Math project “How much does my briefcase weigh?”

Research work “MY FRIEND IS THE SCHOOL PORTFOLIO” - presentation


Purpose of the study: to study the compliance of 3 “B” students’ portfolios with hygienic standards

Research objectives: study the literature; find out what hygiene standards a school bag must comply with; explore and analyze the compliance of school bags of children in grade 3 “B” with hygienic standards.

HISTORY The briefcase has been with us for several hundred years. In the Middle Ages, the first books, maps and other paper documents appeared that needed to be stored, carried and transported. They were, as they say, worth their weight in gold, and they were handled very carefully. It was for them that this rigid, rectangular, flat bag with a flip-up lid was invented. The briefcase lid is locked and has a carrying handle on top. The name of this bag comes from its purpose. Consists of the root port - (port-to carry) and the corresponding second word: briefcase - for carrying papers (fel- “sheet of paper). Until the beginning of the 19th century, the briefcase remained a luxury item and was available only to a select few. Because the manufacture of briefcases required well-treated leather, an expensive and scarce product.

Riddles How boring it is, brothers, to ride on someone else's back! If someone would give me a pair of legs, So that I could run on my own, I would perform a dance like that!.. But it’s impossible, I’m a schoolboy... I’m carrying a new house in my hand, The door of the house is locked. The residents here are made of paper, everyone is terribly important.

The portfolio should be: light; fit tightly to the back; have strong wide straps; maintains its shape well; have reliable, but not very tight fasteners; durable; made of easy-to-clean material; have many pockets and compartments; ensure the safety of the child on the road.

a – mother; b – dad; c – grandmother; g – myself; d – I am with my parents.

a - yes; b – no; c – I don’t know.

a - because he is beautiful; b – because it is large and roomy; c – because it is convenient and practical.

a - yes; b – no; d - I don’t know.

a- yes, I always carry in my briefcase only what I need at school today; b – I try to carry in my briefcase only what I need at school today; c – I have things in my briefcase that I don’t need at school.

Briefcases of the future (through the eyes of classmates)

Conclusions When buying a school backpack, it is very important to pay attention to a number of points: design, material and capacity; the weight of classmates’ briefcases exceeds established hygiene standards; Not only adults, but also children participate in choosing a portfolio. Moreover, the main criterion for choosing a portfolio is convenience and practicality; My classmates imagine the briefcase of the future as beautiful, comfortable, and rectangular. Many children drew additional elements, such as a propeller, control panel, antennas, etc.

Thanks to classmates for participating in the work

Thank you for your attention!

Information and research project: My school bag.

V. I. Dal. Illustrated explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.

A satchel is a backpack with a hard back and wide straps, best suited for carrying school supplies.

The first and main difference between the satchel and backpacks: the orthopedic back wall. This is a guarantee of the health of the child’s back, even with a heavy load of textbooks. The orthopedic back allows you to optimally distribute the load on the spine and prevent its curvature; it is also important that the child has his hands free.


differs from a backpack in the absence of a rigid body and a padded back, as a result of which its contents can exert uneven pressure on the back. Backpack -, -a, m. Backpack duffel bag.

S.I. Ozhegov “Dictionary of the Russian language”.

The backpack is usually made of soft fabric. The straps of the backpack are mostly thin and narrow.


, -i, w. 1. Bag, case made of fabric, leather, etc. for wearing something.

V. I. Dal. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language.

The bag can have a hard or soft body and can be carried either in the hand or on a long strap over the shoulder.


, -i, m. A rectangular flat container made of leather or dense material, medium in size, having a lock on one side and a handle; Designed for transporting books, papers, etc.

L.G. Babenko “Large explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns.”

3. What should a school backpack be like?

A good school backpack must meet a number of requirements:

Equipped with an orthopedic back covered with mesh fabric. The back of the backpack should be rigid, follow the curves of the spine and help form correct posture.

It is advisable that the empty school bag weigh no more than 700 grams.

It must retain its shape well - this is a prerequisite for a backpack, otherwise the notebooks and textbooks in it will wrinkle, the load will be distributed unevenly, and such a backpack will not last long, with elastic adjustable straps

Be waterproof. Various leather substitutes or synthetic fabrics are usually used to make backpacks. These materials should be lightweight, durable, water-repellent or coated, and easy to clean. For our cold winters, another important quality is frost resistance. Otherwise, in the cold the backpack will resemble an ice crust. And the service life of such a backpack is short; they are most often brought to us from those countries where it is summer all year round.

The more compartments there are in the backpack, the more order there will be in it and the child will find the right thing without difficulty.

Equipped with reflectors.

To ensure child safety on the road, modern backpacks have inserts made of special bright, light-reflecting materials. A child with such a briefcase on his back is visible from afar both during the day and at dusk. Given that many children have to cross busy streets on their way to and from school, this is very important.

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