once got lost, (Feign fear) I just quickly guessed, (Lightly hit themselves on the forehead) Looked here and there, (Turns) My mother is missing - that’s the problem! (They spread their arms to the sides below) I ran to the right (Running in place) My mother was not found (They make the hand a “visor”) I ran to the left, (Running in place) My mother was not found. (Hand with a visor) I turned around (Turn around myself) Maybe I’ll suddenly see? (Hand with a visor) No. I decided to stand (cross arms over chest) and wait for my mother in place. (Hands on waist, stomping foot). | |
Dishes | "Kettle" | Here is a large glass teapot, (“Inflating” the stomach, one hand on the belt) Very important, like a boss. (The other hand is curved like a spout) Here are the porcelain cups, (Squats) Very fragile, poor things. (Hands on the belt) Here are the porcelain saucers, (Spin) Just knock and they will break. (Draw a circle with their hands) Here are silver spoons, (Stretch, hands clasped above their heads) Here is a plastic tray, He brought the dishes to us. (Make a big circle). |
I’m a teapot, a grumbler, a busybody, a madman, (They depict a teapot) I’m showing off my belly to you. I’m boiling tea, bubbling and shouting: (Stomp) Hey, people, I want to drink tea with you! (Inviting hand movements). | ||
Transport | "Motor ship" | The ship pushed off from the green pier (Step forward, hands down). One, two - he stepped back first. (Two steps back) And then he stepped forward - one, two. (Two steps forward) And he swam, swam along the river, (Hands extended forward and closed, depicting the “bow” of the ship) Picking up full speed. (Walk in a circle). |
"Airplane" | Hands to the sides - take flight (Run in a circle, hands to the sides) We send the plane. Right wing forward, (Turn over right shoulder) Left wing forward. (Turn over left shoulder) Our plane took off. (They run in a circle with their arms out to the sides.) | |
The crew will show us aerobatics. In the sky, an airplane (Tilts left and right with arms outstretched to the sides) will wave its wings at the children. Our body has rested, so let's get down to business. | ||
"Traffic light" | In the morning you get up, leave the house - (They walk in a circle) At the crossroads, your old friend. (Stop) He will flash a red light at you, (Put their hands on your belt, turn your body) He will say: “It’s dangerous. The transition is closed. The yellow light comes on - wait a little. When the green light flashes, go freely.” (Walk in a circle). |
Balls, plumes and other equipment can be used as attributes of physical education sessions.
Table: example of physical education lesson notes in the senior group
Author | Volkova T., teacher of MKDOU “Kindergarten No. 12 “Alyonushka”, Lyudinovo, Kaluga region. |
Lesson topic | Journey to the land of politeness and kindness |
Progress of the physical education session | <… V.: Please remember the words of greeting, words of gratitude, words of farewell. Children: Hello, hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening. Thank you, thank you very much, thank you. Goodbye, all the best, see you, all the best. Q: Guys, how can you call these words in one word? Children: Polite words, magic words. V.: Now, guys, let's play. I will ask you to complete the task, but you must complete it only when I call the “magic word.”
V.: Well done, guys!…> |
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