Lesson-project on technology in 2nd grade “This interesting world of paper” according to the “Prospective Primary School” program

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Technology project 2nd grade.

Technology project.

Topic: Relief application “Russian village”.

Project work passport:

  1. Project name: Relief application “Russian village”
  2. 2. Academic subject: Technology.
  3. Academic subjects: technology, history, fine arts, music, literary reading.
  4. Student composition: 2b class
  5. Project type: research, creative, group, short-term.
  6. Project manager: Morozova L.N.

Project goal: Education and development of the student through his independent cognitive activity.

Project objectives:

- learn to work in a team, provide assistance in solving common problems;

- promote interest in creative and research activities, strengthening class unity.

Project issues:

  1. Historical background: How did our ancestors build houses?
  2. Folklore inquiry: is it possible to determine who is the owner of a house just by looking at it?
  3. Depiction of the Russian village in literary works.

Equipment: children's creative work, PVA glue, scissors, colored paper, markers, plasticine, templates.

Progress of the lesson project.

1 Updating students' knowledge.

-Teacher's opening speech:

Today we will continue our acquaintance with relief appliqué. What are we going to make? (reading from the board)

-Vocabulary work:

Explain the meaning of the word village? Indeed, the word village comes from the word tree: a place cleared of forest, of trees.

— Why did the Russian people use wood to build houses?

2. report of group 1 “Historians”.

— Now we will ask a team of historians to tell us how our ancestors built houses.

Our group found that:

  1. The construction of a house was a significant event, the location was carefully chosen, it had to be dry, high, bright, so that there was no cemetery in this place before, so that there was no road or a bathhouse. Only then will the house be happy.
  2. They also carefully selected the trees from which the house was built; sacred trees were not allowed. They could bring death. The ban was on dry and old trees. It was believed that they should die a natural death in the forest.
  3. Before building a house, they sacrificed a chicken or a ram. Money, wool, grain were placed in the corners - symbols of wealth, incense - a symbol of holiness.
  4. The logs fit tightly together. Grooves were made in them and logs were inserted into them, i.e. built without nails.
  5. Each owner decorated his home. There was not a single identical building in the village. Windows - the eyes of the house were decorated with platbands, shutters - covered the windows. Carved boards. The ridge on the roof is not for beauty, so that evil cannot penetrate the house. The cockerel on the roof scared away the evil spirits with its cry.

— Thank you, historians, for the interesting information. I know that Russian people could find out who the owner of the house is without knowing him. Is it so?

3. Report of the 2nd group “Artists”

- Of course you can. After all, at one glance we can determine whether a person is neat or vice versa. Same with the house. If a house is well-kept, it means its owner is hardworking. Look: in front of you is a hut. Who is the owner of this hut? Why did you decide so? ((Baba Yaga)

- Looking at this house, what can you say about its owner?

(he's sloppy)

- Look at this drawing, what can you say?

(hardworking people live in the house)

Who could live in this house?

— Thank you, guys, for the prepared drawings and for the interesting information. We will definitely use the knowledge gained when performing practical work.

4. Practical work.

Today in class each team must make their own house. I ask the team leaders to stand up. I remind you that only you can ask me a question, ask for help. Look at your workplace, you should have: house templates, building material prepared earlier, felt-tip pens, scissors and glue. Remember, how you manage to organize the work of your team will be the result.

Practical work.

5. The result of practical work.

Have you and I created a village? (Yes)

How many houses are there in our village? (6)

Why don't the houses look alike? (every house has its own owner)

There are fields all around,

Wide fields,

Where are the rivers full of water?

My homeland is there...

And now I turn to the Literary Critics team.

What is the image of the Russian village in literary works.

6.Report of the group “Literary scholars”

— We will recite only a few works. For example:

I.S. Turgenev: “Along the ravine there are neat barns on one side, and on the other side there are 5-6 pine huts with plank roofs. Above each roof is a tall birdhouse pole, above each porch there is a ridge. Jugs with bouquets are painted on the shutters. There is a bench in front of each hut. Contentment, peace, excess of the Russian free village. O peace and grace!

A.S. Pushkin: “I greet you, deserted corner.

A haven of peace, work and inspiration,

Where the invisible stream of my days flows

In the bosom of happiness and oblivion."

I. Bunin: I remember the large, golden and thinned garden, I remember the smell of Antonov apples, the smell of honey and autumn freshness. The air is so clean, it’s as if there is no air at all...

A. Kim: The wide village street was covered with firewood and fresh grass, so you wanted to lie down and press your face to it.

7. Report of group 4 Advertising agency “House in the Village”

Thank you from your speech, we realized that not only we like to relax in the village, but also poets and writers really liked to be in it. And for many of them, the village is a place for creativity. Now it has become fashionable to vacation abroad. Let's listen to the guys from the advertising agency and draw conclusions for the future.

—Have you decided to rest? Where and how and how much does it cost? Is this issue on the agenda in your family? Are we offering you a holiday in the countryside? Yes, exactly, in the village. No cash costs. This is an environmentally friendly recreation area. River, forest, meadow, space. You can drink fresh milk, always eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Fresh air, clean water - all these are native spaces.

-Please take a look at our advertising posters. And we hope you make the right choice.

8. Reflection - order in the workplace.

— What did working together give us?

— a report from the foremen on the work of the teams?

— Would you like to continue working in groups in the next lessons?

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