Work program of the optional course in the Russian language “Preparation for the Unified State Exam”; Grade 11

Program content:

  • Language norms
  • Grammar rules
  • Spelling and punctuation standards
  • Text: structure, language design
  • Visual and expressive means of language

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Zinchenko, MKOU “Tundutovskaya Secondary School”, R. Kalmykia, p. Tundutovo.

Subject: Russian language

Grade: 11

ELECTIVE COURSE PROGRAM for 11th grade students “Exceptional Russian” (Preparation for the Unified State Exam)

A note

The elective course can be used as a general educational course in the Russian language for 11th grade students when preparing for the Unified State Exam. The content of the course is based on the knowledge, skills and abilities of high school students developed in primary school. The content of the program involves the expansion and deepening of theoretical material, which allows the formation of practical skills in performing test tasks on the Unified State Exam.

Course objectives:

mastering by 11th grade students the norms of the Russian literary language, preparing high school students to complete exam assignments at a higher quality level, developing stable practical skills in performing test and communication tasks on the Unified State Exam, as well as using standardized oral and written speech in various areas of later life. The main goal of the course is to provide support for mastering the content of the academic subject “Russian Language” by secondary school students, to develop the skills and abilities to perform test and communicative tasks at a level that allows both the teacher and the student to predict positive results in the examination work.

Course objectives:

  • improving students’ language literacy, developing the ability to perform all types of language analysis;
  • differentiation of mastering algorithms for performing test and communicative tasks by students with different levels of language training;
  • teaching high school students to consciously choose the correct answers when completing test tasks;
  • mastering the stylistic diversity and practical use of artistic and expressive means of the Russian language;

The elective course program lasts 34 hours (once a week)

The program material assumes its use to expand and deepen the content of the academic subject “Russian Language” at a basic level.

Forms of studying the course that can be used in the process of mastering are determined by its practical orientation: work with regulatory documents, with textbooks for preparing for the Unified State Exam, with tests and texts, training, workshops, mini-studies of the content and linguistic means of specific texts.

Sequence of mastering the content

. The proposed course is determined mainly by the compositional structure of test and communicative tasks of the examination paper and the logic of presentation of educational material in the approximate program for studying the Russian language in primary and secondary schools.

Student project activities

can be represented by the development of mini-research works (development and presentation of one’s own algorithms for performing a specific task, set of tasks).

The program involves improving the skills and abilities formed by the content of the Russian language course in grades 5-10, focusing primarily on the development of skills in performing tasks of increased and high difficulty.

The elective course ensures mastery of the following skills by the end of its study:

  • the ability to evaluate speech from the point of view of linguistic norms of the Russian literary language (orthoepic, lexical, word-formation, morphological, syntactic);
  • the ability to apply knowledge of phonetics, vocabulary, morphemics, word formation, morphology and syntax in spelling practice;
  • the ability to observe the basic syntactic norms of the Russian literary language in speech practice;
  • the ability to adequately understand information (basic and additional, explicit and hidden) of a written message (text, microtext).

Program content

Language norms. Literary language. Normalization of speech. Types of norms Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language.

Orthoepic norm, basic rules of orthoepic. Accentological norm (stress norms).

Lexical norm. Lexical and grammatical meanings of the word. Lexical diversity of the Russian language vocabulary: homonyms, synonyms, antonyms, paronyms; common vocabulary and vocabulary of limited use; borrowed vocabulary, obsolete and new words. Phraseologisms. Speech errors at the lexical level, their prevention.

Grammatical norms (word formation, morphological, syntactic norms).

Word formation norm. Ways of word formation. Incorrect word formation. Prevention of errors in word formation and word-formation analysis.

Morphological norms. Rules and norms for the formation of forms of words of different parts of speech. Morphological analysis of the word. Grammatical and speech errors at the morphological level, their prevention.

Syntactic norms. Phrase. Types of phrases. Construction of phrases. Lexical compatibility of words in phrases.

Offer. Order of words in a sentence. Types of offers. Intonation norm. Approval standards. Management standards. Adjacent standards. Correct use of adverbial verbs. Syntactic synonymy. Typical errors in violation of syntactic norms, their prevention.

Norms of written speech: spelling and punctuation norms.

Spelling literacy. The use of algorithms in mastering spelling rules. Difficult cases of Russian spelling: spelling –Н- and –НН- in suffixes of various parts of speech; spelling of roots. Spelling of prefixes; spelling personal endings of verbs and suffixes of present participles; spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech (except for –Н-/-НН-); spelling NOT and NOR; continuous, hyphenated and separate spelling of homonymous words and combinations of words).

Punctuation literacy. The use of algorithms in mastering punctuation norms. Difficult cases of punctuation. Punctuation in a simple sentence. Complex sentence with different types of connections.

Text: structure, language design. Semantic and compositional integrity of the text. The sequence of sentences in the text. Multi-aspect text analysis. Logical-semantic relationships between parts of microtext. Means of connecting sentences in the text. Basic and additional information of microtext. Information processing of written texts of various styles and genres.

Functional and semantic types of speech, their distinctive features. Prevention of errors when determining types of speech.

Functional styles, their characteristics. Specifics of individual speech styles. Prevention of errors when determining the style of text or its fragment.

Fine and expressive means of language. Expressive means of vocabulary and phraseology. Paths, their characteristics. Stylistic figures.

General repetition.

RP special course Russian language grade 10

Explanatory note

Regulatory and legal framework:

I. Federal level:

• Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273 – Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

• Order of the Ministry of the Russian Federation No. 56 of June 30, 1999 “On approval of the mandatory minimum content of secondary general education.”

II. Regional level:

• Order of the Ministry of Education of the Ulyanovsk Region dated March 15, 2012 No. 929-r “On approval of the regional basic curriculum and model curricula of educational institutions of the Ulyanovsk Region implementing general education programs.”

• Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Ulyanovsk Region dated August 26, 2016 No. 73-iogv-010201/6646 ref “On the formation of curricula in educational organizations of the Ulyanovsk Region in the 2016/2017 academic year.”

III. School level:

• Educational program of secondary general education (minutes of the pedagogical council of August 29, 2016 No. 1).

• Curriculum for secondary general education of the MKOU Bogdashkin School for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Special course program in the Russian language for grades 10-11 “Spelling and punctuation norms.” Authors: Isakova V.A., Kuroshina L.N. Ulyanovsk, 2009

The final certification is the first truly serious test of the effectiveness of the work that the student has been doing for eleven years of school life. And although it is customary to say that preparation for final exams begins from the first day of school, we must look at things more realistically: the time for the main preparatory work occurs in the most important and difficult grades for a student, 10-11. During these two years, the student must not only have time to repeat what he has passed, but also, having chosen an exam, prepare for it with concentration in order to successfully pass it. In other words, you need to have time to check yourself for preparedness for the exam, rehearse it in various forms: independently, with a teacher, using a computer, etc.

The Unified State Examination (USE) has been a real, increasingly widespread practice of final certification of schoolchildren for several years now. The proposed special course will help ensure effective preparation of students in grades 10–11 for the final exam in the Russian language in the form of the Unified State Exam.

The structure of the Unified State Exam tests is such that, in addition to tasks on spelling and syntax, they contain tasks on the theory of language, requiring knowledge, skills and abilities in various areas of linguistics - from spelling to speech culture. A separate block of the Unified State Exam is a task related to a specific text. To complete it, you need to be able to analyze text, as well as create your own text based on this.

Preparing for an exam in the form of the Unified State Exam requires a special approach. First of all, this is a systematic repetition of all sections of linguistics and constant training in performing various tests and creative tasks. All tasks are grouped in a certain way and do not go beyond the scope of the school curriculum, which facilitates the development of techniques for working with tests.

Goals and objectives

The special course program “Spelling and Punctuation Norms” was compiled for students in grades 10-11, therefore, it is focused on the final certification and applicants exam.

The main objective of the course is the formation and development of three types of competencies among graduates: linguistic (the ability to determine whether a word is written correctly, whether punctuation marks are placed correctly in a sentence), linguistic (the ability to recognize language units and classify them) and communicative (the ability to understand a statement in a coherent manner). and structure the text logically).

In this regard, the following goals are set:

• generalize and systematize knowledge in the sections of linguistics presented in the Unified State Exam KIMs and studied in the school curriculum;

• generalize knowledge about the features of different styles of speech in the Russian language and the scope of their use;

• improve the skill of analyzing texts of various styles;

• develop students' written speech, replenish their theoretical and literary vocabulary;

• improve knowledge and ability to find in the text and determine the function of means of expression at different levels;

• improve the ability to reflect a personal position in an essay using argumentation; express your thoughts coherently and consistently and arrange them in a certain style and genre;

• improve students' literacy levels.

This program is based on a special course program in the Russian language edited by V.A. Isakova, L.N. Kuroshina. This program is designed for 70 hours (2 hours per week).

In accordance with the school calendar for the 2016-2017 school year, there are 35 school weeks in the 10th grade. The program is designed for 70 hours.

Contents of the training course topics.

1. Study the rules for passing the Unified State Exam.

Typology of Unified State Examination tasks (2 hours)

2. Orthoepia.

Modern spelling standards. Accentological minimum (2 hours)

3. Vocabulary and phraseology.

Basic lexical categories and units. Lexical norms. Lexical and phraseological analysis. (2 hours)

4. Word formation. Basic ways of word formation of parts of speech. (2 hours)

5. Morphology.(6 hours)

Morphological analysis of all parts of speech. Difficult cases of morphological analysis. Repetition of features of such parts of speech as adverbs, prepositions, particles.

6. Grammar rules. (14 hours)

Formation of numeral forms, formation of forms of various degrees of comparison of adjectives, formation of imperative forms of verbs, formation of forms of gerunds, pronouns, nouns (plural endings).

7. Spelling. Principles of Russian spelling. Types of spelling and principles of verification. Gross and non-gross errors (24 hours)

8. Standards of literary language. (4 hours)

8. Punctuation.

Principles of Russian punctuation. Types of punctograms (2 hours)

9. Syntax.

Difficult cases of syntactic analysis of phrases and sentences. Syntactic norms of the Russian language.

Constructing sentences with participles, constructing sentences with homogeneous members, using proper names in a sentence, constructing sentences with participles. (10 h)


List of knowledge, skills and abilities that students should possess by the end of the course


Must know:

• what does orthoepy study;

• basic orthoepic norms for pronunciation of words;

be able to:

• conduct spelling analysis;

• find basic expressive phonetic means in the text.

Word formation

must know:

• what word formation studies;

• a system of word-forming and formative morphemes, the main ways of forming words;

• that a morpheme is a significant part of a word that conveys certain information about its lexical and grammatical meaning;

• that changes can occur in the morphemic structure of a word over time;

• how the structure of a word and its spelling are related;

be able to:

• recognize morphemes with alternating vowels and consonants;

• determine ways of forming words;

• find basic expressive word-formation means in the text.

Lexicology and phraseology


• what lexicology and phraseology studies;

• basic concepts of lexicology and phraseology;

• basic ways of explaining the lexical meaning of a word;

• distinguish paronyms, antonyms, synonyms, phraseological units by meaning;

be able to:

• observe the basic lexical norms of the modern Russian literary language in the practice of speech communication;

• correlate a word, phraseological unit and their lexical meaning;

• find in the text words of different stylistic colors, native Russian and borrowed words, obsolete and neologisms;

• determine the literal and figurative meaning of a word;

• find basic expressive lexical means in the text.



• what morphology studies;

• what are the grammatical features of a word (for example, gender, number, case, declension, type of conjugation, mood, tense, person, etc.);

• principles for determining parts of speech: general grammatical meaning, morphological principles, role in a sentence, signs of parts of speech;

• basic morphological norms;

be able to:

• determine whether a word belongs to a certain part of speech based on its grammatical features;

• distinguish identical sounding forms of words from different parts of speech;

• carry out morphological analysis of the word;

• find the main expressive means of morphology in the text.

Syntax and punctuation


• what studies syntax and punctuation;

• main features of phrases and sentences;

• types of phrases based on the grammatical properties of the main word, types of connections between words in a phrase;

• types of sentences according to the purpose of the statement, emotional coloring, and the nature of the grammatical basis; types of simple complicated sentences, as well as types of complex sentences;

• basic punctuation rules;

• basic syntactic norms (construction of phrases according to the type of agreement, control; correct use of prepositions as part of phrases; correct construction of sentences; agreement of the predicate with the subject; correct construction of sentences with isolated members, subordinate clauses);

• basic expressive means of Russian language syntax;

be able to:

• establish types and means of connecting words in phrases and sentences of different types;

• determine the type of sentence by its meaning, intonation and grammatical features;

• use syntactic synonyms;

• carry out syntactic analysis of phrases and sentences;

• conduct punctuation analysis of a sentence;

• find the basic expressive means of syntax in the text.

Logistics support.


1. Vlodavskaya E.A. Unified State Exam. Russian language. Lesson planning. M., “Exam”, 2010.

2. Goltsova N.G., I.V. Shamshin. Russian language. 10-11 grades. M: “Russian Word”, 2011

3. Rosenthal D.E. Handbook of spelling and literary editing. M., 1997.

4. Russian language and speech culture: Textbook. for universities / A.I. Dunaev, M.Ya. Dymarsky A.Yu., Kozhevnikov et al.; edited by V.D. Chernyak. M.: Higher. school; St. Petersburg: publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen, 2003.

5. Solganik G.Ya. Syntactic stylistics. M., 1997.

6. Tsybulko I.P., Lvova S.I. Russian language. Tutor. M., "Eksmo", 2008.


1. Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language./V.I.Dal.-M: Education, 2003.

2. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. / S.I. Ozhegov.-M, 1990.

3. Panov B.T., Tekuchev A.V.Spelling dictionary./B.T.Panov, A.V.Tekuchev-M: Education, 1990.

4. Tikhonov A.N. Word-formation dictionary./A.N. Tikhonov.-M: Education, 1990.

Presentations on preparation for the Unified State Exam.


Calendar and thematic planning




Lesson topic quantity


lesson form
11th grade – 34 hours
1 Literary language. Language norms. Types of norms. 1 lecture
2 Basic rules of orthoepy. Prevention of errors at the spelling level. 1 working with tests


3 Basic rules of orthoepy. Prevention of errors at the spelling level. 1 working with tests


4 The variety of vocabulary of the Russian language. Phraseology.

Speech errors at the lexical level.

5 Expressive means of vocabulary and phraseology. Paths (epithet, metaphor) 1 workshop

A2, A11

6 Paths. The ability to find them in the text. 1 working with tests

IN 1

7 Stylistic figures, their role in the text. 1 working with tests

IN 1

8 Rules for the formation of forms of words of different parts of speech. 1 workshop


9 Grammatical and speech errors at the morphological level. 1 research work

A10, B2

10-11 Grammatical and speech errors at the morphological level. 2 self-work


12-13 Using algorithms when writing –Н- and –НН- in suffixes of different parts of speech. 2 workshop


14-15 Spelling of roots and prefixes. 2 workshop

A13, A14

16-17 Spelling of personal endings of verbs and suffixes of present participles. 2 research work


18 Spelling suffixes of various parts of speech

(except for –Н- and –НН-).

1 training


19 Prevention of errors when writing NOT and NI. 1 working with tests


20-21 Integrated, hyphenated and separate spelling of homonymous words and combinations of words. 1 research work


22-23 Independent work to test spelling skills. 2 self-work
24 Syntactic norms

. Phrases, types of phrases, their construction.

1 training

A5, B3

25 Offer. Order of words in a sentence. The grammatical basis of the sentence. 1 workshop


26 Simple and complex sentences. One-part sentences. Incomplete sentences. 1 workshop

A9, B4

27 Norms of agreement (agreement of the predicate with the subject, agreement of definitions with the word being defined) 1 training


28 Management standards. Constructing sentences with homogeneous members. 1 workshop

A5, A19, A20

29 Adjacent standards. Correct use of adverbial verbs. 1 workshop


30 Syntactic synonymy. 1 self-work


31 Punctuation marks in a simple sentence. 2 working with tests

A19, A20, A22

B5, B6

32 Punctuation marks in complex and non-union sentences 1 workshop

A23, A24

33 Punctuation marks in complex and non-union sentences 1 workshop


34 Final test work on tests A1-A26, B1-B7 (with self- and mutual testing at the end of the work) 1

Literature for teachers

  1. Methodical manual, ed. “Bustard”, series “Unified State Exam. Workshop".
  2. Methodical manual Preparation for the Unified State Exam. ed. "Bustard"
  3. D.E. Rosenthal. A reference book on spelling and punctuation. Edition of different years
  4. Secrets of good speech. I.B. Golub, D.E. Rosenthal. Publications of different years.

Literature for students

  1. Source texts, comments, exercises and assignments for them.
  2. Textbooks in the Unified State Examination series. 100 points” and other ed. "Bustard"
  3. Textbooks in the Unified State Examination series. Test tasks." ed. "Bustard"
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