Questions for the holiday quiz with answers: intellectual competition for prizes
Quiz for children of the preparatory group Topic: “My family”
I tried very hard... Firstly, I cut out several selections with entertainment questions from Komsomolskaya Pravda
The role of educators and parents in ensuring psychological comfort in kindergarten (practical recommendations)
Self-education plan for a teacher-psychologist material municipal budgetary educational institution “Open (shift) school” Self-education plan for a teacher-psychologist
'Presentation "Russian Matryoshka"' title= 'Presentation "Russian Matryoshka"' width="400
Semyonovskaya matryoshka presentation for children. Presentation “The History of the Russian Matryoshka”. Matryoshka on the window
Captions for the slides: RUSSIAN MATRYOSHKA Once upon a time a Japanese doll was brought from Japan, from the island of Honshu
Educational quiz for students in grades 8-9 “Art around us”
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Quiz “Connoisseurs of Art” “The beautiful awakens the good” D.B. Kabalevsky. Author: teacher Elena Galanova
Educational and methodological material on working with young specialists in preschool educational institutions
Consultation on working with young teachers in preschool educational institutions Oksana Volgina Consultation on working with
Physics test. Grade 10. The main statement of mechanics. Material point. Newton's first law.
Test with answers: “Newton’s Laws” I option. 1. In which reference systems are all fulfilled?
Summary of the sculpting lesson “Hedgehog. Abstract of the educational activity “Here is a hedgehog - no head, no legs” (modeling) Lesson on sculpting a hedgehog in the senior group
Summary of the lesson on sculpting “Hedgehog” Middle group. Purpose: To consolidate children’s ability to roll a ball out of
Communication hour “Let’s talk about culture of behavior.” 3rd grade
Class hour on etiquette, 4th grade. Rules for communicating with people Round table for juniors
At what age can you start learning geometric shapes?
Math games with geometric shapes for children 5-7 years old
One of the important aspects of the development of mathematical concepts in preschoolers is the study of the basics of geometry. IN
Summary of the event on cognition (Ecology) in the middle group “Journey to the winter forest”
Abstract of the educational activity “Journey to the winter forest”. Middle group Direct educational activities in the middle group
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