Summary of a physical education lesson on the topic “Health Day at our school”

"Health Day"

Health Day scenario for elementary school.


Health Day is held with the aim of promoting a healthy lifestyle among school students, developing interest in physical education and sports.


— attracting students to physical education and sports.

— health promotion and organization of active recreation;

— identifying the best athletes;

- promotion of healthy lifestyles;

— creating conditions for the development of the emotional sphere of students.


The content of Health Day includes sports competitions at stations. Each class receives a route sheet, the whole class participates.

Equipment and materials:

Racks, cards with riddles, cubes, balloons, tennis rackets, Whatman paper, colored pencils, outdoor switchgear complex, “useful and harmful” cards, cards with proverbs, jump ropes, certificates, route sheets, cards with station names.

  1. Station "Erudite"

Primary classes – “Riddles”

Participants need to guess riddles. How many riddles (questions) the team solves, we add so many points to the route sheet.

1. If you are friendly with me, persistent in training,

You will be in the cold or the heat -

Hardy and dexterous! (sport)

2. One hundred fun exercises With a jump rope and a ball, If you do them without laziness, you will become a better strongman (exercise)

3. Four are running, four are in a hurry,

Everyone wants to overtake each other (skis and poles).

Two in your hands, two in your hands, you won’t fall through the snow,

And you will pass without difficulty and leave two marks (skis and poles).

4. First, you fly at them from the mountain,

And then you pull them (the sled) up the hill.

5. He was small in stature, but brave, and he galloped away from me. Although he is always inflated,

It's never boring with him (ball).

6. Guys, I have two silver horses,

I ride both at once, what kind of horses do I have? (skates).

  1. It is important for a person

You will live with him for at least a century.

And you'll never know

Who are doctors (health).

  1. It is very important for health and adds strength.

He can even be sweet

And everyone needs (sleep).

  1. On a clear morning along the road, dew glistens on the grass.

Feet are moving along the road

And two wheels (a bicycle) are running.

  1. There are apple, fruit, and also berry-plum. Very useful in the morning, it will help us to be healthy (juice)
  1. Station “Sports is great!”


Participants need to build a tower from cubes.
Each participant takes turns taking a cube at the start, runs to the finish line and places the cube on another cube, thus building a tower. Time is given only 3 minutes. During this time, it is necessary to build a tower as high as possible. How many cubes are in the tower, the team gets so many points.

You need to jump from the top to the finish line, holding one cube between your knees and picking up the other cube in your hands and never dropping it.

This is a time trial, i.e. The faster the team completes this test, the better

"Ball on a racket."

Each team member needs to carry a balloon on a racket without dropping it to the finish line, and then pass it back to the next participant.
This is a time trial, i.e.
The faster the team completes this test, the better. "Goosek."

You need to get to the finish line, holding the cube with your chin, in a half-squat - single file.
This is a time trial, i.e. the faster the participant completes this test, the better. The best time is read out.

  1. Station "Creative".

Primary grades - collect “Fairy Tale” puzzles; draw a poster (theme: “We are for a healthy lifestyle!”)

  1. Pesennaya station.

Name and sing as many children's songs as possible. ( number of songs sung – number of points).

  1. Fizkultminutka station.

Primary classes

– do the
morning exercises “Do as I do.”
For correct completion of the task, the team receives 5 points.

Morning exercises (exercises are repeated after the leader).

1. Walking in place.


. I.p. O. s., right hand up. 1-2 jerks with your arms back. 3- left hand up 4-5 jerks with arms back 6- i.p.


. I.p. o.s. 1-4 different circular movements with your hands.


. I.p. o.s. jump legs apart, clap overhead. O.S. Same as 1 I. P.


. I.p. o.s. 1 - Right swing, clap under the leg 2 - Left swing, clap under the leg. 3 - Same as 1 4 - Same as 2


. I.p. o.s., hands on knees. 1-4 circular movements in the knee joint, hands on knees 5-8 same as 1-4


. I.p.o.s. 1-4 jumps on two legs moving to the right 5 - overhead clap. 6-7 is the same as 1-4 only to the left. 8 squat, arms forward.


. Running in place with various arm movements.


. Walking in place with high knees


. Exercise to restore breathing.

  1. Station “Knowledge is power”

Assignment for grades 1-4 “Helpful - Harmful”
Participants run to the table and choose cards with positive phrases, and leave harmful ones on the table.
Each participant must bring the correct sign. (For the correct answer - 1 point, maximum 22 points) -Read while lying down. +Brush your teeth twice a day -Look at a bright light. + Protect your eyes from impacts. -Watch TV close. +Rinse your eyes in the morning. -Rub your eyes with dirty hands. +Read in good lighting. -Eat sweets often. +Eat fruits and vegetables. -Chew pens and pencils. +Toughen up. +Walk in the fresh air. -Wear someone else's clothes, shoes, hats. +Help around the house. -Bite your nails. + Skiing. +Do exercises +Take a shower +Have breakfast in the morning -Work at the computer +Play sports

Questions are given that need to be answered.

  • Do you agree that exercise is a source of vigor and health? (Answer: yes.)
  • Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? (Answer: no.)
  • Is it true that you should brush your teeth once a day? (Answer: no.)
  • Is it true that bananas lift your spirits? (Answer: yes.)
  • Is it true that carrots slow down the aging of the body? (Answer: yes.)
  • Is it easy to quit smoking? (Answer: no.)
  • Is it true that lack of sun causes bad mood? (Answer: yes.)
  • Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? (Answer: no.)
  • Is it true that you need to drink two glasses of milk every day? (Answer: yes.)
  1. Gaming marathon station.

Assignment for grades 1-4

  1. The participants’ task is to complete the proverbs about health. At the end of the competition, team representatives read out their options for ending the proverbs. For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

Purity - ___. (Answer: the key to health.)

Health is good - ___. (Answer: thanks to the charger.)

If you want to be healthy - ___. (Answer: toughen up.) In a healthy body - ___. (Answer: a healthy mind.)

  1. Now let's rest a little. Answer in unison " This is me, this is me, these are all my friends

    “if you agree with me. If this is not about you, then be silent, don’t make noise.

  • which of you is always ready to live life without doctors;
  • who doesn’t want to be healthy, cheerful, slim and cheerful;
  • who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education;
  • whoever is not afraid of frost flies on skates like a bird;
  • Well, who will start dinner with chewing gum and a couple of sweets;
  • who loves tomatoes, fruits, vegetables, lemons;
  • who has eaten and brushes their teeth regularly twice a day;
  • Which one of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?
  • who performs physical exercises according to the schedule;
  • who, I want to know from you, likes to sing and relax?

8. Metkiy station.

Members of each team take turns throwing a dart at a target. Each participant is given 1 attempt. The total amount of hits is entered into the route sheet.

9. Station “The Strongest”

Boys do pull-ups on the bar as many times as possible

(6 boys per class) The result is summed up and entered into the route sheet.

Girls jumping rope in 30 seconds (6 girls from the class). The result is summarized and entered into the route sheet.

At the end of all stations, the route sheet is handed over to the judges for summing up. The teams are being formed and awarded.

Rospotrebnadzor named 10 steps to schoolchildren’s health

1) Before leaving, check your briefcase for antiseptic wipes. Use them to clean your hands when you arrive at school, and also as needed (after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing). Wipe down your work area with a napkin before starting lessons. If you use a computer, wipe your mouse and keyboard.

2) Pay special attention to the selection of clothes. Don't overheat or overcool. Wear replacement shoes.

3) When entering the school, go through a specially equipped filter; adults will measure your body temperature using a non-contact thermometer. Don't worry when measuring temperature. If the temperature is above 37.0 C, you will receive medical assistance.

4) Remember that during the pandemic, all classes, with the exception of physics, chemistry, labor training, physical education, foreign language and computer science, are held in a room specially assigned to each class; this is one of the significant preventive measures.

5) During breaks, do exercises to relax the muscles of the back and neck, and gymnastics for the eyes. Leave the class in an orderly manner to go to the cafeteria (at the time regulated for class meals) and go to special rooms. Disorganized - to the toilet, medical office.

6) Learn to properly cover your nose when sneezing. Cover your nose and mouth with disposable tissues or the crook of your elbow. Take care of the health of others.

7) The classroom must have cross ventilation when children are not in the classroom - during breaks intended for organized meals, as well as during lessons that take place in other classrooms and premises (physics, chemistry, labor training, physical education and foreign language) . Remember that a lack of oxygen in the inhaled air worsens your health and reduces the body’s resistance to viruses and bacteria.

8) Don't forget to do physical education exercises during class. Do physical education minutes - at 25-30 minutes of the lesson, stretch the muscles of your arms, shoulder girdle, torso, do breathing exercises, eye exercises, smile at your classmates. This will help you feel better, lift your spirits, maintain high performance, and therefore success in mastering knowledge.

9) Eat right. Remember that hot and healthy food is the key to good health, harmonious growth and development, strong immunity and good mood. Before eating, don't forget to wash your hands. Eat everything, don’t leave the vitamins and microelements that are so necessary for the body on your plate.

10) Wash your hands correctly and regularly. Lather your hands and wash them under warm running water - palms, fingers, spaces between the fingers, the backs of the hands. Rinse your hands. The total hand washing time should be at least 30 seconds. Wash your hands after every visit to the toilet, before and after meals, after physical education.

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