“The ABC of riddles” lesson plan (grade 1) on the topic

Riddles for children - Russian language for preschoolers in vocabulary words

Riddles for children - Russian language for preschoolers
Riddles for children - Russian language for preschoolers:

Letters-icons, like soldiers in a parade, are lined up in a strict order. Everyone stands in an appointed place and the formation is called... (Answer: Alphabet.)

The jackdaws flew into the field and sat down in the snow... If I go to school, I can figure them out. (Letters on paper.)

The field is white, the sheep are black. (Paper, letters.)

blue lines stretched out in a white field, and friends walk along them, leading each other by the hand. (Letters in the notebook.)

Two brothers look into the water, They will not meet for centuries. (Answer: Shore.)

I’ll swing the birch tree, I’ll push you, I’ll swoop you, I’ll whistle, I’ll even take away your hat. But you can’t see me, Who am I? Can you guess? (Answer: Wind.)

Children know this fruit, monkeys love to eat it. It comes from hot countries. It grows in the tropics... (Answer: Banana.)

Not caring about the weather, she walks around in a white sundress, and on one of the warm days May gives her earrings. (Answer: Birch.)

The green house is a bit cramped: narrow, long, smooth. Round kids are sitting side by side in the house. In the fall, trouble came - the smooth house cracked, Round kids galloped in all directions. (Answer: Peas.)

I am a drop of summer on a thin leg, They weave boxes and baskets for me. He who loves me is happy to bow down. And the name was given to me by my native land. (Answer: Strawberries.)

It is almost like an orange , thick-skinned, juicy, with only one drawback - very, very sour. (Answer: Lemon.)

Neither water nor land - You can’t sail away on a boat And you can’t walk with your feet. (Answer: Swamp.)

The asphalt belt lay down through a hundred villages. (Answer: Highway.)

Everywhere, everywhere the two of us go, inseparable. We walk through the meadows, Along the green banks, We run down the stairs, We walk along the street. But as soon as the wind hits the threshold, we are left without legs, and for those without legs, that’s a problem! - Neither here nor there! Well, let's crawl under the bed, We'll sleep there quietly, And when our legs return, We'll jump along the road again. (Answer: Boots.)

Early in the morning there was knocking and ringing and chaos outside the window. Red houses walk along straight steel paths. (Answer: Tram.)

We make up the alphabet of riddles. Literary reading 1st grade.

#Teaching and methodological materials #Presentation #All teachers #Organizer of extracurricular and extracurricular activities #Class teacher #Subject teacher #Primary school teacher #Additional education teacher #Educator #Psychologist #Speech therapist #Speech pathologist #Trainee student #Additional education #Counselor

Let's compose the alphabet of riddles Kushukbaeva Zhanar Saylauevna primary school teacher Russia Sverdlovsk region MAOU Secondary School No. 1 Aramil

Literary reading 1st grade. Literary reading 1st grade. Goal: increasing the competence of teachers in the use of riddles as a means of shaping the cognitive and speech development of schoolchildren. Objectives: expand the understanding of riddles and their types. introduce practical techniques for working with riddles. create conditions for composing an author's riddle. activate the cognitive activity of students. Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Practical significance: this presentation may be of interest to educators and specialist teachers working on the speech and intellectual development of school and preschool children. Predicted result: expand ideas about the options for using riddles in the speech development of children; They will learn to compose their own riddle about a given subject and design it. Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

This is an old friend of ours: He lives on the roof of the house - Long-legged, long-nosed, Long-necked, voiceless. He flies to hunt for frogs in the swamp. Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Stork Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Who gnawed the pine cones on the branch and threw the scraps down? Who deftly jumps through the fir trees and flies up into the oak trees? Who hides nuts in a hollow and dries mushrooms for the winter? Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Belka Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

He looks like a shepherd, Every tooth is a sharp knife, He runs, grinning his mouth, ready to attack the sheep. Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Wolf Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

All Antoshka is a hat and a leg. It will rain - He will grow up Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Mushroom Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

It cheers in the spring, cools in the summer, nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter. Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Tree Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

What kind of girl is this? Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman, She doesn’t sew anything herself, But she wears needles all year round. Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Ezhikha Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

A ball rolls through the forest, It has a prickly side, It hunts at night for beetles and mice. Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Hedgehog Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

An oak tree hid in a golden ball. Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Acorn Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Growing in the grass Alenka in a red shirt. Whoever passes by gives every bow. Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Strawberries Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

She lowered her curls into the river and became sad about something, but what she’s sad about doesn’t tell anyone. Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Iva Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

A ball of fluff, a long ear, jumps smartly, loves carrots. Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Rabbit Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

There are white bells on a green cord. Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Lily of the valley Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Small stature, long tail, gray coat, sharp teeth. Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Mouse Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Who alone has a horn? Guess Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Rhinoceros Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

A ball grew on a green fragile leg by the path. The breeze rustled and scattered this ball. Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Dandelion Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Planted a seed - Grew the sun. Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Sunflower Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

It crawls backwards, backwards, everything is under water, it grabs with its claws. Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Cancer Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

I have longer needles than a Christmas tree. I grow in height very straight. If I'm not at the edge, the branches are only at the top. Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Sosna Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

A huge cat, her entire fur coat is striped. Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Tiger Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Round house - Maybe a gnome lives in this house? It’s magical, This house, It’s crawling along the path! Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Snail Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

The flowers are lilac-blue, like droplets of ink. I came from the forest with them and gave them to my mother. Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Violet Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

I arrange myself cleverly: I have a pantry with me. Where's the storage room? Behind the cheek! I'm so cunning! Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Hamster Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

I was born in a yellow fur coat: “Goodbye, two shells!” Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Chicken Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

He lives calmly, is in no hurry, and carries a shield just in case. Walking under it, not knowing fear... Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Turtle Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Zubasta wags his tail, but does not bark. Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Pike Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Kommersant, Y, L, E, Yu, Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

She flashes like a snake in the grass, wagging her tail. The tail loses - Another one grows. Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Lizard Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zh.S.

Thank you for your attention! Primary school teacher Kushukbaeva Zhanar Sailauevna.

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