Ecological game “Travel along the ecological trail”

Game summary - travel in ecology for the senior preparatory group

Abstract. Game - journey “We are ecologists” (for children of the senior and preparatory groups for school) Yulia Sergeevna Doshchechnikova, teacher, MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 9 "Zhuravushka" of the urban district of Uryupinsk, Volgograd region Description of the material: I bring to your attention the game - journey "We ecologists" intended for children of senior preschool and preschool age. This material will be useful for teachers of senior and preparatory groups. The game will help children test their knowledge about the nature of their native land. Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the nature of their native land. Objectives: Educational: Generalize and consolidate children’s knowledge about the nature of their native land; Developmental: develop children’s ability to act together as one team; Educational: to cultivate a mutually polite attitude towards each other. Materials and equipment: fruits and seeds of trees, seeds in bags, 2 fishing rods and fish printed on cardboard, a sheet of Whatman paper with images of algae glued on magnets, newspapers, educational cards “Animals”, cards with images of flowers, cards with a route, sweet prizes. Techniques and methods: verbal, gaming, clarification. Lesson progress: Hello guys! Today we will take a journey into the fascinating world of nature. To do this we need two commands. One team is girls: the name of their team is Umnichki, the second team is boys - with the name Udaltsy. We're leaving! 1. Semennaya station is our first station. Game "Fruits and Seeds". In front of the teams are playing fields and fruits and seeds of trees; teams need to place the fruits and seeds correctly in their places. Materials and equipment: a playing field on which there are cells with the names and images of trees, seeds and fruits of plants. Game “Seeds in a Bag” The teams are given bags of seeds, without looking into them they need to determine what kind of seeds are there. Materials and equipment: bags of seeds. 2. And our train is approaching the “Rechnaya” station. Game “Fishing” Rules of the game: Who will catch all the fish from the lake faster. Three people from each team. The team that catches the most fish in the team score wins. One person from each team is on the field at the same time. After catching a fish, players count - the result is recorded, and the fish is released onto the playing field. The second participant begins “Fishing”. After all three participants have passed, a total count of the collected fish is made. Materials and equipment: 2 fishing rods with magnets and a set of paper fish; an iron washer is attached to the end of each fish. The playing field consists of a lake the size of “Whatman”, on it there are “Algae” areas, on the reverse side of which there are large magnets that attract fishing rods (imitation of the situation of “a fishing rod entangled in algae.” 3. Next station “Mountain” Game “Alpine slide” Rules games: teams are given newspapers Your task is to build the highest mountain from this newspaper in one minute, it can be torn, crushed, or placed entirely Materials and equipment: newspaper 4. Station “Zoological” Game “Crocodile” Purpose of the game : Show with the help of gestures which animal is depicted on the cards. Rules: Players sit in front of the presenter (explainer). The driver takes a card with the image of the animal and shows it with the help of gestures and facial expressions, but you cannot make a sound, only gestures. Materials and equipment: didactic cards for games 5. Station "Flower" Cards with images of flowers are hidden in a group or territory, children need to find them and name the flowers they found. The team that finds more and names more flowers wins. Materials and equipment: cards with pictures of flowers. 6. And finally, the last station “Tourist” Game “Find the treasure” Each team is given a map indicating the path to the treasure. Sweet prizes are stuck in certain places. Follow the instructions to find the prize. Materials and equipment: route cards, sweet prizes. Presentation of results, awarding of winners.

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Quest - game "Ecological Around the World"

Quest - game "Ecological Around the World"

The travel game will introduce children to various most interesting representatives of the animal and plant world, demonstrate their ability to use reference literature, and test their knowledge of animal habits and bird voices. Up to 5 teams of 5 - 6 people each can take part in the game. The age of the participants is 12 -15 years. Game duration is 1 hour.

The game is played in the form of a journey through stations. If the venue is a school, then the stations are located in classrooms or in the assembly hall. If the game is played in an open space, the stations must be located at such a distance that the teams do not interfere with each other.

Before the start of the game, all teams are announced the rules for passing the station. It is announced that the guys are going on a journey through the flora and fauna of our planet. To do this, they are given route sheets indicating where certain stages of the journey are located, as well as from which station each team’s game begins.

At the stations, each team is asked 3 questions, for each correct answer a “+” is placed in the route sheet in red, and if the guys cannot give the correct answer, then they go to the consultation point - the library. Here the necessary literature must first be prepared. Participants are given a certain time to independently find the answer. If the answer is found, then the team is sent again to this stage and receives a “+”, but in blue. If the answer is not found, then the team can be sent to the next station without a mark on the route sheet. Library time is given once for each question. You cannot search for the answer to one question several times.

The team that completes the journey faster and collects more red “+” wins. In this case, two blue “+” are equal to one red.

Animal World Station

1. What does the name of the animal “hippopotamus” mean? (Translated from Greek means river horse)

2. What animals that have disappeared from the face of the Earth can be found on the pages of the Red Book? (Sea cow, tarpan, tur).

3. When do polar bears have cubs? (In winter during sleep).

4. What do wasps build their nests from? (From paper. Wasps have the ability to produce paper from wood pulp).

5. Do fish sleep? (Yes, with the onset of winter, fish go to sleep, some even lay on their side, but their eyes remain open).

Station "Plant world"

1. What is mycology” (This is the science of mushrooms).

2. Which plant is considered sacred in China and Japan? (Lotus).

3. What is paprika? ( Red pepper).

4. If cacti have leaves? (Yes, these are needles. They acquired this shape in the process of adapting to the arid climate).

5. This tree grows in deserts and semi-deserts of Central Asia, Iran, and Afghanistan. Its wood is so dense and heavy that it sinks in water. Name it. (Saxaul).

Guinness Show Station

1. Which animal is the largest that has ever existed on Earth? (Blue whale. Its mass reaches 150 tons).

2. What is the name of the largest frog? (The frog is a goliath. Its body length reaches 40 cm, weight - 3.5 kg).

3. Which animal lives the longest? (Elephant tortoise. Its lifespan is 175 years.)

4. Which animal is the loudest of all? (Crocodile. In second place is a hippopotamus, in third place is a lion).

Station "Ecological Dictionary"

At this station it is necessary to define environmental terms.

1. Entomology - (the science of insects).

2. Serpentarium - (a nursery for keeping poisonous snakes).

3. Monitoring - (a comprehensive system of observation, assessment and forecast of the state of the environment or its individual elements).

4. Smog - (thick fog containing dust and harmful gases).

Station "World of Birds"

At this stage you can earn from one to three red “+”. First, the children are given the opportunity to listen to the bird’s voice, and if the team immediately determines whose voice it is, they receive three “+”; if not, then they are given one hint (for example, the bird’s habitat). Having guessed, the team receives only two “+”, if again the team cannot guess, then a third hint is given (for example, the color of the plumage), and when answering, the team receives one “+”. If the team was unable to guess correctly, it does not receive a single “+”. You cannot use the library at this station.

Station "Zootheatr"

This is the most fun stage. Here teams are invited to depict animals, birds, insects, while accurately conveying their habits and behavior.

Possible tasks:

1. cranes flying south;

2. storks foraging for food;

3. duck with a brood;

4. Ants are on the hunt.

This is how you can conduct a quest.

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