Summary of a lesson on drawing in the senior group in an unconventional way “Sorceress Autumn”

Summary of a drawing lesson for older children. Autumn

Summary of the drawing lesson “Golden Autumn” in the senior group.
Compiled by: Educator Tatyana Valerievna Strokova Program objectives: 1. To cultivate interest in autumn natural phenomena, emotional responsiveness to the beauty of autumn. 2. Develop a sense of composition and color perception. 3. Continue to teach children to reflect autumn impressions in drawings, draw various shapes of trees, large, small, tall, slender, continue to depict leaves. 4. Fix the working techniques with a brush (with the end of the brush with all the bristles). 5. Correctly place the plot on paper. 6.Develop children's aesthetic perception and love of nature. Materials and equipment: watercolor paper A 4 format, watercolor paints, brushes No. 1, No. 4, napkin, sippy cup. Preliminary work of the teacher: reading poetry, a story about autumn, selecting illustrations for the lesson, paintings about autumn, conversation, observation on a walk, writing notes, preparing material for the lesson.
Progress of the lesson:

Today we have an unusual activity; we are going with you on an unusual journey to an art gallery where we will look at the works of Russian artists on the theme “Golden Autumn”.
Display of paintings by Russian artists on the theme “Golden Autumn” Teacher: Guys! Please tell me what time of year is depicted in the paintings? Children: Autumn Teacher: That's right, autumn. Educator : Guys! What is autumn like? Children: Cold, rainy, gloomy, golden, sunny. Educator: Who knows why autumn is called golden? Golden leaves, golden trees. Children: because in the fall all the leaves on the trees and bushes turn yellow and therefore everything seems golden. Yellow and orange leaves lie everywhere on the ground - like a golden carpet. Educator: guys, when it rains, there are drops on the leaves and when they shine, the leaves seem golden. - Guys, do you know what the autumn phenomenon is called when leaves fall from the trees? Children: - This is leaf fall. Educator: - That's right. Why do trees shed their leaves in the fall? (it becomes cold, in winter it will be difficult for the branches to hold leaves and snow, in winter the tree sleeps and rests). No one tells a tree when to shed its leaves. But then autumn is approaching - and the leaves on the trees change their green color to yellow or red and fall off. This happens because water freezes and stops flowing into the twigs and leaves. The tree falls asleep for the winter. Leaves fall from all trees in autumn. The wind carries them through the streets and parks. The next year, new leaves appear on the trees. Listen to the poem called "Falling Leaves." The conversation is barely audible among the fallen leaves: - We are from maples... - We are from apple trees... - We are from elms... - We are from cherries... - From aspen... - From bird cherry... - From oak... - From birch... Leaves are falling everywhere: Frost is on the doorstep! Y. Kapotov Educator: - In autumn, the leaves on the trees become not only yellow, but also red, orange, brown and even purple. The color of the leaves depends on what the weather is like: the sunnier the autumn days, the brighter the color. Many artists love to paint autumn nature precisely because of this variety of colors. Today I want to bring to your attention reproductions by Russian artists. The very name of the paintings indicates what time of year the artists depicted on it. Looking at these pictures and observing nature on a walk, you and I can be convinced that autumn itself comes up with outfits for trees, bushes, and all of nature, as if organizing a competition to see who has the brightest and most beautiful leaves. I want to admire them every day. What a shame. Autumn uses a long thin brush to repaint the leaves. Red, yellow, gold - How beautiful you are, colored leaf!.. And the wind puffed up your thick cheeks, puffed up, puffed up. And I blew, blew, blew on the colorful trees! Red, yellow, gold... The entire colored sheet flew around!.. I. Mikhailova Educator: Now let’s take our brushes in our hands and let’s practice. We draw the tree trunk from top to bottom, the tree thickens towards the bottom. We draw it until the end of the grass so that the tree does not hang in the air, we draw the branches on the tree with the end of the brush, they reach towards the sun. Educator: what kind of paint do we take to paint a tree? Children: brown. Educator: when we paint the leaves, apply the entire bristle of the brush. Educator: What kind of paint do we take to paint leaves? Children: green, yellow, orange, red. Educator: let's get to work. During the lesson, the teacher pays attention to those children who are not doing well. Encourages. Helps.

1 . Draw the sky. Use brush number 4. We apply blue paint in large strokes from left to right, without changing the direction of the stroke.

2. The second color is yellow. We remind children the direction of the stroke is from left to right.

3. At the next stage of our work, we need to add two more colors: orange and brown. We remind children not to change the direction of the stroke from left to right. We wait a few minutes for the paint to dry.

4. At the next stage of work, draw the trees with brush number 1.

5. Draw leaves of different colors, yellow, green, orange, red. (Leaf fall).

The teacher collects all the works and arranges a vernissage of children's works. You guys see what wonderful pictures you turned out, you were real artists.

Educator : What did you and I draw? Children : Golden autumn. Educator: Do you like your work? Children: yes. Let's give ourselves a clap. Well done!

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“Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group” Topic: “Autumn tree.”

“Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group”

Topic: "Autumn tree."

Goals: To promote the development of creativity in the process of completing a creative task and creating a landscape using a variety of techniques and materials.

Educational objectives:

  1. Continue to introduce children to brushes and paints, teach them how to hold a brush and use paint carefully;
  2. Practice drawing a tree, trunk, thin branches. Strengthen technical skills;
  3. Lead children to figurative transmission of phenomena. Foster independence and creativity;
  4. Introduce children to new drawing techniques;

Developmental tasks:

  1. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers;
  2. Develop memory, imagination, logical thinking.

Educational tasks:

  1. Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards drawing,
  2. Instill the ability to work independently.
  3. Foster a caring and attentive attitude towards natural objects.

Integration: artistic creativity, cognition, communication, music.


  1. Tinted album sheets;
  2. brown gouache;
  3. Jars of water, oilcloths;
  4. Napkins, brushes;
  5. Autumn leaves;
  6. Containers with two diluted paints - yellow, red;
  7. “Roll” from toilet paper (for creating prints);
  8. Audio recording “Autumn” by Vivaldi;
  9. Illustrations by various artists.

Preliminary work: Observing leaf fall while walking. Collecting and viewing autumn leaves. Didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from?”, “Find your mate.” Reading and learning poems about autumn. Looking at illustrations, pictures, albums about autumn.

Program content:

Educator: Guys, we have guests today. Let's say hello to them and show them our skills: how well-mannered, dexterous and smart we are.

I want to tell you a riddle, and you try to determine what time of year it says:

She came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves. (Autumn)

Educator: Correct. Can you tell me what changes occur in nature in the fall?

Children: The leaves are turning yellow, it’s raining, it’s getting cold, birds are flying to warmer places, etc.

Educator: What is the name of the natural phenomenon when leaves fall?

(Leaf fall)

Educator: Well done, you know everything. I want to read you Ivan Bunin’s poem “Falling Leaves”

The forest, like a painted tower, purple, golden, crimson, stands like a cheerful, motley wall above a bright clearing. Birches with yellow carvings Shine in the blue azure, Like towers, fir trees darken, And between the maples they turn blue Here and there in the through foliage Clearances in the sky, like windows. The forest smells of oak and pine, Over the summer it has dried up from the sun, And Autumn, a quiet widow, Enters its motley mansion.

Educator: Did you like the way the writer talks about autumn? But not only poets, but also artists sang the beauty of nature. Let's get a look. (The teacher shows several illustrations.)

Look at the bright colors: yellow, orange and red leaves. In my opinion, autumn is a very beautiful time of year. Guys, let's also draw a beautiful tree? Let's turn into real artists?

Just before we start, I want to remind you about the “Queen of Tassels”. She asked me very much to remind me of the rules for handling brushes. Can you remind me of them?

Children's answers - (do not leave it in a jar of water, remove excess water on the edge of the jar, hold the brush correctly, pick up paint onto the pile correctly, and so on.)

Educator: Where do we start drawing a tree?

Children: From the trunk.

Educator: What paint will we use to paint the trunk?

Children: Brown paint.

Educator: We draw the trunk from the top of the head, using the tip of the brush, very carefully, almost without pressing the brush. Because the top is thin, and the trunk thickens downwards. Gradually we “pull” the brush down and begin to press on it. Next we will draw the branches. Large branches extend from the tree trunk, they all look up. And from the big branches, small branches come off. We will paint them with the tip of a brush. We paint over the trunk.

The teacher accompanies his words with a clear example on the board.

(Children begin to draw.)

The teacher turns on calm lyrical music.

Once all the children have drawn a trunk with branches, the teacher offers to warm up a little.

A physical session is being held.

The wind quietly shakes the maple tree

Tilts left, right.

One tilt and two tilts,

The maple leaves rustled.

Children line up along the edge of the carpet and perform movements in accordance with the text.

Educator: Okay, it's time to continue further. Take your seats. And now, we will draw autumn leaves. But I want to invite you to draw without brushes. Look what I have. Shows "bushings". With the help of them we will create a real tree crown.

First, you need to lower the edge of the sleeve into a jar of yellow paint. It has been saturated with color, and now we will apply our bushings to the tree branches.

Educator: So, as we draw an autumn tree, where else will our leaves be? (Children's answers) Correct: near a tree, on the ground. We begin to make foliage near the tree.

The teacher helps children if they have difficulty completing a task.

Educator: Now we turn the sleeve over and immerse it in a jar of red paint. We begin to apply it where you think there is not enough paint.

The children continue to draw.

At the end, the teacher collects the children’s work and hangs them on the board.

Educator: Let's see how beautiful we have turned out. Which tree do you think turned out to be the most beautiful? (children's answers). This concludes our lesson.

(Children go to wash their hands).

Summary of drawing lesson “Golden Autumn” (senior group)

Tatyana Koryakova

Summary of drawing lesson “Golden Autumn” (senior group)

Drawing ( Senior group )

Theme: Golden Autumn

Goals: to teach children to reflect in a drawing their impressions of the golden autumn .

Strengthen the ability to draw deciduous trees , conveying the characteristic features of the structure of the trunk and crown, colors. Use different techniques for working with the brush (all bristles and ends)

. Develop creativity.

Preliminary work. Examining trees, collecting leaves and fruits. Acquaintance with reproductions of paintings by I. I. Levitan, V. Vasnetsov.

Materials. Sheets of white paper, gouache paints, brushes, jars of water, napkins. “Birch Grove” by I. Levitan


Contents of children's educational activities

1. Introduction to the topic.

Educator. Guys, listen to the riddle, the answer to which will tell you the topic of our conversation.

Came without paints and without a brush

And repainted all the leaves

Children:. ( autumn )

Educator. What impressions did you have after the walk? What emotions and feelings did you experience from what you saw?

What changes in nature occurred with the arrival of autumn ?

Children. (It’s getting colder, it’s raining, birds are flying away, leaves are turning yellow and falling)


Educator. That's right, guys. The wind blew and leaves fell from the trees. What is this time of autumn ?

Children. (Leaf fall.)

Educator. Guys, let's look at I. Levitan's painting "Birch Grove"

Many famous artists - like Shishkin, Levitan, Vasnetsov loved to paint nature . They chose very beautiful places, admired them themselves and shared their joy with us by drawing beautiful pictures .
They studied for a long time and drew . But even real artists did not immediately learn to draw .

Educator. What season did the artist depict? ( Gold autumn )


-Why is autumn golden at this time ? (Because yellow leaves look like gold when they sparkle in the autumn sun .)

Physical education minute.

Leaves, leaves are flying in the wind

And the children rustle quietly under their feet.

(Running in place on your toes, waving your arms)

And swaying smoothly, they lead a round dance.

And the autumn wind sings a song to them .

(Smooth swings of the body and arms raised up, right - left.)

So today we will try to convey the impressions that we saw on our walk.

Educator. Let's compare how trees are similar and how they differ from each other.

Children. (By the shape and thickness of the trunk, crown shape, color)


Educator. paint the trunk , and the branches with the tip,

Now each of you draw your own picture Golden Autumn


At the end of the work, review the drawings with the children and offer to choose the most expressive ones.


Abstract of OOD on drawing in the senior group on the topic “Autumn Tree”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution compensatory kindergarten No. 34
of the village of Leningradskaya municipal formation

Leningradsky district

Abstract of OOD on drawing in the senior group on the topic “Autumn Tree”

Prepared by the teacher

Pelikh Oksana Nikolaevna

Art. Leningradskaya


Goals: Strengthen the ability to draw trees. To develop cognitive interest in nature, to develop children’s imagination and memory. Love for Russian nature.

Program tasks:1. Educational: - To help consolidate knowledge about autumn, remembering its signs; - to develop children’s skill in drawing trees using paints; - to stimulate children’s creative activity, to develop the ability to develop the plot of an image in a picture.2. Developmental: - Develop the artistic and aesthetic taste of children. - train memory, attention. - develop the ability to compare and generalize, highlight the essential signs of autumn, select precise words to denote the phenomenon. 3. Educational - Form friendships between children, joint interaction, - Cultivate a love for Russian nature - Learn to notice beauty. Material. Illustrations depicting trees with foliage. Brushes, paints, napkins, jars of water, sketchbook.

OOD progress.

On the board there are illustrations with images of trees at different times of the year. Educator:

Autumn was blooming at the edges of the colors,

I quietly ran a brush across the foliage.

The hazel tree turned yellow and the maples glowed,

There are aspen trees in purple, only green oak.

Autumn consoles: “Don’t regret summer.

Look - the grove is dressed in gold."

— Guys, this is one of the most beautiful times of the year. Educator:

- That's right, autumn. Pay attention to the pictures. How do trees differ from each other? Choose images that are suitable for the current time of year. Educator:

Today we will draw autumn trees. Look at the pictures and see what colors you see. What's interesting about them? (Children give their answers: the leaves are yellow, red, green, brown, very beautiful). Educator:

- Look, there are paints in front of you.

The teacher demonstrates how to draw a tree using paints on an easel.

One, two, three, four, five Bend your fingers, starting with the thumb

We will collect leaves. They clench and unclench their fists.

Birch leaves, rowan leaves, Bend your fingers, starting with the thumb

Poplar leaves, aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves

We'll take an autumn bouquet to mom. “Walking” on the table.


- Now try it. First, let's draw the trunk. To do this, I'll put enough water and paint on my brush. I’ll draw an oblong stick on a leaf with branches from it. What color will we draw the trunk?


- Brown.


- Now try it.

(the teacher provides individual assistance and encourages in every possible way) Educator:

- Well done boys. What a great fellow you are. And now, while the paint dries, we will play the game “Owl” Educator:

- Well done, let's see if the paint has dried. (if yes, then the children sit in their seats).

To depict a tree with foliage, I put yellow paint on my brush and paint leaves on the branches. (apply the selected color with dots). This is how the tree gets a crown (foliage). Guys, I end up with a tree with leaves. Children:

- Yes.


- Well done, now you try it.

Choose what color your foliage will be. (Then the children begin to work independently. If necessary, the teacher provides individual assistance. The children choose the color independently).

After the children have drawn. Children's work is viewed and discussed. The teacher notes that all children are very talented and diligent.

Summary of the drawing lesson “Beauty Autumn” in the senior group.

Summary of an open drawing lesson in the senior group

Compiled by: Gorkovenko Natalya Aleksandrovna MB preschool educational institution "Kolokolchik" No. 1 village. Kuibyshevo Topic: “Beauty Autumn” Objectives: Educational: Strengthening the skills of drawing trees. Using different brush techniques. Continue to teach children how to compose a plot drawing - place objects on a wide strip of land “closer and further”, fill the entire sheet of paper with the image. Continue to develop the skills of using rational techniques when drawing homogeneous objects (first we draw all the tree trunks, then the foliage on all the trees). Continue to teach how to convey in a drawing the differences in the structure of a tree and a bush. Continue learning to draw various shapes of trees: large, small, tall, low, slender. Educational: Fostering perseverance and hard work. Fostering love for native nature. Developmental: Creating a creative emotional atmosphere, cognitive activity, emotional responsiveness. Development of observation and attentiveness. Preliminary work of the teacher: Reading poems about autumn, selecting illustrations and paintings. Observations and conversations while walking. Writing notes, preparing material for class. Material: The teacher has a blue Whatman paper with 1/3 of it green. Children have album sheets of the same color. Paints, brushes, sippy cups with water, napkins. Equipment: Reproductions of artists’ works depicting autumn - 2, children’s drawings with autumn landscapes. Tape recorder, music by Chopin “Autumn Waltz”. Basket with treats. Autumn costume.

Progress of the lesson: Educator: - Guys, I will ask riddles, and you guess and say what it is: I came without paints and without a brush, And I repainted all the leaves. (Autumn)

Who painted the leaves in our park today? And spins them around and blows them off the branches? It's come...Autumn! (Enter “Autumn” - teacher) Autumn: - Hello, guys! You recognized me? (children's answers) And I come to you for help. Guys, I’ll tell you an interesting story now: - A long time ago there was no Autumn on earth. There were Spring, Summer and Winter. And one day they quarreled because each considered herself the most beautiful. Then the Fairy Sorceress could not stand it and said that she would restore order on earth. And Autumn appeared before the sisters. They ask the Fairy Sorceress: “Who is this?” She tells them that it is Autumn. Then they ask a lot of questions: What is Autumn like? What is the nature and weather like in autumn? Guys, I want to ask you to depict Autumn in your drawings. Show Spring, Summer and Winter what Autumn is like. Guys, can you help me? Educator: - Guys, let's help Spring, Summer and Winter, learn more about Autumn. Autumn, stay with us in class. And see what pictures the guys will draw. Pupils look at reproductions of paintings and comment on them, telling everything they know about Aspen. Educator: - Guys! Please tell me what time of year is depicted in the paintings? Children: - Autumn. Educator: - That's right, autumn! Guys, what is autumn like? Children: - Cold, rainy, gloomy, golden, sunny. Educator: - Who knows why autumn is called golden? Golden leaves, trees? Children: - Because in the fall all the leaves on the trees and bushes turn yellow and therefore everything seems golden. Yellow and orange leaves lie everywhere on the ground - like a golden carpet. Educator: - And guys, when it rains, there are drops on the leaves and when they shine, the leaves seem golden. Do you know what the autumn phenomenon is called when leaves fall from trees? Children: - It's leaf fall! Educator: - That's right. Why do trees shed their leaves in the fall? (It gets cold, in winter it will be difficult for the branches to hold leaves and snow, in winter the tree sleeps and rests.) No one tells the tree when to shed its leaves. But then autumn is approaching - and the leaves on the trees change their green color to yellow, red, orange and fall off. This happens because the water freezes and stops flowing into the twigs and leaves. The tree falls asleep for the winter. Leaves fall from all trees in autumn. The wind carries them through the streets and parks. The next year, new leaves appear on the trees. Listen to the poem.

Leaf fall. Y.Kapotov The conversation is barely audible with fallen leaves: - We are from maples... - We are from apple trees... - We are from cherry... - From aspen... - From bird cherry... - From oak... - From birch... Leaves are falling everywhere: Frost is on the doorstep! — In autumn, the leaves on the trees become not only yellow, red, orange, brown and even purple. The color of the leaves depends on what the weather is like: the sunnier the autumn days, the brighter the color. Many artists love to paint autumn nature precisely because of this variety of colors. Looking at these pictures and observing nature on a walk, you and I can be convinced that autumn itself comes up with outfits for trees, bushes, and all of nature, as if organizing a competition to see who has the brightest and most beautiful leaves. I want to admire them every day. Autumn is one of the brightest picturesque times of the year. This time of year is loved not only by artists, but also by poets. And now Diana D. will read a poem about autumn.

Beautiful autumn. Irina Arzhannikova.

Autumn really is so beautiful! And the chrysanthemums began to grow... Gilded bushes shine like the heavenly sun.

The birds sing and rejoice, Catching the last warm ray. And then a piece of the rainbow from the clouds lies at your feet...

Demonstration of working techniques: Drawing using a rational technique. First we draw all the trunks and branches of the trees, we draw the bushes, and then the foliage on all the trees. Ask the children the difference between a tree and a bush. – We draw the tree trunk from top to bottom, the tree thickens towards the bottom. Before the grass we draw a trunk so that the tree does not hang in the air. We will paint the trunk with all the bristles of the brush. We draw branches on the tree with the end of the brush. What kind of paint do we use to paint a tree? Children: - Brown. - Guys, if one of you draws a birch tree, what color will you paint the trunk and what branches? (The trunk is white, the branches are thin, curved.) The birch is our white-trunked beauty, it is a symbol of our Motherland. Children take a brush and practice drawing a tree in the air - Guys, who can tell me what method, technique we will draw leaves? Children: - Dipping, vertical strokes. - Right. Dipping – apply the entire bristles of the brush. And when there are vertical strokes, we draw with the end of the brush. What kind of paint do we use to paint the leaves? Children: - Yellow, green, orange, red. – Some leaves fall (leaf fall) and you can draw how they fall from the tree down to the ground, while other leaves have already covered the ground, as if covering it with a warm, cozy blanket, protecting it from the cold. Children pick up brushes and practice painting in the air. - Guys, let's imagine that we are leaves.

Physical education minute:

We are leaves, (stand still and sway) We are leaves, We are autumn leaves. We sat on the branches, (hands on the belt, squat) The wind blew - we flew. (waving their hands above their heads) We flew and flew, and then we got tired of flying. The breeze stopped blowing. (squat down) We all sat down in a circle. The wind suddenly blew again (they wave their hands above their heads) and quickly blew away the leaves. All the leaves flew and sat quietly on the ground. (squats)

Children sit down on chairs.

- Guys, before we start work, let's close our eyes and imagine what we will draw, how we will arrange the trees and bushes. (Play music by Chopin “Autumn Waltz.”)

Quiet music plays and the children get to work. During the lesson, the teacher pays attention to those children who are not doing well. Encourages, helps.

Result: - Guys, what beautiful drawings you turned out. Looking at your work, you can see how the leaves falling from the trees are spinning, as if they are dancing a waltz. Well done! Each of you has created “Beauty Autumn”.

Analysis of the lesson: 1) Ask the children what we did during the lesson? 2) Did they manage to draw autumn? 3) Did you like the lesson? 4) Who did we help? 5) Children talk about their drawings. 6) Design an exhibition called “Beauty Autumn”. 7) Note that every season is beautiful in its own way. Autumn (teacher) thanks the children for their help and gives them a basket of treats.

Literature: G.S. Shvaiko “Art in kindergarten. Senior group" by I.A. Lykova "Art in kindergarten. Senior group" A.M. Verbenets "Artistic creativity"

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