Teacher's work report: what have we achieved together with the children?

List of technologies for certification


List of technologies for certification

List of modern educational technologies

(according to G.K. Selevko)

No. Name of technologies

1. Pedagogical technologies based on personal orientation of the pedagogical process

1.1. Pedagogy of cooperation

1.2. Humane-personal technology Sh . A. Amonashvili

1.3. E. N. Ilyin’s system: teaching literature as a subject that shapes a person

2. Pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of student activities

2.1Game technologies

2.2. Problem-based learning

2.3. Technology of communicative teaching of foreign language culture (E. I. Passov)

2.4. Technology of intensification of learning based on schematic and symbolic models of educational material (V. F. Shatalov)

3. Pedagogical technologies based on the effectiveness of management and organization of the educational process

3.1. Technology ; S. N. Lysenkova: forward-looking learning using reference schemes with commented control

3.2. Technology of level differentiation of training.

3.3. Level differentiation of training based on mandatory results (V.V. Firsov

3.4. Culture-educating technology of differentiated education based on children’s interests (I. I. Zakatova)


3.5. Technology of individualization of learning (Inge Unt, A. S. Granitskaya, V. D. Shadrikov

3.6. Software learning technology

3.7. A collective way of teaching CSR (A. G. Rivin, V. K. Dyachenko)

3.8. Group technologies .

3.9. Computer (new information)
teaching technologies .
4. Pedagogical technologies based on didactic improvement and reconstruction of material

4.1. “Ecology and dialectics”
(L. V. Tarasov)
4.2. “Dialogue of Cultures”
(V. S. Bibler, S. Yu Kurganov)
4.3. Consolidation of didactic units-UDE (P. M. Erdniev)

4.4. Implementation of the theory of stage-by-stage formation of mental actions (M. B. Volovich)

5. Subject pedagogical technologies .

5.1. Technology of early and intensive literacy training (N. A. Zaitsev)

5.2. Technology for improving general educational skills in primary school (V. N. Zaitsev)

5.3. Technology of teaching mathematics based on problem solving (R. G. Khazankin)

5.4. Pedagogical technology based on ; systems of effective lessons (A. A. Okunev)

5.5. System of step-by-step teaching of physics (N. N. Paltyshev)

6. Alternative technologies

6.1. Waldor pedagogy (R. Steiner)

6.2. Technology of free labor (S. Frenet)

6.3. Technology of probabilistic education (A. M. Lobok)

6.4. Workshop technology

7. Natural technologies

7.1. Nature-appropriate literacy education (A. M. Kushnir)

7.2. Self-development technology (M. Montessori)

8. Technology of developmental education

8.1. General fundamentals technologies .

8.2. System of developmental education L. V. Zankova

8.3. Technology of developmental education D. B. Elkonina-V. V. Davydova.

8.4. Systems of developmental education with a focus on developing the creative qualities of the individual (I. P. Volkov, G. S. Altshuller,

I. P. Ivanov)

8.5. Personality-oriented developmental training (I. S. Yakimanskaya)

8.6. Technology of self-development training (G. K. Selevko)

9. Pedagogical technologies of copyright schools

9.1. School of Adaptive Pedagogy (E. A. Yamburg, B. A. Broide)

9.2. Model "Russian school"

9.3. Technology of the author's School of Self-Determination (A. N. Tubelsky)

9.4. School Park (M. A. Balaban)

9.5. Agricultural school of A. A. Katolikov.

9.6. School of Tomorrow (D. Howard)

The teacher can also use other modern educational technologies .

Creative report from the teacher on the work done for the 2018-2019 academic year

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of Shakhty, Rostov region “Kindergarten No. 70”

Creative report

about the work done
for the 2018–2019 academic
year in the
“Fantasers” secondary group.
teacher of MBDOU No. 70 in Shakhty

Vlasenko Olga Mikhailovna

2018-2020 academic year


1. Information and statistical section 2. Pedagogical activities 3. Achievements of all participants in the educational process 4. Work with parents 5. Plans for the next school year 6. Conclusions
Brief description of the middle group “Dreamers”:
Total number of children: At the beginning of the school year – 21 children, at the end of the year – 21 children, of which: – 10 girls;
- 11 boys. The average age of children is 5 years. The average attendance in the group for the 2018-2019 academic year is 71%. The incidence of illness in children is mainly associated with seasonal weather conditions, such as acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. All children developed according to their age; many showed positive dynamics towards further success. Pedagogical activity.
The activities of the group were carried out in accordance with the annual work plan of MBDOU No. 70 of the city of Shakhty for the reporting period, the main general educational program of preschool education, which meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL” - Model general educational program of preschool education / Ed.
N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. — M.: MOSAIKA SYNTHESIS, 2020. The organization of the educational process was based on a pedagogically sound choice of program, the main goals of which are: — creation of favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, — formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, — comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, - preparation for life in modern society, - formation of prerequisites for educational activities, - ensuring the safety of life of a preschooler. According to the program, the group’s teachers were given the following tasks: - creating optimal conditions for the development of each child in the group; — ensuring emotional well-being in the group for all students; — application of modern health-saving methods of development and training; — maximum use of all available methods in order to increase the effectiveness of the educational process;
variable use of educational material;
— providing a favorable environment for the development of the creative potential of each child; - use of various types of children's activities; — strengthening connections between all participants in the educational process for the benefit of children; ECD was carried out in accordance with the main educational program of the preschool educational institution, according to the calendar and thematic plan of the group and the approved schedule of direct educational activities. When organizing the educational process, the principles of integration of educational areas were taken into account in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of children. When organizing the activities of children, I tried to develop in each child the desire to show initiative and independence, to find a reasonable and worthy way out of various situations. The set goals were achieved in the process of implementing various types of activities: gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive-research, productive, perception of fiction and folklore, musical and motor. My activities as a teacher included solving educational problems in the joint activities of adults and children, independent activities of pupils, not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during regime moments. When carrying out organized activities, traditional methods of work were used, such as observation, conversations, comparison, monitoring, individual work, and non-traditional methods - non-traditional techniques in drawing, experimentation, the project method. The design method made it possible to change the style of working with children ,
increase children's independence, activity, curiosity, involve parents and other family members in the educational process of a preschool institution.
Achievements of all participants in the educational process
The use of innovative technologies in the upbringing and teaching of children influenced the dynamics of improving the quality of mastering program material, and also gave stable results based on the results of children mastering the preschool program.
Several forms of diagnostics were used: - observation of the child; - daily conversations; — analysis of children's activity products; — organization of special gaming activities; - criterion-oriented methods of non-test type. Summary table of monitoring the achievement of the planned results of mastering the educational program by children of the “Fantasers” secondary group for the 2018-2019 academic year.

How to prepare for teacher certification

Certification for educators. Teacher's analytical report

It's no secret that certification is a very difficult and stressful stage. I tried to share my knowledge and documents for certification, since I once suffered a lot while preparing for this procedure. You will find the necessary material for certifying a teacher for the first category - an application and an analytical report. I really hope that these materials will help you successfully qualify for your chosen category.

According to the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 24, 2010 No. 209 on the procedure for certification of teaching staff (registered on April 26, 2010), all teaching staff of state and municipal educational institutions implementing basic educational programs are required to undergo certification. There are two types of certification: mandatory certification (confirmation by teaching staff of compliance with the position held) and voluntary certification (certification for the first or highest qualification category). I would like to talk in more detail about these two types of certification. Mandatory certification Voluntary certification Purpose: Confirmation of the compliance of teaching staff with the position held Establishment of compliance of the level of qualifications with the requirements for the first and highest categories (order No. 209 p. 30-31 dated 03/24/10) The following are not subject to certification: 1. Teaching staff who have worked in their position for less than 2 years 2. Pregnant women. 3. Women on parental leave until the child reaches the age of 3 years (no earlier than 2 years after leaving) 4. Teachers who have a qualification category during their validity period. For the highest qualification category 1. Teachers who have worked for less than 2 years after the established first qualification category. 2. Teachers whose first or highest qualification category has expired. Basis for certification: Submission from the employer Application from the teaching staff Submission deadlines: Set by the employer During the calendar year, but no less than 3 months before the expiration of the existing qualification category. Certification deadlines: Set no later than 1 month before the start. They are established individually, in accordance with the schedule and taking into account the validity period of the previously established qualification category. Information about the timing of certification : Provided by the employer no later than 1 month before the start of certification. Delivered by the certification commission within the one-month period allotted for consideration of the application. Certification duration: No more than 2 months Certification form: Qualification tests in writing (preparation of GCD notes or complex automated testing) Comprehensive analysis of the results of professional activities by an expert group (assessment of the effectiveness of professional activities (analytical report), complex automated testing)

You can find out more in the explanation dated 02/18/2010 No. 03-52/46 and dated 08/15/2011 No. 03-515/59. It is also worth familiarizing yourself with the Regulations on the forms and procedures of certification dated 03/29/2010 No. 3 and the Regulations on written qualification tests dated 03/29/2012 No. 3. Documentation on certification can be read here edu-lider.ru/trebovaniya-k-pervoj-i-vysshej-kvalifikacionnym-kategoriyam/ On January 1, 2011, the Procedure for certification of teaching staff of state and municipal educational institutions, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science, came into force RF dated March 24, 2010 No. 209 and is a federal regulatory legal act of direct effect.

I hope the information on my blog will help you prepare your certification application and analytical report. Application for certification To the certification commission name of the teacher's institution full name


I ask you to certify me in 2013 for the first qualification category for the position of teacher. Currently I have the second qualification category for the position of teacher, its validity period is until January 29, 2014. I consider the following work results that meet the requirements for the qualification category to be the basis for certification for the first qualification category. I am proficient in modern educational technologies and methods: • health-saving pedagogical technologies; • technologies of environmental education; • technology of personality-oriented interaction between teachers and children; • information and communication technologies; • non-traditional visual techniques. I actively use these methods and technologies in the course of direct educational and correctional development activities with children. I build my teaching activities on the basis of didactic principles: accessibility of the proposed material, compliance with the age characteristics and level of development of students, systematicity and consistency in carrying out correctional work, a person-oriented approach to children, regionality, problem-solving. In correctional and developmental activities, I use visual methods (observation, looking at pictures, demonstrating models, fragments of films, videos, slides), which allow children to form vivid, concrete ideas; practical methods (games, elementary experiments and modeling), which make it possible to clarify children’s ideas, deepen them by establishing connections and relationships between individual objects and phenomena, systematize the acquired knowledge, and train students in applying knowledge. Verbal methods (stories from the teacher and children, reading works of art, conversations) are used to expand children’s knowledge, systematize and generalize it, and help develop positive emotions in children. The choice of methods is determined in accordance with the age and individual capabilities of the children. In my work I use the following forms of its organization: group, collective, individual - these are developmental classes, educational games, excursions, erudite competitions, KVN, conversations, labor rehabilitation, creative workshops, exhibitions, creative competitions that make direct rehabilitation activities educational and exciting , diverse and interesting, creating conditions and being an incentive for the development and realization of the creative abilities of students. The main directions of my work are introducing pupils to a healthy lifestyle, environmental education, moral education based on familiarization with folk traditions, developing children's creative abilities through the use of non-traditional visual techniques. An important indicator of work results is the health of children. Therefore, an integral part of my professional activity is the prevention of bad habits in children and adolescents, introduction to a healthy lifestyle, and familiarization with modern health-saving technologies. For this purpose, I conduct individual and group conversations, classes, educational games and trainings, and use watching videos and presentations in classes. As part of solving the set tasks, a thematic event was held to create the need for a healthy lifestyle “Sports instead of drugs!” (April, 2012). For full physical development and strengthening the health of pupils, a special motor regime is created, characterized by a variety of forms of physical education. One of these forms is invigorating gymnastics after sleep. Another form of health-improving work that I use is conducting physical education minutes, physical education breaks. A comparative analysis of the data obtained at the beginning and end of the rehabilitation period shows a dynamic increase in the level of development of children’s physical qualities.

Indicators of the level of development of the educational system for raising children's healthy lifestyle End of 2011 Beginning of 2012 End of 2012 Beginning of 2013 High level 25% 35% 23% 34% Average level 42% 50% 42% 52% Low level 33% 15% 35% 14% I pay great attention to the environmental education of minors. Children entering our institution, as a rule, were previously raised in socially disadvantaged families in which parents did not pay due attention to their upbringing, development and education, and therefore the level of development of the applicants does not correspond to the age parameters of the norm. At the same time, children of the same age can differ sharply from each other in mental indicators and, as a rule, have a low level of cognitive mental processes and ideas about the world around them. The goal of my work is to form the foundations of students’ ecological culture based on the development of cognitive processes and ideas about the world around them. The forms of work include individual and group conversations and classes, excursions, thematic events, KVN, etc. In 2012, a program for correcting cognitive processes and ideas about the world around us in children 6-10 years old “The House We Live In” was developed, the purpose of which is to form the foundations of the ecological culture of pupils based on the development of cognitive processes and ideas about the world around them in children 6-10 years old through environmental education, on the basis of which pupils will work on the development of the emotional and value sphere, understanding actions and actions during interaction with the outside world. The program has received positive reviews and is being successfully implemented. The experience of working under the program is used in their work by the teachers of the KUZOO “Specialized Children's Tuberculosis Hospital” Kosintseva A.I., Balashenko E.V., Yurchenko N.A. Over the past two years, I have prepared and conducted the following events: - Open lesson “The House We Live In” (February, 2012); — Open lesson “Competition of scholars “Nature of the native land” (March, 2012); — Open lesson “Educational and entertaining event “Flower Shop” (May, 2012); — Open lesson “We and the River” (August, 2012); — Thematic event “Autumn Time” (October, 2012); — Thematic event “If only there were no winter” (January, 2013); — Thematic event “April drops” (April, 2013); — Thematic event “July - the crown of summer” (July, 2013). As part of interdepartmental cooperation, in order to expand children’s knowledge of the flora and fauna of the …….. region, and to develop the skills of environmentally correct behavior in nature, an educational and entertaining event “Tournament of Erudites “Nature of the Native Land” was organized and held in a preschool educational institution of the city …… .. “Kindergarten No. 253 of a general developmental type” (letter of gratitude, May, 2012). The result of my work in this area is the education of the initial foundations of the ecological culture of pupils through the development of an emotional and value-based attitude towards natural objects, their awareness of the relationship between their own actions and the state of the environment, the formation in children of a desire to preserve nature, the development of the first skills of environmentally literate and safe behavior in Everyday life.

Indicators of success of environmental education End of 2011 Beginning of 2012 End of 2012 Beginning of 2013 High level 29% 43% 30% 44% Average level 38% 51% 39% 56% Low level 33% 6% 35% 10% Introducing students to moral and spiritual values ​​based on studying the traditions and customs of the Russian people is one of the priority goals of my work. Often, due to the low level of their upbringing and development, our children have a lack of knowledge about the traditions and customs, spiritual and moral values ​​of the Russian people. I set myself the following tasks: to introduce children to the history, life of the Russian people, the celebration of both secular and spiritual holidays; develop spiritual and moral values ​​in students, the ability to empathize and sympathize; to form the social role of the family as the child’s first mentor in spiritual and moral education. To do this, I use the following forms of work: conversations, classes, educational and entertaining, thematic events, reading works, dramatization of fairy tales about good and evil. In 2012-2013, the following events were prepared and carried out to introduce the traditions of the Russian people and the moral and patriotic education of minors: - Thematic event “Once on Epiphany Evening” (January, 2012, 2013); — Open integrated lesson “Creating an ornament for painting Easter eggs” (April, 2012); — Thematic event “Hey, you are my dear Rus'!” (June, 2012); — Thematic event “What a miracle this tea is!” (December, 2012); — Thematic event “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!” (May, 2013); — Thematic event “Apple Saved” (August, 2013). As part of interdepartmental interaction with the aim of fostering a kind and attentive attitude towards each other, developing the creative abilities of children, a group lesson “Birthday Day” was organized and conducted in the budgetary educational institution of the city of Omsk “Secondary School No. 118” (reference, February 2013. ). — In order to foster a tolerant attitude towards children with disabilities and develop the creative abilities of children, a cultural and entertainment event “Old Record” was organized and held for pupils of the Omsk region educational institution “Special (correctional) boarding school No. 5 for orphans and children left behind.” without parental care, with disabilities” (Letter of Thanks, September 2013). As a result, children have ideas about spiritual and moral values; about the value attitude towards a healthy lifestyle; about the traditions of the Russian people, about family traditions; about the cultural heritage of your country.

Indicators of success of moral education End of 2011 Beginning of 2012 End of 2012 Beginning of 2013 High level 26% 38% 30% 44% Average level 42% 51% 39% 51% Low level 32% 11% 31% 5% One of the techniques aimed at creating conditions for a child’s creative self-expression is organizing work with children using non-traditional artistic techniques: making crafts from salt dough and pasta, decoupage, quilling, non-traditional drawing techniques that do not allow copying a sample, which gives impetus to development of imagination, creativity, independence, initiative, manifestation of individuality. The child gets the opportunity to reflect his impressions of the world around him, convey images of his imagination, translating them into real forms using a variety of materials. Non-traditional visual techniques also play an important role in the overall mental development of a child, since what is intrinsically valuable is not the final product - a drawing, a craft, but the development of personality: the formation of self-confidence in one’s abilities, self-identification in creative work, purposefulness of activity. I pay special attention to the formation and development of manual skills, the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, the ability to use various visual techniques, non-traditional visual means, and the development of the ability to convey one’s feelings in works using various means of expression. The main form of work is individual and group lessons; exhibitions of students’ works are held. In 2012 – 2013, the following events were held: - Open integrated lesson “Creating an ornament for painting Easter eggs” (April, 2012); — Organization and holding of an exhibition of children’s works “Pasta Fantasy” (May, 2012); — Organization and holding of an exhibition of children’s decoupage works “Beauty with your own hands” (July, 2012); — Organization and holding of the photo exhibition “Colors of Summer” (August, 2012); — Organization and holding of the photo exhibition “Winter Fun” (January, 2013); — Open lesson “Profession “Designer” (March, 2013); — Organization and holding of the photo exhibition “Time for business, time for fun!” (May, 2013); — Organization and holding of an exhibition of children’s works made from salt dough “Beauty with your own hands” (August, 2013). My students take an active part in city and regional exhibitions and festivals: - Participation in the XV regional children's spring Easter festival of Russian German culture according to the program of the IX Regional festival of national cultures “Unity” (letter of gratitude, review of work, April, 2012); — Participation in the exhibition of works by students “Pasta Fantasy” at the Palace of Arts. Maluntseva (diploma, 2012); — Participation and second place in the exhibition of students’ works “Easter Souvenir” in …………. Museum of History and Local Lore (letter of gratitude, certificate of honor, May, 2013); — Participation in the exhibition of works by students “Rays of Good”, dedicated to the Day of Disabled Persons, at the Palace of Arts. Maluntseva (letter of gratitude, 2013); — Participation in the photo exhibition of works by students “My World” at the Palace of Arts. Maluntseva (diploma, 2013). As part of interdepartmental cooperation for pupils of the municipal educational institution ……….. region “Special (correctional) boarding school No. 5 for orphans and children left without parental care with disabilities” an exhibition and master class on decoupage were organized and held “Beauty with your own hands” (letter of gratitude, April, 2013), exhibition and master class “Paintings from salt dough” (September, 2013) with the aim of introducing non-traditional visual techniques and developing the creative abilities of children.

Characteristics of the level of development of creative abilities of pupils End of 2011 Beginning of 2012 End of 2012 Beginning of 2013 High level 26% 37% 30% 40% Average level 42% 55% 39% 54% Low level 32% 8% 31% 6%

To develop coherent speech in preschoolers, I use a modeling method that promotes the development of constructive and communicative abilities in students when getting to know the world around them. To increase efficiency, I use small folklore forms in my activities: proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, fairy tales. I systematically share my experience in the rehabilitation of pupils at the educational studios of the institution, take part in interdepartmental seminars, in all-Russian scientific and practical conferences: • Participation in the seminar “Organization of the educational rehabilitation process in specialized institutions” in a government health care institution………. region "Specialized Children's Tuberculosis Clinical Hospital" (reference, May, 2012); • Participation in the All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Culture, science, education in spiritual and moral education” (certificate of the Ministry of Culture ………… region, November 2012); • Participation in the IV All-Russian Axiological Readings “Spiritual and Moral Education of Children and Youth” (certificate, December, 2012); • Participation in the seminar “Patriotic education of children” in a government health care institution…. region "Specialized Children's Tuberculosis Clinical Hospital" (certificate, February 2013); • Participation in the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Childhood Open to the World” (certificate of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, March, 2013). • Publication of the article “Formation of patriotism and citizenship among students through the educational program “We are Patriots”” in the collection of materials of the Fourth All-Russian Axiological Readings “Spiritual and Moral Education of Children and Youth.” (2013). I provide the following information about myself: In 1996, I graduated from ……………Pedagogical College No. 3 with a degree in “Primary School Teacher”, additional specialty “Teacher of Fine Arts, Drawing and Artistic Work”. In 2004 she graduated from …………. State Pedagogical University with a degree in “Teacher of Russian language and literature”. Total work experience – 11 years 10 months, in the specialty “Educator” – 9 years, in this institution – 1 year 11 months. For a conscientious attitude to work and personal contribution to the social rehabilitation of minors and in connection with Social Worker’s Day, she was awarded a letter of gratitude from the administration of a government institution……. region “Social rehabilitation center for minors “Harmony” (2013). I ask you to conduct the certification at the meeting of the certification commission in my presence. The name of your institution is familiar with the regulations on the certification of teaching staff. In accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, I agree to the processing of the personal data provided by me in the application. I am familiar with the forms of expert assessment of professional activities. The application is accompanied by an attestation file (portfolio) for ____ l. in 1 copy. “__” _____________ 20__ Signature ___________

How to prepare for teacher certification

What do they check for the highest category?

The highest category requires careful preparation for those who are only directly involved in teaching and raising children, without particularly thinking about self-education and dissemination of their experience.

certification success

To obtain a sufficient number of points, you must master additional professional programs and have design, diagnostic and evaluation skills. In addition, it is necessary to possess many competencies, which are manifested in the ability to use ICT, participate in methodological activities, show high results in educational activities, and use a variety of teaching methods and technologies.

In other words, you must:

  • publish your work experience both on Internet resources and in educational newspapers and magazines. Based on the number of points, the latter are valued higher;
  • participate with students in various competitions, including distance ones, but they are valued somewhat less. Moreover, the higher the places taken in the competition, the more points you will receive;
  • participate in competitions as a teacher and preferably take places;
  • prepare a certificate on the use of technologies and techniques in your work;
  • complete advanced training courses of at least 72 hours and have confirmation;
  • have mentoring and jury experience, which also gives additional points;

There are several other criteria for which you can also get points, but only a few, for example, have regional and federal awards, so they are not so relevant for you, but if there are any, then this is a significant plus.

Also, a lot will depend on how well the methodologist prepares a certificate for you with your achievements. If you help him with this, you will benefit. Well, of course, you need to understand that in different regions of our country the requirements for certification may vary, and in some places they check more strictly, in others they are more loyal to teaching staff, because the human factor, unfortunately, is still felt.

Teacher certification report

Natalya Karaseva

Teacher certification report

In June I received the first category, maybe my report will help someone in preparing for certification . Thanks to everyone who published their statements and reports , they helped me a lot when collecting documents and preparing for certification


Social Protection Committee

Administration of Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region

Municipal government agency

Social rehabilitation center for minors “Coast of Hope”


Kemerovo region, Novokuznetsk, st. Sechenova, 6 b tel. 70-00-98

I affirm:

Center Director ___




Karaseva Natalya Nikolaevna, born March 20, 1975


MKU Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors “Coast of Hope”

Graduated from the Novokuznetsk State Pedagogical Institute in 1997 with a degree in “teacher of technology and general technical disciplines”


I consider the following work results that meet the requirements for the first qualification category to be the basis for certification

In MKU SRCN "Coast of Hope"

I have been working
as a teacher for 6 years with children aged 3 to 18 years, left without parental care, undergoing rehabilitation due to a socially dangerous situation in the family, a difficult life situation. Children are mostly socially and pedagogically neglected, with different levels of physical, intellectual and mental development. Almost all children have psychological problems: low levels of self-esteem, high levels of anxiety, which negatively affects the children’s lifestyle. The composition of the group of children constantly changes throughout the year. Therefore, we have to make changes to the plans of our educational work related to age characteristics and the level of individual development of students . An individual rehabilitation program is drawn up for each child, which helps to monitor the dynamics of correctional and developmental education, physical and psychological development of the child. In my classes I use various corrective exercises that develop children’s speech, thinking, memory, and also form visual and auditory perception .
I provide an individual approach. In my work with children, I use verbal, visual and practical methods and techniques of teaching and upbringing , which make it possible to make direct educational activities informative, exciting, varied and interesting.

I pay special attention to artistic activities (the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, the development of the HF. To develop artistic activity in preschool children, I use non-traditional techniques for working with plasticine - plasticineography, or “plasticine drawing”

, which contribute to the development of children’s constructive and communicative abilities when familiarizing themselves with the world around them.
Each lesson contains not only practical tasks, but also educational tasks , which in general allows for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality. Children gain knowledge, skills, abilities; The information obtained in classes on speech development, ecology, and drawing is also consolidated, and the possibilities for children’s visual activities are expanded. Children's works took part in exhibitions at the center and also served as decoration for holidays (New Year, March 8, February 23, etc.)
. I created a folder with templates that are used in plasticineography classes. Working with children using this technique, I noticed that children better develop creative abilities, fine motor skills, cognitive interest, perseverance, and concentration. Even those children who had never seen plasticine before were able to complete simple work in just a few lessons. Although it was still difficult for many to do ordinary modeling, children began to master coloring and drawing skills much faster. With each lesson, the tasks became more complicated, independent work was added, and the possibility of independent choice was added.

The topic of my self-education was interesting to colleagues of the center, 2010. – at the educational organization “Creative Laboratory of Teachers”

, read the report
“Development of fine motor skills in manual labor classes”
, conducted a master class for colleagues
“Unconventional techniques for working with plasticine - plasticineography”
, on the IAAAM educational website.
ru posted a methodological development “Gift for March 8th using plasticineography technique”

Diagram of children's development using the plasticineography technique.

Picture 1

In recent years, the number of children of primary preschool age in the group has increased and the topic of instilling cultural, hygienic and self-service skills in children has become more relevant. In connection with this, she developed a series of classes aimed at working with children to instill cultural, hygienic and self-care skills.

I’m working on the “Little Craftsmen”

The goal of the program is to develop labor skills, enrich children’s ideas about the world around them (in the process of work,
cultivate the need and willingness to work in a team. The work program is designed for 1 year for working with preschool children from 3 to 7 years old. The relevance of the topic is that that preschool age is favorable for the labor education of a child , for the formation of positive qualities of his personality. Work is one of the few activities of a preschooler in which a child achieves visible success, which is very important for his full personal development. 2012 - at the educational organization “ Education of the Personality of Minors” - the most important condition for optimizing the rehabilitation process" gave a report "Acquaintance with the outside world through household chores", I also showed an open lesson "Vacuum Cleaner"
. The report was posted on the website MAAAA.ru.

The diagram shows the results of working with children under the “Little Craftsmen”


The group has set up a library for children; each child can take a book they like, look at the illustrations, and remember the content of a fairy tale or poem from the pictures. A selection of coloring pages with fairy tale characters has been made, which also contributes to the development of interest in fiction. Children are constantly working on memorizing poems, riddles, nursery rhymes, both as a whole group and individually, which contributes to the development of creative abilities. The result of the work is the participation of children in the theatricalization of fairy tales, in events and concerts, the development of creative abilities, children overcome stiffness and constriction.

In order to consolidate children’s knowledge about professions, the group has created an area and attributes for role-playing games: “Hospital”


The art activity corner was replenished with coloring pages of different themes: “Tools”

, stencils and templates, which form in children the ability to reflect their
perception of the work of adults in drawings, to create individual objects using plasticine. In order to expand ideas about the different professions of adults, about the peculiarities of their work activities, I have replenished the book corner, which contains illustrative material and selections of books. A corner of nature equipped in a group includes the necessary equipment for caring for plants and inhabitants of the living corner. Also here we store the natural material collected by the children, which we need for joint productive manual labor activities. The area for role-playing games is filled with the necessary attributes, substitute objects that replace the real ones used by adults in the labor process. This zone is important and necessary, because it is in play, in specially created conditions, that preschoolers reproduce the activities of adults and the relationships between them.
This experience will later help them in adulthood. Children are taken on targeted trips to the post office, to the store (grocery, hardware, vegetable, supermarket, school. I introduce the children to the professions of our center, visiting the medical office, kitchen, laundry, ironing room. We observe the work of social workers, duty officers, and the janitor. In In my work I work closely with specialists: psychologist, speech therapist, music director, etc. I use ICT in joint and independent activities. I have posted an electronic portfolio on the educational project Maam.ru. In my work I use information found on pedagogical Internet sites.

In 2012, she took part in the development of the summer employment program “Travel to Undiscovered Islands”

. The goal of the program is to create favorable conditions for the intellectual, physical and psychological rehabilitation of children and adolescents and comprehensive personal development during the summer health season. The program achieved a social effect, as children became accustomed to a healthy lifestyle, increased the level of development of creative personality traits: imagination, originality, resourcefulness, heuristics, sensitivity, activity, artistry, etc., expanded their horizons, learned to show independence, and acquired new knowledge about their hometown and learned to treat their small Motherland with care and love.

I improve my professional level by studying the work experience of the center’s colleagues, visiting methodological associations, pedagogical councils, PMPK, and open classes. I develop and conduct open classes, competitions, holidays, entertainment, and draw up individual rehabilitation programs.

2008 — Teachers’ Council “Business game as a way of practical preparation of teenagers for independent activities.” I carried out an open screening of the role-playing game “Birthday”

.2009 —

2011 — at the teachers’ council “Patriotic education as the basis for the formation of a civic position” she made a report “Artistic and speech development of preschool children based on Russian folklore.” At the Moscow Region there is an open demonstration of the “Bunny Bunny”

. I posted the methodological development on the IAAAM website. ru.

Completed advanced training: 2009 MAOU DPO IPK “Fundamentals of social and pedagogical work with children deprived of parental care”, 108 hours, 2012. MAOU DPO IPK city seminar “Social and psychological work on the prevention of child abuse”, All-Russian pedagogical readings: “Manifesto of humane pedagogy - the path to the future.

Awarded a diploma for conscientious work, exemplary performance of official duties and in connection with the celebration of the professional holiday “Social Worker Day”

, 2009


May 2012 Signature___

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