Report on the work done in the middle group during the period of self-isolation

Why do we need classes to develop children's speech?

Lessons on speech development for middle preschoolers are conducted only in a playful way. This is due to the psychological characteristics of children of this age, since they think objectively. They have not yet developed perseverance and attentiveness. Children of middle preschool age are too emotional, so they get tired easily. Play activities must be age appropriate. The success of learning depends on how much the child penetrates into the game process, how much this event becomes his own. During the game, the baby uses all the basic mental processes. He hears, acts, sees, interacts with the world around him through a variety of gaming techniques. During classes, the child listens to the teacher’s explanations, answers the questions posed, and learns to listen to the answers of other children. While playing, kids don’t notice that they are also learning.

Characteristics of the children's team

Pedagogy today » Kindergarten “Spikelet” » Characteristics of the children's team

The practice took place in the senior group of the kindergarten. Number of pupils: 21: 13 girls and 8 boys.

During the internship, all children showed themselves to be kind and non-conflict.

They actively interact with both peers and adults. Some children, being in the company of peers in a subject-rich environment, quickly get tired. They don’t know how to support the game, accept the role.

General social skills: Some children have difficulty mastering self-care skills.

All children are physically developed.

The volitional principle in the actions of children is manifested in productive activity. Most of them work attentively and show interest. They finish what they started. There are times when the demands of educators are not immediately accepted. Some students need repeated verbal instructions and control. But in general, everyone follows the rules of the group’s routine. Cognitively quite active.

There are no difficulties in answering simple questions. Sufficiently developed graphic skills. Fine motor skills are well developed.

A favorable emotional environment is created in the classroom.

The amount of knowledge about the world around us is quite high. The speech of all children is understandable, intelligible, and the vocabulary is quite rich.

Most of the children are from wealthy families. 3 children from large families, 1 from disadvantaged families.

Fragment of KTP

Days of the week Classes Walk Evening
Monday 21.02 Diagnostics of children.

Goal: to identify the level of development of children in the senior group

Observing changes in the area. (develop attention)

Site cleaning

Outdoor game "Fanta"

Speech game “The Famous Balbal”

Goal: Develop conversational speech, consolidate the concepts of domestic and wild animals, teach classification.

Tuesday 22.02 Diagnostics of children.

Goal: to identify the level of development of children in the senior group

Observation of trees - Offer to remove paths on the site (Develop collectivism)

Outdoor game - “Game” “Milchanka” (Learn to play by the rules)

Pre-Math Preparation (Cutting Machines)

Purpose: to strengthen the ability to use scissors

Didactic game: “Answer in one word”

Purpose: to teach generalization and classification

Wednesday 23.02 Day off
Thursday 24.02 Application

Fence around the hare's house


1. Develop children’s ability to use scissors

2. Learn to cut straight stripes.

3. Cultivate a sense of compassion.

Tree watching (Broaden your horizons)

- offer to collect twigs. (to foster cleanliness)

— P.I. “who will throw further”, “neighbor raise your hand” (Develop strength, attention).

Outdoor game "Game"

Goal: development of memory, dexterity and attention.

Friday 25.02 Fiction

Reading the fairy tale “Ivanushka the Fool” adapted by Gorky.


1. Cultivate interest in art. literature

2. Develop responsibility.

3. Teach children to listen

Bird watching (consolidate knowledge about birds)

Offer to help the janitor (instill respect for work)

Outdoor game: “Fun like girls” “Sparrows” (coordination development)

Theatrical production of the fairy tale "Kolobok"

Goal: to make you want to go to kindergarten. Create a good mood. Teach rules of conduct.

Materials about education and training:

Speech at a methodological association Topic: Prevention of poor posture in preschool children. Spinal diseases are one of the main causes of disability, deterioration in quality of life and disability. Very often, the predisposing factors of this pathology are various postural disorders that manifest themselves in childhood...

Etiology, symptoms and classification of reading disorders Among reading disorders in children, researchers distinguish specific disorders (dyslexia) and their nonspecific variants. The latter usually occur due to mental retardation or as a result of sensory defects (visual or hearing impairment). At the same time, the degree of severity of the lag...

Interest in reading: how to awaken it Everyone who works with primary schoolchildren knows how difficult it is to teach children reading techniques, but even more difficult to raise an enthusiastic reader. True reading is reading, which, according to M. Tsvetaeva, “is participation in creativity.” L.A. Music believes that there are currently two directions...

Problems of speech development in middle-aged preschoolers

1. Situational speech - inability to construct complex and complex sentences. In such children, speech patterns are formed, as a rule, from sentences that consist of two or three words.

2. Small vocabulary.

3. Speech that contains slang and non-literary expressions.

4. Poor diction.

5. Speech therapy speech disorders.

6. Inability to construct a dialogical speech, ask a question correctly, give a short or detailed answer, based on the situation.

7. Inability to construct a monologue speech: retell the plot of a story close to the text or in your own words, compose a descriptive story on a specific topic.

8. Inability to use logical reasoning in one's own conclusions.

9. The culture of speech has not been formed: the child cannot select intonation, tempo of speech, voice volume and other parameters in a specific speech situation.

Organizational aspects

The document is prepared with the participation of a psychologist, speech therapist and teacher. A ready-made description of a kindergarten student is provided for:

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  • Admission to school.
  • Solutions to legal issues.
  • Consultations with a psychiatrist.
  • Commissions for transfer to a speech therapy group or specialized educational institution.
  • Children with disabilities who attend kindergarten.
  • Guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

This is also important to know:
Who should pay for a broken bottle in a store?

The pedagogical characteristics of a preschool educational institution student is an official document that is invalid without the signature of all persons filling out the form. The seal and signature of the head of the institution is also required.

How to develop coherent speech in preschoolers?

What do classes for developing coherent speech include? Coherent speech means the ability to accurately, figuratively, logically and consistently present any information. The speech must be constructed grammatically correctly. Connected speech includes:

- Dialogue. Assumes knowledge of the language and ensures live communication between children. The dialogue can be built in the form of individual remarks, conversations between participants, and statements of the “question-answer” type. Speech development classes in the middle group involve the development of interactive speech skills: the child learns to briefly and succinctly answer questions posed, and enter into a discussion with the teacher and peers. The classes continue to develop communication culture skills: children are taught to listen to their interlocutor, not to interrupt the speaker, not to be distracted, and to include synonymous forms of etiquette in their speech.

- Monologue. It represents the coherent speech of one person; the skill is formed by the age of five. The complexity of such speech lies in the fact that a child in middle preschool age is not yet able to program his own statement, express thoughts logically, consistently and continuously. Classes on speech development in the middle group involve teaching three types of monologue speech: reasoning, narration and description. At the same time, kids learn to describe an object and retell short texts.

Analytical report of a speech therapy group teacher

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 27 of the village of Anastasievskaya municipal formation Slavyansky district"

Analytical report on pedagogical work in the middle group (1) for the 2017-2018 academic year

Prepared by the teacher

Kozyk M.A.



1. Structure of the middle group (1)……………………………………………………….3

2. Implementation of the educational program…………………………………………….3

3. Results of pedagogical diagnostics at the beginning of the school year…………………..3

4. Work to change the PPRS………………………………………………………4

5. Work on the development of social and communication skills (my pedagogical find)…………………………………………………………………………………..5

6. Development of labor and cultural-hygienic skills…………………………5

7. Working with parents………………………………………………………………………………5

8. Holding holidays, evenings of entertainment, leisure……………………………6

9. The work of a teacher in self-education……………………………………………………………6

10. Work to disseminate teaching experience in preschool educational institutions…………………….6

11. Work on disseminating teaching experience on the Internet…………6

12. Methodological developments of the teacher……………………………………………7

13. Achievements of the teacher……………………………………………………………….7

14. Achievements of students………………………………………………………7

15. Results of the work carried out and pedagogical diagnostics………….……7

Conclusions about the work done………………………………………………………8
1. Structure of the middle group (1):

  • 11 boys;
  • 8 girls;
  • 3 children have the status of a disabled child (1 child is visually impaired, 1 child has a neurological pathology, 1 child has autistic-like behavior).

2. Implementation of the educational program.

Direct educational activities with children are carried out in accordance with the main educational program of preschool education of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 27, taking into account the comprehensive educational program of preschool education “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M .A. Vasilyeva and is intended for organizing educational activities with children aged 4 to 5 years. In addition, part of the educational activities is carried out through partial educational programs:

  • Kutsakova L.V. Artistic creativity and design. Scenarios for classes with children 4-5 years old;
  • Danilova T.I. "Traffic Light" program. Teaching preschool children traffic rules;
  • Lykova I.A. Visual activities in kindergarten: planning, lesson notes, methodological recommendations. Middle group;
  • Saulina T.F. Three traffic lights: introducing preschoolers to the rules of the road. For working with children 3-7 years old.

Results of pedagogical diagnostics at the beginning of the school year.
As a result of the pedagogical diagnostics carried out at the beginning of the year, the following problems were identified:

  • It is necessary to develop play activities for all pupils in the group, encouraging children to comment on their actions (three pupils need individual work on the topic);
  • It is necessary to develop the skills of constructing a short story based on a plot picture, to encourage games with words, word creation, to develop coherent speech that corresponds to the norms of the native language and age, to increase the level of perception of fiction (six students need individual work on the topic);
  • It is necessary to develop and increase the level of cognitive and research activity of one pupil;
  • One child has low scores in all educational areas due to impaired perception of information (there is a developmental pathology), he needs individual lessons with specialized specialists in accordance with the IPR.

4. Work to change the PPRS.

For the full development of the pupils, the PPRS in the group was changed according to the Federal State Educational Standard and the needs of the pupils, namely: a flannelgraph was made for the center of artistic and aesthetic development as a multifunctional teaching aid.

It was used not only in children’s independent activities, but also for conducting educational activities (for the development of spatial orientation, counting skills, consolidating knowledge of colors, speech skills) and in routine moments.

In addition to the flannelgraph theatre, the PPRS group was replenished with tabletop theatres, a stick theatre, a mask theatre, a finger theater and bi-ba-bo dolls. A center for design and building games was created, as well as a traffic corner.

To develop gaming activities and communication skills, a center for role-playing games was created. To consolidate knowledge in all educational areas, I prepared the author’s didactic manual “Seasons” for the nature center.

To develop children’s speech, didactic games and manuals “Opposites”, “4 extra”, “Funny clothespins”, “Name in one word”, an album with illustrations for fairy tales, pictures for the educational activity “Dog with puppies”, “Tanya is not afraid of frost” were produced ", "This is a snowman", a poster "Healthy and unhealthy food", a matrix painting "Spring", card indexes of articulation and finger gymnastics, games for speech development, mnemonic diagrams of fairy tales and poems and other aids were replenished.

To develop children's fine motor skills, non-traditional fine art techniques were used: plasticineography, cut-out applique from plain and crepe paper, thread printing, applique from rolled napkins, construction from waste materials. Some of the works took part in competitions (“The word “mother” born of love”, “Winged swing” and on the Internet). Many works are part of our group’s furnishings and complement the centers of artistic and aesthetic development and the nature center.

To develop cognitive and research activities, an experimentation center was created with the help of parents.

In addition to working in the group, we were engaged in experimental activities on walks.

5. Work on the development of social and communication skills. (My pedagogical discovery)

To develop social and communication skills, mutual assistance, the ability to use polite words in speech, the ability to verbally express one’s emotions and unite the children’s team, I use the games “Wand”, “Islands”, “Magic Transformation”, “Pyramid of Love” in my work with children. In addition, in our group there are morning greeting rituals, which has a beneficial effect on work on this topic. Children began to use polite words more often in their speech, correct each other when constructing sentences incorrectly, and the use of farewell and greeting expressions without an adult’s reminder increased. The game “Islands” was initially used to identify “ugly ducklings” or “outcasts” in a children’s group. I am proud to announce that no such children have been identified, the children’s team in this group is friendly, and the above-mentioned games and rituals: greetings, elements of logorhythmics (all the children have gathered in a circle, you are my friend and I am your friend, let’s hold hands together and smile at each other , we’ll go in a circle, start a round dance), valeological chants (Good morning, smile soon, and today the whole day will be more fun, etc.) helped our team unite, come to each other’s rescue in difficult situations, and also strengthened the children’s habit of addressing to another by name. Finally, they simply give a charge of positivity, motivating both the children and me, the teacher, to work.

6. Development of labor and cultural-hygienic skills.

To develop work skills in the group, a duty corner was created, which not only brought a competitive element into the group’s everyday life, but also made it possible to consolidate cultural and hygienic skills in children. Daily work assignments during walks and in preparation for educational activities, the development of self-care skills (dressing and undressing in a certain order in preparation for a walk and sleep, using a comb and different types of fasteners) had a beneficial effect on the development of children’s internal culture.

7. Working with parents.

During the school year, two parent meetings were held: in December in the form of a round table on the topic “Conflicts and ways to resolve them” and in March in the form of a briefing together with a physical education instructor “Healthy lifestyle in your opinion”, a final meeting in the form of a round table “ Healthy lifestyle in the summer”, a relay race “Fun Starts” was held with parents.

In the current academic year, consultations, memos, folders for parents were held in accordance with the group’s work program, wall newspapers “Bouquet of Beautiful Mothers”, “Great Victory”, “Chronicles of Victory” were created in the common corridor, a photo exhibition “My Dad is a Defender”, a photo gallery of the immortal regiment, a presentation on the production of non-traditional physical education equipment and a competition for its production within the framework of the “Path to Health” project, the exhibition of arts and crafts “What Autumn Gave Us” and “Santa Claus’s Workshop”. With the help of the group's parents, a stand-screen was made for the construction center, a shelf for the experimentation center, and corners on the veranda were decorated. On their own initiative, parents replenished the PPRS in the centers of physical development, experimentation of artistic and aesthetic development, and the book center.

Holding holidays, evenings of entertainment, and leisure.
Throughout the year, autumn holidays were held: Mother's Day, New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Maslenitsa, March 8th. In addition, evenings of entertainment according to traffic rules were held. Birthday and other musical and physical entertainment reflected in the work program.

The work of a self-education teacher.

  • In 2020, I received a diploma from Kuban State University with a degree in Preschool Pedagogy;
  • In June 2020, she took advanced training courses organized by the Institute of Educational Education of the Krasnodar Territory, and at the same time took part in the training seminar “Implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education: updating the educational process and comprehensive equipment of preschool educational institutions”;
  • In November 2020, she took part in the regional seminar “Generalization of the pedagogical experience of preschool workers in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education”, the topic of the speech was “Theatricalization as a means of development of preschool children”;
  • In April 2020, she spoke at the regional methodological association on social and communicative development with an element of educational activities with children of the middle group, the topic of the speech was “Circle of Kindness: games on social and communicative development”;
  • In April 2020, she took part in the regional seminar “Generalization of the pedagogical experience of preschool workers in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education”, the topic of the speech was “The use of non-traditional techniques through visual activities”;
  • I am currently preparing for certification.

Work to disseminate teaching experience, including in preschool educational institutions.

  • In October 2020, an open lesson on speech development “Autumn has come to visit us” was held;
  • In February 2020 – on environmental education “Vegetable garden on the window”;
  • During the year, she spoke at pedagogical councils with a presentation “Didactic games for speech development” and demonstrated other didactic games made by herself;
  • In May 2020, she published her original material in the printed collection “Academy of Pedagogical Knowledge”.

Work to disseminate teaching experience on the Internet.

  • In February 2020, she published the article “Individual educational route” in the international online publication “Sunshine”;
  • In June 2020, she published an article “Health Saving + Speech Development” in a blog on the international educational portal;
  • In November 2020, she published a blog article on the international educational portal “Consult of GCD on speech development in the middle group “Autumn has come to visit us””;
  • In November 2020, she published a blog article on the international educational portal “Wall Newspaper for Mother’s Day”;
  • In April 2020, she published an article in the international online publication “Sunshine” “Synopsis on the application “Teremok””.

12. Methodological developments of the teacher.

  • She developed notes for the educational activity “Teremok” on the application, “Autumn has come to visit us” on speech development, on environmental education “Vegetable garden on the window”;
  • Methodological recommendations on health, social and communicative development (TMS review);
  • She produced the author’s didactic manual “Seasons” (review of the region’s Higher Professional Education).

Achievements of the teacher.

  • In 2020, I took 3rd place in the regional competition of scientific research and methodological works “TEACHER-2017” in the category “GCD outline, classes”;
  • In the same year, she took 1st place in the All-Russian creative competition held on the Sunshine website in the category “Methodological developments for teachers.”

Achievements of pupils.

  • In April 2020, Ulyana N.’s work received a 3rd degree diploma at the 5th regional “winged swing” festival in the “Folk rag doll” category;
  • In November 2020, the works of Artem D. and Alisa S. were awarded diplomas in the municipal competition “The word “mother” born of love”;
  • In April of the year of work, Alexey K. and Adele Z. received 3rd degree diplomas in the regional competition “Winged Swing”;
  • In April 2020, Ekaterina Sh.’s work received a prize-winner diploma (2nd place) in the international competition “Decorative and Applied Creativity” on the international pedagogical portal “Sunshine”.

15. Results of the work carried out and pedagogical diagnostics.

At the end of the 2017/2018 academic year we have the following indicators:

  • for speech development, indicators of a high level increased from 32% to 58%, sufficient - decreased from 47% to 32%, low - from 21% to 10% in favor of a sufficient level;
  • perception of fiction - high level indicators increased from 32% to 58%, sufficient decreased from 52% to 32% in favor of a high level, low - from 16% to 5% in favor of a sufficient level, respectively;
  • cognitive development - high level indicators increased from 42% to 58%, sufficient decreased from 48% to 32% in favor of a high level, low - remained at the same level 10%;
  • Social and communicative development - indicators of a high level increased from 47% to 55%, sufficient - decreased from 48% to 40% in favor of a high level, low - remained at the same level 5%;
  • Indicators of children's development in other types of activities also increased (indicators of a high level of knowledge) - gaming from 47% to 58%, labor from 47% to 58%, visual from 53% to 58%, music from 36% to 58%, communicative 53% to 63% and motor from 32% to 52%. Constructive remained at the same level of 53%.

Conclusions about the work done.

  • Over the past year, children have developed according to their age and educational program;
  • Subject specialists worked with disabled children according to adapted educational programs;
  • In general, positive dynamics are visible in terms of high indicators of the level of development in the areas, the average and low levels decreased in favor of the high, in some areas of development the low level remained in place due to existing problems in the perception of information by a disabled child with autistic-like behavior (sessions with a speech pathologist are necessary);
  • In the future, the speech therapist teacher needs to continue working on speech development with children who have difficulties in this area;
  • For one disabled child (visually impaired child), the indicators of a sufficient level of knowledge in many educational areas shifted in favor of a high level;
  • In another disabled child (neurological pathology), low indicators shifted towards sufficient;
  • It is necessary to continue work to increase the cognitive interest and social and communicative development of all students in the group, which will contribute to the successful development of the educational program in the future;
  • The teacher should continue to work on self-education.

Secondary group teacher (1) Kozyk Maria Aleksandrovna


Speech correction classes

How is speech development carried out (middle group)? Classes are aimed at expanding vocabulary, diction, developing the ability to correctly use intonation and detailed answers, build evidence, and compose a dialogue. For the development and correction of speech in the middle group, a set of exercises is used:

- Conversation based on a picture - it implies a story based on the plot of the illustration. This task allows you to select words that are close in meaning (synonyms) and remember the meaning of words. Special printed publications are suitable for classes, which contain tests and various exercises aimed at developing these skills.

— Tongue twisters, tongue twisters, proverbs and sayings not only expand the vocabulary of children of middle preschool age, but also help coordinate the speech apparatus. Such exercises allow you to correct speech defects when a child swallows the endings of words during a conversation or, conversely, stretches out words when speaking.

- Games like “What does this mean?” or “Why do they say that?” allow you to select words that are close in meaning when explaining a particular concept. To do this, it is recommended to use phraseological units, proverbs and sayings.

— The game “Journalist” allows children to develop conversational speech skills. The child learns to write questions for an “interview” and to express his thoughts consistently and clearly.

Analytical report on work in the preparatory group for the 2013–2014 academic year

Ekaterina Dedyukhina

Analytical report on work in the preparatory group for the 2013–2014 academic year

Municipal state preschool educational institution for children

General development garden No. 1 “Firefly”

with priority

implementation of activities for the development of children in cognitive -

speech direction of the town of Oparino, Oparinsky district

Kirov region

Analytical report on work in

preparatory group "Luchiki"


2013-2014 academic year G.


Dedyukhina E.V. Educator

Ivonina E. A. teacher1. General characteristics of the group

There are only 19 people in , of which 9 are boys and 10


The age of children is from 6 to 7 years. Most of the children in our group are in

a single team from the first junior group and 4 people from the senior group

groups . The atmosphere in the children's team is friendly and positive.

Partnerships and joint activities prevail

children. Conflicts between children, if they arise, do so quickly and

are resolved productively.

All children are diversified, many of them are additionally

They study in various clubs, an art studio, and a music school. With everyone

during the year it was very interesting for the children to collaborate, conduct

creative experiments.

The content of the educational process was determined

general education program developed and implemented in

compliance with federal state requirements for structure

basic general education program of preschool education.

During the academic year, the activities of the preschool educational institution were aimed at

ensuring continuous, comprehensive and timely development

child. The organization of the educational process was based on

pedagogically sound choice of program (in accordance with

a license that provides education appropriate to

state standards - Education and training programs in children's

garden "From birth to school/

Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.”

Leading goals of the program:

- creating favorable conditions for a child to live fully

preschool childhood;

— formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual;

- comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with

age and individual characteristics;

- preparation for life in modern society, for studying at school; - ensuring the safety of life of a preschooler.

According to the program, the group teachers were assigned

the following tasks:

- take care of health, emotional well-being and timely

comprehensive development of each child;

- create an atmosphere of humane and friendly attitude groups

to all pupils;

- use educational material variably, taking into account interests and

the inclinations of each child;

- creatively (creative)

organize educational


- learn to find solutions to problem situations, achieve results,

apply acquired skills and abilities in everyday life;

- respect the results of children's creativity;

- develop interest, switching attention, concentration,


- cultivate a motivational desire to study at school, acquire new


- make the most of a variety of children's activities;

— develop a unified approach to raising children in conditions

preschool and family;

— maintain continuity in the work of the kindergarten and primary school,

excluding mental and physical overload in content

education of a preschool child.

During the year, the daily routine and all sanitary conditions were strictly observed.

hygienic requirements for the stay of children in preschool educational institutions.

During the year, the group held activities with children

according to thematic planning. Thematic

week: “Day of Knowledge”

, Week of games and toys,
. A week

health, “May 9 – Victory Day”


Thematic days were also successfully held: Health Days, Day

Mother's Day, Old People's Day, April Fool's Day...

For parents of children attending kindergarten and future children

pupils of our kindergarten and future parents were held

Open days

Teachers and children took part in drawing competitions and exhibitions

crafts, sports competitions of the general garden, district, district


Children from the preparatory group enjoyed participating in

seasonal and thematic drawing competitions and exhibitions of crafts: “How I

spent the summer", "Golden Autumn"

“Dad is the best friend”
, “My

Mom is the best", "Cosmos"

"Great Patriotic War"
, "Before

kindergarten dates.” In the regional competition "May 9 - Victory Day"

, "My

favorite birthday." The students were awarded certificates and

diplomas for active participation. Especially memorable for children and parents

exhibition of works “GOLDEN AUTUMN”



Parents actively participate in the life of our children's team.

The teachers drew up long-term and calendar plans, in

They indicated all joint events and holidays:

"Gold autumn"

“Holiday at the Christmas tree with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden”
, “Well-

ka, grandmothers", "Farewell to the Russian winter"

"Holiday of Mothers"
and also

graduation “Goodbye, kindergarten”

.Consultations were held: “How

develop coherent speech in children?”, “Television, computer; pros and

cons", "Our children's favorite books"

, "Raising Friendships"

relationships in the game", " Preparing children for school "

, "Future Mode"

schoolchild”, “What and how to keep a child busy at home”

, "Upbringing

independence”, “Dedicated to the rights of the child”

, “Child’s readiness

to school.” And also parent meetings: “Tasks of education and upbringing in

preparatory group ", "Teachers and their recommendations to parents of future

first-graders", "Learning to communicate and make friends"

, "Readiness for school -

achievement of children.” We conducted a survey of parents: “How do I know my

child?”, “Is your child independent?”

, “The level
for school.” Memos: “30 golden rules of upbringing”

, "Daily regime

preschooler", "Safety in different life situations"

. Folders-

Peredvizhki: “Autumn Fun”

"Winter Sports"

"Spring Fun"

“Games for the development of children 6-7 years old”
. They gave

recommendations for developing children’s observation skills, “What can be done

together with the child", "Selection of books and encyclopedias about space"

. Was

an exhibition of handicrafts made by parents together with teachers from

waste material "New Year's Fantasy"

. Organized excursions to

house museum, library, weather station, fire station, bakery, gas station,

to the pond, to the school, to the obelisk.

In turn, parents were willing to make contact and tried to participate in

all promotions and joint events of the group , preschool educational institution, district. Our

pupils took an active part in the sports life of the group .

The parent committee faced a difficult task: to bring

every family and teachers ideas for cooperation.

The result of interaction between teachers and parents is:

increasing the activity of parents in the life of the group and kindergarten ;

photo exhibitions, exhibitions of joint crafts and drawings of children and parents;

participation in holidays and leisure activities, participation in the creation of snow structures on

areas of the kindergarten in the winter, landscaping in the spring

( preparation for summer recreational work ), sports events.

Based on the results of the survey, it is clear that the bulk

parents are satisfied with the work of teachers and are interested in the achievements

children. 5. Work to update the subject-development environment

During the year, the subject-development environment in

group . Zones of cognitive and speech space have been created,

manuals, books, didactic games aimed at children’s development,

according to their age characteristics. Well-organized work

the transformation of the subject-development environment had a favorable effect

influence on the development of children's creative abilities.

Assess the dynamics of students’ achievements, effectiveness and

balance of forms and methods of work allows monitoring

children achieving the planned final results of mastering

general education program implemented in preschool educational institutions.

Monitoring the quality of children’s mastery of basic general education

programs for the 2013-2014 academic year. the year showed the following results.

Level of readiness of children for school

The monitoring results revealed a high level of the most important

indicators of preparation for school is: rich vocabulary

,perception, memory, imagination, visual-figurative thinking (ability

to reason in an elementary way, to identify the essential features of objects and

phenomena that are understandable to a child, compare objects, find

differences and similarities, highlight the whole and its part, group objects by

certain characteristics, draw simple conclusions and generalizations, etc.).

Through developmental, individual, subgroup , group

classes, a lot of work to develop strong-willed qualities in children

personality, the ability to communicate with other people, to be

friendly with other children, adults, including teachers,

the ability to control your body, move well and navigate

space, development of fine motor skills of the hands, as well as coordination

movements. Children were involved in research projects,

directly educational activities aimed at

implementation of cognitive-speech, social-personal,

artistic, aesthetic, physical areas of development;

physical education, health, aesthetic cycle. During this, children

learned to invent, understand and master new things, be open and

able to express their own thoughts, be able to make decisions and

to help each other.

Based on the results of the work , we can conclude that children have increased

self-esteem, desire for active activity. They are emotional

responsive, inquisitive, able to solve problem situations. 8. Conclusion on the work done for the 2013 - 2014 academic year . year

Knowledge and skills acquired by children during direct

educational activities, it is necessary to systematically consolidate and

continue to be used in a variety of children's activities.

Particular attention should be paid to the use of diverse

traditional and non-traditional methods of work that allow the development

relevant knowledge, skills and abilities.

During the year, teachers extended their teaching experience to

district level. Open screenings were held directly

educational activities.

Last year, the following problems and shortcomings were identified:

- not all parents listen to the advice of educators and specialists

(speech therapist, nurse)

. In this regard, problems arise for children with

readiness to enter 1st grade: there are violations in

sound pronunciation, behavior of children. — due to the heavy teaching load it is difficult to use

individual and differentiated approach to education and training


How to analyze a lesson on speech development?

Analysis of a speech development lesson is necessary not only for reporting, but also in order to understand which teaching methods are the most successful and suitable for increasing the level of speech development in this particular group. During the analysis process, the teacher can control how much time it took to master new material, which of the children did not learn the material or did so at a low level. During the analysis process, you need to pay attention to the following points:

— how successful was it in motivating each participant to learn;

- how correctly each person followed the teacher’s instructions;

— what moments went wrong;

- what methods and techniques were used, which of them turned out to be inappropriate;

— whether the material was presented in an accessible way;

— what is the general emotional climate of the lesson;

- what points you need to pay attention to in the next lesson;

— what skills and abilities need correction;

— which of the children needs to be given more attention.

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