lesson notes on cognitive development in the senior group lesson plan (senior group) on the topic

Goals and objectives of cognitive development in preschoolers 5-6 years old

Cognitive education in preschool age, in accordance with state educational standards, is assigned a fundamental role. The Federal State Educational Standard contains only three terms relevant to this issue:

  • Interests are the child’s desire to learn the unknown and everything new, to determine the unclear qualitative characteristics and properties of surrounding objects, as well as to understand their essence and identify cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Actions - building skills, developing skills and gaining knowledge during active games.
  • Development - under the influence of cognitive actions, the desire to enrich cognitive interests.

Cognitive development

Cognitive development in the senior group of preschool educational institutions is specially designed to achieve the following goals and objectives:

  • development of creative abilities;
  • expanding the range of intellectual and creative abilities;
  • fostering a culture of personality;
  • formation of prerequisites for further educational activities;
  • obtaining ideas about oneself, objects of the surrounding world and people.

Note! The goals of cognitive development are the same for children of all ages.

The emphasis is only on the tasks they perform. They are specific, depending on the child’s interests and level of knowledge.

Main goals:

  • creating favorable conditions for the development of the cognitive sphere of children;
  • encouraging curiosity and interest in the world around us;
  • developing the ability to name things and perform typical actions with them;
  • developing awareness of space, color, shape and time, through visual and sensory interaction;
  • formation of a careful attitude towards surrounding objects.

Note! When children move to the preparatory group, the results of educational work for the entire period of the child’s stay in kindergarten are necessarily summed up, and tasks for the further cognitive development of preschoolers are set.

Types of classes on cognitive development in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

The main type of cognitive development of children in preschool age is play. Through it, children learn teamwork, following role models and following rules. Also, depending on the game, children learn to interact with each other, improve their skills and develop their imagination.

Note! Particular attention in senior and preparatory groups is paid to didactic games that develop perseverance, concentration, the ability to act consistently, play in a team, compliance, perseverance and provide mental development.

GCD for cognitive development in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The main goal of GCD is the development of the emotional sphere of older preschoolers. During classes, children are taught to treat each other kindly, sympathize, empathize and interact with each other.

Form of work with children

Note! For the cognitive development of preschoolers, a group form of activity is considered the most effective, as it allows children to observe each other’s work style.

Didactic games for the development of motor skills and sensory skills in children

When planning classes, you first need to start from your goals and expected results. In this case, the following must be taken into account:

  • The topic of the lesson should resonate with life experience;
  • forms of work and types of activity should be systematically alternated;
  • the lesson must be built on the existing material and technical equipment of the preschool educational institution.


Summary of a lesson on cognitive development in the senior group

"Four elements" (TRIZ technology).

Program content:

Educational objectives:1. Introduce children to the four elements of nature. 2. Give knowledge about their benefits and harms in human life. 3. Teach children to make assumptions, conclusions, put forward hypotheses, generalize, analyze.

Developmental tasks:1. Develop research abilities and skills. 2. Develop curiosity, cognitive activity 3. Develop memory, logical thinking, intelligence. 4. Enrich children’s vocabulary and introduce them to specific words. 5. Expand children's horizons.

Educational objectives: 1. To cultivate accuracy and caution in work. 2. Cultivate attentiveness, observation, discipline.

Methods, techniques, technologies: Verbal, visual, problem situation, experimental activity, story, explanation, brainstorming, “good - bad” Organization of children: Standing in a semicircle, sitting at tables, sitting opposite each other. Forms of work: Frontally, in pairs , subgroups. Vocabulary work: Landslide, earthquake, rockfall, minerals, monsoons, floods. Equipment for experiments: matches, candle, container with water, sailboats made of walnuts, container with sand, medical pear, water in cups, watering cans, indoor flowers, collection of stones.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, this morning I met the postman Pechkin, and he delivered a letter for you. (Dunno is depicted on the envelope). Look, who do you think the letter is from?

Children - From Dunno.

Right. What did he write to us? Let's read it. “Hello guys, I have several problems, but I don’t know how to solve them. Help me please".

Well, shall we help? “The first problem is that our power went out yesterday, and Znayka lit a candle. The light was so bright, so cheerful. I wanted to play with him. I touched it and burned my hand. What did I do wrong?"

Children's answers.

Go to these illustrations and stand in a semicircle. What do you think, after comparing different stories, is fire good or bad for a person?

Children's answers.

Good: It warms, illuminates, people cook food on it, it moves vehicles, for example, a steam locomotive, a balloon, etc., strong fire melts metal, people make metal objects.

Bad: In a fire, you can get burned, burn, suffocate with carbon monoxide, a bright flash of fire can blind, and a nuclear flash can even instantly evaporate a person.

- Now go to the first experimental table.

Experience No. 1. (conducted by the teacher, children stand in a semicircle). Burning candle. Look how beautiful the mesmerizing tongue of flame is. Light comes from it, if I raise my hand to it, I feel warmth, but if I hold my hand over the flame for a long time, it will burn. The strip of paper will burn and the metal tray will become very hot - show.

Guys, do you think we helped Dunno with his first problem? (Yes). Then let's continue reading the letter. “And also, guys, help me understand why my flower got sick. I planted it in a pot, put it on the windowsill, but it withered, I’m very worried.” Guys, Dunno sent us a photo of his flower. Let's look at the photo and think about what could be the cause of the flower's disease.

Children's answers. (I didn’t water it, the flower wants to drink).

Who else needs water? (Children's answers).

Experience No. 2. (children sit at tables). Children are invited to drink a glass of water and talk about its qualities, about when they are most thirsty (hot, after meals, after sports games). Invite the children to go to a natural corner and use a watering can to water the indoor plants. Remind that a well-watered plant is healthy, the color is juicy, etc. (Children work in subgroups).

Let's go to the next stand, where water is depicted. Guys, look carefully at the illustrations and answer, is water good or bad for all life on Earth? (Children answer).

Good: Man consists of 80% water. A person can live without water for 3 days. Water is needed by plants and animals that we eat. We use water for laundry, washing floors and dishes. Fish live in water, which we eat as food and seafood. We love water travel and swimming in reservoirs.

Bad: Floods inundate crops, human homes collapse, and animals die. Avalanches come down from the mountains, causing destruction and casualties, people choke in the water, drown, die from hypothermia and injuries. Heavy rains, also called monsoons, flood entire cities and rivers overflow their banks.

Guys, what else could be the cause of a flower’s disease? What else is important for plant life? (The earth. It may be depleted; it needs to be fertilized and loosened).

Look at the illustrations that depict the earth. (Illustrations depicting gardens, vegetable beds, forest mushrooms and berries). Tell me, is land good or bad for humans? (Children's answers).

Good: We see in the pictures that our Earth is beautiful at any time of the year. She feeds us: vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, grain crops. Trees growing on the earth give us oxygen, we build houses, furniture, etc. from them. The Earth contains minerals. (The teacher leads the children to illustrations depicting environmental disasters).

Bad: Rockfalls, landslides, earthquakes injure people and even lead to death.

— I propose to get acquainted with the exhibition of the mini-museum: stones: quartz,

putty knife; coal, oil. Children look at it, pick it up, and compare it in terms of strength and hardness.

- Now, guys, take a deep breath. Take a breath through your nose and release it into your palm. We don’t feel the air, but we feel it when we release a stream of air, it turns out to be a small breeze. Wind is the movement of air.

Is wind good or bad? (Children's answers).

Good: Refreshing in the heat, disperses rain clouds, moves sailing ships, turns mill blades.

Bad: Strong wind interferes with rest, raises sand and snow storms, and a large wave at sea that overturns and sinks ships. (Hurricane wind destroys and carries fire, destroys buildings, uproots trees).

— Look at the illustrations about the wind (seascapes; sand dunes; snow hummocks)

Experience No. 3. (conducted by children).

Children sit in pairs, opposite each other, at tables with containers of water and, with the help of exhalation (their little breeze), move sailboats to each other.

Experience No. 4. (children sit at tables).

With the help of medical syringes, you can see how sand dunes and snow hummocks form in nature. Children complete the task near their sand container.

I propose to play a didactic attention game “Four Elements”. I remind you: Air - hands rise up. Earth-hands fall down. Fire - hands move up and down, up and down. Water - hands move left - right, left - right.

Guys, today we read Dunno’s letter and tried to help him deal with his problems, do you think we succeeded? -Did you like it? (Yes, it was very interesting). -What elements did you meet? (Fire, water, air, earth). -What did you find difficult? (I couldn’t move the sand with a syringe; the breeze wasn’t strong). -What did you like most? (I liked exploring the water. And I got to water the houseplants and onions, because I was doing a good deed. I enjoyed looking at the fire when you did the experiment).

We got acquainted with the four elements of nature. Only a person's careful attitude and reasonable use of natural resources can turn them to his benefit and not to his detriment. Thanks to all.

Irina Tulebaeva

Abstract on the cognitive development of children in the senior group

Topic: Air - what is it like?”

Goal: Formation of children’s primary elementary ideas about air through cognitive and research

, experimental and play activities. Tasks :

Educational area " Cognitive development"

. 1. Develop cognitive
activity in the process of basic experimentation.

2. Introduce children to the concept of

, its properties (transparent, invisible, clean air has no odor
, carries odors, tasteless, methods of detection in the environment, role in human life.

3. Develop in children

questions and problematic situations within the framework of the topic.

Educational field “Speech development”

1. Teach children

draw simple conclusions during observations and experimentation, record them using symbols on the sheet.

2. Teach children to talk about air

using signs - symbols.

Educational field "Physical health"


1. Strengthen the muscles of the respiratory system of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract by performing breathing exercises. 2. Teach to understand that clean air

necessary for human health.

Educational field “Social and communicative development”

Promote development

emotional responsiveness, the desire to help the heroes: the wise owl, the little fox and the hedgehog in solving the riddle.

Expected result.

Child :

Forms primary ideas about air

, its properties and role in human life;

cognitive issues

character and problematic situations within the topic;

Develops the ability to draw simple conclusions based on acquired knowledge and experimentation;

Learn to talk about air

relying in response on signs - symbols;

Gains practical experience in conducting experiments.

Equipment :

Plastic bags according to the number of children


Transparent glass, cotton wool, bowl of water.

Cups of boiled water and straws (according to the number of children

2 oranges. — Oranges, cut into slices. — Fans by number of children


Balloons according to the number of children

. — Cards, signs — symbols.

Methods, techniques, forms:

Verbal: riddle, conversation, story, explanation, questions (main, auxiliary, search, explanations, pedagogical assessment.

Visual: showing a method of action, signs - symbols.

Practical: experiences and experiments.

Game: game situation, riddle.

Types of children's activities: educational and research

, communicative, playful, productive.

What techniques are used for cognitive development in children?

To implement the tasks and goals of cognitive development in kindergarten, mandatory components are included in all types of activities. They represent a special platform used in the educational process.

Note! All techniques are combined into blocks and vary depending on the intellectual, emotional and cognitive sphere of the preschooler.

Gaming techniques

Games are considered one of the most significant techniques for preschoolers. They are:

  • Educational ones are recognized as the most effective in terms of developing cognitive interests and expanding the arsenal of cognitive actions. During a didactic game on cognitive development, children are introduced to new information, reinforced the material they have covered, and are encouraged to repeat previously learned material.
  • Active in nature - they help children develop physically, increase emotional tone, promote harmonious growth and enrich the personal experience of preschoolers.
  • Theatrical - develop creativity and also promote cognitive development.

Gaming techniques

Verbal methods of interaction

At any age, verbal interaction with children is extremely important. In older preschool age, such methods help to develop skills in constructing dialogic and logical monologue statements, as well as to replenish vocabulary and master the grammatical structure of the language.

Note! One of the indispensable verbal techniques in working with children is explanation and conversation.

Practical ways to interact

Another important aspect is the practical exploration of the world.

Note! Practical activities also teach children to carefully prepare their workplace and maintain general order.


The technique is visual and practical in nature and involves knowledge of the surrounding world through created models. With this method of cognitive development, children receive a clear idea of ​​the material and subject being studied and are helped to understand all the nuances. For example, the time of year may be considered. Children must use the pictures to determine what they are talking about, for example, winter. Then they take turns talking about all the nuances and features, as well as how someone prefers to spend the winter.

Visual techniques

Such techniques must necessarily be accompanied by any type of activity of preschoolers. They are actively used as updating and motivational supporting knowledge. Most often, animals, birds, transport or space are taken as an example. If we are talking about animals, then the guys must determine which of them is wild and which is domestic.

How to dramatize fairy tales in secondary groups of preschool educational institutions

Cognitive development in preschool educational institutions by age

As a child ages, his capabilities and needs change. Accordingly, both objects and the entire environment in the group for children of different ages should be different, corresponding to research opportunities.

Development of cognitive activity
So, for 2-3 year olds, all subjects should be simple and understandable, without unnecessary details.

For children from 3 to 4 years old, toys and objects become more multifaceted, and imaginative toys that help develop imagination begin to occupy more space. You can often see a child playing with blocks and imagining them as cars, then building a garage out of them, which then becomes a road.

At an older age, objects and the environment become more complex. A special role is given to iconic objects. Figurative and symbolic material comes to the fore after 5 years.

Classes on cognitive development in the senior group of kindergarten

The target component of educational development in general is cognitive development, which is implemented in all types of educational activities.

Note! In older kindergarten groups, the lesson lasts 20-30 minutes.

Time plan

The lesson plan is almost the same for all types of GCD. It consists of the following blocks:

  1. Introduction - lasts no more than 3 minutes. The teacher welcomes the children, talks with them and motivates them to start the lesson, putting everyone in a working mood, and also updates knowledge on the topic.
  2. The main block lasts no more than 15 minutes. At this time, the teacher presents the material, conducts physical education, and connects the new material with personal experience and previously studied data.
  3. Consolidation - lasts about 10 minutes, during which children practice the material learned in class using a variety of forms.
  4. Conclusion - lasts about 2 minutes, during which the results of the lesson are summed up.

Lesson in a kindergarten group

Important! Preschoolers must practice the material studied in class in practical activities.

Sample lesson notes

Cognitive development in the senior group of preschool educational institutions necessarily includes a lesson on the topic “Russian Army”.

The purpose of the lesson is to develop knowledge about the Russian army in the senior group of kindergarten.

Main goals:

  • developing preschoolers’ ideas about military service;
  • consolidation of knowledge about the branches of the military;
  • instilling in children sympathy for the armed forces and love for Russia.

Vocabulary work:

  • military;
  • spring;
  • world;
  • charter;
  • Russian;
  • dybin;
  • airborne.

Preliminary work:

  • Conversation about the armed forces of the Russian Federation,
  • memorizing poems on a military theme,
  • looking at illustrations.

Materials: card index with images of soldiers, military equipment, taking the oath.

Important! During the lesson, children stand in a circle, the teacher gives a presentation and familiarization with notes in the form of a quest.

Abstract of educational activities for cognition in kindergarten in the senior group “Journey to the Fairytale Forest”

Cognition lesson “Journey to a fairytale forest.” Senior group

Author: Olga Vyacheslavovna Varlamova, teacher of the MKDOU “Gavrilovo-Posad kindergarten No. 1”, Gavrilov-Posad Description: I bring to your attention a summary of the educational activity for the implementation of the educational field “Cognitive Development” on the topic “Journey to the Fairytale Forest”. This material is suitable for preschool children aged 5-6 years. Goal: consolidation and generalization of acquired knowledge. Objectives: - develop children’s interest in solving problem situations independently; — improve spatial and temporal orientations; — consolidate children’s ideas about migratory birds; - consolidate knowledge of numbers, counting from 1 to 10. Material: frog toy, doll, geometric shapes, fly agarics, colored pencils, flowers, birds, building material. Progress of the GCD: 1. Organizational moment Educator: Guys, let's smile at each other and at our guests! And may the good mood not leave you all day long! Fairy tales walk around the world, Night, harnessed to a carriage. Fairy tales live in the clearings, Wandering in the mists at dawn. And the prince will love Snow White, And Koshchei’s greed will destroy... Even though Evil is cunning in its tricks, But Good still wins! Educator: Do you guys like fairy tales? (children's answers). Do you know the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”? (children's answers). 2. Main Educator: So the evil Koschey the Immortal bewitched Vasilisa the Wise and turned her into a frog. (Showing a frog). What should we do, how can we help her? (children's answers).

“And I suggest you go to the fairy forest and try to cast a spell on Vasilisa the Wise.” But in order to disenchant it you need to complete tasks. Ready? Educator: Since we are going on a trip, tell me, what can we travel on? (Children list types of transport). But you and I are going to a fairytale forest, so I suggest you go on an airplane carpet. Take up all the seats. Close your eyes and say the magic words: “One, two, three, fly our carpet!” (children speak, music sounds). We are flying over the city, fields, a warm wind blows over us, and we approach the forest. Open your eyes, here we are in a fairy forest. Look how beautiful it is here, what beautiful flower meadows, and how unusual and magical the flowers are.

Educator: So that we don’t get lost, let’s draw a map. Didactic exercise “Orientation on a sheet of paper” (children perform the task at the tables). Take a pencil and a piece of paper and draw a red circle in the upper right corner, a blue triangle in the lower left, a green square in the lower right, a yellow oval in the upper left corner, and a brown rectangle in the center. Now from the circle put an arrow to the square, from the square to the triangle, from the triangle to the oval, from the oval to the rectangle, and from the rectangle an arrow to the circle. This is the map we drew and we set off on our way from the circle.

Educator: Look, here’s task 1: “Orientation in time”

- What is a day? — Tell me, what time of day is it now? - What month? — What day of the week is it today? - What number is he? — What day of the week was yesterday? - What will it be like tomorrow? - How many days are there in a week? (children's answers) Educator: Well done, you and I completed the first task. Let's move on. And here is the clearing, sit down, let's relax. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds of the forest. - Oh, guys, I found a bag in the grass. Let's see what's in it? Guys, there are sounds hidden there. Task 2: game “Catch the Sound”.

You need to clap your hands if the sound “b” is heard in the word. Buck, poppy, onion, bun, cheese, drum, beads, bow, stick, ram, table, floor, house, squirrel, banana. Educator: Well done, you completed the second task. We continue our journey. Guys, look, something happened here. What do you think could have happened? (Children's answers) - It was the wind that scattered fly agaric mushrooms across the clearing: the caps were separate, and the legs were separate.

Task 3 “Intricate fly agaric mushrooms”. Revive the fly agarics, each pick up one red cap, count the number of dots on it and select a leg with a number corresponding to the number of dots on the cap of your fly agaric. Educator: We completed one more task. Let's go further. Look on the map, where is our path now? (children's answers). Here we are, out into yet another forest clearing. It's time to rest. Physical education They raised their hands and shook them - These are trees in the forest. (Raise your arms up and shake them) Arms bent, hands shaken - The wind knocks down the dew. (Hands lowered and shaken) Hands to the sides! (To the sides) Let's wave smoothly - (Waving) These are the birds flying towards us. As they sit down, (Sit down) We will also wave - (Wave) We fold our wings back. (Hands folded back) Educator: Look at the trees and fir trees, there are many birds sitting. Let's listen to them sing (include bird voices). - Oh, guys, look at the Christmas tree, there’s another task hanging. Task 4 “Name the migratory and wintering birds.”

- Do you know what birds fly to us from warm regions? (children list migratory birds) - Which ones remain for the winter? (children list wintering birds). – Count how many migratory birds there are? — How many winterers? -Which birds are there more? -Which ones are smaller? Educator: We completed one more task. We continue our journey further. There are trees and fir trees all around, look at the map where to go next. (Children’s answers) Task 5 didactic game “Geometric Lotto”.

We need to split into four subgroups. Each subgroup has a map divided into 9 squares. The central square depicts a geometric figure (circle, square, triangle, rectangle). You need to cover the empty squares with cards that depict objects of one shape or another. Educator: Well, what do you guys like about the magical forest? Let's move on. And here is the last task. Task 6: “Guess the riddles.”

Guess riddles about fairy tales and fairy-tale characters. 1. He treats elephants and rats, hippopotamuses, hares, foxes. He will bandage the wound on the monkey's paw. And anyone will confirm to you, This is... (Doctor Aibolit) 2. A little girl is walking through the forest. To grandma in a basket, carrying pies. A very scary beast is hiding behind the bushes. Who is this girl? Answer now! (Little Red Riding Hood) 3. It’s mixed with sour cream. He is cold at the window. He left his grandmother, he left his grandfather. I escaped from the forest animals and got into the fox's lunch. (Kolobok) 4. Lived in a closet, With dad Carlo. Knew very little about life. He poked his nose everywhere, He’s long... Who is this? (Pinocchio) Educator: So you and I have completed all the tasks. The evil spell of Koshchei the Immortal has been destroyed, and here is our Vasilisa the Wise. (Showing the doll).

Educator: Children, where do you think she will live now, the castle is destroyed? (Children's answers) - Let's build a new castle for Vasilisa the Wise? (Children's answers) - What can you build it from? (Children's answers). — I propose to build it from building material. Music is playing. Children make a castle and put a doll in it.

Educator: So our journey has come to an end. It's time to go home. Take your seats on the magic carpet. Close your eyes and say the magic words: “One, two, three, fly our carpet!” (children speak, music sounds). Here we are in kindergarten. 3. Summing up. Reflection. Educator: Children, did you like our trip? What task were you most interested in completing? What task was the most difficult for you?

We recommend watching:

Summary of the GCD in the senior group “Journey to a Fairy Tale” Summary of the GCD for the perception of music in the senior group of the kindergarten Summary of the integrated GCD in the senior group “Flower Fairy visiting the children” Summary of a lesson in the kindergarten in the senior group “My Imagination”. Educational area: Poznań

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Analysis and diagnostics of cognitive development of older preschool children

An obligatory task of any teacher is to monitor the success of mastering program requirements. An analysis of cognitive development is carried out at the end of the school year and helps to integrate the results of the material covered. Based on monitoring, the final level of learned material and the degree of its assimilation are revealed.

Note! The cognitive development of children aged 5-6 years is a prerequisite for further favorable learning. Classes must be of different directions and cover all areas.


It is known that preschool age is the age of formation and development of the most general abilities , which will improve and differentiate as the child grows older. One of the most important abilities is the ability to cognition .

The federal state educational standard for preschool education defines the tasks of cognitive development :

— development of children’s interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; — formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness; — development of imagination and creative activity; - the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and peace, causes and effects, etc.); - the formation of primary ideas about the small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about planet Earth as the common home of people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

Based on the objectives, the focus of teachers should be the orientation of the educational process towards the cognitive capabilities of the preschooler and their implementation. It is necessary to organize interaction with the child in such a way that it is aimed at developing cognitive interest, cognitive independence and initiative.

The main forms of interaction that promote cognitive development: - involving the child in various types of activities; - use of didactic games; — application of teaching methods aimed at enriching creative imagination, thinking, memory, and speech development .

Cognitive development involves the cognitive activity of a preschooler. And in order to support cognitive activity, it is necessary to rely on the cognitive interest of children. Cognitive interest is a selective focus on the knowledge of objects, phenomena, events of the surrounding world, activating the mental processes and activities of a person, his cognitive capabilities. The main criteria will be novelty, unusualness, surprise, and non-compliance with previous ideas.

Cognitive interest consists of the following interrelated processes: - intellectual - logical actions and operations (analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison), evidence; - emotional - the experience of success, the joy of learning, pride in one’s achievements, satisfaction with one’s activities; - regulatory - volitional aspirations, focus, persistence, attention, decision making; - creative - imagination, creation of new models, images. To form and develop cognitive interest, one should: - develop creative abilities , create conditions for this, - strengthen each child’s faith in his own abilities, encourage him, and not weaken his interest with distrust and negative assessments; develop children's self-esteem.

In the section “Cognitive Development” you will find more detailed information in this area.

Dear teachers! If you have questions about the topic of the article or have difficulties in working in this area, then write in the comments . I'll definitely help.

Golovina Bela Gennadievna, site administrator.
FSES DO: artistic and aesthetic development FSES DO: musical development FSES DO: speech development FSES DO: physical development >

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