World Health Day date, history, events in the country, at school, kindergarten, in the library

What date is world health day

World Health Day is celebrated on April 7, and this is no coincidence. The holiday was established in 1950 by the World Health Organization (WHO). In 1948, on April 7, this organization was created, which included 197 countries of the world, including the Soviet Union. The thing is that in the post-war years, people's health was undermined and the question of the health of nations around the world became acute.

The tasks that WHO strives to achieve are:

  • Creation and compliance with basic standards in the field of human health;
  • Fight and ultimately eliminate diseases that are currently considered incurable.
  • Improving the environmental situation;
  • Monitor medications and monitor their quality;
  • Diseases considered especially dangerous - identification and treatment;
  • A call to all humanity to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Considering that there are many problems in all areas related to human health, it was decided to devote a health day to a particular problem every year. For example, 2017 was dedicated to depression, and 2020 to disease prevention. On April 7, a lot of events take place across the country in schools, kindergartens, institutes and many other institutions.

Conversation “World Health Day” class hour (9th grade) on the topic

Conversation with students

world health day

World Health Day is celebrated annually on April 7, the day of the creation of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948. Since that historical moment, 194 countries around the world have become members of the World Health Organization (WHO).

The annual celebration of Health Day has become a tradition since 1950. The Day's events are held so that people can understand how much health means in their lives. And health organizations are called upon to decide what they need to do to improve the health of people around the world.

Every year, World Health Day is dedicated to global problems facing the health of the planet and is held under different mottos: “In the safety of your blood, saving the lives of many,” “Activity is the path to longevity,” “Pregnancy is a special event in life. Let’s make it safe”, “Let’s protect health from climate change”, etc.

In 2009, the main theme of World Health Day was the safety of health facilities and the readiness of health workers to care for people affected by emergencies. Events have been held around the world to promote safe healthcare design and improve emergency preparedness.

In 2010, the motto was “1000 cities – 1000 lives” because the focus of the Day was urbanization and health. Activities have been carried out around the world to ensure that cities create conditions for health-improving activities on the streets. Street competitions were held, reports of which were published to promote a healthy lifestyle in cities.

In 2011, the topic discussed at the Day's events was antimicrobial resistance. Medicine is concerned that the resistance (from the English resistance, stability) of bacterial agents of infectious diseases to antibiotics is becoming one of the main reasons limiting the effectiveness of antibacterial therapy. WHO believes that at present this has not yet become a serious problem, but the situation on the planet is rapidly changing, and in the near future the problem may become relevant. This is why urgent and concerted efforts are needed to prevent the spread of antibiotic resistance.

In 2012, the theme of World Health Day was “Aging and Health”, and the slogan of this day was “Good health adds life to years”. The focus is on how good health across the lifespan can help older people lead full and productive lives and remain productive contributors to their loved ones and society. No matter where we live, aging affects all of us - young and old, men and women, rich and poor...

In 2013, the theme of World Health Day was hypertension. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and kidney failure and can also lead to blindness, irregular heartbeat and heart failure. About 40% of adults worldwide develop hypertension. But hypertension can be prevented and treated.

The theme for 2014 is “A small bite is a source of great danger.” Disease vectors are known to include small organisms such as mosquitoes, bedbugs, ticks and freshwater molluscs that can transmit disease from one person to another and from one place to another. Accordingly, they thereby pose a threat to our health both at home and during travel. Therefore, the World Health Day 2014 campaign aims to spread awareness about some of the major vectors, the diseases they cause, and how we can protect ourselves from them.

World Health Day is a global campaign that aims to attract the attention of every inhabitant of our planet to health and healthcare issues, with the aim of taking joint action to protect the health and well-being of people.

World Health Day Events:

for the population

Every year, the Ministry of Health develops recommendations for holding events dedicated to this day. Health Centers are being organized throughout the country with visits to various localities. The event is completely free. Here everyone can measure their blood pressure, get advice from specialist doctors, and take comprehensive tests. In cities, health centers are organized at clinics.

In addition, series of lectures are organized in clinics and medical institutions on a variety of topics, dedicated to the lifestyle of a healthy person and individual diseases. On the eve of the health holiday, the media provide the population with information about where and when they can contact the Health Centers - addresses, hotline numbers, schedules and topics of lectures.

The Department of Health recommends that every business organize sports activities for its employees. This is especially true for office employees who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Industrial gymnastics, outdoor games, holding sports competitions - you can think of any scenario and devote at least two hours a day to this, April 7.

Also on this day it is recommended to prohibit: smoking, eating fast food, quarrels, drinking alcohol (after work). That is, every person, at least once a year, should think about their health and introduce their family to a healthy lifestyle.

At school

On this day, special attention should be paid to children. From an early age, children need to be taught how important it is to lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and not give in to bad habits. Schools take a very responsible approach to organizing and holding Health Day. The event scenario is thought out in advance. Health Day should become a real holiday for children.

A team of teachers, led by a teacher who is responsible for educational work with students, thinks in advance what this day should be like. A plan for the celebration is drawn up. These could be theatrical performances, sports competitions, lectures. They decorate the school with posters and wall newspapers on the topic of a healthy lifestyle, and announce an essay competition.

Cheers for Health Day

Students are gathered for a meeting where they talk about this holiday and how important it is. The themes of theatrical performances can be different - the influence of alcohol, nicotine, drugs on the human body; the importance of physical education and sports; nutrition - what is correct; compliance with the daily regimen, etc. And, of course, on health day, you cannot do without sports events - all kinds of relay races and competitions. Classes are divided into teams and compete with each other, the best ones receive prizes. Collective exercises are carried out, an hour of aerobics, games of volleyball, football, whoever does the most push-ups and pulls up.

Class hour in 3rd grade. Journey to the Land of Health

Class notes for 3rd grade
Author: Litvinenko Olga Anatolyevna, primary school teacher MBOU "Tashlinskaya secondary school", Orenburg region, Tyulgansky district, village. Tashla. Description of material: the script is intended for organizing a class hour in 3rd grade. The development can be useful for both primary school teachers and additional education teachers. Topic: Travel to the country of “Health” Goal: to form in students the foundations of a healthy lifestyle and to achieve the implementation of basic rules of health conservation, the ability to learn, taking care of their health. Objectives: - teach students to express their opinions; analyze your opinions; predict the consequences of actions; participate in collective activities; focus on one’s own personality for the purpose of self-knowledge and further self-development; — to form in students the foundations of a healthy lifestyle and to achieve the implementation of basic rules of health conservation, the ability to learn, taking care of their health. Preliminary preparation: learning poetry, staging a skit, making costumes, preparing a presentation. Progress of the lesson: — Guess the riddle: • What is the most valuable thing in the world? - What is health? • Health is the normal functioning of the body, its complete physical and mental well-being. Human health is the main value of life for each of us. It cannot be bought for any money or value. Health outweighs all other benefits of life. “A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king” (quote by Schopenhauer). — What do you think our class hour will be devoted to? (Children recite poems)
We welcome everyone who found time and came to us for the holiday of health.
We grow up here, we mature here, and naturally we gain weight! We are always healthy, we are friendly with exercise, We need sports and physical education like air! And with them there is order, comfort, cleanliness, aesthetics. In general, beauty itself! We take care of our health from an early age. It will save us from pain and troubles! — Dear children and adults! Hello! We wish you good health. This is the most valuable thing people have, which means it must be protected. Agree, it’s nice to feel healthy, cheerful and cheerful. After all, as the ancient Greeks said: “A healthy mind in a healthy body!” Our guys know this well. Work in pairs.
- Choose words that characterize a healthy person.
• handsome • stooped • slender • strong • fat • dexterous • robust • pale • clumsy • ruddy • fit - Think: • How can you achieve these qualities? • What kind of person can we call healthy? • Why do some people get sick often and seriously, while others rarely? Guess the riddle and you will find out who promised to fly to us on an eagle (Dr. Aibolit.) - But he is already here! How was your flight? Aibolit (played by a student)
: Oh, guys!
I barely made it to you. Through fields, through forests, through meadows I ran and only whispered two words! First grade! First grade! Suddenly the mountains get in my way, and I begin to crawl through the mountains. And the mountains are getting higher, and the mountains are getting steeper, And the mountains are going under the very clouds! And now, from a high cliff, eagles descended on me: “Sit down, Aibolit, on horseback, We’ll get you there quickly!” And here I am! Do you have a sore throat? Children: No! Aibolit: Scarlet fever? Children: No! Aibolit: Cholerina? Children: No! Aibolit: Malaria and bronchitis? Children: No! We are healthy! Aibolit: Are you ready for the test? Children: Yes, we are ready! - Doctor, all these guys are candidates for the school of “health”. I ask you to answer: - Are they all good or not? Aibolit: Everyone, breathe! Don't breathe! It's okay, take a rest! Raise your hands together. Excellent, lower it. Bend over, stand up straight, smile! (Addresses the presenter) Yes, I’m pleased with the examination, none of the guys are sick. Everyone is cheerful and healthy, and ready for classes. In order to be healthy and strong, we must be friends with sports. To be healthy and strong, I must spin the hoop. I really want to become a gymnast. And I consider spinning on the horizontal bar to be happiness! — Guys, have you ever thought that our health has many good, faithful friends who help a person to be healthy? And I invite you to get to know them better. Beyond the seas, beyond the mountains, there is a magical country. It is called the Land of Health. — Guys, I invite you on a journey to the magical land of health. So, let's go! — Our first station is called “SUN, AIR AND WATER.” In the mornings and evenings I open the tap in the bathroom. I will not regret the water, I will wash my ears and neck. Let the water flow - I want to wash myself! — What should you do every day to preserve your health? (Keep your body clean, wash your hands with soap, brush your teeth, cut your nails, clean and ventilate your room, wash the dishes...)
- That’s right, it’s not for nothing that they say “Cleanliness is the key to health!”
— And hardening is also very important for maintaining health. — What hardening procedures do you know? (Washing with cold water, gargling, wiping the body with a terry mitten soaked in salt water, contrast shower.) -
But hardening has 2 important rules: gradualism and consistency!
— Sun, air and water are our best friends! We are not afraid of diseases, we always harden ourselves! A child runs out dressed in a Microbe costume. Microbe (played by a student)
: I am an evil, voracious microbe!
I eat everything that goes into my mouth! I love where it’s humid and dark, I’m at one with the dust and dirt. Well done to all the guys, to all fathers and mothers I will give good advice: Never wash your hands, neck, ears and face. This is a stupid activity that leads to nothing. Your hands, neck, ears and face will get dirty again. So why waste energy, waste time in vain? Getting a haircut is also useless, there is no point. By old age the head will go bald on its own. My friends, harmful microbes will instantly fly away and infect you. - Wait, microbe, our children are not dirty, we have the right remedy that helps drive away germs. — What helps us drive away germs? (Water and Soap) “Simple water and soap make microbes lose their strength.” The microbe runs away. — You need to be friends with water and soap. Water is a doctor. A person cannot live without it. - Let's get acquainted with the rules of a healthy person. You can’t become strong instantly; you have to harden yourself gradually. In the morning, jogging and an invigorating shower Just like for adults - real! Open the windows at night and breathe in fresh air. Wash your feet with cold water, and then the hungry microbe will never overcome you. Those who don’t do this are sick. It’s also useful for you all to know that in summer you need to sunbathe, the sun caresses your skin with its rays, your skin tans from the sun, and under the influence of the sun’s rays, vitamin D is formed in it - And we continue our journey. — The second station is “SPORTIVNAYA” . And we are greeted by a faithful friend of health - morning exercises. — After morning exercises, your mood improves, your appetite appears, exercise, regulating the functioning of all organs, helps you get into the daily rhythm. Whoever is friends with exercise boldly, Who will drive away laziness in the morning, Will be brave and skillful, And cheerful all day long. Exercise is useful for everyone, Everyone needs exercise. She saves us from laziness and illness. So that we don’t get sick or catch a cold, we will always do exercises. Physical exercise. (Finnish exercise)
- And it’s time for us to go to the next station.
— And the next station is “VITAMIN” . And here we are already met by our friends vitamins. Eat vitamins, children. Everyone needs vitamins. Vitamin “A”: So that you are beautiful, So that you are not whiny. Vitamin “B”: So that in your hands any business can argue and seethe. Vitamin “C”: To make songs sing louder, To make life more interesting! Vitamin “D”: Eat porridge, milk Your soul will be light. — All these and many other vitamins are found in the foods we eat. — Do you know that not all the foods we eat are healthy? There are such products. Name them if you know. (Chips, sparkling water, crackers, smoked sausage, lollipops, cakes...)
- Well done.
Do you remember everything? Let's check. - Let's work in pairs. Choose only healthy ones from the proposed products. (Appendix 2) GAME “HEALTHY AND HARMFUL PRODUCTS” - Solve the problem: The housewife chopped cabbage for borscht and ate the stalk. Did she do the right thing? Why? - “Cook” a dish from these products - What can be prepared from these products? And which product is extra? 1. Potatoes, cabbage, beets, pickles, carrots, onions, vegetable oil, sausage, salt (vinaigrette, extra - sausage)
2. Meat, cabbage, beets, carrots, onions, pasta, potatoes, salt
(borscht, extra - pasta)
- We set off further on our journey.
— And we arrived at the “VACCINATION” — Guys, sometimes people get sick by becoming infected from each other, and sometimes simply because they ate unwashed vegetables or fruits. Sometimes a disease affects many people, and no one knows what the cause is. — How is the infection transmitted from person to person? And how to protect yourself from infection? (Do not drink raw water, but only boiled water; do not eat unwashed fruits and vegetables; wash your hands with soap more often.)
- That’s right, and vaccinations are the best way to protect against many infectious diseases.
- What is a vaccination? — A vaccination is the introduction of a drug into the body that helps the child develop immunity against a disease. — There is no need to be afraid of vaccinations, they only bring benefits. - Listen to what happened in third grade: Get vaccinated, third grade! Have you heard? This is us!…. I’m not afraid of vaccinations. If necessary, I’ll inject myself. Well, just think, an injection, Inject, and off you go! Only a coward is afraid to go to the doctor for an injection. Personally, when I see a syringe, I smile and joke. Get vaccinated, third grade! Have you heard? This is us!…. Why did I stand against the wall? My knees are shaking... - What was our hero afraid of? (injections)
- Well, guys, we found out that there is no need to be afraid of vaccinations.
— Shall we be friends with the vaccine? (children: yes!)
- Let's go to the next station.
It's called "HEALTH" - Let's work in a group. (Appendix 1)
1) - Solve the crossword puzzle “Health” 2) - Fill out the table.
- Today it’s time to say goodbye, the kids are now ready for vaccinations! And may the years fly over us - We will always be strong and healthy! - We are not afraid of doctors, we love them now, We will open the door to the doctor with love. Let's drive away disease and fear from the yard, And we will shout loudly to the vaccinations: “Hurray!” — Good advice I wish you guys to always be healthy, But achieving results is impossible without difficulty. Try not to be lazy - every time before eating, before sitting down at the table, wash your hands with water. And do exercises every morning, and, of course, harden yourself - this will help you so much! Breathe fresh air whenever possible. Go for walks in the forest, it will give you strength, friends! I have revealed to you the secrets of how to maintain your health. Follow all the advice and your life will be easy. Appendix 1. Scanword “Health” 1. Get up earlier in the morning, 2. Here’s a funny incident: Jump, run, do push-ups, A cloud has settled in the bathroom, For health, for order The rain is pouring from the ceiling People all need... On my back and sides! How nice it is - 3. Do you want to break the record? The rain is warm, heated, This will help you... There are no puddles on the floor, All the guys love... 4. He walked with you and with me in steppe stitches. A traveling friend behind your back On belts with clasps. 7. Who will catch up with me on the ice? We are running in a race, And it’s not the horses that carry me, But the shiny ones... 5. In the new wall, In the round window The glass is broken during the day, Put in at night. 6. On a clear morning along the road, dew glistens on the grass. Legs move along the road and two wheels run. The riddle has an answer: This is my... 8. To become a great athlete, you need to know a lot. Dexterity will help you here. And, of course... Appendix 2 Words for working in pairs. Pepsi, kefir, Fanta, rolled oats, fatty meat, sunflower oil, Snickers, chocolates, pears, chips, soda, carrots, cottage cheese, apple, lean meat, kirieshki, cake, condensed milk, cabbage, orange, nuts, fish .

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Cool clock world health day

The purpose of such a class hour is to expand students’ understanding of what a healthy lifestyle means, to convey information about what bad habits are and how they affect health, how to eat properly, and to encourage children to self-development and play sports. At the beginning of the conversation, the teacher talks about the history of health day around the world. Next, he organizes a discussion on the topics of mental, physical and moral health. A series of questions are drawn up in advance, to which students answer, expressing their point of view.

It is difficult to cover all aspects that relate to a healthy lifestyle in a classroom setting. It is possible to choose a topic and talk about it with the children.

  • Why is alcohol harmful?
  • How nicotine affects the body;
  • What are drugs and what are the consequences of their use;
  • What is proper nutrition?
  • Why you need to follow a daily routine;
  • Why is hygiene necessary?
  • What are the benefits of physical education;
  • How a positive attitude affects your health.

The classroom scenario depends on the age of the children. Primary school children receive information in a playful way. Solving riddles, for example, “How well do you know sports”:

There are very good examples of famous people who, thanks to the absence of bad habits, physical education and sports, proper nutrition, and a positive attitude, were able to achieve great success in life. Quotes from classics with authority throughout the world are given.

At the end, the teacher sums up the results together with the children, finding out whether they were able to convince the children why health is a person’s greatest value and should be protected.

Class hour “Components of health”, 3rd grade

Class - 3 V

Class hour topic: “Components of health”

Author: Golovashkina I. S., teacher of the highest category


: to update students’ knowledge about the components of a healthy lifestyle, paying special attention to the organization of the student’s daily routine and the hygienic aspects of educational activities.


* poster “Life is a movement”, “The good that you do from the heart, you always do to yourself”,

* drawing “Tree of Life”.

Class progress

1. Organizational moment. Creating an emotional mood. Setting goals.

Everyone knows the proverb: “If you lost money, you lost nothing, if you lost time, you lost a lot, if you lost your health, you lost everything.” Why do they say this? ( An unhealthy person cannot live a full life, study, work, enjoy life. He is hindered by pain and illness).

Today we will once again remember the components of health and find out what prevents a person from being healthy.

What is health? Health is the most precious thing, a precious gift given to us by nature.

2. Competition “Remember the proverb”

- Now let’s check how well you know proverbs and sayings about health.

— You have divided into three creative groups, each of which needs to compose the correct version of the saying from fragments.

Teams read out their sayings and explain one of them to choose from.

3. “Tree of Health”

— Before you is a tree of health – powerful and beautiful. Remembering the components that make up health, we will decorate our tree with them.

— The first prerequisite for health is rational nutrition.

Food should provide the body with nutrients and energy. You can’t overeat, eat unhealthy foods that lead to organ diseases. Many diseases are a consequence of excess and improper nutrition.

— I offer the following tasks to creative groups.

1 group

It is necessary to divide foods into healthy and conditionally harmful: cottage cheese, smoked sausage, chewing gum, kefir, chips, fish, ketchup, apples, lemonade, sweets.

2nd group

— Distribute foods into 4 groups according to the content of certain vitamins in them.

Vitamins: A, B, C, D.

Products: oil, carrots, seeds, meat, rose hips, bell peppers, eggs, fish oil, cottage cheese, lemon, liver, caviar.


A: carrots, butter, eggs, liver.

In: seeds, meat, butter, cottage cheese.

With: rosehip, bell pepper, lemon.

D: fish oil, caviar.

3 group

— Explain what is hidden behind these designations on product packaging: E ​​– 150, E – 450, E – 621, E – 950.

ANSWER: E – 150 – dyes ( contribute to diseases
of the gastrointestinal tract
), E – 450 – salt melters (
lead to disruption of the process of calcium absorption, brittle bones, deposition of kidney stones
), E – 621 – flavor enhancers (
if used, they can cause blindness, growth of cancerous tumors
E – 950 – flavorings ( provoke asthma and the growth of cancerous tumors).
— What products are the most useful? What role do vitamins play? What products should you choose? ( does not contain additives E...).

— The groups coped well with the tasks, and on our “health tree” we place the first component of health – RATIONAL NUTRITION.

In ancient times, in order to feed themselves, our ancestors had to walk, run, and hunt a lot. Life itself set a condition: in order not to die, it was necessary to move. And today the phrase “Movement is life” remains true. Why? ( When moving, blood moves through the body at a higher speed and better supplies cells with oxygen and nutrients - metabolism improves, the respiratory system and heart are strengthened).

We bring to your attention the following situation.



. Daughter, why did it take you so long to get home from school?


. I didn’t go, I waited a long time for the trolleybus. I was too lazy to walk.


. Go have lunch and then help me clean the apartment.


. No, mom. I'm so tired at school and I can't wash the floors anymore.


. Well then, go to the grocery store.


. No, mom. I was so tired during physical education that I couldn’t even walk.


. Look, daughter. You'll become an old lady before I do!

- What is the girl wrong about? (change of activities, lack of mobility).

- So, on our tree we place the next component of health - MOVEMENT.

— Another component of health is DAY ROUTINE.

You are students, and studying is hard work. And in order not to overwork, you need to properly organize your day.


- Natasha, get up!

- Now!

- It’s already day, look out the window! After all, you are delaying us! After all, you haven’t slept for a long time!

- Well, mummy, just a little bit, just one more minute!

— How many hours should a student sleep?

— When should he go to bed? (The student should sleep from 8 to 10 hours a day, and go to bed no later than 21 o’clock, since replenishing sleep lasts from 9 pm to 12 midnight.)

But if it’s still difficult to wake up, then you can perform a special exercise “Waking up.”

Let's remember him. (Everyone does the exercise together.)

Exercise “Waking up” includes the following movements:

1. Pull the upper part of the ear up (3 times).

2. Pull the earlobes down (3 times).

3. We grab the ears from behind and clap them, covering the auricles, like elephants clap their ears (3 times).

4.Massage the ear tragus clockwise (3 times).

5. “Making dumplings” (massage the edge of the ear from the earlobe to the top edge).

- How is this exercise useful? (When we perform this exercise, we massage biologically active points on our ear, improve our mood and the functioning of our internal organs.)

— Guys, you spend 5-7 hours at school and probably know why recess is needed at school? (Recesses help you take a break from studying and replace mental work with movement. Physical education lessons are also needed for this.)

That's right, and when preparing your homework you need to take breaks - help around the house - or physical exercise.

For any person, and especially for an inquisitive and inquisitive student, healthy eyes are very important, because they perceive up to 90% of information about the world around them. But it is known that in 30% of students, vision decreases precisely during the years of study.

The students will remind you of some gymnastics exercises for the eyes.

Exercises to prevent myopia:

  1. Closing the eyes.
  2. Far close.
  3. Hands forward, hands up (watch your fingertips).
  4. Use your thumb to write letters.

— A good memory is necessary for successful study. And the more you practice it, the better it becomes and the better you learn. Next creative team

will remind us of exercises for memory development.

Exercises for developing various types of memory:

  1. A picture of multi-colored balls is shown. (30 seconds),

    then cleans up; The children's task is to remember the location of the balls.

  2. Say the alphabet in reverse order.
  3. Game “Guess the Melody” (guess the song based on several notes of the melody).
  4. Countdown (it is necessary to restore the order of numbers from 100 to 0, etc.).

5) Name objects starting with the same letter, game of cities.

- So, we talked about what helps to maintain performance. The third component is the CORRECT DAY REGIME.

— Each group is asked to correct the incorrect instructions: remove unnecessary rules, and put the rest in order.


* Start hardening immediately by dousing it with cold water.

* The very first means of hardening are air and sun baths.

* Before you start hardening, you need to get rid of the microbial nest in the form of sore teeth, runny nose, cough, etc.

* Hardening can be started after consultation with your doctor.

* Rubbing with water, baths for hands and feet are the very first of the hardening water procedures.

* You need to harden yourself systematically, without missing a single day.

* Hardening should be gradual: you need to reduce the water temperature by 1 degree every 2 days.

* The water temperature can be reduced sharply, for example from 27 to 20 degrees.

— On the health tree we place the fourth component of health – HARDENING.

— The components of health can also include the ABSENCE OF BAD HABITS and POSITIVE EMOTIONS, KINDNESS.

- No wonder L.N. Tolstoy said: “The good that you do from the heart, you always do for yourself.”

4. Summing up.

— I hope there is a place in your life for all components of health. This means that the happy smile of a healthy person will shine on your faces.

Balanced diet


Daily regime



* Start hardening immediately by dousing it with cold water.

* The very first means of hardening are air and sun baths.

* Before you start hardening, you need to get rid of the microbial nest in the form of sore teeth, runny nose, cough, etc.

* Hardening can be started after consultation with your doctor.

* Rubbing with water, baths for hands and feet are the very first of the hardening water procedures.

* You need to harden yourself systematically, without missing a single day.

* Hardening should be gradual: you need to reduce the water temperature by 1 degree every 2 days.

* The water temperature can be reduced sharply, for example from 27 to 20 degrees.

World Health Day Scenario

The tradition of holding Health Day every year requires serious preparation. The Department of Education provides methodological recommendations for educators and teachers. Based on these recommendations, scripts are written. They may be different.

The scenario is based on:

  1. Conducting a lineup at school with all classes lined up.
  2. Opening speech by the head teacher or teacher about the Health Day.
  3. Students' performance - poems about health and healthy lifestyle.
  4. Joint exercise for the whole school.
  5. Outdoor games and relay races.
  6. Team competition in any sport.
  7. Health quizzes.

Be sure to come up with slogans, for example: Health is the key to a successful life; Not a day without charging; Alcohol and drugs - no!; Health is our wealth. The halls and corridors are decorated with posters, drawings, wall newspapers. Children take an active part in preparing for the holiday, thus they become involved in the world holiday, and they understand the importance of the topic being raised.

Kindergartens also develop their own scenarios, based on methodological developments. In young children, knowledge in the field of a healthy lifestyle is laid down “from a young age,” which is undoubtedly very important.

Class hour "Health Day"

And we will add one more term to our health formula. This is a sport.

And it's time for us to hit the road. (music sounds). So, the next station is “City of Stories”:

And I want to tell you a story about one boy. Once upon a time there lived a boy Alyosha Ivanov. Alyosha had a mother, father, two grandmothers and an aunt. They loved and adored him. Therefore, Alyosha went to bed whenever he wanted. Slept until noon. He woke up... He yawned, his mouth open wide. And Aunt Lipa immediately poured cocoa into his mouth.

And both grandmothers handed him a cake. At this time, Alyosha’s dad was trying to cheer up the child. And mom ran to the store to buy Alyosha some gift.

This boy had an awful lot of all sorts of toys, albums, books, paints! He was so tired of them that Alyosha threw them out of the window onto the heads of passers-by. Meanwhile, the parents were doing homework for their son.

Alyosha was constantly late for school. But even there he was bored. Therefore, out of boredom, he pulled girls’ braids, beat kids, threw stones at birds, and pushed passers-by.

– What can you say about this boy?

– Do you like or dislike Alyosha Ivanov? If you don't like it, then why?

– Why do you think the boy was always late for school?

– Why is Alyosha bored both at home and at school?

– Would you like to be friends with such a boy?

But a well-educated person has no time to be bored. After all, he lives according to a strict schedule and does everything on his own.

– What is the name of such a strict routine that we follow during the day?

This is another component in our health formula. To maintain a daily routine, you need to feel the time.

There is a very fun game that teaches you to strictly adhere to the rhythm, and therefore the ability to count time correctly.

Everyone repeats the words in unison:

Stop, car, stop, car,

Stop the car, stop!

Stop, car, stop, car,

Stop the car, stop!

Then everyone beats out this rhythm with their fist on their palm. In conclusion, everyone silently, without moving, in complete silence, without moving their lips, repeats the text to themselves (“Stop, car, stop, car...”, etc.) and at the right moment (without any sign) must exclaim in chorus the last word: “Stop!” Well done! And we are heading to the next station. (Music plays) So we arrived in the “City of Proverbs”.

What are proverbs?

What do people say about health? The proverbs have crumbled, there are envelopes on your tables. Work in pairs to collect proverbs.

If you ruin your health, you can’t buy new ones.

Take care of your health from a young age!

I take care of my health - I will help myself!

What do these proverbs teach us?

We visited different stations and determined the components of health, so what is the formula for health? What needs to be done to save it?

Purpose of world health day

The goals of holding such days are obvious to everyone.

  1. Involving the population in a healthy lifestyle.

In the modern world, with its fast-paced rhythms, most people do not find time to exercise or go to the doctor. There is a disregard for your body. Alcohol and smoking are constant attributes of the majority of the population. Eradicating bad habits, thinking about your future and the future of your children is the main goal of World Health Day

2. Raising the younger generation in the right direction.

Children are the future of the planet. Their life, successful career, and creation of a healthy family depend on how healthy they grow up.

3. The need to prevent various diseases.

Very often, a person lives and does not know what is happening in his body. The disease may creep up unnoticed and it is possible that treatment will no longer have such an effect. The need to undergo medical examination and visit doctors regularly is a priority for people of all ages

4. The need to maintain proper nutrition.

The proliferation of fast food restaurants tempts people to grab a quick bite. Few people think about the harmfulness of such food. The basis of every person's diet should be vegetables and fruits.

5. Introduction to physical education and sports.

Physical education is the foundation of a healthy body. The need to promote physical education is another goal of Health Day.

Promotions for World Health Day

On Health Day, events dedicated to Health Day are held throughout the country. On this day, mass exercises are very popular.

Medical institutions of various types are holding a free campaign to identify diseases and provide treatment recommendations.

Free health centers travel throughout all populated areas and invite the population for preventive examinations, consultations with doctors, measuring blood pressure, and taking tests.

In conclusion, I would like to say - Take care of your health!

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