Summary of a lesson in fine arts on the topic “Dymkovo toy”
“Dymkovo Toy” outline of a lesson on the world around us (middle group) on the topic SYNOPSIS OF NOD SOLUTIONS
Presentation “An interesting profession – animator”
History of animation. Presentation. presentation for a lesson (grade 5) on the topic Slide 1 History of cartoons
Work program in mathematics, grade 2, type 8 (option 2) home-based learning
Work program for reading, grade 4 Explanatory note The work program is based on the “Program
Parents' meeting "Introducing children to reading books."
How NOT to teach a child to read books - the most common parental mistakes Concerned
Didactic games for developing the active vocabulary of children 4-5 years old
Goal: to practically use didactic games and gaming techniques during logocorrection work aimed at
Test work by R. Kipling “Mowgli’s Brothers” 3rd grade reading test (3rd grade) on the topic
Literary quiz on the life and work of R. Kipling for elementary school Literary quiz for
Creating problematic situations in elementary school lessons
Creating a problem situation in mathematics lessons. A student from the class names some value of X. The student
Final test on life safety for the 8th grade course
Fundamentals of Life Safety Home | Life Safety Fundamentals | Short life safety course | Basic
Summary of a lesson on the topic “Space” for children from 2 to 3 years old.
Physical exercises on a space theme: Constellations Above the Earth late at night, (Hands up, to the sides, down)
Consultation for parents “There is a future first-grader in the family”
Consultation for parents “There is a future first-grader in the family” Consultation for parents “There is a future first-grader in the family”
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