Self-analysis of a Russian language lesson in 5th grade on the topic “Dialogue”
Requirements for self-analysis The volume of self-analysis is up to 20 pages of printed text (font No. 14 through
How to teach a child to use scissors: exercises
Speech therapy lesson in the senior group in kindergarten. Tools
How to teach a child to use scissors using games, and why this is needed, read
Notes on the development of speech in the senior group "Composing a story from personal experience" The house in which I live" outline of a lesson on speech development (senior group) on the topic
Class hour: “The whole truth about foul language” TAKE CARE OF THE PURENESS OF YOUR LANGUAGE AS A SACRED SACRED. I.S.TURGENEV Class teacher of the 6th grade of the Nikolskaya secondary school Shevchenko. - presentation
Picture 1
Chemistry project on the topic “Cosmetics”. The following can be said with confidence about all modern cosmetics: they do not clog pores and do not. - presentation
Educational project as a form of achieving meta-subject results The Federal State Educational Standard has changed the approach to
Math lesson in 6th grade “Division of ordinary fractions”
Outline of a mathematics lesson on the topic "Division of fractions" 6th grade Math lesson in 6th grade
Entertainment and game program “Autumn Kaleidoscope”.
“AUTUMN KALEIDOSCOPE” Fill out the application form Regulations Word (doc, 0.2 Mb) Regulations (PDF) (pdf, 0.4 Mb)
Mathematics tests, 6th grade. Signs of divisibility of natural numbers
Lesson plan: On Saturday, 6th grade students agreed to meet and take a walk in the park. In the morning
Parent meeting “Cruelty in the family” material on the topic
Application lesson. Theme “Decoration of the round base of the skullcap”
lesson notes on the topic of bread and fruits Contents In the senior group of kindergarten, children
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