Summary of a physical education lesson on the topic “Sports games. Basketball (5th grade)

Lesson plan for physical education in 5th grade

Lesson outline

in physical education in 5th grade

Date: Class:

Lesson topic:

Outdoor games. Relay races.


Increasing physical activity of students. Formation of students' ideas about sports competitions, the rules of sports behavior, the desire for fair play, communication and friendly relations.

Lesson objectives:

1. Teaching vital motor skills.

2. Promoting health, promoting the harmonious and physical development of all body systems and their functions.

3. Development of a sense of friendship, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, collectivism. Develop dexterity, attention, coordination of movement.

Planned results:


use examples to reveal the positive impact of physical education on the successful implementation of educational and work activities, health promotion and the development of physical qualities;


accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, determine the most effective ways to achieve results, adequately evaluate one’s behavior and the behavior of others.


development of educational activities and awareness of the personal meaning of learning, development of goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, skills of cooperation with peers, skills not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations.

Lesson type:





whistle, stopwatch, batons, soccer balls, basketballs, tug of war rope.

Preparatory part – 12 min.

  1. Construction.

    Organizational teams

Execution of commands: “Stand up!”, “Be equal!”, “At attention!”

Class formation: “Stand up!” The student stands straight, heels together, toes apart, feet wide, legs straight; shoulders turned, stomach tucked, arms down; hands with clenched and bent fingers pressed to the midline of the thigh; holds his head straight; looks ahead. Fitness check.

2. Drill exercises

Repetitions in place: right, left, around.

Commands: left, right, circle, jump left, etc. Achieve accurate execution of commands. When performing turns on the spot, make sure that students maintain the correct stance.

3. Slow run – 3 minutes

Slow, calm, without jerking, running at the teacher’s command. Pay attention to proper breathing when running.

- side step with the right (left) side;

- running backwards.

- running with high hip lifts;

- running with the shin choking;

- a jump for every step.

4. Walking and restoring breathing.

Varieties of walking: on toes, hands on belt; on your heels, hands behind your head; on the outside of the foot; half squat; full squat.

The exercises are performed by walking around the hall in a column, one at a time. Arm's length distance. At the teacher’s command, change types of walking in a stream. Monitor the posture of students and their attentiveness.

5. Outdoor switchgear

  • I. p. - standing opposite each other, palm resting on palm, arms bent.

1 - hands up;

2 — arms to the sides and forward (do not stand close to each other);

3 - hands down;

4 - return to the starting position. Repeat 4 times.

  • I. p. - standing opposite each other, palm resting on palm, arms crossed (right to left, left to right).

1 - “unwind” the hands from the crossed state;

2 - return to the starting position. Repeat 4 times.

  • I. p. - standing with their backs to each other, hooking their elbows.

1-4 - move away from each other in small steps, resting their backs;

5-8 - return to the starting position. Repeat 4 times.

  • I. p. - facing each other, hold hands (hands just above the head);
    1. — perform 180° turns; stand with your backs to each other, don’t let go of your hands,
    1. — perform a 180° turn; return to the starting position. Perform two full circles in one direction and two in the other.
  • I. p. - standing opposite each other, holding outstretched arms.

1 - tilt, bend over, do not let go of your hands;

2 - return to the starting position. Repeat 4 times.

  • I. p. - standing with your back to each other, clasp your hands in the elbow bends.

1 — lunge in one direction (the first one steps to the right, the second one to the left);

2 — return to the starting position;

3 - lunge in the other direction;

4 - return to the starting position. Repeat 4 times.

  • I. p. - standing opposite each other.

1 - jump to the right;

2 - jump forward;

3 — jump to the left;

  1. — jump with a 180° turn (you need to change places during the jumps);

5-8 - the same (everyone must return to their place). Repeat 4 times.

Main part - 25 minutes

Relay races.

Divide the class into two teams, forming in two columns. Team players stand behind the starting line.

  1. Passing the baton

The first players take the start with the relay batons. At the signal, players with sticks run, go around the counter and return to their teams, pass the sticks to the next players, each standing at the end of the column. The competition ends when the players are back in their original places.

  1. Shuttle run

The entire length of the distance is divided in half (start, middle and end of the distance). Each participant must run to the middle and touch the line, return to the start, then run to the end of the distance, touch the line and run to the next player on their team to pass the baton. The competition ends when the players are back in their original places.

  1. Relay "Ball for the Captain"

Teams line up in columns at least 1 m from each other. The captains stand facing them at a distance set by the teacher with the ball in their hands. Boundary lines are drawn in front of the columns and captains. At the signal, the captains send their balls with any volleyball pass to the first players in the columns. They perform a counter pass and go to the end of the columns. The relay ends when all participants have passed to their captains. The team that completes the task first wins.

4. Basketball relay race.

The first players start with a basketball. At the signal, the players dribble the basketball with one hand, go around the cone and return to their teams, pass the ball to the next players, and each stand at the end of the column. The competition ends when the players are back in their original places.

  1. Passing the ball on the spot with a turn

The team lines up in one line, the distance between participants is 1 meter. On command, the first participant passes the ball to the second participant and turns around, the second participant passes it to the third, etc. The competition ends when the ball passes around the circle and returns to the first player.

  1. Penguin Relay

The first players have a volleyball between their legs; at a signal, the players jump to a landmark, run in the opposite direction, carrying the ball in their hands. The competition ends when the players are back in their original places.

  1. Relay race with a soccer ball.

The first players start with a soccer ball. At the signal, the players dribbling the ball run, go around the cone and return to their teams, pass the ball to the next players, each standing at the end of the column. The competition ends when the players are back in their original places.

  1. "Tug of War"

Team members take hold of their side of the rope and, at the leader’s signal (whistle), begin to pull the rope towards themselves, trying to ensure that the ribbon (mark in the middle of the rope) crosses a pre-marked line on the ground. The main rule during the game is not to let go of the rope.

The team that pulls the rope to their side wins.


Final part - 3 minutes


Breathing and relaxation exercises

Reflection, What did you like (dislike) in the lesson? What works and what doesn't?

Summing up the lesson.

Farewell, organized departure from the gym.

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